他们,用杀戮谱写正义,他们,用黑暗维护光明,他们,是曾立于Earth 50顶点的权力战队,当铅灰色的天空隔断思念,荒芜的大地瘟疫蔓延,那是未能阻止的末日,看不到希望的未来,当一切重新始,当他们再次相遇,当末日的号角复又响起。这一次,他们是否能贯彻信念。这一次,他们是否能冲破阴霾。为了守护[]护 ,幻作暴风,为了信念,化身修罗。这一次,所求所在所爱,所有一切的一切,他们,能否守护到[]
内容简介:颜岫跟褚辰从小斗到大,后来才知道他是首富家的太子爷。圈内人人拉踩嘲笑,说他被太子打压混不下去才息影。殊不知,他是被人渣下药,孕期跟对方奉子成婚了。一开始——褚辰:为了孩子结婚可以,但我 们不需要对彼此尽爱人的义务,另外最好能寻找合适的机会离婚。后来,颜岫被传与某星绯闻,褚辰:?????再后来,颜岫签下了离婚协议书,褚辰:……!!!!!!!!!!被紧紧抱住的颜岫:?怎么跟一开始说好的不一样?死要面子闷骚护妻攻X人畜无害心机影帝受娱乐圈纯感情文,先婚后爱,先上车后买票,剧情为感情服务。狗血、甜爽、生子、打脸变态38人渣,可能还有点苏。日更,每天下午六点更新,迟了就九点з∠接档文:《捡回来的野男人》闻愿出身豪门日行一善,从街头捡了个流浪的野男人,给他吃给他喝,又借他浴室洗了澡,等人出来才发现还挺人模狗样,就是人失忆了。后来闻愿被迫联姻悔了婚,一时醉酒拉着这不知名的野男人滚了床单,没多久就被检查出来有了娃。1w0-70074 >>
内容简介:荣夏生接到自己大学老师的电话,对方让他帮忙照顾一下自己的儿子。佟野因为跟室友闹翻,一气之下决定搬出宿舍,被他爸安排着,住进了他爸以前教过的学生家里。荣夏生:同学之间闹点小矛盾很正常。佟 野:他说我抢他女朋友。荣夏生:无风不起浪,你是不是撩人家女友了?佟野:叔叔,别闹了,我是gay!年下,但也没至于到叔叔辈,受比攻大七岁,都是佟野瞎叫。同个屋檐下,一个一见钟情一个日久生情的故事。温润成熟通透冷清受x热烈深情追梦青年攻1w0-28297 >>
内容简介:小兵提供重生王妃全文阅读全本txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),重生王妃电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。从现代而来的一缕幽魂,冷眼看着这个朝代的兴衰。为了你,愿意放弃 所有的一切,只求在你心中占有一席之地。空间异1w20274-80656 >>
内容简介:李阳有五个师娘。大师娘:“好胆,敢偷看我洗澡!”一套横练战拳…二师娘:“什么你想娶我?”麻绳牵着小兄弟遛着走…三师娘:“什么,阳儿你居然不想我?”丢到山里喂狼去……从小李阳便是在这样的 环境中成长起来!五个师娘一个比一个狠!可怜,弱小无助…师娘,饶命啊!1w0-94922 >>
内容简介:武以载道,神以明之。这是一个疑似少年的主角以武道在无限大世界中闯荡、变强的故事……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《武神无限》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66 398 >>
内容简介:完结重生甜宠文。妖艳贱货的女明星vs病态偏执狂医生。制服诱惑1v1。肉多香甜,炖肉为主剧情为辅。重生前:顾眠最害怕的便是拿着手术刀的变态狂魔傅予。傅予打造了一座囚笼将顾眠囚禁在家里,不 准顾眠出去,变态偏执到了极点。顾眠被自己的毒闺蜜欺骗出轨背叛傅予,逃到国外后立刻被骗了钱财还被卖去了地下妓院。而她即将葬身火海的时候是傅予不要命地来救她,最后为了她死在火海里。重生后。顾眠立刻决定改变对傅予的态1w0-28652 >>
内容简介:感谢Mcvotex大大的人设图,推一下俺的预收《飞升不如养崽》。作为修真界第一大佬,沈辞飞升了。然后,他被一道劫雷劈了下来。修为尽失,灵台被毁,还落下了一身大道伤痕。就在所有人都觉得沈 辞完了,一代天才就此陨落的时候。却发现,那个被称为废人的沈辞,不仅没有一蹶不振,甚至还在玄明宗山门口,大大方方贴了一纸招收弟子的文书。众人:……所有人都以为不会有人到现在还傻到拜沈辞为师,一时间沈辞成了几乎整个修真界的笑柄。除了玄明宗。后来,沈辞真的收到了两位弟子,一个是出了名的废物,而另外一个,是不太出名的废物。众人笑得更大声了。可是笑着笑着,他们发现,沈辞又飞升了,和他的弟子们。众人:大佬,求抱大腿!*《道无极》是一本狗血虐文,可是沈书白穿过来的时候,一切都还没有开始。甚至,连主角都还没有出生。无计可施的他只好疯狂修炼,争取早日飞升,好摆脱自己这虐文主角的命运。可是一道劫雷,他失败了。但与此同时,还送来了原书里主角翻身的金手指--系统。本以为可以摆脱主角,自己独美,结果系统告诉他,如过主角死,他也会死。沈书白:……后来,在给主角当了无数次肉盾之后,他才明白。原来不是他捡到了金手指,而是他成了金手指。萧无一直都知道,他是废物是克星,他不被人喜欢不被人接受,世界上所有恶意奔涌如潮,如一片黑色的海,将他淹没。他以为他快沉下去了。可是,有人却从裂缝中分出一点光来。那是一个废物,还说要收他为徒。萧无:呵。可后来,贪念如野草疯长,只消零星火花,野火便屠了满园。1w0-81996 >>
内容简介:听闻,烈阳国公主除了美貌一无是处,欺男霸女骄纵蛮横,棒打鸳鸯恬不知耻利用权力逼迫丞相府大公子娶了她。重生醒来,沐云初决心洗心革面,做个韬武略样样精通流芳百世的好公主。听说,丞相府大公子 想复合,结果被顾家那位冷面武器、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,当初瞧不起公主的那位大才子追求公主,结果被顾家那位冷面无情、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,天下第一杀手想给公主当侍卫,结果又……1w4944-106620 >>
'This is a short Christmas-themed manga. Santa is terrorizing the Japan by flooding everyone with unwanted gifts. The only way to stop Santa from sending more is to convince him that you’re happy with what you got, or so they believe. The story is split between a girl trying to find a way to get Santa to stop sending her vibrators, and the various government schemes to try and capture or eliminate Santa.' (from Brolen)
The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...
Isekai Craft Gurashi Jiyu Kimamana Seisan Shoku No Honobono Slow Life , Miyabi always had dreams of being an architect, creating buildings that would inspire awe in others. And in the MMORPG Yume Sekai, he was finally able to achieve that dream even if his constructions were used entirely to house marriage proposals.One day, Miyabi received a message from the admins of the game as his architecture was so good for couples, they are gifting him with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to a new world. Assuming they mean a private server, Miyabi accepts and quickly gets transported to another world.After confirming that he was spirited away, Miyabi discovers that all of his crafting skills from the game are intact here. No longer tethered to his job in the real world, Miyabi now has a real goal: to build his own house and family.
From Bakeneko Scanlations: Tanaka Hajime and Harada were leaders of the yakuza group called Yanase. They were wiped out in the conflict between the Yanase group and the Kawa-guchi. The Kawaguchi group thinks that they killed Tanaka Hajime and buried him. Tanaka Hajime was saved by Harada, though he has lost all his memory. Knowing nothing, as Harada asks him if its a lie, Hajime states why would he. Then is when Harada tells Hajime that they are lovers. Is this true?
Operation: Outer Space summary: Operation: Outer Space summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Operation: Outer Space. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Afloat in the Forest summary: Afloat in the Forest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Afloat in the Forest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway summary: Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ovind: A Story Of Country Life In Norway. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Songs of Action summary: Songs of Action summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Songs of Action. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.