




不是用血缘而是用墨水凝聚的家人。 他们贪图的不是我,而...




























内容简介:(已经完成的世界《战狼2》《神雕侠侣》《龙门镖局》《老九门》《僵尸先生》《功夫》《斗破苍穹》)(正在进行中的世界《庆余年》电视剧版本)(一定会写的世界《天行九歌》《斗罗大陆》《超神学院 》《仙剑奇侠传三》电视剧版本)穿越诸天万界接受他人委托,完成委托即可获得奖励,是为诸天委托人。1w0-77942 >>




内容简介:  重回2004,在这个华语电影刚刚开始发展的年代,唐安的导演之路重新开始!  从华夏走向世界,这是华语电影走向辉煌的时代,也是属于唐安的大时代!1w0-4170


内容简介:  初次见面,那个酷酷拽拽的男孩温柔又奇怪,他说:“我就是她们说的那样的人,不讨喜的坏人。”第二次见面,他是个迟到的坏学生,怼了班主任,还扯了个憋腿的借口——“拯救了一只蠢萌的小猫咪。 ”第三次,她靠近他,他有点冷漠,连续问了两次。“你要坐我旁边?”“你确定?”后来,冷漠的少年像个大型巨犬,偷偷换上和她似情头的头像和微信名,游戏里打击情敌,时不时秀秀恩爱隔应情敌。他抱紧她,“我不怕任何东西,我只是害怕失去你。”他可怜兮兮看着她,“小同桌,跟我一起回家,好吗?”他附在她耳边,温柔缠绵,“没有任何人,只有你。”……亲爱的男孩,其实,我也想告诉你,我从见你的第一眼起,就一直暗恋你啊!1w0-2909 >>


内容简介:十万白衣举刀镇天门!百万恶鬼抬棺战昆仑!凤冠霞帔,血衣枯颜,骨灯血烛照轮回!千年前,一代神皇于百族战场血战称霸,开劈万世神朝,冲击无上帝位,欲成就第九帝族。然群雄相阻,百族逆行,神皇称 帝之际战死登天桥。天后泣血,哭啸东南,引神朝最后残军浴血杀出百族战场。为保神皇再世轮回,天后烧血焚骨照九幽,修罗舍身扛棺下黄泉,三十六镇国战将举刀化石永镇东南天门。皇朝忠魂举祭天之力,共守神皇轮回重生,再临九州。千年后,神皇金身于苍玄重生。1w0-1353 >>


内容简介:全民穿越到废土世界,活下去是每个人的首要任务。荒漠、极地、魔海、地宫、神塔,摆在人们面前的困境接踵而至。唯有楚轩根本不慌,开局绑定百倍增幅系统,从此废土任我逍遥!《废土求生:我有百倍增 幅》为作者一头老羊创作,目前连载中,搜小说为你第一时间提供一头老羊精心编写原创废土求生:我有百倍增幅最新章节及无弹窗广告、TXT电子书下载等服务。1w0-65249 >>


内容简介:(小可爱们,7月9号的稿子晚上11点以后更新哟)金丝雀小软萌的富家千金安娴一朝穿越,顶冒原主陈国公主美貌贤淑的名头,将自己暴躁的小性子藏的很深很深,齐国太子齐荀,一方霸主冷漠骄傲,也将 自己的小心眼藏的很深很深。两人互相被对方的完美表象所吸引,看对了眼,和亲了!成亲之后:齐荀瞧着跟前手撕他后宫,披头散发的女人,额头青筋直跳:“你的温柔贤淑呢?”1w0-79395 >>


内容简介:  唐宁穿越修真世界,开局连抽十个系统。“叮!开启影视世界系统……”“叮!开启剑宗养成系统……” “叮!开启末世商城系统……” “叮!开启千倍经验系统……” “叮!开启每日礼包系统…… ” “叮!开启穿越直播系统……” ……从此诸天行走,成就万界强者。1w0-3396 >>

淫宠(高H 1V1)

内容简介:τxτǒyuzhaiwu黎琬被当做祭品召唤到陌生国度,凭实力挣脱矮奴身份,成为沧元国三殿下桓冽的爱宠。每每被桓冽的手指弄到高潮,黎琬心中便多一分屈辱。直到这个男人将她的名字刀刻在身上时 ,她方才觉悟这个男人爱她多么入骨。体格差,男主是异国巨人,女主是现世人类。身份差,男主是沧元国三殿下,女主是矮奴。1V1,双处,双强。有剧情,有h。架空文,剧情党勿考究。欢迎投猪,50猪加一更。日更不定时加更。欢迎跳坑。1w0-87954 >>


内容简介:甜心都想要(NPH)笔趣阁,甜心都想要(NPH)sodu,甜心都想要(NPH)小说,甜心都想要(NPH)顶点,甜心都想要(NPH)哦,穿越来的何甜甜一脑袋懵逼:她是谁?她在哪?!她在干 什么?!!……1w0-107805 >>


内容简介:原名:厉总,夫人她罪不至死。“沈女士,你的家人没陪你一起来吗?”沈知初一头雾水,不就是拿个体检报告吗,难道还需要有人陪?何况家人……她还有什么家人?母亲难产生下她死了,父亲把她当做赚钱 工具,哥哥更是将母亲的死归结在她身上恨她恨得要死,而爱人……那是她抢来的。如果不是眼前这个医生忽然提起这两字,她都快忘记“家人”是什么意思了。沈知初怔了片刻后,摇头道:“就我一个人。”医生蹙紧眉头,推了推鼻梁上架着的眼镜,重重地叹了一口气,眼神带着惋惜口气透着1w96-2435 >>


内容简介:顾玖身娇体弱,是个搬块砖头都会喘的娇姑娘,偏偏有副大小姐的暴脾气。有一天,她被强按着头去逃生世界里做任务,任务千奇百怪,各种惊险求生,一群玩家被恐怖世界里的BOSS虐成小可怜,重则失去 性命。大小姐是受得了威胁的人吗?不仅粗暴地毁掉世界线,连同BOSS也被她虐成小可怜,顺手捞了个小可怜给自己当跟班。后来,顾玖交了个男朋友,男朋友是女装大佬,容易害羞,乖巧可爱又贴心,简直不能更符合她的心意。事情的真相却是,男朋友其实是逃生世界里最后的神裔——堕落之主,一个缺爱的神经病,不爱他就会毁灭世界的那种。别人毁灭世界只会毁灭一个,而他毁灭世界可是会拖着整个逃生世界毁灭,包括千千万万的小世界。因为这种可怕的破坏力,诸天万界所有的半神都盼着他们永远不要分手。1w0-1234 >>


From Fifay.net: A poor peasant girl was sold to a brothel in Edo. Her new life started from the day when she had her first full-bowl of rice. After many struggles, she became a cultivated Oiran. While her beauty never failed, her hope for freedom faded with the passing seasons. Yoshiwara of Edo was a man's heaven, but a woman's hell: all was sakuran. Other manga : + Durarara manga + Barbara manga

Uchi No Pochi No Iu Koto Ni Wa

Pochi always helps Takatsuki Kaori whenever she is in trouble. Actually Pochi's real name is Inui Haruka, the third son of if Inui family who have served Takatsuki's family as a loyal guard since a long time ago. It is a story about a master and her 'dog'.

Kuroki Le Voleur - Kamen No Kaitou Shoujo

It is the start of the 20th century and the Parisian commoners celebrating the Belle Époque are fascinated by the antics of the resident phantom thief Arsène Lupin. But the mask of Lupin actually belies a beautiful woman...? An epic adventure aboard a luxury liner and involving even Detective Holmes is about to unfold!

Usotsuki Chocolate Syrup

Usotsuki Chocolate Syrup summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Usotsuki Chocolate Syrup. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Money: Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, On the Free Coinage of Silver

Money: Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, On the Free Coinage of Silver summary: Money: Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, On the Free Coinage of Silver summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Money: Speech of Hon. John P. Jones, of Nevada, On the Free Coinage of Silver. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Crooked Little Vein

Crooked Little Vein summary: Crooked Little Vein summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Crooked Little Vein. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time summary: Summary 1 Xu Zhen picked up a little beggar. Xu Zhen treated and loved the little beggar in every possible way. However, during a certain day, the system pointed out to her, this little beggar was a big villain, and Xu Zhen this small cannon fodder would sooner or later die due to the big villain. Xu Zhen cried. She quickly retreated 3 feet away from the little beggar, kneeled down and kowtow, “I’m wrong already, I won’t dare to ever make you recognize words and do homework, please spare me and let me return to the countryside to live my life.” With a cold expression, the little beggar calmly told her, “Begging for forgiveness now? Too late already.” Summary 2 Xun Qianchun was born from a general family, but just because her mother was huji (huji is used to refer to northen or western females in ancient time), it caused her entire family to be crowned with the criminal charge of having secret ties with the enemy country. Under the emperor’s order, Xun Qianchun’s entire family, from the old to the young, were all brought to the gallows. Only her, feeling indignant in her heart, she drifted and lived on without a purpose. That year when she was 14 years old, when she fled to the front of Jiangling’s bookstore, a pair of delicate and fair hands held her up. From then on, her drifting and miserable life had a fixed residence. There was another person’s name in her heart that was filled with cold frost. Unfortunately, recently, this person seems to not really like being intimate with her anymore. She was extremely bewildered and did not understand why. Could it be that I have done something wrong? Summary 3 Everyone knows that Zhenbei King, Xun Qianchun, was decisive when killing, and had a fearful appearance. Although Xun Qianchun was also a woman, she was always disagreeing with the tender and kindhearted female tutor. Xun Qianchun and the female tutor always pitted against each other. Xun Qianchun was a completely evil person. Someone was curious as to how this evil person was like in private, and thus climbed over the wall, wanting to go investigate about it. Who knew that, before he even entered the house, he saw a gorgeously dressed thing rushing head-on while happily cheering, “Madam~ You are finally back~” ……. Later on, when chatting at a wine shop, someone asked him, “The person who rushed over was Zhenbei King’s pampered male?” That person trembled and said, “No, it was that person whose temper was good, kindhearted, dignified and sweet-tempered, once saved tens of common people……” “Just who is it?” “Female tutor, Xu Zhen.”

Rendezvous In Black

Rendezvous In Black summary: Rendezvous In Black summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rendezvous In Black. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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