
















类别科幻 热血 机甲 致郁 限制级
















内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:直播算命:开局送和尚去坐牢】师傅,给林玄留下一个黑色盒子林玄打开盒子,得到了神算子传承,从此看面相就能知晓人的过去未来和现在就在林玄直播算命的时候,一个和尚突 然上门来找茬:“道士能算个锤子卦,算卦当然是我们和尚拿手,我们佛教之所以能传到夏国,就是因为道教是!”林玄:“喂,妖妖灵嘛,我这有个通缉犯——”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢直播算命:开局送和尚去坐牢,别忘记分享给朋友直播算命:开局送和尚去坐牢TXT下载1w0-79058 >>




内容简介:  重生八零年代,徐静思觉得是老天眷顾自己,才让她白捡了一世,只是开局有点糟!  一睁眼就是原主留给她烂摊子,好吃懒做,邋遢无貌,还偷东西被人追上了门。  面对他人嫌弃鄙夷的目光,原身 大学生丈夫更是厌恶到要离婚。  她一个靠自己挣出锦绣前程的人,还能栽在八十年代?  困境之下,卖掉头发换来二十元,卖粽子,开快餐店,搞投资,靠美食发家致富。还找了个铁血硬汉会疼人的帅老公。  有人在闻霆钧耳边叫嚣,那是离过婚的女人,配不上他!  再婚又怎样?闻霆钧看着那个耀眼自信的女人的目光,温柔静好。  只要他喜欢,就是最好!1w0-1617 >>


内容简介:简芷颜仗势欺人,纵横跋扈,娇蛮狠毒的小三名声远扬京城内外。她爷爷为守住简家的声誉,随便就找了个人将她嫁了。她气急败坏,而在见到那个俊美如神祗,浑身贵气的充斥着上位者气息,据说‘出身贫寒 ’的男人时,她懵了。男人深不可测的眼眸瞥了她一眼,“嫁我,委屈你了?”她想哭:“不,不委屈……”很快的她也发现这个男人不仅仅有一张祸国殃民的脸,手腕过人的他还以迅雷不及掩耳之势成为了在商场上叱咤风云的新贵,惹得无数大人物和名门淑女趋之若鹜。于是,不断有女人跑来戳着她鼻子骂她,”你这种恶毒的女人,凭什么嫁给他?!你配得上他吗?!”“……”她哭笑不得,很想说这个男人是她爷爷随便给她找的。可现在看来,这随便还真的是够不随便的啊!!1w0-2358 >>




内容简介:地球陷入危机,第一批闯关者进入闯关世界。闯关世界极尽凶险,通关者生,失败者消失,全人类不能幸免。莫砚非酋了二十几年,一朝进入闯关世界。闯关声音不怀好意:非酋体质加成,关卡难度up,祝您 饱受磋磨!莫砚愣住,饱受磋磨?快逃。非酋体质加成,莫砚被关卡boss追杀,一不小心闯入黑不见光的树林,死亡概率急速上升。谁知身后传来声音:追杀时间过长,能源消耗完毕,停止追杀!莫砚兵不血刃,顺利通关。饱受磋磨?不可能的。一拳就是一个关卡boss,看我如何C位通关。看着榜单池上金光熠熠的名字,莫·C位·砚邪魅一笑,天赋技能【以我为主,为我所用】在手,任你是非酋体质还是欧皇体质,通通让步,拜倒脚下。关长洲看着天赋技能带给自己的欧皇体质,望向旁边的人,耳朵有点红,假装淡定道:你开心就好。-组队闯关拿道具,朋友一生一起走。我们的地球,由我们自己来守护!聪明腹黑乐观吐槽非酋受×温柔强大坚定深情沉稳欧皇攻莫砚×关长洲C位通关,拯救地球,顺便谈了个恋爱?阅读指南:①1v1,强强②无限流,不恐怖③有单人副本也有团队副本④其他的想到再加吧⑤最后,祝大家万事顺遂,阅读愉快!1w0-106366 >>


内容简介:  以此岸之繁华,成就彼岸之神话——这是洛远的故事。一个导演的故事。1w0-3870


内容简介:凌火火的家庭会议……凌天:“世界末日了,是我们三个人中的一个人造成的,这个人,不是我。”凌淼:“也不是我。”凌火火:“……”我哥是魔王,我弟要灭世,所以……世界末日了,和我真的没有关系 !1w0-58216 >>


内容简介:穷小子偶得邪医传承,从此医武无双,为苍生妙手回春,为红颜化作杀神。 活死人,肉白骨,与阎王争命,人间逍遥,各色极品美人环绕。 所有的一切,都从那个美女模特送他一本古书时开始……1w0- 1357 >>


内容简介:取本家之姓,赐遗珠为名。或许宋遗珠从一开始,便不该遇见傅喻瀛。宋遗珠告诉傅喻瀛她想成为太子妃,只是因为她要彻底夺走宋妧珺的一切,但她自己心中却十分清楚,那未说出口的,是自己藏匿在心中多 年不曾散去的爱慕之情。傅喻瀛登基成为皇帝,宋遗珠也顺理成章的当上了皇后,她终于实现了最初的夙愿,成为了这普天之下最高贵的女人,拥有着至高无上的权利,她将会被载入史册,永垂不朽。可如今,宋遗珠却感受不到任何的喜悦之情。你许了我一世荣华,却与她四海为家。【展开】【收起】1w0-84208 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生:除了钱,我一无所有!】苏灿这个倒霉蛋重生到了2010年,携带着系统奖励的100亿RMB!截胡即将上线的“微聊!”聘请站在月亮下的那个男人做自己的员工。做 拼夕夕背后的大老板……打造出一个堪称365无死角的商业帝国!成为福布斯财富排行榜上各行大佬们都只能够仰望的存在。《时代》——“苏灿,这是一个贡献了全球50GDP的年轻人。”……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72097 >>

Natsu No Omoide (Haji)

Natsu no Omoide (Haji) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Natsu no Omoide (Haji). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


1) Gochisousama (Thanks for the Meal!) 2) Okawari (Second Please!) 3) Itadakimasu (Diggin' In!) When part-timer Hiroto gives some food to the adorable child in the park, he doesn't imagine that the child's father will offer him a job. Mamoru is a very picky eater and his father Suguru needs a reliable housekeeper since his job as a pilot keeps him away for days at time. The only rule is, no falling in love with Suguru, which should be easy, right? Right?! 4) Sonna Kimi ga Suki (I Love you the way You are) 5) Konna Buku demo Suki? (Am I Good Enough?) A pretty-boy model falls head over heels for an otaku with a 2D complex. 6) Moshi Mikawari No Koi Demo (Substitute for Love) - Oneshot Riku's twin sister fell in love with a guy from a very powerfull and rich family. The only Hitch is that Miku's boyfriend got an over-protecting brother, Kazuya. So when Miku and her lover eloping, Riku will do his best to save their love.

Mahou Shoujo Of The End Vs Hakaijuu Vs Versus Earth

A four chapter crossover between Mahou Shoujo Of The End, Hakaijuu and Versus Earth.

Shoujo Bigaku

Collection of short stories: • I Want to Become Her! A girl ends up living with a model she admires. • Her First Love Natsuki disguises herself as a boy so she can go out with the girl she likes. • Her Luck in Love Saki can't seem to keep her desire for her best friend Masono at bay. Will she confess her feelings to her and risk losing their friendship, or will her self-control win out? • Her Temptation The main character tries to--you guessed it!--resist temptation. • Her Confession An ordinary girl finds herself the unexpected target of an actress's affections. • First Bloom A short, full-color, smutty Plot What Plot manga. • Love Ride

The Complete Golfer

The Complete Golfer summary: The Complete Golfer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Complete Golfer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Supreme God

Supreme God summary: “I saw sol bathed in sunlight, exposing the world with shades of truth, revealing the flaws of beings and deities; I saw luna bathed in moonlight, lessening the sins and darkness of the night; I saw the ethereal cherub of day and night become the incarnation of light, a manifestation of purity; I saw leaders of Olympus; I saw a shepherd watching over in guidance; I saw our protector. I saw our crown of hope, our light in times of darkness—I saw power and beauty.” The thread of fate and destiny prophesied the birth of a G.o.d paving a new era of G.o.ds and bringing glory to all.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You summary: 'I love you, despite the danger signs.'
'Let me tell you this. You're standing before the gates of h.e.l.l right now. Doing this means ruining your life. Are you ready to step down to h.e.l.l with me?' his eyes blazed. A warning was burning within it and Abigail knew he was more than serious and that the danger was real, but… every time she thought about her future, was there anything scarier to her at this point? Wasn't she looking for something like this? For a man like this?
As the silence dragged on, the man's lips curved up into a triumphant, mocking smile and his hand landed on her head. He ruffled her hair and leaned in on her.
'h.e.l.l is not a good place, at least for a little lamb like you. I'm sure you're aware of that. Now run away while this demon king is still being nice and calm.' He whispered.
And then, he turned to leave, so casually, as if nothing just happened. But after three steps, the girl stopped him again.
'The h.e.l.l you're talking about...' she mumbled, 'I… I'd like to see it for myself… Take me there.'
Abigail is a beautiful oh-so-innocent lady. She is kind and well mannered but she is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qin, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.
Alexander will start to teach the innocent Abigail about his kind of pleasure while Abigail will show him the joy of doing simple things in life. Their completely different worlds collide, Abi's illness and the mysteries about Alexander will slowly be revealed. Can Abi handle his own kind of h.e.l.l? Can Alex handle her light?
He handed her an egg-shaped, pink vibrator and then returned to his spot.
The girl blinked again as she examined, with deep curiosity, the pink egg-shaped thing in her hand.
'Don't make me wait. Put it inside,' the man ordered and Abi swallowed.
Abi had no idea whatsoever as to what this thing was. She had never seen anything like this before. She wanted to ask him what this thing was and what he meant by 'put it inside' but the man was so serious, she was afraid she'd fail the test if she showed him that she didn't even know what this was.
'Is this clean?' was what she asked instead and the man half-smiled.
'It. Is. Very. Clean.' He stressed out every word.
Still unsure about what to do, Abi hesitantly looked at him and then in the next second, she put it inside her mouth.


Joshua summary: Joshua summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Joshua. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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