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简介【每周五更新】拥有失败人生的中年“少女”罗素素,进入妖孽横生的著名婚纱店NINA,成为性冷淡摩羯工作狂林佑恒的实习助理!菜鸟小白VS时尚名媛的虐恋,混乱的打怪升级模式就此展开! 欢迎勾搭微博:碎晓晓晓晓 QQ读者群1:858842328 QQ读者群2:723795848








类别都市 恋爱 生活












内容简介:青山镇小佣兵被天外陨石砸中,被蓝星人魂穿,丹田变成了一座九层宝塔,吸收魔核就可以获得斗技,灵魂力都有属性,一层对应一种属性,九层全部点亮,可成混沌大帝。看他如何收异火,斗各族,集万道, 陪红颜······1w0-89852 >>


内容简介:  简介:白锦重生三清成圣之前,并且被通天收为弟子,强烈危机感的白锦开始展开自己的求生之路,巴结师伯,结交大能,点点滴滴影响洪荒大势,构造一个关系网将自己保护其中。这个过程中,白锦也赢 得无数美誉。太上:“白锦有大智慧!”原始:“通天那些弟子之中,唯有白锦可看。”通天:“最知我意的还是白锦。”准提:“白锦无耻起来,贫僧甘拜下风!”多宝如来:“白锦就是个卑鄙无耻,奸诈小人。”玉帝:“世上再也没有比白锦师侄更重情义的了。”……qq交流群7480925621w0-1825 >>




内容简介:玄幻之我在未来捡属性玄幻之我在未来捡属性小说阅读玄幻小说类型小说玄幻之我在未来捡属性由作家鱼宝宝创作未来世界,天朝依靠无数年的奋斗,终于屹立在了银河之巅。不过这个时代,主宰一切的却是挥 手就能毁灭星系的恐怖武者。赵翎,重生于这个时代之中发现自己能拾取他人的属性!“叮……恭喜宿主拾取属性100000,灵魂10000”“叮……恭喜宿主拾取至高法则死亡法则之力”“叮……恭喜宿主拾取紫色级别体质战神之体:每一次战斗,实力提升一倍!”在无数个属性值,无数种小兵提供玄幻之我在未来捡属性最新章节玄幻之我在未来捡属性最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-103401 >>


内容简介:《金丝雀娇养指南穿书》简介:作者逆时的最新作品装乖的金丝雀穿书跑路啦是一部很精彩的玄幻魔法文学之作,最好看的小说当然要推荐给好朋友了装乖的金丝雀穿书跑路啦最新章节目录请打开网页查看。1 w0-73159 >>


内容简介:大明太子朱慈踉,南下登基,先平左良玉,再灭东林党,稳固南明江山。建立强军,剿灭流寇李自成和张献忠,发动北伐,击败满清,收复江山。铁骨铮铮,四方拓土!明末的世界很精彩,奥斯曼,荷兰从鼎盛 走向没落,英国崛起,沙俄崛起,莫卧儿帝国华夏也一定不会再如历史上那般沉寂!作者自定义标签热血争霸流本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《逆明1644》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70339 >>


内容简介:【30号入V,到时候会更新大长章,希望小可爱们到时候多多支持正版】叶雪是个走出大山的大学生,来到城里第一天就被惊呆了。一只鬼,两只鬼,三只鬼,四只……好在这些鬼都很弱,她一推能把鬼老头 推个跟头,甚至可以靠这个挣钱。为了给挣钱给村里修路,叶雪走上了维护鬼道治安的煌煌正道。玄界前辈:¥……虞期被万鬼缠身,谁都知道他死期将至,为了他的遗产争来斗去。就在签遗嘱的时候,勤工俭学的清洁工叶雪拎着个桶子从他身边走过。一刹那,万鬼哭嚎,玉宇澄清。1w0-84218 >>


内容简介:曲二公子流连花丛多年,从不曾被谁困住那颗浪子之心。直到那天,秦之意把离婚协议甩在他脸上,他才惊觉有些爱不动声色,却刻入骨髓,困住他的心的人,一直就在身边。曲二公子笑的像个斯文败类,缓缓 道:“这辈子离异你是不可能了,丧偶或许还有机会。”秦之意:“我还可以出轨。”【斯文败类VS骄纵大小姐】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《曲意逢情》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w47194-80420 >>


内容简介:一个在佛山寺庙长大的和尚,一个帅气凌然的少年,为了追寻自己的身世,而步入都市红尘,在一系列的生命碰撞中,众多不同领域的美人与他邂逅,红颜芬香,群芳争妍,这个充盈佛性的少年,在那飘香四溢 的情爱交缠中,能否找到自己人生的方向,完成上天付予他的责任。*******************华丽的分割线****************九月一群4077742九月二群6733313九月三群2152139九月四群60025460*******************华丽的分割线****************好吧我承认这是种马书一种到底不要浪费大家的时间与精力不喜欢就不要入了1w0-97869 >>


内容简介:接档文《网恋到顶头上司后》求收藏推荐基友连载穿书文《总裁总是不高兴穿书》by青柠儿酸她暂时请假了,不过不会坑哒!说在前面的话:这就是一本无剧情、无逻辑的轻松小白文,大家看个开心就好,不 喜请及时止损1w0-68000 >>


内容简介:人人都说叶婉清好命。虽然是养女但养父母对她疼爱有加,妹妹也对她亲近;虽然没能顶父亲的职,但当老师工资越来越高,比顶职强了不知多少倍;虽然第一次结婚遇人不淑,但年近四十竟然还嫁了个亿万富 翁过好日子,养得又美又雅致像三十出头。对此叶婉清只想说一个字:呸!重生到十八岁,叶婉清睁开眼就发现自己正被男人粗鲁地摁在怀里亲,硬硬的胡渣刺得她脸颊发疼,周围一群小混混在使劲起哄。前世,对上这张胡子拉渣的糙汉脸,叶婉清一巴掌扇过去,还骂了一句“臭流氓”,捂脸哭着跑开。这辈子,叶婉清抓着男人的领子朝墙上一推,柳眉倒竖地质问他:“抱也抱了,亲也亲了,什么时候娶我?”1w0-4037 >>

Snow White' 94

A Snow White adaption.

Nabari No Ou

From Wikipedia: Set in the modern age, the story is about Miharu Rokujou, who just wanted to live a normal life and inherit an Okonomiyaki restaurant. At the moment, his biggest problem was the constant pestering from Kouichi Aizawa and Durandal Thobari Kumohira, who started a Nindō (忍道?, lit. 'Way of the Ninja') Club. Miharu wanted nothing to do with 'ninjas' and turns them down every time. But soon, he is attacked by an actual group of ninjas and is protected by Kouichi and Kumohira. There, Miharu learns of the hidden ninja world Nabari, the roles of his classmate and teacher in that world, and of the secret art Shinra Banshou (森羅万象 Shinrabanshō?, lit. 'all things in nature') within him. The secret art, containing all the world's knowledge, is sorely coveted in Nabari. And because of that, Miharu cannot return to his normal life. He must become the 'Ruler of Nabari' to survive. From Baka-Updates: Rokujou Miharu was a seemly reluctant junior high student living in his own world. However, within him, lurked the ultimate power of Nabari, “Omnipotent”. To possess such supreme weapon, the Wolf Pack of Iga swore to bring Miharu back to Iga village. On the other hand, Miharu’s English teacher, Kumohira sensei, and classmate, Kouichi, were the Banten ninjas whose mission was to protect Miharu. A war waged over the ownership of “Omnipotent” thus started. To survive, Miharu must enter the hidden world Nabari, to become the king.

Magic (Shimizu Reiko)

From MangaArt: There are 2 manga series in the book. In the first series, Magic, the background is set in the futuristic 2200's in the edge of the galaxy. Super model Kana has died in a space ship accident when she traveled to a planet on the edge of the galaxy. Her daughter was found 3 years after the magnetic storm has rested. A distant related cousin of Kana adopted the young child (he was also an old boyfriend of Kana!). Years later, Kana's child has grown up to be a teenage girl... In the second story, Silence, the background is set in modern Japan. A teenage boy is seeking revenge for his brother who was murdered by gangsters. He rides on his bicycle, approaches each of his enemy and then pulls out his pistol! No one is supposed to find out. But someone notices him...

Radiata Stories - The Song Of Ridley

In the center of the land lies the human kingdom of Radiata and surrounding it are the lands of fairies, elves and goblins. The relationships between the two species were never good but things got worse after the attack of the dragons. Today is the Knighthood entrance exam for Ridley Timberlake and she has been training for this moment her entire life. Winning the tournament today means she will be initiated into the knighthood. Her first round is against a boy her age named Jack Lassel and she defeats him with ease. She fights her way to the finals where she becomes the champion and a knight only to find out that Jack, who is the son of the legendary dragon slayer, was also inducted.

Doctor Who_ All-Consuming Fire

Doctor Who_ All-Consuming Fire summary: Doctor Who_ All-Consuming Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ All-Consuming Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wine, Women, and Song

Wine, Women, and Song summary: Wine, Women, and Song summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wine, Women, and Song. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Villain Has Something To Say

The Villain Has Something To Say summary: As the chief disciple of the number one sect under the heavens, Luo Jianqing’s reputation was brilliant. He was the most respected apprentice-senior brother of his younger apprentice brothers and sisters: the last disciple of the real world’s number one cultivator, Luo Jianqing *something I didn’t understand about respected master and serious dao?*, not overstepping his limits by even half a step. After…… he was stabbed to death just like that by the main character with a single sword. The sword used was his master’s sword. Luo Jianqing: “……” The heavenly dao wants me dead, I just simply won’t die! See if the heavenly dao is more fierce or if my sword dao is more unreasonable! Wu Yin: “Jianqing, I have something to say to you.” Luo Jianqing: “Master, I also have something to say to you.” Wu Yin: “… you speak first?” Luo Jianqing: “You speak first.” Wu Yin: “I like you.” / Luo Jianqing: “I want to top you.” Wu Yin: “……”

The Playboy of the Western World

The Playboy of the Western World summary: The Playboy of the Western World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Playboy of the Western World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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