内容简介:《黑料女王又成顶流了》(爽文爆宠女强男强1v1)传闻冷灏冷大总裁,像他的名字一样,冷酷无情,不近女色,可没想到居然有一天会为了一个黑料满天飞的苏家败类自甘堕落,这是不是有点过了?冷少大 手一挥,每日的工作计划里多了一项追妻的重大项目,想尽办法要和苏瑾确立关系。看着自己又上了热搜,苏瑾仰天长叹,她分明只想搞事业冲向顶流,可是冷先生你怎么能成为我冲上顶流的绊脚石呢?震惊消息!新晋影后正在线直播打脸白莲花渣妹,走过路1w0-81907 >>
内容简介:看风水、卜吉凶、驱恶鬼,通通手到擒来!脚踩极品,每日算算命、赚赚钱,玄门大佬的日子逍遥又自在!可是最近有件让她很头疼的事!她家宝贝儿子缠上一个不信玄学冷漠矜贵的男人,非要让他,当爸爸! 时小宝:我妈咪上通天命下知阴曹,超级厉害得!金融巨鳄、科技新贵、娱乐圈影后纷纷上门求她算一卦!某个嫌弃她是神棍的男人!喂!说你呢!现在怎么缠着她不放的!某男:老婆!你快算算!什么时候我们再给小宝添个弟弟或者妹妹?1w0-125259 >>
内容简介:林戚是道观最小的弟子,从小女扮男装作为男孩子长大,没有师兄是她的对手。她意外穿成古早虐文中白月光病弱女配,白月光眉眼忧郁,肌肤瓷白,美丽中带着易碎的脆弱感,泪失禁体制让她时常眼泪汪汪, 却偏要参加恐怖综艺。恐怖综艺中,白天其他嘉宾认真收集线索,努力完成任务。林戚打扮得美美的,时不时补个妆,看看热闹,像是来度假。网友们:压一毛林戚晚上撑不到十分钟就哭着喊退出!书中男主男配:看在当年的情谊,害怕就躲在我们身后。其他嘉宾:呵,花瓶一个。夜幕降临后,林戚确实哭了,但她也一拳直接让鬼怪嵌进墙中。坐等看热闹的网友:这个剧本不对吧??—后来,大家这才知道,林戚哪里是花瓶,分明是真大佬!阴气祖宅中,林戚脸色苍白仿佛随时要晕倒,哭着把厉鬼暴打一顿。诡异村庄中,林戚捂着胸口喊着好可怕,用阵法困住怪物让它们互相打脸。鬼怪们:姐,我们错了还不行吗!原男主男配和其他嘉宾:戚姐保护我!!当年百般嫌弃的网友:戚姐666!戚姐哭着打人的样子好美!林戚哭了,我只想做一个柔弱的女孩子啊!!★无脑苏爽文,女主又苏又美又强(具体多强看文名),男主出场晚,感情线慢热。★背景架空,都市异闻系列,文中灵异玄学相关都是作者瞎1w0-27106 >>
内容简介: 携带魔兽圣骑士之书,穿越漫威宇宙,成为阿斯加德的草药店学徒工罗维·加里森。 圣盾术,复仇之怒,萨弗隆战锤,灰烬使者……魔兽世界的法术、神器在漫威的世界中光芒绽放。 “为了联盟, 啊不……为了阿斯加德!”罗维举起战锤,在圣光闪耀中高喊,“冰霜巨人,克里人,灭霸……接受来自正义的亲切问候吧!”____________西瓜催更群qq:1508722411w0-16 >>
内容简介:关于须尽欢:医女舒殿合因为追查自己的身世之谜,被迫入京参加科举考试,没有想到一举及第,还被当今的皇帝点为驸马。在公主的种种为难和皇权威胁之下,她夹缝救生,唯恐身份暴露死无葬身之地。当今 最受宠的公主宣城殿下:本宫不喜欢这段被强逼的婚事,本宫要亲手摧毁它,本宫要轰走不识趣的呆头鹅驸马,本宫发誓与她势不两立…嘤嘤嘤,可是本宫打不过对方,又没有驸马聪明,本宫该怎么办?混世魔王x久居深山不食人间烟火的古板大夫(但两个人1w0-69590 >>
内容简介: 江湖中绝顶的剑道高手,剑魔独孤无败,在破碎虚空时,灵魂被一柄雷劫之剑,带到了一个玄奇世界,附身在了剑脉尽废的天才剑修叶孤辰身上。 这是一个九剑悬空的玄幻世界,诸王争霸,域界争锋, 大帝传承,更有神秘的太古名剑录,记载了撼天动地的一百零八柄绝世名剑! 且看剑魔异界重修,炼九劫心经,融前世武学,夺太古名剑,证万古剑道! Q群号:1256519701w0-950 >>
内容简介:裴元瑾练《圣燚功》,十六岁成就极阳圣体,只有连服三颗混阳丹的人,才能与之结合。裴元瑾打算效仿父亲,娶一妻,纳二妾,所以精心炼制十年,终得九颗混阳丹。有一天,一个胖gay,偷吃了七颗…… 傅希言:容我申述。1w0-97982 >>
Marie is trapped in a horrible situation. She's being constantly tormented by her classmates and regularly molested by her teacher. With nowhere else to turn, she finds herself asking for supernatural help from one of the seven demons of the seven mysteries of her school. All she desires is the death of her cruel classmates and teacher. How far will Marie be willing to go in order to achieve the murders that would free her from her living hell? Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni takes place in an unnamed school setting and is composed of numerous self-contained short stories, each told from the perspective of a student or staff member from the school. These stories feature bullying as a major overlying theme, as each story's protagonist is depicted as being either a victim of bullying or a bully themselves. Higanbana revolves around a series of urban legends caused by supernatural beings called y?kai, each of which claims ownership of a particular 'mystery' and kills anyone who tries to investigate it. There are a total of seven 'mysteries' at the start of the series, with numerous y?kai fighting each other in an ongoing turf war for ownership of these mysteries, which is granted to the seven y?kai who emerge victorious in the conflict. The stories' protagonists interact with at least one of the school's resident y?kai, who force the protagonists to deal with the consequences of their actions regarding bullying.
Kazuha Akiyoshi is the eldest of six children. Highly responsible and irresistibly cute, she is also something of a tomboy who never allows her softer side to show through –– until she meets Mizushima, the first guy to treat her like a girl. Mizushima was her first real crush; will it be reciprocated? Then there's Sugimoto, an older guy who wants to be an important part of her life — but he's the one who Kazuha hates more than anyone!
Handsome, tall, and charming bachelor Fin Deitory that every woman wanted just made the most regretfully and stupidest mistake of his life. It also changed his whole career which he imagined to be an awesome agent in the SDF, abbreviated for Special Dispatch Force. On the day he was supposed to be starting his job though, he enters the wrong room mistaking the plate name sign to be 'SDF: Special Dispatch Force' but instead, it was 'SDF: Special Doll Force'. He learns that the group was a secret to the real SDF and was only consists of doll collectors. But the handsome people trap him there because he was also handsome making him also a doll collector. Being a little bit conceited and such, Fin can't think of himself as a doll collector but he later realizes the importance of it..... From Baka-Updates: Fen has just been assigned a position in the Special Dispatch Force (a.k.a. the 'SDF') protecting the King of Vera Morgan. When he arrives at the office for the SDF he discovers he's been accidentally enrolled in the Special Doll Force instead! Fen discovers to his dismay that his new job is to search out and retrieve 'bran dolls' with the help of four strange but beautiful men - who have more than just the job on their minds!
The Argonauts summary: The Argonauts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Argonauts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold summary: Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
North American Species of Cactus summary: North American Species of Cactus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of North American Species of Cactus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Bark Covered House summary: The Bark Covered House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bark Covered House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.