简介某天发现自己暗恋许久的女神是男的肿么破?而且还是自己不怎么待见的表弟,最主要的是这货还臭不要脸的要同居要亲亲要抱抱要交往!叶卿言:“嫁给我好吗?”苏哲:“滚!” 这是一个宅男被自己表弟黏糊了好久终于追到手HE了的故事。【每周二更新】
内容简介: 前世他是一个知名企业的航空动力工程师,今生他是名校的大学生,当两个身份完美的融合在一起的时候,会发出什么火花。他的身世也在慢慢的揭开谜底,他能否pk过这个时代的大亨,能否站在世界商 业的顶峰。1w0-2597 >>
内容简介:盛传,飞扬跋扈不可一世的长宁侯老夫人开始给长子议亲了,她生了六个儿子,都是妈宝男,以长子为最。众夫人无不等着看侯夫人被拒绝,心灰意冷的模样,连太后都不看好,暗设赌局,赌侯夫人为娶长媳会 吃几次闭门羹……众夫人将压箱底的银票翻出来压赌,准备大干一场,谁知府里闺女,吵着闹着要给侯夫人当儿媳生孙女去!「戳一戳」收养作者君专栏:电1w0-80532 >>
内容简介:十八岁那年,叶彤对顾亦琛一见钟情,可顾亦琛却恨她入骨,意外的一夜缠绵,她成了顾亦琛的追杀对象,留下小宝病重,她带着大宝二宝忍痛离开。七年后,两萌宝携她强势而归。大宝“爹地竟然欺负妈咪, 揍他。”二宝“揍他便宜他了,他可是欠着我们抚养费呢。”秘书战战兢兢汇报“顾总,公司系统被黑,资金被转走了一个亿,对方是你的儿子。”顾亦琛暴怒,将叶彤抵在墙上质问“我到底几个儿子?”“不管几个儿子,那都1w76532-88453 >>
内容简介:“欢迎来到轮回乐园77777号契约者”一声毫无感情的电子音在一位长相儒雅的男子脑中响起。“这里真的有让人起死回生的力量吗?”电子音再次响起“警告,察觉到未知力量侵袭,判定中……”“此为 世界树管辖组织的交接申请……”“正在由世界树审核,审核中……”“审核通过”此时男子脑海里响起一个陌生而苍老的声音“我这里有让死人复生的方法,但只有方法,没人1w0-26065 >>
内容简介:为了支付哥哥的治疗费,沈柒不得不代替自己的妹妹嫁入豪门贺家。她一直以为自己嫁的是贺家长子,却不知道自己名义上的丈夫是次子贺逸宁。贺逸宁,贺家真正的继承人,叱咤风云的商业帝王,冷酷无情的 职场暴君,她妹妹的做梦都想嫁的人。当这个商业帝王压着自己上下其手时,她懵了:“喂,你要做什么?我可是你的大嫂!”“大嫂?”贺逸宁邪魅一笑:“结婚证你真的看过了吗?”1w0-2700 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:开局捡漏清明上河图】系统:宿主,醒醒!快去捡漏!叶枫:求求你,别催啦!我捡漏都捡不过来啦!我去!这是清明上河图?我去!这是元青花?我去!你别告诉我这是和氏璧! 这一天捡八个漏,搁谁谁受得了?叶枫第一次觉得,捡漏也是一个辛苦活儿!这是一个从捡漏《清明上河图》开始的故事!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84117 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者酱子贝的经典小说:《放学等我》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说喻繁看班里那位新来的转班生非常不爽。对方朝他看了一眼。喻繁:他在找我约架。第二 眼。喻繁:他问我是不是怂了。第三眼。转班生依旧顶着那张面无表情的冰山脸,递给他一封信:“喻同学。”喻繁心想学霸就是臭讲究,打架还递挑战信,抡起衣袖站起身。“请你收下我的情书。”喻同学敦地一下坐回去了。陈景深(攻)x喻繁(受)日常,慢热章节写到自己满意了才会发出来,所以无法保证日更包被们可养肥再宰,么立意爱学习,爱生1w0-82506 >>
Tarot Cards! For centuries they have been used to tell the fortunes of nobles and royalty. Used by many people, they are composed of 22 major cards and 56 minor cards based on Sephirot, the Tree of Life. Among those users, there have been some who materialize the cards' images and meanings and apply them to reality. People who use these powers are known as 'tarot users'. The first and the oldest tarot user, 'Ascanio Maria Sforza'. The first 22 tarot cards she ever made. And there was a legend amongst the tarot users. The one who collected all those cards could be granted any wish. That was the legend! Those oldest cards have been called 'Visconti Sforza'!!
Sakuya, the lead singer for the hard-rocking band Lucifer, is the unattainable object of desire for millions of hopeful women. Aine is the demure high school student who suddenly finds herself in the middle of a raucous rock'n'roll circus. Together they're writing the book of love — one hit song at a time!
From Shoujo-Sense Nothing in Sakiko's life seems to be going right. Frustrated with her job and nursing a broken heart, she embarks on an ocean cruise, hoping the change of mood will turn things around for her. Never does she expect her vacation to end with the ship capsizing, stranding the surviving passengers on an island. When a young man saves her life, she finds herself drawn to him, but soon discovers he may be harboring a dark secret...
The story continues where the first season left off only months into the future. Yuokai Gakuen has been repaired and the new semester is underway. Tsukune and gang are back, and more powerful then ever. Anti-Thesis's true identity is relieved. With new adversaries looming on the horizon, and something much more sinister then the gang has ever faced before. Tsukune is battling with the monster inside him. With the help of Moka, Mizore, Kurumu, Ruby, and Yukari. Tsukune trains to get his vampire blood under control and the strength to protect what he holds dear. The new season focuses more on the girls, their past, and their families. New confrontations await them. New friends and allies will join them by their side. Together they will discover the secrets of Moka's rosary, and her lineage...
Children's Ways summary: Children's Ways summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Children's Ways. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
To Love Again summary: To Love Again summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of To Love Again. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
When Patty Went to College summary: When Patty Went to College summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of When Patty Went to College. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Hermits summary: The Hermits summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hermits. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.