内容简介:学艺十年,隐忍八年,空有一身本事,在别人眼中却是个吃软饭的窝囊废。今日封禁解开,必将掀起无数风云。我是上门女婿,你却没有资格瞧不起。医道、武学、玄术,鉴宝等,我不会的,还真不多!1w0 -25942 >>
内容简介:你是女王,我是特工gl简介:gl《你是女王,我是特工gl》是不详精心创作的玄幻魔法小说,本站会同步更新最新章节,各位书友们觉得不错的话记得收藏网址哦!手机端:关键词:你是女王,我是特工 gl最新章节你是女王,我是特工gl番外你是女王,我是特工gl无弹窗你是女王,我是特工gl全文阅读1w0-39521 >>
内容简介:遥远未来的星际纪元,人类科技高度发展,远航于宇宙深空之内,正式开启星际大航海时代。各种族文明关系错综复杂,彼此之间虎视眈眈……穿越者王动身负系统,决心重塑人类文明辉煌!他的目标,是星辰 大海!gtpltp1w0-29351 >>
内容简介:【追妻火葬场】【甜宠轻轻虐放心入】一场阴谋,云紫菀被迫送去令人闻风丧胆的“褚阎王”身边。过了一段如履薄冰的日子后,云紫菀递上一纸离婚协议,“褚爷,咱好聚好散。”褚阎冷笑一声,随手将离婚 协议扔进碎纸机,轻蔑道:“我们之间,轮不到你做主。”后来,追求云紫菀的各界精英大佬从双庆市排队排到了法国。褚爷急了,再也无法稳如泰山,又急又怒道:“爷亲自去把闯祸的小野猫抓回来!”1w0-68536 >>
内容简介:司宁池穿成了当下最热漫画里的女配疯批皇后,她很美,可是疯了。为了入宫杀了自己同父异母的姐姐,把她葬在桃花树下,一脸欢欣的望着景王笑:“你说你喜欢她,你睁开眼看看啊。”“哦,你看不见啦? ”那容色绝美的女子笑的张扬夺目,似是在欣赏着什么旷世佳作。霸权凌驾与六宫之上的皇后娘娘,世人厌之弃之却又惧之,穿来后的司宁池缩起脑袋做人,可……赵宗珩眉头紧皱:“朕怎么觉得……皇后病的更重了。”朝野上下都言谈皇上1w0-74606 >>
内容简介:简介:江辰活了上千年,见证了无数朝代更迭,英雄人物。曾与秦始皇同游长城!曾与唐太宗黄山狩猎!曾与乾隆帝湖畔行船!精通医术,鉴宝,看相,风水等等,几乎通晓这个世界上的一切。而现在,他只想 弄清楚自己长生的秘密。1w0-124345 >>
内容简介:外人只知‘名模’的光鲜,却不知道那一路的艰难……我出生在天桥底下,母亲是智障流浪女,生父不祥。经历众多苦难,本以为春天就在前方的时候,却失足走进了一个自始至终都围绕着身高、体重、脸蛋和 三围较劲的外围圈子。圈中太多太多的女性被冷酷掠夺、无情秒杀,放眼四处满是空虚与失意的女人;能爬到这个圈子顶尖的人凤毛麟角,但我从不放弃。有志者、事竟成;苦心人,天不负!当我从外围模特之中走出来时,我再不是那个一出生就开始流浪的小女孩……1w0-74752 >>
内容简介:犯罪心理学专家、著名侦探林易穿越成为一名小诊所医生,并绑定【医学诊病系统】,通过给患者诊病可以获得丰厚奖励。于是林易开启了直播,思维缜密的为水友进行诊病。“主播,我最近总是恶心、干呕, 我一个男的不至于是怀孕了吧!”诊断后,林易摇头叹息道:“大哥,回去抓紧办手续吧,你老婆给你下药了!”…“医生,我身上奇痒难耐,还起了好多红疹,这是怎么回事啊?”“这个病症等你进去之后再慢慢治吧!罪犯还敢来看病,好大的胆子!”“大夫,我”“你就别来凑热闹了,回家换条不掉色的内裤就行了!”诡异的病情,扑朔迷离的事件。让人拍案叫绝的缜密推理。这一刻,医界泰斗震惊了!“有请下一位犯罪嫌疑啊,不,下一位患者!”1w0-96686 >>
Based on a true story from mangaka's daily life. Drawn as a form of diary manga, personified by Girl Avatar's Anna-chan with a focus on kitchen garden stories. Update frequency : random, as long as the mangaka wants it - **Author's Info:** !(https://i.imgur.com/oiVINmy.png) (https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=159912) !(https://i.imgur.com/LfHBcab.png) (http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/32863) !(https://i.imgur.com/dQCXZkU.png) (https://twitter.com/nekotou) !(https://i.imgur.com/fYiIH9Y.png) (https://grinp.fanbox.cc/)
One day, a regular Earthling girl called Eri is visited by a pair of strange but somewhat cute aliens from the planet ‘Mal’, telling her that she has been selected as the best marriage candidate for their prince. When she refuses, one of them stays to ‘prepare’ her for and perhaps persuade her into marrying their beloved prince! Another Fujiko classic!
A collection of three stories. Summary of story 1 from Selene Scans: A light-hearted shoujo that is beautifully presented by a Taiwanese mangaka named Huang Jia Li. The manga is divided into three episodes: The Myth of the Laurel Tree, The Eden Garden Fantasia, and Midsummer Night's Fantasy. The Myth of the Laurel Tree: The story makes references to the story between Apollo and a nymph he met in Greek mythology, although this information is not required to enjoy the it. Laurel (*hint, hint) and her younger sister are supposed to go to Egypt for another one of her 'stone-collecting' vacations. However, things take an unexpected turn as soon as she meets a young man named Apollo (*hint, hint) who, in many girls eyes, may be too beautiful for words. For example, instead of being on a plane to Egypt, as she originally planned, the plane is hijacked by two odd terrorists to change course to Greece--even though that is already the intended destination! To makes things even weirder, the two hijackers' names are Cupid and Pan. What's going on?
From Aerandria: Kokoro was involved in a traffic accident when she was small, and there was a hero who risked his life to save her. She can't remember anything about him, except for his back, which was scarred from saving her. Now a high school student, she still can't forget the guy from her memories. Suddenly, she was assigned to take care of the new transfer student, Inuyama Kei, who's always quiet and somewhat of a weirdo. He reminds her of her childhood hero, but she wishes her hero was Shun-senpai, the idol of all the girls in school, and who's been very nice to her lately...
Delia Blanchflower summary: Delia Blanchflower summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Delia Blanchflower. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Stories That Words Tell Us summary: Stories That Words Tell Us summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stories That Words Tell Us. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Peter the Hermit summary: Peter the Hermit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peter the Hermit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Japan and the California Problem summary: Japan and the California Problem summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Japan and the California Problem. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.