






类别恐怖 热血 少年


























内容简介:  穿越西游,成为了金蝉子,但是还没等他开始浪起来,就被送去了轮回,待到唐三藏这一世,他才觉醒了记忆,恰巧此时唐三藏前九世的记忆也被激活了,融合了前九世记忆之后的玄奘在记忆中看到了这九 世的遭遇。  这一世,我玄奘必将踏碎凌霄,覆灭佛教,魔临天下!1w0-3446 >>


内容简介:别人穿越、他也穿越可是说到穿越、百分之九十九点九九的人都是在非自愿的情况下穿了的。可是他高任却不是、他是自愿穿的、还是那种被人逼的走投无路的情况下火急火燎的穿了。高任很低调、更喜欢很颓 废的活着、安逸于毫无上进心碌碌无为的过日子。只要一日三餐粗茶淡饭他就很满足了。然而事与愿违、物极必反。就在那个被高任很自愿穿过去的酷亚大陆却因为他的到来而发生了惊天震地的巨变高任看着从天空中掉下来刚好落在他那二亩三分地菜田里的庞大白色物体,顿时欲哭无泪;“鸟人大哥、你降落就降落、干嘛非落在我田里来啊”就差那么半米远就跑别人田里了、也就和自己无关了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1w7485-77220 >>


内容简介:全集TXT小说《暗夜沉沦》由潮声渐喧所著,类型:耽美同人小说,本站已更新至全本完结,小说文案如下:鲜网VIP作品完结,美强,NP,人兽。冷子琰,冷家继承人,冷酷英俊。然,外人眼里高贵的 世家公子,却有著不为人知的一面。渴望著被男人压倒,渴望著火热的手掌抚慰自己的身体,冷子琰唾弃自身的淫乱,却又不得不屈服於欲望之下。与父亲大吵之后,到黑街寻找堕落的快感,躺在墙角,被头发乱得跟野鸡似的男子狠狠操弄,这一幕,竟被不知何时路过的好友看到……1w0-31340 >>


内容简介:我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书是青衣杏林创作的经典的小说作品我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书小兵提供我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书最新章节全文免费阅读,我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书下载,我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿 书全文字更新,我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书无弹窗!请关注我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书吧,本站最新最快更新我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书的最新章节。1w0-78661 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大汉:我成了千古一帝】穿越成大汉王朝的储君,刘彻只是想收名臣、训练兵马、治理国家。奈何,有人要抢皇位!更有人要欺压大汉子民!“叮!大汉王朝不可一日无国君,请做 出你的选择!”“选择一:咸鱼半个月,耐心等待登基。奖励:鲁班奇书一册!”“选择二:准备上朝!奖励:一千精锐黑甲军!”在刘彻的指挥下,强大的大汉铁骑踏遍世界每一个角落!从此,凡日月所照,江河所至,皆为汉土!……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢大汉:我成了千古一帝,别忘记分享给朋友作者:挑枪夜战所写的《大汉:我成了千古一帝》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-99201 >>




内容简介:刷小怪虽然可耻,但是有用。当刷小怪增加百倍经验和百倍爆率的时候,什么boss都是浮云。DNF搬砖究极体林小强穿越到200年后的地球,这天天都在黄的游戏竟然还在!甚至地球联邦倾尽全力推广 的全息网游《战场》也是以此为蓝本制作。进入《战场》获得究极天赋的林小强如鱼得水,肝脑涂地,终于站在游戏的巅峰。而此时,人类正处于生死存亡之际!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《网游:开局刷怪百倍增幅》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30025 >>




内容简介:十八岁生日当天,她发现前男朋友和姐姐的背叛。从小宠爱她的父亲被害怕的姐姐推下阳台。母亲为了姐姐,指控凶手是她,她被判入狱三年。为了报仇,出狱后,她答应了那个在入狱当天给她求婚的男人的求 婚。随着她的报复,她的身世之谜,也逐渐的浮出水面……季林深:“老婆,无论发生什么,我都在。”1w0-64055 >>


内容简介:  “生子当如孙仲谋,刘景升儿子若豚犬尔。”初平元年,被曹操称为猪狗儿的刘琦站在宜城的大门外,替他父亲刘表走进了荆州。如何不当豚犬儿?好儿子就要替父亲承担困难。单骑入宜城解决宗族,太危 险,我替父亲去。对付内忧外患的荆州,太繁琐,我帮父亲弄。结交诸权贵纳夫人……父亲您年纪太大了,还是我来吧!1w0-4539 >>


内容简介:【编辑强力推荐!】作为一个懒到极致的废柴,范仁穿越了!鸿钧是他师傅!三清佛祖都是他师弟!就连昊天上帝都得叫他小老爷!道祖:“徒儿啊,你啥帮我来管理一下天道啊?”太上老君:“大师兄,您慢 点修炼,给我们这些师弟仰望背影的机会吧!”女娲:“大师兄,帮我造造小人吧?”黄龙真人:“师父,能讲讲您老人家随手灭了龙凤两族的故事吗?”……范仁曰“都给我滚蛋,我只想偷个懒啊!”小说网提醒:本1w0-60753 >>


内容简介:“告诉我,圣子,你……究竟是不是内奸。”望着眼前奄奄一息的魔门长老,姜云果断蹲下身子,握紧对方的手,一脸真诚地道“相信我,我对宗门一片赤诚!”话音刚落,长老的气息骤然停止。“叮,恭喜宿 主达成成就鬼话连篇,奖励100二五值。”姜云叹了一口气,当二五仔真难。1w0-80517 >>

Passive Invincible From The Start

What if the monster is too strong to defeat? Don't worry, passively resisting fire ring, automatically bounce the monster, you can never hurt me!What should I do if I get ridiculed and defamed? Don't worry, the passive Zaun quotes are dirty, and there are many people who have been scolded by me.What if your teammates are too weak to win? Don't worry, passively strengthening halo, and teammates will always stay under my crotch for output. The stable boy Meng Fan, accidentally traversed to the monster world and opened the passive system!

Semi-Eternal Happy End

Nanako Kobayashi, a 17-year-old teenager, has an ugly face who seems to not have a care for the world. One day, she got a call, only to be given two choices to answer a question. A devil suddenly appears, taking the form of her teddy bear. The devil is willing to grant her three wishes; each based on two options; What wishes will Nanako choose? [From Ushi]: 'Once upon a time I dreamed I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of following my fancies as a butterfly, and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Suddenly I woke, and there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.' -Chinese proverb from 3rd century B.C.

Honoka Na Koi No Danpen Wo

1) The Sincere Frozen Moon Asagi and Tachibana (lovers) are both Shinto exorcists, with Asagi being the head priest and Tachibana being the apprentice. Asagi comes from a long line of priests, each using a Heavenly Sword to fight evil spirits. Tachibana is very protective of Asagi and grows even more so when Asagi faints every time he uses the Heavenly Sword. How can Tachibana protect the one he loves? 2) The Dangerous New Moon Haruaki visits the priest, Ei, everyday on his lunch break. Haruaki confides any troubles he's been having to Ei, and Ei very much enjoys the company. Lately, Haruaki has been getting flak from his boss at work about how unkempt he dresses - a problem that seems insignificant at first, but ends up turning into something dangerous. 3) The Heavenly Swords Bulletin An extra that goes into detail on the Heavenly Swords that appear throughout the chapters. 4) Midday Mirage Toranosuke has sworn to avenge the death of his older brother, who was eaten by the demon, Shunjin. A souleater, Shunjin can only be defeated by one divine sword. But, when the time comes for Toranosuke to extract his revenge, can he really do it? Shunjin might be a monster, but there is something about him that draws Toranosuke's gaze. Could the demon slayer be falling for the demon? Can the quest for love triumph over the quest for revenge? 5-6) Half Moon Passing Nanaki, the youngest of the Heavenly Swords, has lost his sword form - meaning that, until he finds it, a void seal will spread across his body until he disappears from the mortal world. Ninomiya, the eldest of the Swords, wants to help Nanaki search, but is terrible with expressing himself with words. How can he convince Nanaki of his sincerity? 7) Crescent Moon Mirage A continuation of Toranosuke and Shunjin's story and a tying up of other loose ends.


He died, only for a minute. Ryo Minakawa was an ordinary high school student until the day a girl jumped off a building, killing him with her. He miraculously comes back to life but with a new ability to see and hear what ordinary people cannot. Then one day a mysterious girl, Shou Hokuto, shows up and tells him that his half has become a resident of the world of the dead. His previous ordinary life has dissipated, and a new life between the 'living' and the 'dead' begins.

Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry

Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry summary: Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Commentary on Genesis

Commentary on Genesis summary: Commentary on Genesis summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Commentary on Genesis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away summary: Pet shop owner Tang Wan was accidentally reborn into an interstellar world. When he opened his eyes, he found himself automatically married to a vegetable via the StarNetwork. A social status worth ten billion yuan; but with an unconscious husband, he was unable to withdraw any money. Tang Wan held the empty position of the First Gentleman, but was, in fact, a poor man.
In order to secure his future livelihood, Tang Wan was bound to the “Earth Pet System” and returned to his old business, with the goal of saving money, getting a divorce, and looking for a second spring!
After thousands of years of evolution, Earth’s energy depletion had long been abandoned to the distant corners of the Milky Way. All of the animals in the galaxy had evolved tremendously, and little furry cute ones only lived in textbooks. When Tang Wan and his cute little ones appeared, they became the treasures of the whole universe! The pet shop soon became famous in the interstellar world, and the whole universe lined up to be cat s*aves~
Finally surviving past the compulsory marriage period, Tang Wan happily took off the diamond ring worth billions: he can finally sell it for money!
However, Tang Wan could never have imagined that when he sat down at the dining table on a blind date with some fresh meat, the vegetative partner that he had come to an agreement with would suddenly open his eyes.
Gong: I heard you sold your wedding ring for one billion yuan?
Tang Wan reached out and pushed him down on the bed: Open what eyes, quickly close them.

Bintang Tertelan

Bintang Tertelan summary: Tahun 2056, di sebuah kota di area Yuan Jiang Su Jin. Di atas reruntuhan, Di atas apartemen perumahan enam lantai yang hancur berantakan, duduk seorang remaja dengan rompi tempur, celana militer, dan sepatu tempur campuran. Di punggungnya terdapat perisai heksagonal dan dilengkapi dengan pisau pertempuran darah-bayangan. Dia duduk diam di tepi atap. Pada saat itu, langit bersinar dan ada udara menyegarkan...

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