
































内容简介:  我是个导演,拍好电影的导演───李谦  PS:单女主华娱文。1w0-2




内容简介:《胖娘她只想混吃等死》大明星沈霜一觉醒来发现自己穿越到一个古代小山村,不仅仅身材肥胖,还是个被设计抱错被丢回村里去的农家女!她发现自己太难了,小哑巴弟弟,老实巴交懦弱属性的父母,强势的 奶奶,各种极品亲戚……成天鸡飞狗跳,幸好遇上一只通灵小狼能开开金手指,可是山脚下的大哑巴老盯着她是怎么回事?1w0-76230 >>

无可救药的……(HPSS) by 月落猪蹄

内容简介:无可救药的……(HPSS)by月落猪蹄小说全文免费阅读完整版在线阅读小兵年下HP文案HPSS文。N年前的恶搞东东,最近终于写完了,整理下重新发上来吧。至于那些会锁的章节,就没办法了。哈 利同学会到学校当教授,然后卷入了一堆事情里面。顺利拐到教授,有包子出没,攻受请叫字母顺序,敏感者勿入。因为本文已经写完了,所以假设有1w0-99560 >>




内容简介:开局长生,历经两万年沉浮,方知仙路之难。看一位位仙帝崛起又落幕,看这世间风云变幻,张稳岿然不动。见证无数修行者之路后,张稳终于是踏上了修行路。我修行,不为长生,只为亘古无双,自在极意! 正所谓遇事不决闭关万年,这天下第一,我张稳要定了,仙帝也改不了,我说的!这厮欺人太甚,你放心,你的葬礼必定有我,等你死后万年,我定然会再来拜访!三万年河东,三万年河西,莫欺长生穷!这次夺宝的高手也太多了,什么,才一万年一开,告辞,贫道下次再来!他尚壮,暂且饶他一命!他未老,老则有变!他未死,死则有变!这位大帝,你要修陵寝吗,我的手艺那是一绝啊!说出来你可能不信,前面那几个,都是我埋的!岁月流逝,世界终焉,天人五衰,张稳走出小楼,一剑永恒。1w0-99370 >>




内容简介:超能我有一面复刻镜简介:主角:纪千明江咏樱【神明降世,灾祸启始】当神界的修行者入侵地球,超能力和热武器成了人类最后的依仗!勾陈与亚当,地球上仅有的两座超能学院,能否担起人类的未来?被称 作天选之国的华夏,究竟有何等底蕴?这是戮神者的狂欢!得到复刻能力的少年,以凡人之躯,握世界之力,终将屠神!1w7414-73925 >>


内容简介:【甜宠轻松】反派暴君喜怒无常,暴戾嗜杀,最终被重生后的男女主联手搞死,连他的小娇妻都不得善终——而穆安安就穿成这位不得善终的小娇妻,被迫单方面跟暴君绑定寿命。他死,她也活不了。她死,他 一样能活。这特么的是什么破设定!?戏精本精穆安安:“稳住,扶我起来,我还能演!”——为改造暴君,穆安安深情款款:“臣妾待君上一片深情,可谓是天地可鉴日月可表。”暴君:演,你接着演!——面对重生男主,穆安安痴情护短:“本宫同君上要从诗词歌赋谈到风花雪月,麻烦闲杂人等先让让。”暴君:罢了,孤勉强接受穆安安的心意。——重生男主派人暗杀,穆安安哭得肝肠寸断:“夙璟,我往后再也不能陪着你了。”暴君:“穆安安,受伤《穿书后反派暴君偏要宠我》是软糖十七精心创作的其他小说,小兵实时更新穿书后反派暴君偏要宠我最新章节并提供无弹窗阅读。1w0-106187 >>


内容简介:王牧穿越平行时空,来到了一个全民领主的时代。激活天道基石,建立领地,招募兵种,击退黑暗怪物。王牧激活天道基石后,获得进化系统,可以对自己的兵种以及一些其他物品进行进化。从此,一个挂逼领 主横空出世……(PS本书主角、配角智商在线,不圣母但也不黑暗,有兴趣的可以进来看看。)各位书友要是觉得《全民领主:无限进化》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64101 >>


内容简介:罗云本是一个平凡落魄的小主播,却被一款直播系统选中,成为主神的代言人,要到无尽的世界中穿越冒险,打怪升级。在少林足球中,罗云学习大力金刚腿,和星爷一起参加全国超级杯大赛,拿下超级杯冠军 。到生化危机中,罗云和艾丽丝屠杀丧尸,打怪升级刷宝箱。捉妖记里,罗云和霍小岚一起护送宋天荫,对抗妖族追杀,揭露葛千户阴谋。无尽的世界,不尽的征途,一路上有直播间的观众相陪,罗云的直播之旅异常的精彩和幸福。1w0-60143 >>


内容简介:第一次见面,她穿着白色蓬蓬裙抱着洋娃娃坐在秋千上,乖巧的喊他魏叔叔。最近一次见面,她穿着他的衬衫从卧室走出来,晃着两条细白的腿,抱着他的腰喊他老魏。这一切是怎么发生的呢,魏淳光竟然有些 想不起来了。妖孽少女VS厚黑学大师每天早上十点更新,欢迎收藏!微博:何甘蓝各位书友要是觉得《她给的假象》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96734 >>

Grander Musashi

Musashi and his father move from Tokyo to the countryside, much to Musashi’s disappointment. One night, however, he comes across the fisherman Jim, and after seeing his skill is inspired to learn fishing himself. He shows a marvelous talent and takes trips with his new friends, Mio and Suguru, to many places around the world in search of incredible fish. Through fishing, Musashi comes to enjoy living amongst nature.

Isekai Craft Gurashi Jiyu Kimamana Seisan Shoku No Honobono Slow Life

Isekai Craft Gurashi Jiyu Kimamana Seisan Shoku No Honobono Slow Life , Miyabi always had dreams of being an architect, creating buildings that would inspire awe in others. And in the MMORPG Yume Sekai, he was finally able to achieve that dream even if his constructions were used entirely to house marriage proposals.One day, Miyabi received a message from the admins of the game as his architecture was so good for couples, they are gifting him with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to a new world. Assuming they mean a private server, Miyabi accepts and quickly gets transported to another world.After confirming that he was spirited away, Miyabi discovers that all of his crafting skills from the game are intact here. No longer tethered to his job in the real world, Miyabi now has a real goal: to build his own house and family.

Issho Ni Kuraro

1. Let's Live Together The boss who arrived with the staff transfers is, in spite of being my boss, super cute. Toda-san came from the Kansai Branch, and somehow ended up freeloading at my house...! When I come home I'm greeted by a half-naked Toda-san, at night we share one bed and Toda-san rubs against my back...!! Wha-what?! I've been embraced!! This kind of life seems like the sweet life of living together with your lover... or so you might think, but between two men is it 'living together' or 'homosexuality'? What am I thinking!! - From Nakama 2. Fight With Love Kitada Aki has been stuck taking care of Otoda Jun since highschool. Lately, though, Jun has been saying bad jokes about being in love with Aki... what should Kitada do? 3. Secret Meeting When Sasuke's father died, Zenjirou swore to stay by his side. Sasuke was taken in by a brothel to be raised as a male prostitute from childhood, while Zenji spent years searching for him. Zenji finally found him... but Sasuke/Yakumo* reached 16 and has already been bought for mizuge (losing-the-virginity ceremony). Will Zenji's love be unrequited, or will they both be partners in a forbidden love? Can Zenjirou watch the only one he has ever loved be owned by another man? A story of love between a prostitute and a young master. *Yakumo is Sasuke's 'shop' name. 4. Pure Thread of First Love A 'prequel' to Henai Prince. This is the story of the younger Takahshi brother Kenji and and the youngest of the Satou brothers, Youhei. It's not exactly a prequel as it is about different characters. 5. Clumsy Lovers Hashimoto-sempai is always yelling at Nishi. All the other soccer players say that Hashimoto is bullying him, but Hashimoto actually loves Nishi very much... he just doesn't know how to express himself well. Their relationship stays forced, until Hashimoto finds out Nishi is going to Italy to go pro... 6. Let's Pass Time Together Extra on Matsushita and Toda from chapter 1


Tachibana Tsukumo, a girl who cannot feel pain. Yao, an immortal boy whose only wish is to die. What will happen when these two meet...?

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary: Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.

Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal

Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal summary: Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Our Caughnawagas in Egypt

Our Caughnawagas in Egypt summary: Our Caughnawagas in Egypt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Caughnawagas in Egypt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master summary: Lin Li accidentally enters another world while playing with his smurf mage account just after he maxes out all kinds of crafting skills, bringing with him various top-grade materials. Although his character is practically powerless, what he gains in return is unprecedented magical talent! Can he survive by himself after being thrown into another world?

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