内容简介:小兵提供萧酒歌大神最新作品《霸道总裁性别女穿书》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,霸道总裁性别女穿书小说txt下载,霸道总裁性别女穿书小说笔趣阁,霸道总裁性别女穿书无弹窗!本站最新最快更新霸道 总裁性别女穿书小说最新章节。1w0-76731 >>
内容简介:简介:【女扮男装+娱乐圈】国际一级通缉犯顾缘死了,死的非常凄惨,不少人欢呼雀跃,拍手称快。人们不知道,她是警方的卧底,潜伏长达六年,下场却是尸骨无存。再睁开眼,顾缘发现自己重生成了一个 19岁的少年,女扮男装的少年。继弟作祟?没事,总有给他送终的那天。继母欺压?不慌,女子监狱欢迎你的到来!记住,咱从不使用暴力,咱走法律!只是……好好的混着娱乐圈,怎么就成国民男神了呢?1V1,大女主文,绝对女强1w0-27388 >>
内容简介:接档文一《七十年代之苟住》接档文二《七零之炮灰女配》接档文三《在年代文中快穿》文案在最下方,以下为本文文案本文于入V,当天掉落万字更,请多多支持出了车祸的张敏没想到自己居然有穿越的机会 ,醒过来的她看着两个黑黑瘦瘦的小孩子,一个尚在襁褓之中痛哭失声的孩子。面对四面漏风的墙,只能无奈的负起了养家的重任,只是这两个孩子的名字是不是有些太熟悉啦,再一询问,李子村,李敏涛,李敏翰,还有那个小名叫嘉宝的孩子。这不就是《重生之军嫂》中大反派角色吗,而自己就是那个虐待了反派,在反派得势了之后,被反派狠狠的报复,最终凄惨潦倒的死在一个寒冷的夜里的蛇蝎心肠的后娘。呵呵哒!生活不易,猫猫叹气呀!接档文一《七十年代之苟住》作为一个手无缚鸡之力的弱鸡,吴敏拼尽全力的在末世生存了一段时间,但最终还是丧生在了丧尸潮中。因此在发现自己转世重生了,变成了一个小婴儿之后,她是开怀的。哪怕需要节衣缩食,但比起秩序混乱,人心中的恶魔都被放出来的末世也好了许多。可没过多久她就发现了不对,自己的亲姐姐叫做吴柔,四叔生的小堂姐叫做吴倩,自己的奶奶偏爱四叔,作为不上不下的老二的亲生父亲,跟头老黄牛一样。这不是《重生之麻辣军嫂》里头的人物吗,而她就是上一世吴柔私奔了,换亲嫁过去,享受了荣华富贵,在重生之后被吴柔记恨的心机深沉的妹妹。看着自己的姐姐充满恶意的瞧着尚在襁褓之中自己,原本黑红黑红的小脸也变得白皙细嫩,很好!自己的姐姐已经重生了。再听着自己隔房的小堂姐偶然间抱着自己时嘀咕的“原女主”,“系统兑换”等词汇,很好!自己的小堂姐被穿越了,看样子还有一个了不得的金手指。小堂姐想拉拢自己作为马前卒,亲姐姐试图打压自己,一个有兑换系统,一个有灵泉空间,吴敏只能安安静静的苟着,看两者是如何的你争我夺。最终,觅得良缘!接档文二《七零之炮灰女配》在年代文里,什么样的人最惨呢?那一定是受到当家人的重视,生为长子深受倚重的大伯,因为他们将会有一个任劳任怨的二弟和懦弱的二弟妹,没有生下男丁的他们底气不足一定是像老黄牛一样的埋头苦干。这个时候穿越女或重生女就要出来了,她们带着愚孝的爹,包子的妈,打脸极品,斗偏心爷奶,最终的分家发大财,让极品家人后悔的不行!其次,他们将会有一个深受大家长喜爱的幼弟,幼弟一定好吃懒做,名声极不好,同样也娶了一个偷奸耍滑的媳妇,在书中一家都是被打脸的炮灰。但不要紧,这个时候穿越女或重生女就会出现,两个懒散了小半辈子的人名声会一点一点的变好,经过一系列阴差阳错的事情,最终功成名就,让所有人刮目相看!不巧,自己有个重生了的堂姐,手握灵泉空间,磨刀霍霍的准备让一家人脱离苦海,还有个手握剧本, >>
内容简介: 穿越西游,成为了金蝉子,但是还没等他开始浪起来,就被送去了轮回,待到唐三藏这一世,他才觉醒了记忆,恰巧此时唐三藏前九世的记忆也被激活了,融合了前九世记忆之后的玄奘在记忆中看到了这九 世的遭遇。 这一世,我玄奘必将踏碎凌霄,覆灭佛教,魔临天下!1w0-3446 >>
内容简介:道不尽的人生坎坷,写不尽的官场风流。一代天骄张一凡,放弃了显赫的家庭背景,只身来到一叶小镇,成了历史上最年轻的镇长。斗贪官,平黑道,整治安,求发展,且看他如何从一介小小的镇长,平步青云 ,直达天听。都说官场坎坷,人生渺渺,凭什么他可以醉卧美人膝,笑看风云起?情场得意,官场风流?把酒风含笑!1w63982-116453 >>
内容简介:西汉末年,王莽篡位,天下大乱,有一布衣,拔剑乱世中。他运筹帷幄,辗转征伐九万里,剑锋所指,敢令八百诸侯。他东征西讨,荡平割据军阀,克定天下。他以柔治天下,励精图治,天下英才,尽归其麾下 。他叫刘秀,东汉第一个皇帝。“这皇座,只能我来坐!”1w0-4273 >>
内容简介:2oxx年,秦始皇地下皇陵又一处被意外现,出土的除了淘涌外却有一架神秘飞碟和一枝高科技手枪,被埋在地下长达二千多年,国家科学院高度重视,进行秘密研究,并请来本世纪富有传奇色彩的青年龙天 羽协助,实验过程中却生奇异现象,龙天羽被神秘飞行器仿佛梦境一般带回秦朝,介于楚汉之争,徘徊群芳之间,享受另一时空的生命!(惊险、震撼、刺激、另类、情爱!)一种生命的结束,也是另一种生命的开始!网络小说公式:yy种马潮流谁都可以yy名家的经典,只要你做好被骂的准备!欢迎支持本书的朋友们加入《寻秦记续之战龙返秦》群群号1o69o19o(已满)2552o536(已满)!新群:33368994。同时推荐龙竹另外两部作品:【异世大6】《金庸高手异世大6》【同人武侠】《游龙神雕》【传统武侠】《情剑天下》作者:龙竹所写的《寻秦记续之战龙返秦》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-123292 >>
内容简介:一个是脑洞突破天际的戏剧学院表演系毕业高材生,一个是傲娇毒舌身世成谜的已故女明星私生子,因为一份被迫签订的合约,不得不走上炒绯闻的道路。许安然:“哎?你知道我们的CP粉里出了个分析大神 吗?角度好刁钻啊!特别是剖析你的心理活动!看得我都快信以为真了!”邢傲霆:“哦,那个是我。”许安然:“……?”rn1w0-73980 >>
Set after the end of the second season of Kidou Senshi Gundam 00, this oneshot is centered around Lyle and his relationship with his brother, showing the reasons that led to their separation.Related:> Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 - I'm home. ( http://mangapark.com/search?q=kidou-senshi-gundam-00-im-home )> Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 - wanderer. ( http://mangapark.com/search?q=kidou-senshi-gundam-00-wanderer )
Monaco no Sora e summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Monaco no Sora e. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Oneshot: The year is 1590, during the turbulent Sengoku era of Japan. A girl who calls herself Izumi, the sole survivor of the destruction of her village, has come into possession of a set of very powerful keys. These keys can give their wielder access to powerful weapons that could change the course of the era. In her flight from those who want to kill her and take them, she has washed up in a buddhist monastery, where she has met the monk Tenkai. Tenkai, who takes an interest in her troubles, may be more than he appears! Serialization: 10 years after the killing of Oda Nobunaga, allegedly through the betrayal of his follower Akechi Mitsuhide, Nobunaga's 16-year-old daughter is being sent to the current ruler of Japan, the cruel Toyotomi Hideyoshi. En route, she is rescued by two mysterious, powerful monks. Her mistrust of their intentions only deepens when she learns that one of them, who calls himself Tenkai, possesses one of the powerful weapons known as 'Sodomu.' Tenkai's plans will only become clear when his secrets are revealed! Hopefully, he can show Nobunaga's daughter that the power of 'Sodomu' can not only be used for evil but rather for good as well!
After being the only survivor in a plane crash and losing his parents Ryouga, a young boy, is troubled by nightmares and taunted by other kids at his school. Fed up, he agrees to transfer to another school intrigued by a mysterious offer and the hope they may know why or how he was able to survive the crash. Arriving at the new school, he learns he must play a little card game with three others before being accepted... one card each, one vicious monster each, gruesome deaths for all save one.
Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia summary: Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Parochial and Plain Sermons summary: Parochial and Plain Sermons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Parochial and Plain Sermons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Copper Princess summary: The Copper Princess summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Copper Princess. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Underdog Versus Boss summary:
Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting are childhood rivals.
Feng Kai Ze is the love child of a ruthless tyc.o.o.n. He resents his father for his mother’s death. When his father forces him to leave his mother’s hometown, he steals Da Tian Ting’s diary.
Da Tian Ting resents her mother for abandoning her and her father to marry her mother’s first love.
Unbeknownst to Da Tian Ting, her father’s friend betrays him by stealing her father’s invention. She believes her inheritance is from her father’s life savings.
Da Tian Ting loves her father. She agrees to marry her father’s friend’s son.
On the eve of Da Tian Ting’s wedding day, her fiance cheats on her. She cancels the wedding and breaks off the engagement.
When Da Tian Ting hits rock bottom she reunites with Feng Kai Ze. She doesn’t recognise the adult Feng Kai Ze. She thinks he is a handsome pauper and plans to recruit him as her wedding date to her ex-fiance’s wedding.
Feng Kai Ze recognises his childhood rival Da Tian Ting. Initially Feng Kai Ze wants to use Da Tian Ting to defy his father’s order for him to marry the daughter of a businessman who is blackmailing his father.
Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting join forces to take revenge on the people who hurt their mother and father respectively. Blind by revenge, Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting can’t see cupid’s arrow targeting their hearts.