简介【每周六更新】“人造人”已经成为一项成熟技术,然而各国政府均颁布法令严禁生产“人造人”,但在有钱人的圈子里,仍有不少公司悄悄生产“人造人”,专供有钱人享用。 人造伴侣成时尚! 可是… …我的老婆好像是个残次品! 作者:禹禾 。 上线前三天,爆肝三连更,请多多关注!
内容简介:继弟惹怒大人物,她成为牺牲品嫁给对方赔罪,生死不论。她是他第四任妻子,前三个不是疯了就是死了。结婚当晚,她被逼下跪陪酒。他一杯红酒倒在她头上:“就你,也配做我的女人?”羞辱、难堪,失去 价值后离婚让位。五年后,她带着三只小团子华丽回归,欠她的势必十倍奉还。某日,萧三少的限量版豪车被涂鸦,公司内部系统被黑客攻击泄露大量1w0-82580 >>
内容简介:蒲县的没落实验室迎来一尊大佛——年仅26岁,连发16篇SCI的A大生物博士宋之庭。久经生意场的苏澄父母瞬间get到重点——大神降临,实验室要发达!火速将自家学渣女儿塞进实验室。被迫上班 的苏澄却毫无怨言,因为她发现——这科研大佬是真帅!一鼻一眼都长自己心坎上!可惜大佬一心只有实验,对她这种走后门的学渣嗤之以鼻;偏偏苏澄不信邪,化身上班小积极,全新全新协助大佬,朝着和大佬组成扶贫CP的道路前进!1w0-29657 >>
内容简介:天地觉醒,万物复苏,重归太古,文明泯灭;战鼓擂擂,拨云见日,人族崛起,再创辉煌!且看一个碌碌无为、被边缘化的穷小子陆凡,如何在这场浩劫中绝地求生,并且成为力挽狂澜的救世主,将人族再次推 向另一个巅峰时代?敬请期待…amphellip【展开】【收起】1w68072-83739 >>
内容简介:快穿之睡了反派以后是由薛薛所写的玄幻奇幻类小说,本站提供快穿之睡了反派以后最新章节阅读快穿之睡了反派以后全文阅读快穿之睡了反派以后免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现快穿之睡了反派以后更新慢 了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-33593 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《我穿越成一个国》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读见过混穿、身穿、性转、夺舍……怎么到我这,就直接变成一个国家?等等,你不要过来啊。你是国家,我也是国家,你见过两个国家撸胳膊上阵肉搏的 吗?斯文点,斯文点,我们派遣兵将,让国主作为统率征战,难道不好吗?等等……这什么坑爹的世界,国家怎么可能拥有意识!还有这些狂妄的神明,老子是国家,不是你们的对象,都离我远点啊!以国土为骨,以国民为血。这是一个倒霉蛋带着华夏薪火,跑去异世当国家,重立诸夏文明的故事。1w0-61647 >>
内容简介:拥有治愈系异能的顾钰穿到了星际,因为各项评级太过废物,在崇尚武力的军校里位于最底层,被嘲笑是花瓶美人。直到军校的联赛直播上,顾钰将一个血脉暴动,失去理智而化为兽形的军校生安抚了下来。全 星际沸腾了。觉醒S级兽人血脉的人非常稀少,他们是天生的战争机器,却也深受血脉暴动的折磨,一旦压制不住血脉暴动,精神崩溃,失去控制,就会迷失自我,变成暴虐的野兽,再也变不回人形。从觉醒的那一刻,他们就注定了被1w0-88009 >>
内容简介:【黑夜降临之日,众生鸣泣之时,你被选中,是幸运也是不幸,是悲伤也是欢乐,是死亡也是永生,是坠入地狱也是攀登天堂,命运的齿轮在你手中,请记住,唯有知识才能点亮黑夜的灯塔】【欢迎你,来自蓝 星,尊敬的读者先生,你获得了一次无与伦比的机会,从数百万当人拥有了进入到‘黑夜’这款集养生、治愈、佛系于一体的休闲游戏当中,成为一名沉浸式体验的玩家,本游戏不肝不氪,收集为主,不负责收尸】【请记住以下条例……【拼图将会是你接触非凡的途径,但同样也会促使你疯狂……【禁止将在非规定时间强制使用任何手段退出游戏……【禁止……【违抗者,抹杀】1w0-96514 >>
内容简介: 小喽啰:大当家,不好了,他们打进山来了。林子然:慌什么,稳住!小喽啰:那我们现在怎么办?林子然:让兄弟们赶紧收拾东西,我们立即走人!小喽喽:我们跑?林子然:不跑你还想咋地?正经版: 永昌四十八年,藩镇混战,民不聊生,这一年的秋天,青山镇城外来了一个年轻人,他说:大恒该重新统一了!(雨天新书,一如既往的稳定更新,请诸位放心收藏阅读,读者1群:31779983,读者2群27661165)1w0-2989 >>
内容简介:鬼吃人,妖惑心,霊界幽幽锁怨仇人心埋,道行浅,须弥欺欺禁孽缘莫氏山庄莫燃,年方十八,名门之后,就在庄主继承大典这天,不速之客血洗山庄,庄中上下五百多条人命无一幸免,一代名门就此除名江湖 莫家村莫燃,同名不同命,21世纪不作死就不会死的典型女命盘斗转,强者之魂浴血重生!展开在脚下的却是一段匪夷所思的修炼之路!神秘疯老头1w0-78002 >>
I Have Become The Heroes' Rival manhwa, 'I'm gonna live with Irene for the rest of my life.''What?''I said, I won't get married and I'll spend the rest of my life with Irene!'I wish I heard it wrong. Regrettably, I couldn't stop Claudia.'As long as I have Irene, I don't need anything else.'The three men looked at each other, then glared at me with angry eyes.The insane obsession of The Crown Prince's possessiveness, the smiling Duke. Hostility hid behind him, and the cold eyes of The Knight sent a chill down my spine. It's as if they regarded me as their rival.'Shit. What kind of situation is this?'
In the Beast Harem series: Volume 1: Rakuen Danshi - Youko is a normal high school girl attending a not so normal high school. You see, Youko's school used to be an all boys school, so after transferring to this school she is the only female in her class, and that surely can cause a few problems! She is being constantly teased by her classmates, especially by Mastsushima Soushi, whom she hates the most!But not everything is bad, Youko is in love with Narumiya Kouei, the only one who helped her since she entered the school. But if the one Youko loves is Narumiya, why does she finds it so hard to stay away from Mastsushima, who she 'hates the most'? - From Aka Roze Tenshi Volume 2: Gokujou Rakuen Danshi - Youko and Soushi start dating. However, summer break is approaching, and Youko has to be separated from Soushi. Not if Soushi can help it. He is working with Narumiya to save up for their summer vacation hot spring trip. Yet, shadows are coming to destroy the couple's love. Will this love rival succeed? Or will Youko and Soushi' relationship survive and have their first time? Volume 3: Jun'ai Rakuen Danshi - Youko and Soushi are on their lovey-dovey vacation. There, they meet Narumiya and his famous girlfriend. Youko prepares to give her first time to Soushi but finds it extremely hard due to sharing a bedroom with friends and the pain. Upon seeing Narumiya and his girlfriend together, Youko grows worried. Will Soushi and Youko have their first time at the hot spring? Or will Soushi get tired of Youko's immatureness and end their relationship?
A childhood friend Hoki, an aristocracy girl Cecilia, a transfer student Rin, a “boy” Charles and a slightly creepy girl Laura—a four cell slapstick comedy manga full of laughter and tears! ---- Vera
Every day in Japan, 2500 people die due to any number of causes. Do you think you'll be one of the ones to die? No, of course not. Do you think you'll win the lottery? You'd like to think so, we all would. But Sumida is different. He wants the status quo to remain in every way; live a normal life, get a normal job, have normal kids, never to be anyone fortunate or unfortunate, content in normalcy. Anyone who doesn't agree is foolish, doomed to live their life scraping up a mountain that they can never conquer, fated to die in despair wishing things had been better. When his mother kicks his father out of the house and onto the streets, he thinks he'll be fine. When his mother leaves him to live with her boyfriend, he makes the best of it. When he realizes that he's no longer average, he strives to make his life worthwhile the only way he knows how. When the demons in the back of his mind speak to him, he tries his best to ignore them.
The Christian summary: The Christian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Christian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Welsh Folk-Lore summary: Welsh Folk-Lore summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Welsh Folk-Lore. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Perry Rhodan - The Mutant Corps summary: Perry Rhodan - The Mutant Corps summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Perry Rhodan - The Mutant Corps. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Episode I Journal_ Anakin Skywalker summary: Episode I Journal_ Anakin Skywalker summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Episode I Journal_ Anakin Skywalker. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.