
































内容简介:穿越成为祭司:帝国王妃一次博物馆奇遇让中国少女那菲的灵魂穿越到了三千年前的古代帝国从贵族庶女到神庙女祭司那菲周旋在高傲冷漠的摄政王子和温柔专一的贵族少年之间用现代的智慧和独特的魅力征服 了整个帝国。1w7485-86097 >>


内容简介:司宁池穿成了当下最热漫画里的女配疯批皇后,她很美,可是疯了。为了入宫杀了自己同父异母的姐姐,把她葬在桃花树下,一脸欢欣的望着景王笑:“你说你喜欢她,你睁开眼看看啊。”“哦,你看不见啦? ”那容色绝美的女子笑的张扬夺目,似是在欣赏着什么旷世佳作。霸权凌驾与六宫之上的皇后娘娘,世人厌之弃之却又惧之,穿来后的司宁池缩起脑袋做人,可……赵宗珩眉头紧皱:“朕怎么觉得……皇后病的更重了。”朝野上下都言谈皇上1w0-74606 >>


内容简介:顾陌城娶慕家的女儿,只是为了羞辱慕家。而且他还自私的希望这个棋子,不争不抢不哭不闹。可真当这个棋子做到的时候,顾陌城又无比的暴躁,“我跟别的女人一块吃饭,你为什么不吃醋?”慕染染睨了他 一眼,“你发什么神经?”“……”对啊,他怎么了?于是顾少忍忍忍,但等慕染染跟别的男人眉来眼去的时候,他还是忍不住的怒了,“慕染染,我要把你藏起来!”慕染染:“我不愿意。”顾少:“那就关起来!”“……”众人:1w0-32815 >>






内容简介:左手江山,右手是你!余我三载年华,换你一世繁花!孟婆:“情海无涯,回头未必是岸!这一世,你们是夫妻,可是你把她救回去,三年后你死去,下一世,你也会忘记前世今生,你还换吗?”刘飞:“换! 一定要换。爱一个人就要拥有这一世,若是有缘分,相信下一世,同样会相遇。就算是不能够相遇,我也要在预先的轮回中等她!”“一万年太久,只争朝夕。我想说爱一个人,一万年真的太久了,而下一世也太遥远了1w0-28997 >>


内容简介:继母继妹联手背叛,一场精心的设计,让宋锦书失去清白,众叛亲离。无数阴谋交织,她更是成了娱乐圈中人人喊打的过街老鼠!甚至祸及家人!她不甘,誓要绝处逢生,逆袭报复!她要继母精心谋划的家族继 承权!她要嫁给那白莲妹妹心心念念,权势滔天的男人!她要将所有害她辱她、欺她的人,踩在脚下!曾经的耻辱,悉数奉还!可谁知,那掌控着全国经济命脉,矜贵十足、禁欲冷情的男人,却竟是个宠妻狂魔“老公,她们都说我坏。”1w15820-25592 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《重生之美利坚土豪》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读含着金汤匙出身的二逼土豪,短短几十年时间就败光了家产。就在他走向死亡的瞬间,突然遭遇空间乱流,这个意外的变故。直接让他回到了从前。1 w0-60039 >>


内容简介:一场意外,穿越到了亮剑世界,成为了李云龙!穿越第一天,奖励一吨武器弹药。穿越第二天,奖励牛肉罐头一吨。穿越第三天,奖励大洋一万块。……奖励飞机……大炮……坦克……。坂田联队?山崎大队? 军事观摩团?鬼子关东军?山本特工队?……这些都是精锐?李云龙:狗屁的精锐!老子打的就是精锐!乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《亮剑:咱李云龙打的就是精锐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76402 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:网游:我有无限火力】重生八年前,苏烬再次进入《诸神黎明》,开局便获得超强buff。【无限火力Lv1(永久隐藏增益buff):这是来自诸神的祝福,拥有超越法则的 力量,可升级】【效果:所有法术,物品附带技能的吟唱时间,冷却时间减少百分之五十,释放法术没有法术消耗】【终极形态:所有法术,物品附带技能的吟唱时间,冷却时间归零,释放法术没有法术消耗】开局一个无限火力BUFF,苏烬从此走上了一条无敌之路!超极限压缩吟唱!碾压同级的冷却时间!当别人还在为蓝耗而发愁的时候,苏烬已经左手一个禁咒,右手一个神术,以摧枯拉朽之势碾压一切。五年之后,游戏和现实融合之时,苏烬作为终极大魔王降临!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71455 >>


内容简介:【冷面冷心能怼会演大小姐VS深情腹黑病娇狼狗小马奴】前世惨死,她遭枕边人暗害!一朝重生,她要踩人渣收贱女,带领家族走向荣光。对内,她借力打力,压制用心险恶的叔嫂一家;对外,她整顿商铺, 聚敛财富,因赈灾有功得皇帝赏识。明面上,他是最下等的马奴,为她鞍前马后,扫平道路。暗地里,他是商会大东家,未来镇国将军,谋划十年,只为一场影响天下格局之大变。终于,他站在顶峰,向她伸出手,“小姐,我1w0-65486 >>


内容简介:21世纪毒医世家传人,身怀异禀,医毒双绝,一朝穿越,成了东秦王朝文国公府嫡女白鹤染。生母惨死,生父不认,嫡母当权,姐妹伪善。熊熊斗志冉冉升起,这一世,她要换一种活法。欺我者,打!辱我者 ,杀!逼死我母?血债血偿!阴谋算计?不死不休!面对不要脸的所谓亲人,她一笑森然:欲毁我者,满门皆诛!然而,在这条戾气正浓的路上,偶尔也会出现偏差。她杀人放火,他火上浇油。她打家劫舍,他磨刀霍霍。1w0-4000 >>

Saiyuki Reload

Priest Genjo Sanzo and companions Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku maintain their westward journey to stop the resurrection of the demon Gyoumao. As the reputation of the Sanzo Ikkou precedes them, they continue to fight demon assassins at every turn, but they must also deal with increasing tensions within their group in order to defeat a powerful enemy.

Ng Boy X Paradise

Summary from Hidoi~! Translators: Miu is an average high school girl who lives in a fantasy world dreaming about the day she'll find her destined one, just like in the manga stories she reads. What she doesnt know is that her prince might be closer than she thought. One day after getting punished to run around the school, she gets hit by a motorcycle at the school gate, and when she sees its a guy she thinks its her so awaited prince. But later she'll find out a secret about this guy and his twin brother.

Afro Samurai

Set in a 'futuristic, yet feudal Japan,' and stars a samurai named Afro for his hair. The story follows Afro as he tries to avenge his father's murder. In the world of Afro Samurai, it is said that the one who becomes 'Number One', will rule the world, wielding powers akin to a god. Someone becomes Number One by killing the previous Number One and taking his ceremonial headband. However, the only rule in this world is that only the 'Number Two' (also designated by a sacred headband) is allowed to fight the 'Number One.' The downside of this is that anyone (and typically everyone) can challenge and try to kill the Number Two, to gain the right to move forward and challenge Number One. Afro Samurai's father was the old Number One, until he was challenged by a gunman, 'Justice' (who was then Number Two), who fought him in a duel to become the new Number One. At the time the gunman challenged his father, Afro had only been a child. The gunman severed his father's head right in front of the young Afro. Now an adult, Afro Samurai is the current Number Two and a master swordsman; he travels the road seeking revenge on Justice, the current Number One. Lengthy flashbacks interspersed throughout the story detail how Afro rose from frightened boy fleeing the death of his father, to master swordsman, and eventually to become the current 'Number Two', while the story in the present deals with the adult Afro making his way to the mountain top keep of the 'Number One' to duel Justice, while at the same time the mysterious cult known as the 'Empty Seven Clan' sends various agents to kill Afro and take his Number Two headband.

Tatoeba Sore Wo Koi To Yobunara

This volume contains 4 stories. [From MegKF]: Chapter 1-2 Nobuki is in love with Toomu but doesn't tell him. After an incident Nobuki finally confesses his feelings to Toomu, but Toomu doesn't know what his feelings for Nobuki is. Chapter 3-4 Love triangle between 3 best freinds Rei - Keiji - Haruki. Will envy destroy their friendship? A little S&M. Chapter 5 Haru gave up on playing tennis because of his injury. However, 2 years later, a boy named Eiji from the same high school comes and brings along unexpecting things. Chapter 6 Can Negishi accept another UNUSUAL face of his normal beloved always-need-protection Kamisaki sensei?

Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman

Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman summary: Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Friend of Caesar

A Friend of Caesar summary: A Friend of Caesar summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Friend of Caesar. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki

Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki summary: A world where swords, bows, and magic flutter about.
Amagi Shigehisa, who was taking his university entrance exams, suddenly transferred into such a world without any warning.
As the strongest race, Dragunir.
Who and for what purpose? Without harboring this question for long, Shigehisa confronts an excessively heartless and harsh reality.
Shigehisa transferred into the North Tenshia Continent.
There, with the exception of humans, the Beast people like the Wolfmen tribe, Tigermen tribe, and others, experience extreme discrimination and oppression, and are forced into a life-threatening lifestyle every day.
Thus, Shigehisa made a decision.
“By my own means, I will make a kingdom for the sake of fluffiness!”
(TL: mofuru, mofu for fluffy, ru for a verb)
Because of a man who possesses a lifespan and power unmatched by humans, a battle which involves the whole continent starts.
Shigehisa, revising his name to “Georg Stanford”, the protagonist in a RPG he played during his high school days, brings together the beast people from every place in the continent.


Secrets summary: Secrets (Secrets #1) s.e.x is supposed to be s.e.xy, tantalizing, and completely erotic, but Anna never seems to find the right guy. This one seems to be a germ-a-phobe, and the previous boyfriend wasn 't much better. Anna just wants to be wanted. Is that too much to ask? As Anna tries to wiggle out of one relationship, a new one surfaces, but it 's forbidden. Cole Stevens is twice her age, arrogant, rich, s.e.xy as h.e.l.l, and her boss. When Anna 's internship plans derail, she ends up interning at Cole 's elite New York City studio. Close proximity leads Anna to discover that the billionaire bachelor is emotionally scarred. Everyone has secrets, but Cole 's run deeper, cutting him to his core. Cole is trouble in a s.e.xy sh.e.l.l. He 's nothing Anna needs and everything she wants.

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