内容简介:沈迟作为一名祖传颜控,在飞机看到乔景城的那一刻就…走不动路了,胳膊哗哗的流着血还能一边给自己紧急止血一边问人搭讪要号码。可他没想到对方不按常理出牌,一句话差点让他手动给自己拧出第二个刀 口子。只见对方似笑非笑道,“只要号码吗?人要不要?”“什,什么?”“正好最近需要结个婚,有意吗?一起去?”“啊???”沈迟震惊脸。被人约结婚的当事人经过飞机落地的几分钟迅速衡量利弊,最后一拍大腿,结就结,谁怕谁!可惜人算不如天算,本以为对方顶多是个退役了的兵哥哥,无权无势老老实实过日子就行了。谁知某天他看到财经频道某个熟悉的人影,艹!那不是自家老攻嘛?!沈迟揉了揉眼睛,已经开始怀疑人生,竟然还是某跨国集团CEO?某人怂惯了,总裁夫人什么的,他真不想干,不合适不合适真的不合适!于是他当即就要求离婚。不过他这次又料错了,对方不光有钱有势霸道总裁一枚,还满肚子腹黑套路小九九。“想离婚是吧?”沈迟拼命点头,“那什么,我觉得咱们这个位置应该让给更优秀的人,我就还是回去做我的小医生就好了。”“行!”乔景城痛快的点头,“你昨天弄丢的男士腕表一千万,前两天出门被你撞坏的车五百万,还有今天弄脏的进口地毯就便宜算你一百万吧。请问沈先生,您是全款还是分期?”沈迟内心瞬间崩溃,支支吾吾了好半天,“……我,我觉得我们还是凑合着过吧,这样就…挺,挺好的!”乔景城冷笑,小样,治不了你我就不是你老攻!ps:架空背景,同性可婚。一句话简介:一辈子只结一次婚各位书友要是觉得《想离婚?没门!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96634 >>
内容简介:白日梦贩卖机是由芙玖所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供白日梦贩卖机最新章节阅读白日梦贩卖机全文阅读白日梦贩卖机免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现白日梦贩卖机更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0- 70098 >>
内容简介:叶祺被赶出家门的那天,正举着手机在某手直播。“走就走,劳资C城一哥,去哪里都是王者!”粉丝:大哥nb!当天晚上,这位王者就在医院迷路,急得哭红了眼睛。被心黑手黑的干舅舅路修禾捡回家里。 第二天,在墙上乱画的王者哭咧咧地半夜刷墙第三天,装病不起的王者被迫点了一整天的葡萄糖……第n天——粉丝:大哥,几月不见怎么这么拉了,直播打架啊!叶祺顶着路修禾威胁的目光,恨恨地把作业本甩上书桌。“打什么打1w0-126630 >>
内容简介:穿成反色宰的我被迫拯救世界百度网盘笔趣阁,穿成反色宰的我被迫拯救世界百度网盘sodu,穿成反色宰的我被迫拯救世界百度网盘小说,穿成反色宰的我被迫拯救世界百度网盘顶点,穿成反色宰的我被迫 拯救世界百度网盘粟花,精选来自————穿成反色宰的我被迫拯救世界「情死未遂」作为某小野狗同人圈内的大触兼宰厨,在某一天灵感乍现小画完了反色宰并为其添加了与原著角色不同的设定甚至写了一篇同人。并在第二天穿越成了笔下的反色宰。一个系统绑定了他,让他在不崩人设的情况下走完原著大致剧情。否则这个自他笔下衍生出来的世界会毁灭。情死未遂:)拒绝完成任务,他想回家。系统:顺利拯救世界您将得到一只宰作为奖励。情死未遂:好的我该怎么做?————————————————PS:1反色,就是说黑发变白发、白绷带变黑绷带、黑衣变白衣。并且随着反色的条件下人物设定随之变化(一般是黑化居多)。雷者慎入。2主角和真正的哒宰有差别!可当作原创主角,cp首领宰。3大致走剧情意思是会因为人设带来变化,和原著剧情有差别。4开学后更新不稳定,但周六周日肯定有更新!1w0-78993 >>
内容简介:陆子筝是没钱没势没人缘的小家碧玉,江怀溪是有权有势有名望的大家闺秀,虽说都是公认的面瘫冷美人,总被人放在一起比较,陆子筝却是自认与她井水不犯河水。哪知莫名其妙的一次相遇后,大家闺秀却是 对她,拉拉扯扯,软硬兼施,纠缠不休,没完没了……喂,说好的大家闺秀呢?!有钱,就是任性!傲娇弱攻遇上女王诱受,且看冰山如何捂热石头,1w0-25972 >>
内容简介:三国:我哥是郭嘉郭云来到东汉末年,穿越成了郭嘉的弟弟。开局绑定朝九晚五的打卡系统。本想咸鱼度日的他,只好来到曹氏集团打工。曹操:玄仙啊,你说刘备要不要杀呢?许褚:玄仙啊,你觉得1w0- 98505 >>
内容简介: 陆玄难得发善心,准备把横尸荒野的少女挖个坑埋了,不料少女突然睁开了眼。他骇了一跳,强作淡定,就见少女挣扎向他爬来…… 这下陆玄无法淡定了。(《逢春》V群:1081376187,需 粉丝值两千以上)1w0-1849 >>
内容简介:“冤有头,债有主,你我往日无怨,近日无仇,在下职责所在,奉命行事,得罪了。”王腾念了一遍工作语,一刀斩下犯人头颅。然后,一个白色光团从囚犯身体里冒出。他的目光不由看向这个白色光团。基础 刀法!在这光团上面,还有着‘拾取’字样。“拾取!”王腾意念一动。各位书友要是觉得《我夺舍了恶魔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71088 >>
内容简介:“别惹我,我老公超凶。”十八岁的姜咻被父亲卖给了豪门老男人冲喜,同父异母的姐姐假惺惺:“听说寒爷是从地狱里爬出来的恶鬼,杀人不眨眼,凶残暴戾,咻咻去了傅家肯定会被折磨的很惨,活不过三天 不说还会被羞辱的嘤嘤嘤。”后来,她亲眼看见在豪华的商场里,传闻中恶鬼一般的老男人不仅帅到令人窒息,还单膝下跪温柔的给姜咻穿上了一只水晶鞋。再后来,记者采访傅沉寒:“请问两位这么多年来一直恩爱的原因是什么呢?”寒爷表示:钱给你,随便花。人给你,随便睡。就会一直很和谐。1w0-95776 >>
内容简介:穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫是冰城不冷创作的经典的小说作品穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫小兵提供穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫最新章节全文免费阅读,穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫下载,穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫全文字更新,穿成元帅的恶毒亡 夫无弹窗!请关注穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫吧,本站最新最快更新穿成元帅的恶毒亡夫的最新章节。1w73457-73919 >>
内容简介:林立穿越到了一个全民狼人杀的平行世界,狼人杀职业联赛,狼人杀综艺,这个世界的狼人杀游戏异常火热,大多数娱乐活动都与狼人杀有关,狼人杀高手也有着媲美娱乐圈艺人的地位和待遇。作为前世狼人杀 资深玩家,在这样一个桌游狂潮的世界,林立是选择做职业选手、娱乐主播、教学玩家或是做一个默默无闻,游戏人生的高手呢?(新人写手,十几年老书虫,狼人杀资深玩家处女作。这里没有狗血烂梗,,有的是精彩的狼人杀对局,丰富的日常生活和细腻的感情经历,希望大家多多支持。)1w0-127664 >>
In the Carramer no Yumemonogatari series (カラメールの夢物語シリーズ), also called 'The Carramer Legacy' series: 1) Princess e no Tabi (プリンセスへの旅; Journey to the Princess) / Crowns and a Cradle When Prince Josquin de Marigny swept struggling single mom Sarah McInnes into a limo, he revealed a secret. Sarah's father had been in line for the Valmont throne -- and now her son was the heir! The brooding, blue-eyed prince promised Sarah everything she'd ever dreamed of if she would remain in Carramer -- except his heart.... Baffled and bewildered by the sense of homecoming, Sarah was torn. Josquin had given her a new family, but he'd also investigated her past, lied to bring her to Carramer and he'd be regent for her son. So once he took her in his arms, could she trust the promises he made? 2) Koi wo Wasureta Prince (恋を忘れたプリンス; The Prince Who Forgot His Love) / The Baron & the Bodyguard Watching over him... Playing royal bodyguard to Mathiaz de Marigny, the seductive Baron Montravel, was a temptation few women could resist. But the moment he was out of harm's way, Jacinta Newnham had fled his château -- and abandoned memories of moonlit nights that left them both weak with unfulfilled passion. Now stricken with amnesia and in danger once again, Mathiaz summoned Jacinta back to his side. Jacinta vowed to protect his life, but the greater peril was to her heart -- and the haunting secret she could never reveal. When the truth surrounding Mathiaz's accident -- and Jacinta's connection to it -- surfaced, would he force her to leave, or refuse to let her go again...? 3) Prince no Shukumei (プリンスの宿命; Fate of the Prince) / The Marquis and the Mother-To-Be Back in her lush, beloved Carramer, Carissa Day purchased the perfect B and B for raising her babies-to-be. Trouble was, an aristocratic 'intruder' proved she'd been swindled -- her new home was actually his royal lodge. Worse, he proved to be Carissa's teenage crush, Eduard de Marigny, Marquis of Merrisand -- now more irresistible than ever. Penniless and pregnant -- with triplets! -- Carissa had to flee. Eduard, however, had other ideas. Namely, a partnership giving Carissa a title and protection -- and giving him an instant heir. Still, even with reignited passion burning between them, even with a kingdom at her feet, could Carissa wed her first and only love -- and forever forsake having his heart? Descriptions taken from FictionDB. Note: These are #4 - #6 of Valerie Parv's The Carramer Legacy series.
[From: InfinityScan] Anna, sweet, kind, and an angel, as Ou Bin describes, was always being bullied by Oc Ja Gang to the point where she has to rest until she recovers. Though, there are these rumor going around the school that Anna is coming back. Ou Bin, excited about the news rushes to go find her but...what he sees is someone else and not the sweet Anna.
Five sexy teachers, and a boy with lots to learn! Susumu Arisaka has just turned 18, and that means he can move out of the orphanage and into his childhood home. He's looking forward to finally living on his own, but five of his high school teachers have gotten there first. They're looking forward to helping him around the house - and teaching him a thing or two about life in the process. It's not at all what Susumu expected, and he's not sure if the situation's awful, or pretty darn great!
Riku likes her sensei but a mysterious young boy of her age who looks strikingly similar to him steals a kiss from her, how will the story of the 'Ubawareta Kiss' unfold?
Dream Slaughters summary: Have you ever wondered why people don 't remember their dreams the moment they wake up?Why do people forget their dreams?Why do YOU forget your dreams?Once upon a time, there 's a princess named Aurora sleeping in a tower. She is known by the people as 'Sleeping Beauty '. For a hundred of years, the princess stayed in her slumber, before the prince came to give her his true love 's kiss. She...
At Good Old Siwash summary: At Good Old Siwash summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At Good Old Siwash. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
I Am A Scarecrow And The Demon Lord Of Terror! summary:
Upon waking up, Flanders traveled to a modern world that had magic and turned into a scarecrow that had zero mobility! Fortunately, as long as he absorbed fear, he could continue to evolve! From then on, an existence that caused a headache for the Wizard’s a.s.sociation was born!
He was called the Demon Lord of Terror, Master of Nightmares, Ancient Evil Now, Nightmare’s Edge… He, was the most powerful existence in this world!
The Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife summary:
An Jia Qi said : The most unfortunate thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because he is a lot harder to please compare to her biological dad.
An Jia Qi said : The luckiest thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because whenever there’s parent – teacher conference, her biological father does not need to partic.i.p.ate.
An Jia Qi said : The happiest thing that happened in her life is knowing Su Zhan Mo, because after getting married, she does not need to work, only staying at home to be a rice worm (having leisurely life)
“Su Zhan Mo, are you eating valuable kidney growing up? In three years, I birthed two babies, do you think that I’m a mother pig?”