
































内容简介:穿越到古代傻女身上,柳叶也很无奈,为了从后娘的手中寻找出路,她代嫁冲喜,装疯卖傻斗极品亲戚,针灸治病发家致富。本以为人生的巅峰就是诰命加身,谁知道人生总是意外不断。看着京城中前扑后拥的 女人都被他冷酷无情的拒绝,柳叶挑着眉头试探的问道:“世子,你看看她们一个个貌美如花,你真的不打算收几个?”男子一把将她拉到怀里,挑着她的下巴,嘴角带着邪笑:“夫人,我看你最近太清闲了,不如,我们再生几个包子,如何?”1w0-73140 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者茶与非鱼的经典小说:《我们扯证了gl娱乐圈》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说双料视后秋碧海自杀了。然后重生成跑龙套,并且机缘巧合和一个颜值完美一百 婚的小花演员参加了一档类似于婚后节目的真人秀,咳咳,顺带谈谈恋爱什么的——这是节目的要求,节目的!要求!但是……假戏真做,好像也没什么不好的。号入v,笔芯阅读指南:1重生受X小花演员攻,主受,1v1,HE,甜文2婚后节目要后后后后后面去了。QQ群:682888718,入群甩订阅,笔芯推荐文区《重生之闺蜜gl》我的1w0-71543 >>


内容简介:  猪脚是明光宗第六子,他觉得不能让未来的崇祯皇帝朱由检做皇帝,于是,他在紫禁城里大喊了一声:我要做皇帝!  公布三个群号:  景仁宫:983546750(普)  乾清宫:177745 561(普)  官笙vip群:985519799(须2000粉丝验证)。  欢迎大家加入。1w0-493 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我垂钓诸天,开局一颗响雷果实!】全球觉醒时代,全民有机会觉醒天赋能力,获取超凡力量!强者毁天灭地,弱者沦为蝼蚁!苏寒穿越而来,开启诸天垂钓系统,可垂钓诸天万界 ,获取一切强大能力、道具、装备等。垂钓海贼位面,得响雷果实、重力果实、三色霸气、剑道!垂钓死神位面,得流刃若火,一刀焚烧世间万物!垂钓天师位面,得八奇技!此后,轮回眼、流刃若火、灭龙魔法、直死魔眼、混沌魔法、陨落心焰……诸多万界强大能力与装备被苏寒收入囊中。不知不觉,苏寒早已无敌,屹立于亿万生灵、世间万族之上!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-82972 >>






内容简介:  李节穿越成为大明宰相的孙子,还没等他高兴,却发现他这位祖父名叫李善长,而现在距离李善长满门抄斩只剩下半年时间。 换句话说,李节面前只有两条路,第一条是放弃挣扎,趁着还有半年时间, 把能吃的都吃了,能喝的喝了,能玩的都玩了,半年后一家人整整齐齐的推到刑场,咔嚓一声砍掉脑袋。 第二条路则是利用他穿越者的身份,想尽办法从剥皮狂魔朱元璋手中逃得一命,这倒是有一条现成的路,那就是娶公主做驸马,朱元璋虽然心狠手辣,但却不会对自己的女儿女婿下手,只是时间只剩下半年,这简直是个不可能完成的任务,甚至李节一度认为,似乎选择第一条路更加轻松一些?1w0-1780 >>


内容简介:你知道将一片叶子藏在哪里最不容易被发现吗?—森林里。那如果你有一片红色叶子,可眼前却是只有满是绿叶的森林呢?—红色这么亮眼,肯定一眼就会发现。很简单啊就把红色叶子染成绿色再放进去。在遇 到单家两兄弟之前,夏日星一直以为在这世上,只有非黑即白,非对即错。一人教她,爱自己是浪漫终身的开始;而另一个教她,俯首称臣,就能解决世上99的问题。男人问夏日星什么叫天落鸟?她从他胯间抬头,唇边还隐隐残留着星点水渍,声线清甜,带着软糯的奶音,“天落鸟是一种迷失在外,最终因为一些原因进了别人鸽舍的鸽子。”当初是什么1w0-121784 >>


内容简介:重生过去,成为轧钢厂厨子何雨柱。还想老子做四合院的那个傻柱?不可能!秦淮茹:傻柱,今天带什么菜回来了?何雨柱:没你家份,以后都别想了!许大茂:柱哥,有啥门路带兄弟一把啊!何雨柱:你还是 先去莆田检查下身体吧!棒梗:雨柱叔,你快跟我妈把证给领了呗!何雨柱:呵呵,养白眼狼做绝户吗?仨大爷:雨柱啊,以后咱这院子都听你的了!1w0-45159 >>


内容简介:【无限流】【黑暗向】【不圣母】一场意外,让蓝星顶尖的心理学家白辰,穿越到了噩梦轮回塔。在那儿的每一个副本都是由恐怖电影、漫画、小说等组成。通关后会获得超乎想象的能力,技能,装备,包括钱 财!而白辰是唯一一…1w0-66582 >>


内容简介:【下本接档文,小甜饼一枚,有生子!求收藏】CP:温柔大美人受x铁血狠辣战神攻国公府不受宠的嫡子叶云亭,被一道圣旨赐婚给了武安王李凤岐当王妃。武安王镇守北疆,杀敌无数,是当之无愧的昭国战 神。然而叶云亭嫁过去的时候,战神已经身中剧毒,经脉寸断,只能躺在床上苟延残喘。叶云亭心如死灰嫁过去,因惧怕战神凶名,躲在自己的院子里得过且过。没过多久,他因误喝了给武安王的毒汤,就此命丧黄泉。临死前,那个据说快死了的武安王半跪在他床前,握着他的手郑重承诺:“你因我而丧命,从今往后,我会竭我所能庇护你的亲人,你安心去吧。”后来他登基为帝,果然践诺,庇护了他唯一的亲人。重来一世,叶云亭还是躲不过给武安王冲喜的命运。但这一次,他决定好好照顾这个奄奄一息的男人,报他前世恩情。却不料男人解毒后急不可耐拉着他要圆房。他被男人紧紧搂在怀里,温热呼吸打在耳畔:“安心跟着我,从今往后,我护着你。”★食用指南★小甜饼,两辈子攻受都只有彼此。2生子生子生子生子!雷的别看,看了也别说受娘,作者就好这口不喜欢的慢走不送。3依旧老梗开局,不喜欢请及时止损,不要互相折磨了真的。各位书友要是觉得《给残疾暴君冲喜重生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82171 >>


内容简介:家道中落即将面临巨债,俞景林不得不忍痛变卖宝贝宠蛇。买家冷酷帅气还是个识蛇大神,俞景林心里那个乐,赶紧勾搭勾搭,却发现大神其实是条修炼成精的大蛇。俞景林心头一万头草泥马奔过,他是喜欢蛇 ,可他没有被蛇上的喜好,溜了溜了溜了。可大蛇不乐意了,还认定自己就是他的雌性。俞景林欲哭无泪:求放过,我对蛇没有性趣。墨殇严肃着脸:胡说,你明明很喜欢。微博:柿原纯群号:259192578扫雷区导演灵蛇攻vs三流明星受主受1v1,生子,he,甜度背景架空,请勿考究晋江独家发表,谢绝扒榜转载完结就开这本→《救过的那条蛇要以身相许怎么办》文案楼主是兽医,曾经救过一条受伤的大蛇,现在大蛇要报恩怎么办?关键这条蛇是公的,公的,公的!温润兽医受vs返祖灵蛇攻基友的文文→《丑小鸡》by娜小在《养了一只怂包丧尸皇》by鱼鱼鱼仔酱《我的老公是只鬼》by一叶菩提《卸妆后,老婆变成了男人》by笑蓝《重生一日为夫》by楼东白作者的预收文→《不婚》《小哑巴的婚后生活》《我怀了竹马的孩子》1w0-76400 >>

Nar Kiss

Honjou Naru is an 18-year-old young man studying at Libre University. For his entire lifetime, he never once had a girlfriend. This is because of his abnormality, his narcissism, which only happens if he sees a reflection of himself. To prevent that, he needs to wear contacts all the time. One day his contacts fell off and was step on by the most handsome guy in the school, Takashina Mamoru! This chance encounter would change his life forever...

Hellsing: The Dawn

The pasts of Walter, Hellsing and Millennium are revealed in this exciting prequel to the main Hellsing storyline, which takes place during the WWII era -- September, 1944 to be exact -- somewhere around Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland. From Baka-Updates: Hellsing, an organization devoted to the elimination of the vampire threat, has recently uncovered information regarding the attempted production of 'man-made' undead. The world is presently in the thick of WWII, and the current leader of Hellsing fears the Nazis could potentially use these creatures as front-line super-soldiers. Although the technology of creating artificial vampires is still in its infancy, it has advanced enough to be a serious threat. In an attempt to put a stop to this perverse and dangerous experimentation, Hellsing has sent two of its most skillful agents to Poland. A young man by the name of Walter C. Dornes - a.k.a. 'The Angel of Death,' and Alucard, an ancient vampire currently in forced service to the Hellsing Organization. Together, they attempt to stop the progress of the Nazi's efforts. NOTE: On hiatus

Lamento - Beyond The Void

The Ribika are a race of cats possessing ears and tails. Their bodies are lithe and nimble, and they live in the land of Shisa. However, a curse called the 'Void' is spreading through the forests... One of the Ribika, Konoe, lives in a small village called Karou. One morning, he wakes up to find that his ears and tail have turned black. There is also a symbol on his body; the mark of the curse. Konoe embarks on a journey through the forest to find the truth.

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Return of the Former Hero

Return of the Former Hero summary: Once upon a time, a hero had been summoned to a different world in order to defeat the demon king. After the war stretching 3 years ended, the commendable hero slayed the demon king. And he was forcibly deported back to earth after being dismissed.
Such bulls.h.i.t!
Elves in addition to beast race, dwarfs and demon race. Even though I wanted to make a harem in the different world I saved! My dream will not come true on earth, where there is no magic at all. Thus, the hero returns on his own. Without the blunder of being extradited to earth this time, he will build a harem of his own in a different world.

The Money Master

The Money Master summary: The Money Master summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Money Master. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Herodias summary: Herodias summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Herodias. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Contemporary Socialism

Contemporary Socialism summary: Contemporary Socialism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Contemporary Socialism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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