简介烈日余光下,层叠青葱旁,都残留着当年相互追逐、相互争吵,以及那些喜怒无常的影子,这些影子如同蒙上了一层记忆的薄纱,让人心生温暖,连笑容都不由自主的放松了很多。 时隔15年,那久违的心脏,像是复苏了一般。 终于还是,回来了……
内容简介:【新言情征文】【穿越异能甜宠爽文】听说联邦最高级学院从垃圾星招上来一位治疗师,全星际都炸了。“治疗师?我难道还生活在五百年前吗?现在谁还需要治疗师?”“可惜了这么好看的脸,只能当个美丽 废物。”“治疗师滚出星际!别浪费星际资源!”……战场上,指挥官:“准备进攻,治疗师当诱饵。”机甲师:“开始休整机甲,治疗师1w0-91953 >>
内容简介:(这本后面的部分不好写,我得慢慢来,跳坑请慎重)御雷派掌门亲传弟子沈倦,生来一副好模样,但为人不思进取,成日只知吃喝玩乐。天下第一的圣阶剑者沈见空,是沈倦师兄。沈见空一直以为沈倦只能当 猫养着,供在门派精心伺候,却没想到沈倦一出刀,刀光雪亮,映天地失色。“既然天道对你不公,我便替你,掀了这天。”沈见空一身白衣,望着坐在月色中的人,轻声说道。“然后呢?”沈倦满身月色,就花饮酒,漂亮的桃花眼轻弯成扇。“然后……这世间之人若要信仰什么才可活,那我,便是这世界的新神。”“我叫沈倦,懒倦的倦。”“我不太擅长打打杀杀,平时就养猫逗狗打麻将这个样子,所以我的心愿,是世界和平。”“但如果有谁敢打扰我的养老生活,这一刀下去,你必然会死。”“哪怕你,是这世间至高无上的神佛。”月上刀寒,寒光也可照夜纵红尘梦苦,春来犹折花千万别打扰我养老·不然我一刀下去你会死·大美人受x百年不变面瘫脸·修剑穷三代但我很有钱·天下第一攻师兄弟cp曾用名《仙道第一吉祥物》接档文求预收《说好的协议结婚竟然》我是个omega,不屑装b混入军校这种操作。我凭自己的本事入了一所综合性大学,念机甲技师专业,本系那些弱鸡alpha只有被我吊打的分。没错,我是个天才。但天才也会为生活所迫。因为某些原因,我嫁给了一个贵族alpha,他是个将军,据说杀伐果断冰冷无情。但这和我无关,因为我们签下了互不干扰的协议。没想到三个月后……他失忆了!还想标记我!狗逼alpha,果然没一个好东西!《抑制剂失效》1、谢翡是个omega,长得漂亮玩得开。有一次,他真心话大冒险输了,抽到对校草告白这样的惩罚。他半点没怂,拿着喇叭上天台,铿锵有力朗诵了一首情诗。一中的校草是顾方晏,成绩优异背景深厚,为人冷淡,不太好接近。谢翡对这类人不感兴趣,告完白没多久就和别的Alpha走到一起。2、一年前谢翡休学养病,身体出了点问题,所有的抑制剂都对他失效,要想安稳度过发情期,只能找alpha。其实谁都可以,但他碰上的人,偏偏是顾方晏。空无一人的自习室,谢翡背贴在墙上,难受得想哭。顾方晏垂眼看他:“要我帮你可以,叫声好听的。”谢翡偏头,试探性开口:“哥哥?”1w0-28769 >>
内容简介:神州大地每天都有战争开始和结束,大夏战神遭人暗杀:陨落与不落山脉,独留幼子于世。面临暗杀和下毒,唯有在挥手中剑。犯我国土者杀……辱我百姓者杀……如果您喜欢大夏逍遥王,别忘记分享给朋友作 者:花生配酒所写的《大夏逍遥王》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-81697 >>
内容简介:末世到来,顾晟淮因小人背叛而死,却没想到重生到了末日之前!看顾晟淮如何利用系统,一步步称霸末世,登顶为王!各位书友要是觉得《末世生存法则》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推 荐哦!1w0-102177 >>
内容简介:重生前,谢无月一家遭戮,灵堂被休,终气愤而死。重生后,她是天之娇女,翻云覆雨,手握重权。只是,为何偏偏又再遇到那个负心人?她憎恨前夫,一心要权势,却慢慢发现灭门惨案另有内情,而自己的身 份也一点点暴露在前夫眼前。她欲除他而后快,他却发现她的秘密,锲而不舍扒她的马甲。当一个又一个身份暴露在他面前……苏涉:“夫人,你得给我一个说法。”她拧住他耳朵:“走,回家……慢慢说!”1w0-66235 >>
内容简介:下本写暗恋文你是浪子别泊岸,感兴趣的专栏求个收呀。文案一任渺渺看上了江勉,那个隔壁学校天文系的学霸。为撩他到手,她把性感大波浪拉成黑长直,脱了热辣皮裙换上雪纺衫,扮作文艺女青年,与他聊 星河灿烂。1w0-73340 >>
内容简介:佞臣九千岁温容,权倾朝野,谋略无双,却独宠声名狼藉的相府弃女烈九卿。她以为,是温容毀她清白,害她身败名裂,对他的宠爱视而不见,恨了他一辈子。最终,他为救她,被皇帝五马分尸!直到死前她才 知道,姐妹伪善,亲人毒辣……被所有人算计了一生,唯独温容,负尽天下唯独没有负她!一朝重生,烈九卿身怀空间,医毒双绝,锋芒尽显。她势必要让仇人血债血偿!可她最想做1w0-107492 >>
内容简介:惨遭所有人背叛,没想到一纸婚约将她宠上天!想要什么买买买,不够就垄断一个牌子,再不够就垄断整个行业!她虐渣渣,他就派人陪她一起虐,十人不够来百人,百人不够叫千人!场子砸了有他收拾,天塌 了有他撑着!身体不舒服却坚持上班,高冷总裁强制全公司一起放假,在家煲汤陪床不离不弃!“你为什么对我这么好?”“对自己的老婆好,天经地义。”1w0-2587 >>
内容简介:一名从山村走出的少年,怀揣着对未来的憧憬,本打算升职加薪、当上总经理、出任CEO、迎娶白富美,从此走上人生巅峰!然而造化弄人他穿越到了修者的世界,在这宏伟壮阔世界开启了多姿多彩的人生各 位书友要是觉得《修真世界游记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77161 >>
内容简介:每个世界都有黑化男主想关我小黑屋沈浪,人如其名,靠着一副勾魂摄魄的美貌皮囊为祸人间。一朝被系统锁定,原因竟然是她打破了法则?沈浪否认三连:“我不是,我没有,你胡说。”系统掰着手指头数: “据粗略估计,宿主生前捣鼓出了时空机器,丧尸病毒,异能药水…严重违反宇宙法则,系统要对你作出惩罚。”然后,沈浪就“被迫”营业了,尽心尽力渣男主,力求达成炮灰成就。然而美貌绝顶权势滔天的男主大BOSS偏执黑化要关她小黑屋是怎么回事?1w0-26934 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:从电影世界崛起】高三学渣李晓帅突然发现自己能进入电影世界,成为里面的角色,电影角色的技能,他能带回现实。看完一部学霸励志片,他成了博士,妈妈再也不担心他的学习 ,看了一部传记功夫片,他有了一身好功夫,一人独挑拳馆,看了一部夺宝片,咚!八吨黄金砸在地板上!本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合。主人公异能切勿模仿,后果自负。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢从电影世界崛起,别忘记分享给朋友从电影世界崛起TXT下载1w0-73829 >>
- Love Me Sinfully (Beginning) At the airport, Yuu Ono bumps into a man in a dark suit. The man then takes Yuu to meet his employer—Prince Carlo of the small country of Qurdis. It seems the Prince and Yuu share the same face… and the dark-suited man named Brad is none other than the Prince’s bodyguard! Prince Carlo has a request for Yuu, and that is to become his decoy. Fearing for his own safety, Yuu refuses the request. However, when Brad proclaims, 'I'll protect you even at the cost of my life…”—why can't Yuu control the wild beating of his heart?! - Love Me Sinfully (Conclusion) - A Soul Influences Love A member of parliament and a priest fall in love. - In The Dark Of The Night 28 years old and jobless because of the recession, Misaki returns to his hometown and happens to meet an acquaintance from middle school. - Before Dawn A short story about a chauffeur and his young boss. - Love Me Sinfully (Epilogue)
From tethysdust at MangaHelpers: Minaguchi Kaoru is nothing special. He's no good at sports or school, isn't in any clubs, and he's not popular. He has no friends and isn't even interested in any of the girls he knows. He's also teased due to the fact that he loves shoujo manga. Unlike the harem daydreams of his peers, he dreams of finding his true love. Unfortunately, a shinigami comes to kill him, simply because he's a 'forever alone' sort of guy. When he gasps out his intention of embracing life with his final breaths, though, she takes it back! As long as he follows through on his intentions, he won't be killed. To convince the shinigami that his plans are genuine, he declares that he will confess to the girl he likes, the very next day. Expecting failure with confessing to random girls in his school, he sends out love letters to four different girls. To his surprise, they all agree to be his girlfriend. Now, this shoujo-manga-loving guy has ended up in a kind of harem story, quadruple-timing four girls! Will he be able to stay involved enough with society to avoid an early death?
From Natsuyume This is the tale of a boy whose mother was killed in a meteor strike on their island home 6 months ago – something everyone knows was the crashing of an alien ship but no one will confirm – who one day quite literally has a girl drop out of the sky on him. She at first takes him hostage from people hunting her but it eventually comes out that she’s from outer space and if there’s one thing that this boy’s mother taught him, it is to NOT leave a damsel in distress…
Collection of one shots. 1. Aisaka tends to get in a lot of fights and Tadaka is the school playboy. On a chance meeting where Aisaka gets beaten to a pulp, Tadaka offers to carry his bruised body home. There, Tadaka makes a deal with Aisaka that if he doesnt fight they'll have a sexual relationship. 2. Masaru and Sugeru are identical twin brothers. Sugeru tends to enjoy using his brothers name to chase skirts and Masaru is the one who always gets the beatings when people come looking for revenge. Its not TOO much of a problem until Masaru meets Masato. A nice guy who really loves Sugeru (who's just using him for money), and it wouldnt be a problem if Masaru wasnt falling for Masato himself. 3.Koike an average student is best friends with Jinnai, a student who excels. When they get into separate high schools Koike still cannot forget what he felt for him, so when Jinnai comes around for a visit, Koike jumps on his chance to tell him how he really feels. 4. Tomonaga is forced to go to an all boys school when his mother is fed up with his delinquent ways. He expects an torn down rough school, and instead gets a school sparkling with gay pretty boys. Not that he's happy about it. At least his roommate Natsume is normal...in a sense. 5. Rather than bumming around all summer his mother orders Yoshimura to get a job. He quickly gets one at a barbeque shop under Sakashita who's grandfather is in the hospital. Yoshimura is surprised by how instantly drawn he is to Sakashita and spends a majority of his time at work trying not to give into his new temptations. 6. A haphazard public morals committee member and a touchy troublemaker. 7. A hot tempered judo club member who loves fights and the (um, playboy?) who provokes him by staring at him lustfully, which he mistakes for a stare of wanting revenge.
Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology summary: Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Physiology of Marriage summary: The Physiology of Marriage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Physiology of Marriage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Yeyuka. summary: Yeyuka. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Yeyuka.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Beach Road summary: Beach Road summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Beach Road. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.