简介某天发现自己暗恋许久的女神是男的肿么破?而且还是自己不怎么待见的表弟,最主要的是这货还臭不要脸的要同居要亲亲要抱抱要交往!叶卿言:“嫁给我好吗?”苏哲:“滚!” 这是一个宅男被自己表弟黏糊了好久终于追到手HE了的故事。【每周二更新】
内容简介:★★★本书简介★★★当时我就心动了,有种天上掉馅饼的感觉,能娶到这样的美女是上辈子修来的福分。同时也有点心慌,以她这样的姿色应该不缺乏追求者,为何要急匆匆地找一个上门女婿呢或许她也在挑 来挑去,而我不是唯一的候选人吧。1w0-125410 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者夏日炎炎的经典小说:《锦鲤附体,素人女王怼遍娱乐圈后爆红了》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说摸爬滚打了好几年,沈奚好不容易爬上了二线女明星的 位置,却没想到半夜惨死,飘荡灵堂,发现自己的死是一场早有预谋的算计,连尸体都被人惦记!一朝重生,回归素人身份的沈奚冷笑出手,自带一身锦鲤气运,在综艺节目上横空出世,好运爆棚,剧本代言接到手软,奖项证书拿到手酸,瞬间圈粉无数!手撕渣男,脚踹贱女,一路毒舌打脸虐渣忙不停,堪称行走的鉴婊机器,连黑粉都只能跪地喊爸爸!……某日。狗仔拍到沈奚与国民影帝谢重疏私1w0-73565 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:开局让范天雷做卧底】李磊穿越到了特种兵世界,意外的成为了军区情报科科长。在卫星行动中,李磊成功救下了何卫东。事后,范天雷接到了一项绝密任务:做卧底“首 长,这个卧底,我不会啊?”“没事,你稍微收敛下就可以了。”于是范天雷在做卧底一年后,远山镇这个毒品帝国竟全军覆没。而此时的李磊正看着还是刑警队长的温长林,温声的说道:“别怕哈,这是去做卧底,又不是去送死。”“可是,我不会啊。”“没事,范天雷之前也说不会,现在也不是干的挺好的嘛?”“我该怎么做?”“你跟范天雷不一样,你最少把自己藏一半,不然我怕那些犯罪份子抗不住三天。”温长林:飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特种兵:开局让范天雷做卧底,别忘记分享给朋友作者:大唐之光所写的《特种兵:开局让范天雷做卧底》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-72207 >>
内容简介:天才法医,穿越到了极品农家爹娘早亡,舅舅黑心,表姐抢她未婚夫,外婆盼她断气好配阴婚统统别想!看她护幼弟,斗极品,种田发家致富忙!只是那谁,你要再步步紧逼,我手上的解剖刀可不客气了!某男 吹灯宽衣:娘子,何必用刀子,为夫自己来。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生种田:首辅家的小娇娘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81077 >>
内容简介: 药不成丹只是毒,人不成神终成灰。 ………… 天道有缺,人间不平,红尘世外,魍魉横行;哀尔良善,怒尔不争;规则之外,吾来执行。 布武天下,屠尽不平;手中有刀,心中有情;怀中美人 ,刀下奸雄;冷眼红尘,无憾今生。 …… 惊天智谋,踏破国仇家恨;铁骨柔肠,演绎爱恨情仇;绝世神功,屠尽人间不平;丹心碧血,谱写兄弟千秋!1w0-171 >>
内容简介: 天涯海阁阁主的二徒弟,门中最小的小师妹,四岁入门,百年后才成功筑基。筑基当天,引来了九重天雷劫,在渡劫中被人给魂穿了。醒来后发现,这还是一个群穿的故事设定。大放送的穿越套餐中,为什 么只有自己是魂穿的?!百年废物人设,好像不是因为魂穿才有所改变。原主从里到外都是问题,这个剧情从头到尾都是深坑。说好的红颜知己女主命,海外神秘修仙门呢?骗子!1w0-3394 >>
内容简介:《首辅家的锦鲤妻》简介:江鸾痛得瞬间变了脸色(锦鲤王妃有空间)。她下意识抱住肚子,却发现肚子越来越痛,还有股热流。感受到那股热意,她的心彻底慌了(锦鲤王妃有空间)。“啊!”她惨叫了一声 ,凄厉地喊道,“快……快传太医!”碧痕一听她声音不对劲,吓得赶紧抬起头,然后就看见江鸾已经痛得面白如纸,额头上甚至冒出了密密麻麻的冷汗(锦鲤王妃有空间)。她顿时慌了神,转身就踉跄着超外跑,尖叫着让人传太医。好在东宫这边一直有太医驻守,外头的内侍听见动静后,立刻飞奔着去叫太医(锦鲤王妃有空间)。没多久,驻守的四名太医就慌乱地飞奔了过来。因为去的人神色惊慌,他们一看就知道太子妃这边出了事,哪里还顾得上形象?一个个几乎是跑出了百米冲刺的速度,别说是形象,连命都顾不上了(锦鲤王妃有空间)。。1w33416-76597 >>
内容简介:悬疑故事匣:压在箱底的爱与背叛最新简介:关于爱和背叛,你有多少压在心底打死也不愿意说出的秘密故事?禁锢之爱妻子十月怀胎,生产那天我才发现,孩子早已夭折在肚子里。随后,我的身边发生一系列 诡异事件。家中突然出现婴儿的脚印,墙里传来婴儿的哭声,妻子也逐渐神志不清一个月后,妻子车祸死亡。临死前她给我发了条消息老公,孩子真的被关在墙里面。孩子没了,妻子死了,可我却笑了世上真正恐怖的,是人心。1w0-126824 >>
内容简介:他是京都城最尊贵最神秘的男人,总参军情机关ZMI特工首脑。一个权倾天下的大人物。有多大?!——他说,试过才知道!她是外地来京的犯罪心理学硕士,未成年人管教所心理辅导员。一个饥荒不饱的小 人物。有多小?!——她说,关你什么事?初次见面,他在她身上流汗打假炮儿。无奈陪练,她在他下边纳闷儿真思考。一个冷魅、尊贵、俊毅、邪戾,狷狂,霸道,牛逼…但凡小言男主身上的贴金词儿都能使用的大金主儿。他闲得蛋疼么,和她逗闷子玩?如果不是逗闷子,那他擦边儿捣鼓半天不办实事,到底又为了哪般?难道是?——性心理障碍?治,还是不治?治,又该怎么治?1w0-84610 >>
内容简介:少年萧浪,天生觉醒超级神魂,却被误认为废神魂。在家族受尽屈辱,多次被陷害,无奈之下叛出家族,从此一飞冲天,青云直上。为了心爱的姑娘,心中的道义,他不惜举世皆敌,一路屠神。天要压我,我就 破了这个天!1w0-1097 >>
内容简介:和小当家的妈妈一起穿!激光武器VS生化武器!我行我上了!你们别BB!一千打赏一更,有钱你们就造吧!熟悉的味道!熟悉的名字!熟悉的风格!没错,我就是马赛克!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《食 戟之田中秋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80647 >>
Divided into 4 chapters entitled respectively 1970, 1974, 1976 and 1980, the story focuses on a young couple, Keiko and Kosuke. They meet during high school and soon become friends. Koisuke aspires to become a famous movie director and Keiko helps him with his project in a competition. The outcome is brilliant but not much later Keiko sees him kissing another girl. During the next years they will meet again, but will they be able to overcome their misunderstandings?
Karasawa Makoto just found out that she wasn't her parents' daughter, but their niece. They give her the only thing her real parents left for her. After receiving it, she goes into an elevator and drops it near a foreigner. He then tells her that the item her parents left her allows her to rule the world. The foreigner's partner then snatches the item and leaves. (manga traders)
• 197X Long, long ago, when things like VHS, Betamax and satellite broadcasting didn’t exist yet, there lived a boy who loved watching movies over anything else - until one day he found something much more interesting to do in the darkness of the movie hall…
Mizutani Yoshiki is a 21 year old working as an assistant director for TV shows. His friends from back in high school are all jealous because they think that he's able to rub elbows with celebrities but in reality, he's so far down the TV industry hierarchy that he's more the resident lap dog relegated to doing everyone else's dirty work. One day, he gets assigned to help out with filming for the latest 'it' drama. The lead female actress turns out to be none other than Fujiidera Mitsuko, the girl he had a crush on back in high school who's now become one of the hottest rising stars in the acting world. As he quickly finds out though, she's nothing like the shy, quiet girl he knew from back in high school. What happened to her for her to have changed so much? Includes another story ??My dear B?F? Ever since the car accident that ended her dreams of becoming a short track athlete, Yumi's been struggling to pick up the pieces and move on. One day, a mysterious boy who calls himself 'Jiro' crashes into her in the school hallway. They quickly build up a close friendship---but there's something strange about him that she just can't put her finger on. Who is he really?
Again, Dangerous Visions summary: Again, Dangerous Visions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Again, Dangerous Visions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Vanguard of the Eternal Night summary:
A master a.s.sa.s.sin transmigrates into an interstellar era.
Other players were responsible for competing in the e-sports arena, while he was responsible for stringing up and beating up the other players.
His sword was hidden during the peak of day, and he was a gentleman who arrived in a flash of light;
As a vanguard of the eternal night, he was the variable between life and death in the world.
“As you know, the Star League’s difficulty levels are arranged in this way:
Paradise ”
So Runs the World summary: So Runs the World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of So Runs the World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Spear User that Couldn’t Become the Hero 《Protagonist》 summary:
In 2031 A.D. mysterious crystal bodies referred to as 『C.E.』 attacked. Humanity was gradually pushed down the road to ruin.
This is the story of a great hero who save the Earth from destruction with his shining holy sword――not.
In history during humanity’s grimmest hour, this is the story of the overshadowed hero, a lone spear user.
In often cases, this would be a story about a cheat protagonist and his harem; but, this story is from the point-of-view of a supporting character that shows the conspiracy behind such plots.
Basically, the theme is school battles.