简介【每周四更新】在没有遇到柯明轩之前,边老大酷炫狂霸拽,走路带风。纵然没有柯明轩,想必他也会继续活得开心快乐。 可惜偏偏遇到柯明轩,让他遭遇了人生中最大的皮肉之痛。续集《论一个厨子的撸猫修养》同步更新(改编自长佩文学网《秋以为期》,原著桃千岁)
内容简介:从小克死爹娘,六岁死了阿公,生在大山里的顾迟迟是人见人嫌的小扫把星。可那年一场大水,让她看到了十六的傅西城,一眼望去惊为天人,更被少年惦记上了心!不料神仙哥哥从天而降带她回了家,从此奶 包变团宠,七个哥哥轮流宠……傅西城不乐意了:“别理他们,你有老公一个就够了!”顾迟迟:“老公是什么,有糖甜么?”傅西城唇角一勾:“有,比糖还甜!”1w18380-67931 >>
内容简介:家养小青梅家养小青梅小说阅读其它类型小说家养小青梅由作家裙袂创作【下本写《甜系小王妃》专栏求个预收】一谢母第一天把枝枝领回家的时候,跟儿子说:“阿翼,枝枝以后就是你妹妹了。”谢翼斜睨一 眼只到他胸口的小丫头,嫌弃道:“咱家那么穷,养得起她?”没想到小丫头憋红一张脸,嗫嚅着保证:“我吃的不多的……哥哥。”转身第二天却瞧见她在别人家地里偷瓜。谢翼:……行吧。于是他撸起袖子,勤奋读书,考取功名,为官入仕,只为给那丫头一口饭吃。二枝枝过来的第一天,暴躁哥哥就对他立下了约法三章——“不许进我房间,不许动我东西,不许和我说话。”枝枝红着眼咬着唇,应了。可是后来的某夜,暴躁哥哥却像是转了性般,偷偷溜进她的闺房,黑暗中对着她的莹白的小脸眼放绿光。枝枝:“哥哥,你的约法三章呢?”哥哥却忽然欺身而上,唇上轻咬啃噬,在耳侧咬牙切齿:“不许和别的男人说话,不许对别的男人笑,不许不理我。”在我身边长大的姑娘,只有我能拥有。暴躁傲娇竹马哥哥×呆萌可爱青梅妹妹成长型男女主,非一上场就强大完美预收文《甜系小王妃》戳专栏收藏作为沐国公家最小的嫡小姐,沐瑶自小就是个颜控,许愿要嫁给这世间最俊俏的情郎。可还未到及笄,一道圣旨下来,她被赐婚给了比她大十多岁的渊政王。哭过,闹过,绝望过,她最后还是不情不愿的,做了渊政王妃。洞房花烛,灯影摇曳,沐瑶泪眼婆娑掀开盖头,看见一张丰神俊朗的脸。眼泪顿时凝固于睫。这个老男人,好像也不是很丑……沐瑶的婚后日常,就是对着老男人各种撒娇——“我比你小,你多让着我啊!”“年纪那么大,就不知道疼人么?”“你都那么老了,就不知道多宠着我点嘛!”渊政王看着自己的小娇妻,一脸无奈头疼,他都已经对她这样了,还要怎么疼她宠她才够?于是,他只能把自己的万般疼爱,付诸在了行动上。最后,躲在锦被之中的沐瑶后知后觉——这个男人,一点都不老QAQ娇气包×老男人没羞没臊的婚后日常文本小说网提供裙袂著作的家养小青梅最新章节,家养小青梅全文免费阅读,家养小青梅无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供家养小青梅最新章节家养小青梅最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-81124 >>
内容简介:年纪轻轻的投资界大鳄穿越后发现这个世界里,得到了一个系统,获取关注就能得到积分。而积分,则可以在系统里兑换各种技能。本书关键词:都市生活都市娱乐向往的生活《向往的生活:全民情敌》小说推 荐:领主时代:百倍增幅、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、超级兵王步千帆、秋以为期、最高赦免、大唐:开局融合霍去病、独独有晴天、跨物种相亲、那个被我活埋的人、所有人都想睡我(穿书)、典型意外(ABO)、神豪从准考证被老妈当废品卖掉开始、我的身份被向往节目组曝光了、怀了东宫那位的崽、劳资苏明成,世界首富、猎狮Ⅰ、绯闻太多是我的错吗、吃软饭的正确打开方式、明知故犯、都市玄幻:我是天才!、大秦:朕的长子是祖龙、大唐:科举落榜,我被全城搜捕、大秦:镇世龙神太子、睡前小甜饼合集、穿越诸天之无上天庭、人在奥特:开局娶了居间惠、巴甫洛夫的狗、六十度角、抗战之亮剑:老子带的兵能升级、巫界术士1w0-45218 >>
内容简介:龙牙村的张福德,无父无母,从小跟着表哥长大,受到表嫂长达十年的虐待,夜里放羊,偶遇被绑架的成里美女,山洞救美女,逃跑路上的美好人生,为了走出大山,张福德在几个山村美女之间来回穿梭,不断 的变强,终于找到了姜媛,成就了美好人生。各位书友要是觉得《乡野小神农》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27632 >>
内容简介:一场大火烧掉了沈蔓歌对叶南弦所有的爱。五年后她华丽回归,势必为当年的自己讨回一个公道。却没想到带回来的小正太比她更有手段。某宝站在叶南弦面前,很无辜的说:“叔叔帮我一个忙可以吗?求你了 。”叶南弦觉得无法抵挡这孩子的恳求,蹲下身子打算帮忙,却没想到被喷了一脸。某天,叶南弦对着小正太说:“臭小子,这是我的房间!”“可是我想跟妈咪睡,我们都睡了五1w5555-26907 >>
内容简介: 大佬:小伙修炼的如此熟练,又观容貌,仅有我这天九城吴彦祖能与之抗衡,看来是难得一出的绝世奇才啊,我来摸摸骨。林凡:……大佬:咦!不可能,这么渣!!林凡:……大佬:你是怎么修炼的?林 凡:努力!勤奋!信念!缺一不可!【提示:触发十倍暴击!!】【提示:大力牛魔拳熟练度+10!】1w0-2020 >>
内容简介: “叮,埼玉已加入诸天聊天群!”“叮,灭霸已加入诸天聊天群!”“叮,蝴蝶忍已加入诸天聊天群!”“叮,迪米乌哥斯已加入诸天聊天群!”……这是一个主角想抱大腿,结果被某迪化病毒传染硬生生 被吹成大佬的故事~我秃了,也变强了~本书群号:745310520,需全订两千粉丝值以上可进,进群发粉丝截图。1w0-796 >>
内容简介: 离歌重生回了s6,莫名其妙地成为了qg战队的替补辅助。 此时正是春季赛最后时刻,qg战队陷入了连败魔咒,接着又被爆出中野恩断义绝,银河战舰瞬间变成了一艘小破船,而离歌在直播间里也 是没少受到抨击。可是摇身一变成为了首发中单后,惊掉了一地眼球。1w0-1710 >>
内容简介: 她可以陪着他从一介白衣到开国皇帝,虽然因此身死也算大义,足以被后世称赞。 可如果她不乐意了呢?只想带着惹祸的哥哥,小白花娘亲,口炮的父亲,做一回真正的麻烦精,胡天胡地活一辈子。 等等,那谁谁,你来凑什么热闹。 粉丝值2000+,或者全订教主任何一本书即可申请入v群,群号:5428140251w0-277 >>
Taken from Michex: MITSUKI is on top of the world when IMAI, her former tutor and sister's friend, agrees to begin dating her. Even with the seven year age gap, she's determined to make it work, even though she hardly ever gets to see him. But her happiness slowly gives way to doubts when a year passes without ever breaking down the barrier she feels between them. Does Imai-san even like her at all? Or is the person he's really in love with her older sister and he's just going out with her because he didn't have the heart to turn her down? Maybe he doesn't take her seriously because she's still in high school? When she's with him, he always seems more of the serious type---but what is this about his playboy past?!
Lotus Girls' Academy. A school whose aim is to educate young girls to be pure and modest. Youko is a new transfer student here, and immediately takes a liking to Shuu, who shows her around the school. However, Youko discovers a big secret about Shuu... she's a vampire! Youko then does her best to be the best friend she can be and help Shuu protect her secret... whether Shuu likes it or not! But how does Shuu really feel about Youko... and why does her blood taste so different? And to what lengths will Youko go to help Shuu?
1st official fanbook of the Touhou series, is written by ZUN and drawn by Kususaga Rin and some others. It features Aya Shameimaru writing a newspaper about the Touhou world, with some comics and newspaper articles. It also comes with a music CD featuring tracks from POFV. Circle/Artist list01 Haniwa's Store & ZUN02 Makoto Kurasawa03 Iron Temple/Yuki Narumi04 Shunichi Fujiwara05 Misuzu Fujimiya06 Yamai07 Harao08 Kiriu09 Clash house/Hirasaka MakotoZUN only involved in the 1st chapter.Hirasaka Makoto is the mangaka who writes several Touhou official mangas
Because of some bad luck, Aikawa Towa’s recent problem is the complicated relationship between the devillish student council president, Shirahane Mikado. Kissing is not the only thing… but is this friendship?! What’s more, Towa started to take a part time job to find relief, but… His bad friends, Shinonome and Yukimura saw their kiss scene…?! Eh?! Will two guys be “lovers”…?! List of Warui Series: Vol 1 Warui Koto Shitai [1-1] Vol 2 Waruiko Demo Ii? [1-2] Vol 3 Kirai ja nai Kedo [2-1] Vol 4 Koi Ja nai Kedo [2-2] --- Warui Koto Bakkashite Gomennasai [1-3 &/ 2-3] Vol 5 Warui Yatsu Demo Ii [1-4] Vol 6 Mujihi na Otoko [3-1] Vol 7 Warui Koibito ja Dame? [1-5] Vol 8 Kare ja nai kedo [2-4] Vol 9 Mujihi na Anata [3-2] Vol 10 Sunao ja nai Kedo [2-5]
The Analysis of Mind summary: The Analysis of Mind summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Analysis of Mind. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Selected Stories of Anton Chekov summary: Selected Stories of Anton Chekov summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Selected Stories of Anton Chekov. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 summary: Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rise of the New West, 1819-1829. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Strongest Guild Master Founded a Nation in a Week summary: Renjin Yanase is an ordinary member of society whose occupation is a sales person. His hobby is an online VR game “Einherjar” that has been on for over five years now. It is a game with high degree of freedom and Renjin silently works hard to nurture his subordinate character. The next day was a holiday so he’s going to use it for boss hunting all night. When the boss hunt is finished, Renjin falls asleep in the game. He felt like someone was calling his name so he woke up. Standing in front of the half-asleep Renjin was Eleanor, a character he created. When Renjin looked outside after being puzzled to the characters who behave like they are alive, the outside scenery changed into one that he did not know at all. Renjin who surveyed the surrounding, realized that the castle and the 200 subordinates that he created with time and money was transferred to a different world. The transferred Renjin announced the declaration of the founding of a nation after a week.