简介十年前追逐明星梦的少年,却被迫害欺压成为冷血杀手。穿越重生之后,杀手的心却重新为梦想沸腾!我要踢开那些绊脚石……直到巨星的顶端!每周日更新,大家看着喜欢就收藏满分红票支持一下!※※※※※※※※※※※※读者群: 374022261※※※※※※※※※※※
内容简介:刀尖上跳舞,阴影中漫步。是独行的王者,是死亡的使徒,是盗贼的荣耀!重生玩网游,凡事抢先一步!————————————————————————————————我这一生都只忠于自己,我所做 的一切选择,都是心甘情愿,自由意志的结果。我从来没有被任何人,任何事物所奴役,挟制,连神也办不到!我可以因崇拜,尊重而向他人低头,但绝不因屈从而低头!读者群:437959140,喜欢本书的朋友可以入群聊天1w586-4769 >>
内容简介: 四岁的伊伊:粑粑,我是从哪里来的?杨涵:我们都来自地球。伊伊(歪头):滴球是沈么?唔,可是,彭彭说他是买电视送的。八岁的伊伊:粑粑,我们家是不是很穷啊?杨涵:谁说的,我们家超有钱! 爸爸准备买几十栋楼给你收租!伊伊(嘟嘴):唔~粑粑骗人,我知道,你都不上班!十二岁的伊伊:粑粑,我长大后要当大明星。杨涵:当什么大明星?好好读书考大学,不然要回来继承咱家百亿家产的。伊伊(鬼脸):略略略,爸爸又忽悠人!老师说了,做人要有梦想!十六岁的伊伊:爸爸,我给你报名了《中华好嗓门》!杨涵(泡枸杞的保温杯掉地上,瞠目结舌):啥?穿越后就只想当包租公混日子的咸鱼老爸被迫营业的故事,从杨若伊的十六岁开始说起......1w0-3876 >>
内容简介:九十年代,当代大佬怀念的黄金十年,遍地是机会,到处是黄金,所以又被称为大时代!周良安重回九三年,回到了那个企业的基层。老工人都把他当软柿子,欺负他。原来谈的对象要甩了他。亲戚朋友除了占 便宜,一个没安好心。可是……谁都没想到,周良安悄悄地发生了变化,周良安已然变成了周狼安。“欺负我的,打回去!甩了我的,来倒追!亲戚朋友还想占便宜?给我滚远一点!”周狼安注定是要抓住这黄金十年,开创一个属于自己的商来版图!1w0-2402 >>
内容简介:【已完结】【推荐我的新书王者系列文《又被国服大佬带飞了》】全娱乐圈电竞圈的人都知道,乔夕是舟辞的老婆粉。某日,作为KPL金牌中单的乔夕在赛后接受采访时表示:“作为一名理智的粉丝,以及合 格的职业选手,乐文小说网我怎么会想要跟我的男神谈恋爱呢!我们应该关注比赛本身,远离职业选手的私生活!”结果没过几天,乔夕就被火眼金睛的网友扒出来——前一段时间,出现在舟辞直播间里的那个神秘女友,是她。“……”【从替补到王牌中单,KPL唯一女选手的荣耀成长史。】各位书友要是觉得《舟神,你家中单又又又又超神了!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-102039 >>
内容简介:刚过完十八岁生日的苏浅浅,意外穿进一本书里。还没来得及担心掉马,她就被原主街头做小混混的哥哥,抵给了富二代当媳妇儿。G市一中的顾墨言,无人不知无人不晓,自从他进入一中后,校草的人选五年 没换过。没错,校草他虽然有颜有钱,却是个留了两年学,年满二十的大龄学渣。就在众人以为,顾墨言今年又要垫底时,他带着他的媳妇儿上学来了。据说,校草的媳妇儿不但目不识丁,还智力低下。果然,一模成绩公布,顾墨言终于不再是倒数第一。众人:“你们有钱人真会玩!”~~~~~~炸毛校草:“这题你也不会,上课你在干什么?”哭唧唧小媳妇:“你的也是错的。”校草:“”这是个倒数第二给倒数第一讲题,一个敢讲一个敢听,最后倒数第二硬生生把自己逼成学霸的故事!软萌怂包女主VS炸毛傲娇男主预收一:《帝国元帅偷了我的毛绒绒》星历2026年的帝国,男女比例严重失衡,已达到五比三。经过末世病毒的进化,男人大多拥有精神体,战斗力爆表。而女人极少有精神体,身体柔弱,宛如笼中雀般被圈养。地球少女凤暖暖一朝穿越到星际,刚凝聚出精神体,就被不知道从哪跑来的兽把她的精神体给——吞了。面对父亲战死,母亲抑郁自杀,自己精神体还被吞了的悲催现实面前,不想沦为生育工具的凤暖暖不得不装成病弱少年,顶着烈士遗孤的身份,进入帝国军校学习。有一天,她的精神体突然回来了,身上却带着一股难以言说的味道。直到她在那个据说是帝国战神元帅的身上,闻到了与她精神体上一模一样的味道……外表软萌内心戏多欢脱地球少女VS外表正直温润内心霸道黏人帝国元帅预收二:穿成暴君的心尖宠陆昭媛一朝胎穿,吧唧落地,成了公主——亡国的!便宜父皇还在宫破前坑了她一把,把她当成太子,塞给前来救驾的将军,寄予了复国的使命。顶着亡国太子头衔的陆昭媛,为了不被推上造反那条不归路,只能装痴傻,做个低能儿。某一日,正准备跑路的她被个小和尚给抢走了。什么?这小和尚是新帝的儿子!什么?这小和尚是重生的!什么?这小和尚上辈子的朱砂痣是她!陆昭媛发现,自从遇到小和尚,她的气运瞬间就好了。1w0-82038 >>
内容简介:与其说宋子烟从第三份工作玩脱之后,人生才偏离轨迹,不如说宋子烟一开始就没在轨迹范围之内!作为一个富二代,本应该好好花钱,不务正业,却偏偏热爱劳动,自己动手丰衣足食。作为一个女明星,本应 该光芒万丈,日常闪耀,却偏偏不注重形象,常常半夜撸串被挂上热搜。作为一个超能力者,本应该开启外挂模式,却偏偏自己被排除在外挂之外,预料不了自己的未来。按理来说,宋子烟身披多个马甲,戴着祖传神技,绝非一般人。结果混得差的时候连一般人都不如。真当宋子烟没点家底?不不不,她老公的家底可能就要上天了,她家底抖出来更是吓死你啊![甜宠文男女主身心双洁1vs1女主可盐可甜女主家底厚马甲多女主天生携带超能力外挂男主撩妹技能满点男主情话技能满点男主自带鉴婊能力小奇幻思维跳跃求收藏,求五星好评,求推荐票,求指点!谢谢大嘎,么么么!]本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《实不相瞒我全家都是大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65418 >>
内容简介:学渣如他,在走投无路之际前去天桥要饭,不想却被骗去做了人体实验; 死里逃生,命运发生前所未有的惊人改变,学习妹子金钱统统不在话下。 且看他如何玩转都市,达到人生的巅峰境界!1w0- 2891 >>
内容简介:“琴酒,今天我要告诉你组织最大的秘密。”“”比如组织其实是各国特工组织的卧底训练场“我们是一个庞大的黑暗势力的一部分。”“”boss,您今天是不是没吃药“我就知道如果是你的话实验一定能 成功。1w0-79855 >>
内容简介: AMD资深架构师王岸然,意外来到1993年……这一年,他刚完成清大的学业,成功收到麻省理工的硕士录取通知书;这一年,芯片巨头intel,刚刚发布划时代的cpu—奔腾处理器;这一年, 王岸然踌躇满志,撕掉了去美利坚的机票 ,定要在芯片工业上,有一番作为。ps:群号666-06-70441w0-145 >>
The peerless chivalrous thief is finally caught!! The poor Goemon will be boiled in a pot!? The oneshot about the great thief who doesn't even fear the gods.
Is this desire for freedom the very thing that entrapped us.Let Dai is a tragic tale of forbidden love and unforgivable betrayal. Set in a soulless neo-Seoul ruled by young punks and pleasure seekers, an amoral teenager named Dai is the living embodiment of the city's beauty and cruelty. As the leader of the vicious Furies gang, Dai seduces everyone who lays eyes on him, only to blind them to his own barbaric nature. When an honest schoolboy named Jaehee rescues a beautiful girl from being mugged by the Furies, he can't possibly realize how this brief encounter will plunge him into a downward spiral of unbridled passion and unfathomable pain. From his brutal gang initiation to an unspeakable act committed against his girlfriend, Jaehee wavers uncomfortably between revulsion and fascination. And in Dai he finds a tender, caring friend one moment and a heartless sociopath the next, awakening strange and unhealthy desires in Jaehee that he could never before have imagined.
Sekai Oni x Mob Psycho 100 summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sekai Oni x Mob Psycho 100. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Midnight Scans: When you’re in a relationship with someone, truth is, it’s a complete necessity to live together with that person. Read this masterpiece that sketches out various couples’ trembling hearts in this “living together”-themed compilation. Room 1 Momochi, a short haired lass is in love with Kouta, a 2nd year student in her university. However, she found out that Kouta likes girls with long hair and so happened that her friend was able to invite Kouta for the drinking session that she was supposed to go! She bought a long hair wig in order to attract Kouta but when they're making love, trouble arises?! Room 2 Saki was invited to live together with her boyfriend, Masaya who works as a weekly publication reporter. Although they're living together, Saki doesn't see him much at home and starts to get lonely. One night, she woke up and found Masaya sleeping in the living room...? Room 3 Tsukiyama has a crush on Kanaya and likes him because of his kindness towards her. One day, her roommate kicked her out of the apartment they were sharing because her roommate's boyfriend is coming back so she had to find her own apartment to live in. Tsukiyama went over to Kanaya's apartment and asked if she could stay there for a month. As they live together, Tsukiyama's feelings began to deepen and she had a feeling that she was restricting Kanaya so she decided to move out?! Room 4 Mayu is a designer that works at home. She hired an assistant who then turns into her lover. However, Mayu likes guys who are good with cooking and sadly, Yoshitaka isn't like that. Although she's quite disappointed with that fact, she likes the sex with Yoshitaka. But still, she's quite dissatisfied with 'something' and decided to look at some vibrators... Room 5 This story revolves around Mamiko (Tsukiyama's friend from story 3) who was awaiting for the return of her boyfriend who was studying abroad but her boyfriend cheated on her with a blond chick and thus, they broke up. Mamiko was heart broken and then, she suddenly met a foreigner by the name of Joshua, who needed a place to rent. The last thing that Mamiko wanted to see is a person with blue eyes. Still, she let him rent the room in her apartment and as they live together things starts to change... Room 6 In order to help her friend, Midori decided to live in Mai-chan's apartment. Mai-chan decided to leave that apartment because she want to get away from her ex-boyfriend who so happen to live next door as well. When Midori moved in, she noticed the huge hole in one of the rooms and of course, which apparently leads to her neighbor's room next door. As she greeted the rumored ex-boyfriend of Mai-chan, she was captivated with the handsome lad and began to fall in love with him. But why did Mai-chan broke up with this kindhearted guy? Who exactly is he? Midori have to find out, all this through that captivating hole... Last Room A tiny extra story regarding to the Room 6 story~
Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810 summary: Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Translations Of German Poetry In American Magazines 1741-1810. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sir Apropos - Tong Lashing summary: Sir Apropos - Tong Lashing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sir Apropos - Tong Lashing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Curlytops at Uncle Frank's Ranch summary: The Curlytops at Uncle Frank's Ranch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Curlytops at Uncle Frank's Ranch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Outdoor Chums On A Houseboat summary: The Outdoor Chums On A Houseboat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Outdoor Chums On A Houseboat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.