简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!
简介这里是脑洞大开,光怪录离的电台世界,来来来,听一段电台,体验一次人生? 为了更好地安排故事内容,调整为周3、周6更新,一周双更,不见不散! 读者交流群:678917011 作者公众号(超频脑) 微博:超频脑
内容简介:“女人,你敢夺走我的第一滴血?!!”一时贪吃,她擦擦嘴就跑,不料兽性总裁上门求负责。五年前,她被渣男贱女欺负陷害,差点坐牢,惨到不行。五年后,她带着一对天才双胞胎儿子高调回国,一路抱稳 金大腿,欢乐撕渣渣。外界传闻,权总对她这个半路赖上来的妻子厌恶至极。但真相却是……“老婆,求亲亲、抱抱、举高高”1w16151-27148 >>
内容简介:父母从小双亡,苏小暖从小受尽各种宠爱,来到城市却被误以为是乡下来的。姑姑是国际级别影后,干爹是世界首富。苏小暖不仅在十五岁时就已经毕业修得双学位,更是顶级神秘婚纱设计师Lily,世界第 一赛车手,顶级黑客H。当苏小暖遇上南家五个少爷,少爷们纷纷嗤之以鼻……直到苏小暖马甲一个个暴露,五位少爷对她从嫌弃分别转变成了喜欢爱慕崇拜各种……1w16870-69167 >>
内容简介:一次意外,萧正被大众眼中的冰山女boss倒追逼婚。并顺利成为号称女儿国的新奥公司一员,从此展开万花丛中过的精彩人生。冰山女神、暴龙霸王花、温柔女上司、俏皮学生妹——喂!我可是有妇之夫! 请你们放尊重点!温馨提示:本书爆笑、热血,偶有温馨,宜男宜女,宜猥琐宜正派,欢迎收看!读者群:369187565注意:小兵的书友提供的《女神的近身护卫》是肥茄子写作的一部好书,如果大家都喜欢女神的近身护卫最新章节内容,勿必支持下作者肥茄子购买正版图书收藏。感谢书友们的陪伴。1w0-28464 >>
内容简介:选择弃坑一款游戏后,还会有更多的选择,当罗德岛离开了博士之后呢?艾雅法拉收拾行装,选择在一个宁静的夜晚独自离开;古米在炎国的边陲小镇开了一家烘培店;幽灵鲨消失了,斯卡蒂为了寻找她也离开 了;转眼之间,各奔东西。冷冷清清的办公室里,瘦瘦小小的阿米娅呆呆的盯着罗德岛大家庭的合影,虚掩着的门板后传来一声轻微叹息。……一个行将末日的世界里,载着他们的希望,飞跃明日。1w0-115994 >>
内容简介:冷淡学神大佬X甜软小白兔阮栀是个小哑巴,安静又乖巧,被欺负了也只会啪塔啪塔的掉眼泪。跟着换工作的舅舅一家来到新城市的阮栀,第一天就撞上了盛淮景。第一次见面,少年人意气风发眼神淡漠,擦肩 而过时还把阮栀撞了一趔趄。第二次见面,窗边的少年眉眼桀骜态度不耐,对坐到身边阮栀视而不见。再后来……少年搂着阮栀不撒手,语气温柔含笑,“阮阮,喜不喜欢淮景哥哥?喜欢就点点头,不喜欢就说话,好不好?”阮栀只能瞪着无赖的少年,漂亮的脸蛋熏红一片。南省的理科状元刚一入学,清北论坛上关于他的照片就传疯了。男生气质凌厉,眉目冷峻,军训照片帅到人腿软。被计算机系学生追着叫大佬的男生,却在某一天被人看到,半跪在地上给一个女生系鞋带。语气也是前所未有的温柔哀求。“阮阮,这回不走了,好吗?”女主心因性失声症,后期会好。各位书友要是觉得糖粘糕最新小说作品《大佬的小哑巴她又甜又软》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-78338 >>
内容简介:她,21世纪王牌特工,被家族遗弃的天才少女;他,傲娇腹黑帝国太子,一怒天下变的至高王者;她扮猪吃虎坑他、虐他、刺激他、每次撩完就跑。是个男人就忍不了!他只能猎捕她,宠溺她,诱惑她为他倾 心,谁知先动心的人却变成了他。——君临天下的少年,凤舞江山的少女,一场棋逢对手,势均力敌的爱情追逐游戏。各位书友要是觉得《神医凰后凤舞君临渊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w505-4841 >>
内容简介:小兵提供我哥雪梨骨科po免费阅读在线阅读,我哥雪梨骨科po免费阅读由刘水水创作我哥雪梨骨科po免费阅读最新章节及我哥雪梨骨科po免费阅读目录在线无弹窗阅读,看我哥雪梨骨科po免费阅读就 上小兵。1w67124-71260 >>
内容简介:穿越大唐,成为皇子李佑。日行一善签到系统激活之后,每天扶老太太过马路就能得到好东西,让瞬间决定不再奋斗了。然而本来已经选择躺平,准备做一条咸鱼的他,偏偏被李二听到了心声。“如今国库空隙 ,实在是没钱啊!只能去找世家借一点了。”【呵呵!没钱了就知道借,这些世家有不少慈善家,借了不用还的啊】“不好了,幽州王罗艺造反了!”【其实也别这么着急,罗艺造反也到不了长安,不用管她,半路上他自己就死了!】“朕正是生了一群好儿子啊!”【好什么好,一个基佬,一个胖子。】“朕的女儿也不错!”【呵呵,绿帽子制造机么!】李二:够了,有话直说好不好!1w0-108315 >>
内容简介:【无限流】【黑暗向】【不圣母】一场意外,让蓝星顶尖的心理学家白辰,穿越到了噩梦轮回塔。在那儿的每一个副本都是由恐怖电影、漫画、小说等组成。通关后会获得超乎想象的能力,技能,装备,包括钱 财!而白辰是唯一一…1w0-66582 >>
内容简介:家中有个女村长全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《家中有个女村长》平原夜著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读家中有个女村长全文内容。1w3013-717 99 >>
内容简介:鬼吃人,妖惑心,霊界幽幽锁怨仇人心埋,道行浅,须弥欺欺禁孽缘莫氏山庄莫燃,年方十八,名门之后,就在庄主继承大典这天,不速之客血洗山庄,庄中上下五百多条人命无一幸免,一代名门就此除名江湖 莫家村莫燃,同名不同命,21世纪不作死就不会死的典型女命盘斗转,强者之魂浴血重生!展开在脚下的却是一段匪夷所思的修炼之路!神秘疯老头1w0-78002 >>
内容简介:身为港城最优秀的吸血鬼猎人,伊芙琳最大的心愿是消灭吸血鬼恶徒劳伦佐。而劳伦佐最渴望的……是吃掉她。字面意义。在一次次相杀、合作和背刺后,他们又希望,如愿以偿的日子能来得再晚一些。“真好 闻。”吸血鬼带着凉意的鼻梁和鼻尖蹭过她动脉表面的皮肤,而后停住,感受生命温热的脉动。非常快速地,有什么尖锐湿润的东西在颈侧同一位置划了一下,像个预演。伊芙琳终于1w0-83634 >>
A oneshot intended to serve as promotion for George A. Romero's film of the same name.
From: Easy Going Scans In the eleventh year of the Meiji era carrying swords was forbidden by the government and those known as samurai were slowly fading away. However there were plenty that didn’t like those changes taking place in Japan and inevitably the crime rates increased. Japan’s only resolve was an inescapable lake prison. While the prison had no other way to access it but only through water, the 3 boys of the Kumo family were assigned to transport the criminals to their new “home”. Although... is that the only thing they were doing...?
Paraphrased from Kotonoha: This is a collection of eight stories (there are 9 chapters, because story 6 is composed of chapters 6 and 7). Story 1: Teased and Stepped On, What Blooms is a Passionate Flower Describes the relationship between a girl and her teacher. Story 2: Lolita #7 Features the relationship between two cousins, an older male and a younger girl. One is a teacher, while the other is a student -- both at the same school. When the elder cousin doesn’t come to class for several days, the school administrators send the younger cousin to the elder cousin's home to investigate further. Story 3: Song of the Devil Story 4: What If? Story 5: Happiness Story 6: A Room of Clouds (Chapters 6 & 7) A simple minded girl who tries to live her life the best she can. Story 7: Indigo Elegy Story 8: Underground Doll
I, Daimonji Kiku have always been played a fool by lady luck (probably), since I’ve fallen madly in love with the cheer club captain Asaka Teppei. He takes over the club from his senpai alone and vows to protect it. His tough and stoic appearance just makes him irresistible. One day, he falls sick and seeing his weak form, I couldn’t help but kiss him! Then, at that moment I managed to see an erotic face of his! Because of the cool yet shy Teppei, my hot passion in me was lighted...!
I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man summary: Mai Ding is a cute and goofy boy-next-door. An Ziyan is the cool aloof heartthrob whom everyone can’t help love yet fear. It all began with a misunderstanding – Mai Ding was bribed by his college roommate to find out An Ziyan’s s.e.xual orientation and An Ziyan had played a prank on Mai Ding in a rare moment of amus.e.m.e.nt, leading Mai Ding to believe he is bis.e.xual even though he is straight. Mai Ding had very little friends since young and wanted to ‘make his life more interesting’ by knowing people of ‘diverse background’ (i.e. An Ziyan) so he would have a cool story to tell his grandchildren in the future. And hence, a friendship which turned into more started to form between the two most unlikely characters.
An Essay on True and Apparent Beauty in which from Settled Principles is Rendered the Grounds for Choosing and Rejecting Epigrams summary: An Essay on True and Apparent Beauty in which from Settled Principles is Rendered the Grounds for Choosing and Rejecting Epigrams summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Essay on True and Apparent Beauty in which from Settled Principles is Rendered the Grounds for Choosing and Rejecting Epigrams. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day summary:
The young girl appeared at the end of summer.
We had been very close childhood friends, regardless of time. We formed the ‘Super Peace Busters’ and had always played with each other. However, when we had become high school students, we were poles apart. Jintan became a shut-in. Anaru endeavoured to meet the expectations of her female friends. Yukiatsu and Tsuruko entered an elite high school. Poppo gave up studying and travelled around the world. Finally, the only one unchanged, a girl called Menma, suddenly appeared in front of Jintan, hoping he can help her to grant her wish. With this turning point she induced, the six of them gathered once again…
I Can Track Everything summary:
Traveling through the Xianxia world, Chen Chen got the strongest tracking system and was able to track everything ever since.
Chen Chen, “System, I am short of money.” “Two meters away, your father has hidden some money under the bed. Five meters away, there is a rusty copper coin buried half a meter underground.” “There is a piece of silver in the gra.s.s ahead.”
Chen Chen, “System, I need some luck.” “The sh*t in front of the pigsty is actually not ordinary.” “Go to Black Peak cliff twenty miles away to jump off the cliff.” “Somewhere hidden there is a fairy cave mansion. Please explore by yourself.”