内容简介:叶青储备物资等待末日降临,却意外重生到一九六一年。没有家人,没有亲戚,独身一人来到陌生时代。吃饭要粮票,穿衣要布票,出门必带介绍信,锅碗瓢盆要工业券,二两豆油是一个月供应。经商是投机倒 把,养殖要割尾巴,找工作要凭城镇户口。作为一个来历不明的“黑户”,外挂只鸡肋空间里有限物资……叶青很迷茫,怎样才能活下去?1w46957-107309 >>
内容简介:南翎修炼了近十万年,眼看着就要进阶神龙了,却在最紧要的关头被天雷劈到了下界一个奶娃娃身上。几万年心如止水的她瞧清自己的处境后简直想哭了。整个大陆灵气极度稀薄不说,本身资质还极差。不过好 在海中生物灵气十足,只要她足够勤勉,修炼有成也只是时间问题。知道她心思的人都笑话她,那海中的宝贝是多,可又有几人能有命去拿呢。南翎抬头望天一笑,别人自然是不可以。可她,是海中的霸王。食用指南:1女主成长系小言情,男主前期镜头很少,介意勿入。2女主胎穿,可以在海中自由呼吸。3本文架空,海中生物除了生活中见到的就是参考海洋百科全书,如果有写的不对的地方欢迎小仙女们指正,但希望不要人参公鸡。 ̄▽ ̄打滚求预收啦《大佬总想啃我续命》作为一个活了上万年的人参精,沈草最大的本事,就是跑。躲了采参人几千年,一不小心就躲到了现代。现代好啊,好吃的好玩的,还有个好看的……就是命有点短了。沈草大发慈悲,扯了根头发丝儿给他。喏,拿去保命吧!不谙世事的万年人参精x黑芝麻馅儿的短命大佬小剧场:凌昭凑近沈草,挑起了她的发丝闻了闻。“小草,你好香啊。”沈草瑟瑟发抖捂紧头发。“不能再拔了!你病都好了!”凌昭满脸黑线。“我不要你的头发,我想要的……”他的手滑向小草的脖子,轻轻勾了勾她的衣襟。“是这个。”沈草惊恐脸捂住胸口。“你要扒我的皮?!”凌昭气急,直接上手扛人扔到床上。“对,现在就扒了你的皮!”龙女完了就开这本,喜欢的小仙女点下收藏吧。~ ̄▽ ̄~推荐一本基友的完结文,非常不错的!《穿成女扮男装的男配后(穿书)》一本非常精彩的脑洞穿书文!感兴趣的小仙女可以直接搜索名字去看看各位书友要是觉得《落难龙女发家史》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-59256 >>
内容简介: 真灵大陆,天骄当世,妖孽横行。 出身卑微的少年萧叶,得远古传承,从此武极天下,横推万敌。 无敌的战场,天才血如海,妖孽骨成山,萧叶步步前行,登临绝巅,一路打到世上无人敢称尊。 吾辈武者,当宁折不屈,杀伐决断,快意恩仇,镇杀世间一切敌!1w0-579 >>
内容简介:九转十世,投胎皇家。命运给了他一个尊贵无比的太子身份,也给了他一个残酷无情的生活环境!那就是他不得不面对的坑爹现实:他爹是李治,他娘叫武媚。新书《宋疆》已发布,还请大家多多支持。群号: 605978837.欢迎大家进群讨论。1w0-3751 >>
内容简介:简介:前两世年韵为宇文昊背锅,无辜枉死。第三世年韵嫁给了宇文昊成为了太子妃。宇文昊:“你要是生的出儿子就立为太子……”年韵:“滚!又想让老娘背锅,明明是你自己不行还怪老娘生不出儿子!” 本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《郡主养成记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81780 >>
内容简介: 荒古元年,祸乱爆发!苟活于乱世的叶秋,本以为自己的人生会结束在这一场祸乱当中。 没想到…… 他突然意识到自己好像已经无敌了! 随手种下的葡萄,竟然是传说中的仙果 …… 随手打造的兵器,竟然是传说中的仙器…… 随手画出的一幅画,竟然有通天本领,可掌日月山河,摧枯拉朽…… 琴音佛动间,竟蕴含无上剑意,千里之外杀人于无形。 混沌天地下,一首浩然正气歌,震惊群雄…… 某圣地大佬:“求求你了,别秀了,你秀的我头皮发麻。”1w0-2073 >>
内容简介:传闻毁容之后,秦三爷心狠手辣,接连弄死了两个未婚妻,全城的女人没人敢嫁。但苏辞月嫁了。“女人,以后我罩你。”“我的妈咪,以后谁都不能碰!”刚结婚,她就被两个小萌娃疯狂争抢。秦三爷一手一 个萌宝拎出去,关上门,“老婆,我们该进入正题了。”苏辞月懵比又彷徨,“我要当两个孩子的后妈了?”英俊的男人淡淡挑唇一笑,“首先,你是亲妈,其次,不是两个,是三个。”苏辞月风中凌乱,她什么时候给秦三爷生了三个孩1w17103-28107 >>
内容简介:小兵提供佐润大神最新作品《住在死对头兜里》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,住在死对头兜里小说txt下载,住在死对头兜里小说笔趣阁,住在死对头兜里无弹窗!本站最新最快更新住在死对头兜里小说最新 章节。1w0-82331 >>
内容简介: 郁姝生前是东都惊才绝艳的郁三姑娘,头冠东都第一美人之名,虽有了未婚夫,没人知道她心里藏着一位意气风发的小公子。再睁眼,郁姝回到了元和一百四十九年,依旧是那位才冠东都的郁三姑娘。这次 ,她抛下满心顾忌,眉眼弯弯朝心尖上的小公子走去。-那浪荡不羁的霍小公子心里藏了个娇美人,到死也没人知道。重活一世,藏拙数年的他,表面依旧纨绔,暗地里却是以雷霆手段铲除异己,步步为营,后来成为了锦衣卫指挥使,以阴狠毒辣的手段令人退避三舍。原受人鄙夷的霍小公子如今谁见了都要恭恭敬敬的唤一声潮生大人。-这日。前未婚夫(阴沉沉):你当真心悦他?郁三姑娘(面色平静):是。前未婚夫(咬牙切齿):他是个什么东西。话落,少年桀骜不驯的声音递来:小爷是你爹,如何?身着飞鱼服,扛着绣春刀的小公子携疾风而来,眉眼的阴鸷在触及小姑娘的那一瞬收敛得干干净净。食用指南:sc+双向暗恋+双重生1w0-3178 >>
内容简介:神龙特战小队队长龙飞百战归来,成为龙城医院一名实习医生,因为救了一位美女病人,被卷入了一场商业竞争的漩涡。龙飞凭借超强的身手,过人的智慧挫败了对手一次次的攻击,在此过程中,龙飞开工厂, 办公司,俘获美人心。最终龙飞不但成为一代名医,更是成为一代商业巨子,让蒙羞的龙氏家族,再次屹立到了世界之林!各位书友要是觉得《医武高手闯天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w15964-25795 >>
内容简介:跪求杠精放过,卑微作者在线恳求————————————————————母亲是长公主,舅舅是皇帝,未婚夫是太子,程彦穿越后的日子可谓是要风得风,要雨得雨直到各位书友要是觉得《恶毒女配不洗 白(穿书)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29137 >>
1) Why is it This Painful? Chiaki found out that her boyfriend had another girlfriend besides herself, and she ended their relationship while they still loved each other. A few years later, Chiaki meets up with the ex, Konishi, but she already has a boyfriend! 2) That's Not Love Hirobayashi-senpai breaks up with Minako, and she complies because she's hopelessly in love with him, but that doesn't mean she's going to give up on loving him so easily. Her underclassman Shimanuki isn't going to give up on her just yet, either. 3) Sweetheart Tomohiro breaks up with Kana, and she thinks she's okay, thinking that she could easily replace her feelings for him; but after deciding to act like nothing happened between them for a while, he comes back the next day and wants to walk home together, and they become just friends. 4) I Just Want You to Be With Me Story involves a girl named Mami who initially believes that her relationship with her longtime boyfriend has gotten boring. To make matters worse, this cute guy at her workplace kissed her out of the blue one afternoon, which got her questioning her 'love' for her boyfriend even more. So the classic thing happens... they break up. But is that all there is to it? She didn't love him, right? 5) Holding Hands (Joining Hands) Hitoshi-kun has a secret girlfriend, whilst having and official girlfriend that he's been dating for two years. Will the secret girlfriend be okay with being second in his life?
Collection of short stories: • Yappari Nui ja Dame! Yui's boyfriend Sota invites her on an overnight stay at a hot-springs inn. Sota looks and acts like a sheep when he's around people...but when they're alone he's like a wolf! Her friends gave her alot (10) condoms. She becomes really embarrassed and doesn't want Sota to find out. And so the trip begins... • Dekiaki Love Virgin Shiramine Konatsu is still a virgin and hasn't gone on a date before. She couldn't say out loud 'cause she thinks her classmates would laugh. What doesn't help is that they think she been on a lot of dates and isn't a virgin. They see her as a pretty girl who's good at makeup. Due to her appearance they think she's a playgirl. She has a crush on her classmate Suzushi Asano, but because of what everyone else think of her she doesn't have the courage to confess. Instead, she drops hints but he doesn't seem to pick them up. When he was talking with his friends she overheard he like girls with 'experience'... • Rakuen Drops Mizuka wins Estorado. Before she can get on the plane, her friend cancels. And she now finds out she must go on the trip alone! She meets Maya, a boy with exotic eyes and he invites her to his villa... - Manga Abyss • Chura Koiiro A cute story about a boy who follows a girl to Okinawa from Tokyo after she moved there 2 years and a half ago. During that time, he has aquired a talent for taking photos. He wants to go to college in Okinawa if she says yes to 'going out' with him. But she gets a phone call from his father... - Manga Abyss
What happens when your mother and her best friend decide that their two children will be soul mates? It seems fate was playing a trick, though, because when the two children meet each other, neither is a girl. Since both of the two children turned out to be boys, nothing will happen, right? Though the mothers might have dropped the idea of marriage, destiny might have other plans: the lives of the two boys may be bound by a red thread.Has characters from Dear Myself and an early (but different) incarnation of Tsuda from Color.
Mob Nanoni Makikomarete Imasu ~Ouji no Ibukuro wo Tsukandarashii~ summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mob Nanoni Makikomarete Imasu ~Ouji no Ibukuro wo Tsukandarashii~. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
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Blood Type: Dragon summary: Blood Type: Dragon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blood Type: Dragon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Demonsong summary: Ten years ago a war was fought agist a evil force. a destined to destroy the evil wielding a magicl blade called Demonsong is killed and sent ten years into the future. once he gets to ten years in the future he, a elven girl named Sophia and a Drahonblood named Quinn must find a way to stop this new unknown evil that threatens the world and quite possibly the universe.
The Soul Empty Ones summary: The Soul Empty Ones summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Soul Empty Ones. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.