内容简介:攻克肺纤维化,你敢跟我药厂砍价穿越之后,肖然接手一家即将破产的制药公司——同辉。危急存亡关头,开启医疗之光系统。【恭喜您获得逆肺纤维胶囊!】【恭喜您获得抗癌神药!】【恭喜您获得致幻吐真 剂!】1w0-75018 >>
内容简介:【文名改了下,梗没变】许鸣翊什么都好,明亮耀眼,宛如天上的骄阳。唯一的不好,就是他心里有个白月光,他半点也不喜欢姜宁。——这一点,直到车祸中他弃未婚妻姜宁不顾,选择冲上去保护白月光,姜 宁才明白。燕一谢冷淡阴沉,沉默古怪,只对青梅竹马的姜宁才会冰雪消融。他陪她走过不知多少黑狭小路。他一手创下商业帝国,所有财产转移她名下,孤注一掷,从不给自己退路。但仍只能沉默地听她说起,她喜欢的那个人。一睁开眼,重回少女时代。姜宁洒脱转身,敬往事一杯酒,只当喜欢许鸣翊那几年喂了狗。还是个小奶包的她除了挽回生病的亲人、好好读书、利用重生让一家人过上好日子。还一步一步,坚定地朝在车祸中救下自己的燕一谢走过去。燕一谢现在九岁,爹不疼娘不爱,双腿残废,脾气古怪。刚和小姜宁因为许鸣翊了架,言不由衷说出“别再来烦我”这样的话。可其实,他还是每天推着轮椅去走廊,眼巴巴等着她来。这一天,他以为姜宁再也不会来了。可姜宁不仅来了,还1w0-60192 >>
内容简介:身负穿越命的新时代孤儿,穿越到了一个奇妙的世界中,这里有X教授、万磁王,也有钢铁侠、神奇先生,自然也少各位书友要是觉得《美漫之诸天仙武》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐 哦!1w0-69114 >>
内容简介:我叫神原观,今年17岁,已婚,家住东京最混乱的足下区,就读与最烂高中樱木公立中学,每天三点放学。我每天都在拳法部练拳,打架每次都会把别人头打爆。我晚上基本不睡觉,打拳愿争霸赛打到天亮, 打之前,我会把衣服脱下来,抓住对手往地上砸二十分钟,打完后,我会马上把衣服穿好,以防止着凉。一场打完,绝不会让对手看到第二天的太阳。连吴之一族都说我跟个鬼一样。各位书友要是觉得《我在东京打爆一切》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27447 >>
内容简介:【【2019云起现实题材征文大赛】参赛作品】【全剧情创新女主冷漠帅炸】令整个世界都俯首称臣的异能王者,因为一个神秘任务降临于一座二线城市。她来临的当天,屹立于九天之上,解救了全城的危机 ,成了千万人心中的超能女神。她来临的第二天,伪装成一个长相丑陋、满脸雀斑、右腿残废的贫民女学生。她来临的第三天,所有同学都因为她没权没势而欺辱她,在她的饭盒里面放泻药、污蔑她抄袭、走道上泼她洗脚水……他们以为,她躲过这些陷害都是运气。可直到第四天!危机再次来临,她褪去了一身校服凌驾于本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我早就不当救世英雄了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60447 >>
内容简介: 她可以陪着他从一介白衣到开国皇帝,虽然因此身死也算大义,足以被后世称赞。 可如果她不乐意了呢?只想带着惹祸的哥哥,小白花娘亲,口炮的父亲,做一回真正的麻烦精,胡天胡地活一辈子。 等等,那谁谁,你来凑什么热闹。 粉丝值2000+,或者全订教主任何一本书即可申请入v群,群号:5428140251w0-277 >>
内容简介: 在这个浩大的神魔世界里,他一个卑微渺小,蝼蚁一般的人物,面对这神通广大的诸天神佛与妖魔,最后又该何去何从? (PS:特此说明:此书是新人作者所作,非洪荒,不喜勿喷,喷之也望请下口 轻一些,不胜感激!)1w0-4233 >>
内容简介: 近日,特约记者对腾达集团总裁裴谦做了专访。腾达集团目前估值已达千亿级别,业务涉及游戏、互联网、数码硬件、文化传媒、餐饮等多个领域,深刻地改变了人们生活的方方面面。而裴谦,也被视为“ 绝世好老板”、“不世出的投资奇才”、“天才游戏制作人”,拥有“无为而治的管理才能”和“对行业风向的精确洞察力”。面对记者,裴谦大吐苦水。“我真不是什么商业奇才啊!”“我的成功,完完全全都是运气使然!”“我最初的目标,只是想亏光五万块而已……”看,商业天才的人生就是这么的谦虚而又低调。书友群:1064135703(新群)893157567(已满)1w0-147 >>
内容简介:(伪系统文。)“你装备比我好又如何?我内功比你高。”“你等级比我高又如何?我内功比你高。”“你金币比我多又如何?我内功比你高。”“你妞比我多又如何?我内哦不,老子专业挖墙角。rdquo 【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《系统要我挖墙角》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66047 >>
内容简介:她顾丹卿这一生,成也三个徒弟,败也三个徒弟。大徒弟是个男扮女装的黑心莲。二徒弟是个玩世不恭的公子哥。小徒弟是个上房揭瓦的白泽神兽。并且,这三徒弟一个比一个不规矩,不是想着欺师灭祖,就是 想着以下犯上。洛玄冰近乎病态的目光注视着她:“我这一生杀人无数,我就是肮脏至极,可怎么办,师尊,你是我毫无光明的人生中唯一的燧人氏,即使这样会弄脏你,可我不后悔!”江瑾遥执拗地指着他身后的河山:“只要你没事,我挟天子弑诸侯,背负骂名遗臭万年,流放莽荒之地了结余生,又如何?”赫连昕弦道:“师尊,待我到了适婚之年,我便娶你为妻,我归来之时,九州大陆,便是聘礼,你保护天下苍生,我唯护你一人。”她不过是信手收了三个徒弟,怎么就摊上这么三个……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《师尊她在劫难逃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70224 >>
A girl creates her story in an empty, deserted space. It's basically a creation story, but in this one... Eve creates Adam from a giant clay image.
From Viz: Orphaned on the mean streets of Treasure Town, lost boys Black and White must mug, steal and fight to survive. Around them moves a world of corruption and loneliness, small-time crooks and neurotic police officers, and a band of sadistic yakuza who have plans for their once-fair city. Can they rise above their environment? Won the Best U.S. Edition of International Material - Japan for the Eisner Award in 2008.
Oneshot Collection Title List 1.The Damp Breath of Midsummer: From Awakened Memories- In paradise, Meguri encountered the sweet passion of temptation. At a summer resort on a southern island, Meguri doesn’t want to believe that she’s fallen in love with such a sparkly guy! But for some reason, the thought of him makes my, and the rest of the people in the world’s, heart thump. This love already --- can’t be stopped by anyone! (*Note: On page 29, 'Youseiha' is supposed to be 'you, Seiha') 2.The Sweet Flower of Sin: Sahara Yuiki is in love with her Sensei, but he doesnt even notice her... or does he? 3.Double Love Prince: Ever since Yume saw 'Tomoki' win first place at a track competition she has been in a onesided love with him. But things are not always what they seem. 4.The Kidnapped Chocolate: n/a 5.Touch Me Kindly: Mikuni Kouji helps to steady 'examiniee student' Kudoh Natsuki' nerves before taking the entrance exams and unknowingly steals her heart. Three months later -having narrowly getting in- Natsuki confesses. But he rejects her because she is stupid... WHAT! Natsuki suddenly makes a deal though 'On the next midterm, if I can get above average after you tutoring me... you can do whatever you want with my body!'
Hundreds of years ago there was a battle of two beings on earth, one who calls themselves the 'Celestials' and another one which is known as the 'Darkseeds'. The Celestials won the battle but hundreds of years later the 'Darkseeds' who calls themselves the Puaka has started to rise again. It will be time before another battle begins. The Celestial king sent his warriors in search of the Puaka King to destroy the Puaka king before he could gather his army and rise against the Celestial King again. The story focuses on two of the warriors, the twin brother and sister Purnama and Suria in their journey to avoid another battle from starting. Inspired from the folklore of Southeast Asia.
The Adventures of Herr Baby summary: The Adventures of Herr Baby summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Herr Baby. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Diversions in Sicily summary: Diversions in Sicily summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Diversions in Sicily. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho summary:
A smart, athletic, who handles anything perfectly and unequalled beautiful girl, dies young due to a car accident.
And now, while possessing the memories of her previous life, she reincarnated in a fantasy-ish different world with swords and magic!
All lives were dependant of magicians, however, their numbers decreased every year due to the magic power (mana) scattered around the world running out, thus the reliance on magic for living was coming to an end.
A story that will lead to the life of a girl relying the knowledge of her previous life, as she proposes a way to live even without the use of magic while seeking for what it is, and aiming for a wealthier life.
Tin-Types Taken in the Streets of New York summary: Tin-Types Taken in the Streets of New York summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tin-Types Taken in the Streets of New York. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.