内容简介:有了百倍修炼速度是啥体验?你打了别人一巴掌。基础掌法圆满,自动进阶黄级下品掌法!没事走两步。基础身法圆满,自动进阶黄级下品步法!楚晨就是这样,得到了百倍修炼系统,被这效果吓的目瞪口呆。 “叮!你瞪大了双眼,基础目力圆满,自动进阶为千里眼!”………有了这样的系统,真是想怎么牛批,就怎么牛批!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我有百倍修炼速度》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75582 >>
内容简介: 重生孙策,雄霸三国。 一梦醒来,成了小霸王孙策,亲爹孙坚正在襄阳作战,命悬一线。 爹要救,江山要打,乱世和美人都要拯救,但事情却不是想象的那么简单。 袁绍四世三公很强大,江东 缺马难争霸。天子年少很聪明,读书人自负又天真。黄巾余波尚未平,门阀已经现雏形。名臣猛将只是舞台上的影子,背后还有无形的手。 有痛快,有遗憾,更有无奈,但初心不变。 用一点先见之明,集结良臣猛将的智慧和坚强,铸就一个强大文明的脊梁。 这是我的三国,我是小霸王孙策。 —— 老庄书友群:23470572,欢迎入裙!1w0-3730 >>
内容简介:你这是带人的态度么电竞你这是带人的态度么电竞小说阅读科幻灵异小说你这是带人的态度么电竞由作家花卷不投降创作【晋江独发,原名《你这是陪玩的态度么》,感谢支持正版。】【每天双更,晚上210 0一更,另一更什么时候写完什么时候发】本文文案:江挽,《英雄联盟》LPL职业联赛新任解说。为完成解说段位考核他找陪玩双排上分,恰逢常去的陪玩店店庆盲盒活动,他抽到“店主镇店之宝之超强无敌横扫千分下一切分段帝国最强打野陪X君”。一天后江挽恼火地找店主:“这也叫陪玩?对我爱答不理的三分钟挤不出一句话!”“还说我菜!”“不过手法确实挺犀利的,声音也有点像我男神陆深,还不错。”“但下次还是换个人吧。”当天晚上,再去抽陪玩又抽到野陪X的江挽:“……”陆深,世界第一打野,S赛冠军。在发小哀求下在他陪玩店里挂了个“韩服千分野陪”的名,说好不接单。有天发小突然来敲他:“深哥,去陪个单子吧,盲盒开到你了,黄金局,你用脚打都行。”陆深无法,只能去了。后来他按着眉心问发小:“你这老板什么情况?菜倒无所谓,打个黄金局话那么多,打得跟解说世界赛似的?”发小干笑:“啊哈哈哈,放心深哥,下次不会了,我店里一百五十多号陪玩,盲盒开到你的几率,基本属于太阳打西边出来。”陆深:“哦。”次日晚上,发小:“深哥,太阳又打西边出来了qwq”陆深:“……”后来江挽解说比赛,常跟自己的男神陆深碰面,越接触越喜欢,忍不住对已经成为交心网友的陪玩倾诉自己对“合作的男神哥哥”的爱慕之情。这么过了几个月,某天,陪玩突然问:“你的男神哥哥是陆深?”江挽想着反正彼此都不知道三次元身份,大方承认:“是啊。”陪玩:“啧。”江挽:“……?”,HE,王牌解说受vs世界冠军攻。年龄受23攻22。2职业选手不接陪玩,【攻不是真正陪玩,没收陪玩费只是跟受双排】【解说相关有私设】感谢谅解。3游戏LOL,一切人物比赛进程均【纯属虚构无原型】,请不要在文下提及真人。下本要开的预收《冰上十七年花滑》:2005年冬天,鹤城市花样滑冰青少年队总教练,黄斌,在家门口早点摊路西边捡了个三岁小孩。黄斌给他取名叫路西。三岁半,路·小奶包·西第一次晃晃悠悠上冰,摔了个大马趴。九岁,路西作为青少年队预备队员去隔壁市交流,黄斌指着冰面上的小选手们问他:“小西,这些哥哥姐姐厉害吗?”小路西看着场上最耀眼那个名叫夏景的少年,头也没回:“比我弱。”十七岁半。路西以微弱分差战胜夏景拿下第一个全国冠军,同年成为最年轻的世界冠军。有记者拍到他下场时因为伤病拧起眉,夏景匆匆冲上前,抱起他回休息室,眉心紧蹙,小心得像抱着易碎的瓷娃娃。二十一岁。冬奥会男单自由滑赛场,当今公认最具 >>
内容简介:更新时间2100,其他时间显示更新不用理会,是在修文捉虫。————蓬莱仙宗小师妹徐千屿死后方知,自己是一本锦鲤文中的女配。她这一生心高气傲,修炼刻苦,无奈屡屡倒霉,不成大器。爱上大反派 魔王,倒贴半本书,甚至为他背叛师门,真心奉上,却被一剑击杀,掉落山崖。反派魔王漠然擦了擦剑上鲜血,转身乖巧地投入了治愈系女主的怀抱。和她一块长大的沙雕师弟,满脸伤痕地站在女主门外,淋着雨神情落寞。多年之后,1w0-98614 >>
内容简介:在穿越明末泛滥成灾之际,作为二十一世纪的大好青年、学校里的打架王、小混混眼中的灾星的杨梦龙也活见鬼的穿越了,回到了那个年代,迎来了组建近代军队横扫全世界,找上七八十位美女充当后宫大好机 遇!然而……杨梦龙挥舞着嘶声咆哮:是哪个王八蛋说明末很好混的?你出来,我保证不砍死你!br各位书友要是觉得《明末混球》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!明末混球最新章节明末混球无弹窗明末混球全文阅读1w0-29211 >>
内容简介:某次在化妆间接受访谈记者:“常常有粉丝夸你体贴绅士,这与从小的家教有关吗?”苏木白微微歪头想了想:“大概因为从小有个小尾巴总跟着我,习惯了。”记者:“是你那个青梅竹马的编剧连星吗?”他 默认。1w0-27261 >>
内容简介: 张东云带着一个无敌城系统穿越了。 身为城主,只要处于无敌城范围内,他便是无敌。 任何存在都无法伤害张东云,而他可以主宰城内一切生灵的生死。 并且, 这座城将不断升级,不断扩大。 一城覆盖一国,一城囊括一界,直到一城包罗诸天万界…… 从此,这个世界迎来自己唯一的至尊,无上的主宰,所有人的爸爸,永远滴神。1w0-1698 >>
内容简介:穿越到红楼梦贾琏身上,听到的第一句话是“二郎,快起来把药喝了……”本以为有人把大郎改为二郎,恶作剧自己。没想到真被灌了一碗奇苦无比的药汤,这下完了,难道真要被毒死了?收获金手指一枚,居 然是传说中的神格碎片,可惜碎片直径只有两微米,还没有灰尘大!更倒霉的是红楼世界没有魔法元素,有了神格碎片却无法修炼成神,只能当一辈子凡人!贾琏向天怒吼:“为什么要先给1w0-76357 >>
内容简介: 泰坦,与最古老的神袛一同诞生的近神生物。龙,雄踞无数世界食物链顶端的强大掠食者。继承了泰坦与金龙血脉的穆瑞亚,端坐于王座之上。红龙,蓝龙,绿龙……青铜龙,赤铜龙,黄铜龙……紫晶龙, 水晶龙,翡翠龙,众多巨龙匍匐在王座之下。云巨人,雾巨人,石巨人,霜巨人……风暴巨人,山岭巨人,潮汐巨人……无数的巨人向王座跪拜。王者的力量,不仅仅是用来杀戮与征服!群:6788329631w0-150 >>
By Backlash67 from the Intro page' Miyamoto Kano presents the story of an ex-gangster and an elite office worker! On the first snow day of the year, I let an outrageous man come inside. Inside my room, my body, and my heart.
Compilation of short stories: • Kanojo no Honnou Her Instinct 'I want to crush every love that began with a love letter.' Natsume began a relationship with a love letter. 3 months later, she got dumped. As she's walking home, she bumps into her classmate Aji-kun who's on his way to give a girl a love letter. Natsume decides to crush that love... • Todoketai Want to Reach You 'At home, along with the thoughs that make me choke inside... there's the 'make-believe family' that I have to pretend to be a part of...' Mana hates going home to a house with no one in it... but when her mother decides to remarry, Mana begins to hate going home even more. Because at home, there's Shin. • Mekakushi no Joousama The Blindfolded Princess 'I'm the queen of the library... if I'm seen, I'll disappear.' Inoue Yoriko can't refuse when people ask her for things, so she gets bullied at school. The only reason she goes, is to see Maki - the guy she loves. She thinks he hate her, so she can't confess to him. But when he hears her voice in the library, and tells her he loves it, will Yoriko decide to show her face or stay hidden forever? • Multi-Vitamin 'You are just.... A vitamin drug.' That's what Ichimiya Ai says to a guy right before she dumps him. As she is walking in the hall, she sees her junior sleeping against the wall... but why is her heart beating just looking at him? When the guy, Natsu, asks her out, she accepts... but something feels different about him... • Lovex2 de Kishi Love Love Knight 'Quickly, throw me away already! Don't hurt me more than you already have...' When Satsuki Mio confesses to the insanely popular ''Knight-kun'', she is so nervous she totally messes up (it's her first time confessing). Amused by her pureness, Knight-kun asks her to be his lover. At first, Mio can't believe she has such a good catch for her first boyfriend... but what if he doesn't really love her?
Kuro-chan, a 'watchcat' for an old couple, is, one day, kidnapped by Dr. Go, an evil scientist. Dr. Go transforms Kuro into a cyborg cat. However, the new Kuro-chan is not loyal, and escapes Dr. Go's laboratory as well as destroying it. He then uses his cyborg body, along with weapon technology, to fight various evil villains, such as other robot cats, and aliens.
Masaki is a teenage senior high school student, whose boyfriend is 8 years older and his homeroom teacher, Tokuyama-sensei. As teacher and pupil, of course they need to keep it a secret, but both heart and body are carried away in this dangerous relationship because it's a passionate and erotic love! [from CT]
The Book of Tea summary: The Book of Tea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Tea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Among the Meadow People summary: Among the Meadow People summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Among the Meadow People. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Ball Player's Career summary: A Ball Player's Career summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Ball Player's Career. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
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