内容简介:手机阅读《齐天大圣在海贼》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读六式?不需要!剑术?毫无意义!霸气?锦上添花!我一棒下去,天崩、地裂、山倾、海覆!动物系幻兽种猴猴果实齐天大圣形态!头戴凤翅紫金冠,身 披锁子黄金甲,脚踏藕丝步云履,手持如意金箍棒,我正是齐天大圣孙……不是孙悟空,是我孙旭!1w0-48703 >>
内容简介:南宫浅,华夏医药世家的传人,一朝穿越,她成了南宫家又丑又傻的废物小姐。清冷的眼眸再次睁开,她再也不是昔日懦弱被人殴打的她。当废物变成天才,她光芒万丈,谁与争锋!后来,他霸道的承诺,“从 今以后,你是我唯一的女人!”各位书友要是觉得《神医废柴妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w3633-105749 >>
内容简介:她上辈子一定欠了龙祁钰很多银子,这辈子才为他拼命还债。她女扮男装助他夺得皇位,谋得天下,她助他指点江山,娶得三宫六院,她将最美的年华统统给了他,在他大婚的晚上,她终是脱下丞相的官服,拜 倒在他面前:“臣,请求辞官。”1w0-96800 >>
内容简介:喜欢《盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉》可从下列图标分享《盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉》每人日限一次分享盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉多了无效分享越多盗墓直播:开局激活青龙血脉更新越快哦1w0-8 1739 >>
内容简介:预收文《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》《全星际最后一只大熊猫》若干年后,有人问陆榕在无限流世界是种什么样的体验。陆榕沉思,无奈回:没什么特殊的体验,就是鬼怪见到我吓得四窜逃跑,每个副本的boss 都是我小弟……哦对了,顺便找了个男朋友。跟他同期的新人吐血:无限流世界不像他说的那样!残酷!血腥!残忍!他那么牛掰肯定是因为他把到了系统当男朋友!!系统对他偏爱!对我们都是加大难度!对他是加大甜度!!系统不公!!!主受慢热轻松文非典型无限流————预收文求收藏————《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》十八线小明星白溪现在的人设是无害小白花形象,最怕的就是自己在高中时是校霸的黑历史被人爆出来。后来他上了一档家喻户晓的全民性综艺,意外爆火,然后黑历史被人扒出,全网一片沸腾,纷纷抱着吃瓜的心态继续扒更多的黑历史,却意外的扒出来——白溪高中时的跟班一号现在是某研究室不苟言笑的科研大佬。跟班二号现在是拿了大满贯影帝的超一线高冷男星。跟班三号现在是挥霍奢侈的金融圈大牛。而当年被他校霸过的小可怜现在则是帝都超级豪门世家的继承人,且成了他的跟班四号,日常跟一、二、三号争风吃醋……黑粉们目瞪口呆。白溪:……求别扒了!再1w0-75855 >>
内容简介:林俊逸重生了,回到了初三,他有一个倾国倾城绝色无双的亲姐姐,和一个端庄冷艳的女老师。。。。。。世上的美女太多,怎么找?建学校,收校花!举办环球选美,收环球小姐!投资电影公司,收明星模特 !打入军队内部,收军花!口号:只有穿上影视制服的明星,才是最美的!!!我的qq空间里面,有女主的经典照片,超级漂亮,绝对值得一看!全球后宫:皇后——沈雪(妈妈);林婉晴(姐姐)中国大陆分部:皇后——刘亦菲(《神雕侠侣》小龙女)中国台湾分部:皇后——林志玲(《赤壁》小乔)中国香港分部:皇后——唐嫣(《仙剑奇侠传》紫萱)美国分部:皇后——杰西卡·阿尔芭(《罪恶之城》)英国分部:皇后——凯特·温斯莱特(《泰坦尼克号》罗斯)韩国分部:皇后——宋慧乔(《蓝色生死恋》)法国分部:皇后——苏菲·玛索(《勇敢的心》王妃)印度分部:皇后——妮哈·达尔维(印度第一美女)日本分部:皇后——酒井法子1w13827-109363 >>
内容简介:抗日之铁血英雄是流云创作的经典的小说作品抗日之铁血英雄小兵提供抗日之铁血英雄最新章节全文免费阅读,抗日之铁血英雄下载,抗日之铁血英雄全文字更新,抗日之铁血英雄无弹窗!请关注抗日之铁血英 雄吧,本站最新最快更新抗日之铁血英雄的最新章节。1w0-66054 >>
内容简介:【预收文:我养的凶兽萌萌哒,求收。】【空口鉴抄,不带盘的的人请自觉爬,自己过来找骂就别怪作者口吐芬芳】【本文文案】末世后,纯人类彻底灭亡,而一些融合了兽人基因的人类承载着人类的希望陷入 沉睡。数百年后,安然从长眠中醒来。眼睛睁开的一瞬间,巨大的虎爪从天而降,“吼吼,崽,你终于醒啦!”安然:?她在自己都不知道情况下,一脸懵逼的成为两只老虎的崽崽,再加上一个还在幼年期毛绒绒的哥哥,一家四口艰难的行走在凶兽横行的末世中。没办法了——为了更好的生活安然抖抖自己的耳朵,甩甩尾巴,毅然而然的站出来,带着大家搞基建。房屋建筑走起来!粮食种田走起来!合伙狩猎走起来!……如斯残忍的末世中,弱小的兽人是食物链的底层,而在安然的带领下,他们终于有了立身的一席之地,逐渐走向强大。PS:虎妈后出现,文章所有环境设定全部私设【我养的凶兽萌萌哒文案】作为皇族的烟云兽武力高超,是帝国的守护神,然而他们性情暴躁,高高在上,没有人敢靠近。奉命养兽的皇族护理人黑萌萌内心紧张,做足了心里建设。然而,她看着眼前这一个个撒娇打滚的毛绒绒陷入了深思,这是烟云兽吗?不会是假冒的…吧?某天,皇族直播开启了,所有人等大了双眼打算一览皇族的风采。然而,一只毛绒绒细声细气的叫着撒娇,一只毛绒绒围着黑萌萌不断转圈。在他们震惊的目光下,一只大的毛绒绒走过来,亲昵的蹭着黑萌萌,目光柔和的看着她,翻身露出自己的肚皮求抚摸。所有人倒吸一口凉气,这不是他们英勇神武,冷淡自持的太子殿下吗?妖女,你施展了什么魔法!对此,黑萌萌埋进毛绒绒肚皮里满足的吸了一口。毕竟,她有特殊的吸猫体质。1w0-77937 >>
内容简介:简介无力,不割。新人写手,大家康康就行。前期可能跟剧情不一样,毕竟是不一样的士兵突击,请看官老爷平复心情慢慢观看。一个工蚁的蜕化,一个平凡的蜕变,一个重来的人生。大家好,我是高城!1w 0-78937 >>
From AQUA Scans: Leticia's father, the current king, is very wise and knew that both of his sons have their own supporters and that if either one became king the other brother's supporters would rebel, and the country would have a civil war. So he decided to announce that he will retire while he's still alive and make his daughter, the princess, his successor! However, the princess never expected to be Queen and she really doesn't have any political allies. So she decides to gather a group of knights loyal to her and form her own round table before the day of her coronation. The problem is, all of the good knights who are strong and skillful and loyal have already been snatched up by her father and brothers for their own personal guards.
Heero attempts to live a normal life after the war. But his 'peaceful' life is disturbed when someone manages to steal Wing ZERO. He rushes to search for it, and is then faced with an unlikely foe. On all accounts, Ground Zero can be considered a doujinshi due to its lack of consistency and subjected humor. However, it tackles deeply into the characters' morale and philosophies regarding war, peace, and of course, the gundams. Like Battlefield of Pacifists and Blind Target, Ground Zero are *possible* events that take place in between the TV series and the OVA, Endless Waltz.
From Nakama: A tengu with peach colored wings suddenly appears before worrier high school student, Kotetsu! The tengu, Momo, says he's always been watching over Kotetsu in order to repay a favor once received from an ancestor of Kotetsu. How will the start of their strange life together turn out...? The odd tale of Momo the tengu and Kotetsu's fluffy, strange love!
Teti joins the Cirque Arachne, a troupe of acrobats, and finds herself captivated by one member in particular...
Tantei High [Erityian Tribes, # 1] summary: Raine is a normal student in St. Petersburg Joseph Academy, but one day she was summoned to the Princ.i.p.al’s Office and was informed that she was expelled from the school. She also learned that she’ll be transferred to a strange school in the middle of the forest, so she did not feel secure. But because of this transfer, she would enter a world that is very different from what she is used to. A world where she can discover her true ident.i.ty and the world where she really belongs to.
Elemental Logic - Fire Logic summary: Elemental Logic - Fire Logic summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elemental Logic - Fire Logic. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Run Over summary: After Mintato Rica’s transfer into the cla.s.s, everything changed. But even though she was made into an object of persecution, the girl didn’t lose herself and became acquainted with Idzono. Having learned his secret, the mysterious individual compelled her cla.s.smate into living together and made an astonishing proposal: to get revenge on the two instigators. At first, Idzono was reluctant, but then slowly starts to agree with Minato’s methods. After befriending Haru, another victim of bullying, they start to raise a mutiny.
Alexander Rose : Rise To Stardom summary: Alexander Rose : Rise To Stardom summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alexander Rose : Rise To Stardom. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.