内容简介:每隔百年的凛冬逢魔时,地狱之门都会重新开启,被打入无间地狱的恶灵闯过十九层炼狱,就可以重回人间。地狱内的恶灵绝非善类,连阙混在其间,众恶灵却发现——他总是能莫名躺赢。厉鬼的刀每次只斩在 他身侧……就连末世中恶名在外、手腕铁血的最高裁决院之刃也为他破例。在他们看不到的暗角,众人求而不得的地狱使者召唤卡牌在他手中熠熠生辉——“绑定成功,尊贵的付费用户,欢迎来到,地狱的第十九层。我是地狱使者,您最忠实的——信徒。”连阙歪头笑道:“谢谢,但我不记得什么时候充过值?”地狱使者微笑不语。可他记得那座荒山孤冢,那人随手丢下的花,和那一句——“听说在人间,死后无亲人祭拜者只能入地狱门,不能再入轮回。但如果可以,做个人吧。”景斯言始终追随他的神,舍弃轮回甘入地狱成为他最趁手的一把刀。直至十九狱业火倾覆,人人贪欲满身。他望向他的神明,目光温柔而克制:“什么都可以?”连阙倾身低语:“什么都可以。”他的双瞳已被业火染成一片赤红,在他的神明前单膝跪地,生涩而虔诚地吻上他的手背。连阙:?他妄图比肩神明,只为他片刻垂青。1w0-105855 >>
内容简介: 京城传言,封家三爷,冷血无情,是贵族新贵,狠绝冷戾,不近女色。只是最近这位爷有点怪,身边跟了个小包子,眉眼跟他像了八成听说封三爷看上了个小姑娘,打算替人家养儿子。听说封三爷看上的小 姑娘是娱乐圈的,每天花式送剧本资源。众人嗤笑,一个戏子,还带个拖油瓶,三爷不过玩玩儿罢了。直到媒体拍到封三爷连拖带拽,将人抗进民政局。整个京城都炸了,娇花们敢怒不敢言,纷纷把矛头指向简初。带个拖油瓶还想染指封三爷,好不要脸。简初怒摔,将宝贝儿子和封三爷的奶娃娃照发上微博。看着两张一毛一样的小脸,京城直接炸开了锅。只有小包子沉默:我把你当兄弟,你却要当我爸爸?1w0-4340 >>
内容简介:眼睛一闭一睁,阮软穿成了个兔子精。从那个寸草不生的破地方离开之后,阮软遇上一只狐狸精。狐狸精冷漠又嗜血,初次见面就一匕首宰了她——不过她没死成。求生欲让人强大——阮软成功地成为了狐狸精 的小跟班儿。洗衣做…1w0-33114 >>
内容简介:他,迦蓝星球的王子,在传承仪式上却遭到青梅竹马的情人以及兄弟背叛,最终国破家亡。胸口处深深地插着那把自己亲手送给她的匕首,殷红的血液随着刀柄缓缓地淌出,他独自坐在那象征着最高权力的冰冷 王座上,“一切都结束了”……他掰动了座椅下的机关,眼角滚落一滴清浊的泪珠,这是自己最后的秘密,也是对他们两个唯一的秘密,没想到却用来终结自己,终结自己的国家……身体随着整座宫殿一起被炸得粉碎,灵魂即将消散的那一刻,他看到了地底一道金光一闪而过,接着便陷入一片混沌……1w0-80602 >>
内容简介: 邪祟横行,世人苦难,宗门世家,割据一方,在这黑暗乱世,脑海里的异能,成了陆难唯一的依靠。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。无数年后,当陆难回首前尘,发现身后是早已经消散的敌人,以及满地枯骸。 ps:诡异世界,无/单女主,黑暗风。1w0-1930 >>
内容简介:许然穿越到类似聊斋的世界,获得了怪物获取游戏系统。宿主遇见白骨女妖,获得不限刷新次数的【白骨妖精英野怪】;宿主遇见山神,获得不限刷新次数的【精英BOSS山神】;宿主遇见燕赤霞,获得不限 刷新次数的【精英BOSS侠道士】;……聊斋世界遍地妖、鬼、精怪、侠士、道士、佛陀,处处可以获得无限单刷的各种野怪和BOSS。系统能自动数据化战斗经验,掌握怪物出手规律。还能获得经验值、技能和装备,并进行各种花式强化。当山神举起狼牙棒冲过来时,许然亮出镶嵌六颗增伤宝石的同款狼牙棒,山神直接跪地:爸爸(ps非纯无脑爽文)各位书友要是觉得《从聊斋开始单刷诸天神魔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29448 >>
内容简介:新婚当天,苏羽被丈夫和妹妹害死,重生回了20岁——被战景霆提亲的那年。再遇战景霆,他对她说:“苏家人会亏待你,我战景霆不会!这张卡无限额,随便刷!”她说:“我会是个很好的妻子,聪明能干 ,日后一定会给你带来很大的惊喜。”嗯,事实证明……顶级黑客是她、知名导演是她、名动京城的神秘医仙还是她。身份多到数不清,四个大佬舅舅把她捧上天。婚后,记者采访战景霆婚后感想。战爷表示,聪明、能干、日后带来很大的惊喜……她都没说错。1w0-84542 >>
内容简介:本是小屠夫一枚,却身逢明末乱世,不得已放下杀猪刀,拿起斧头,挣扎着,艰辛着,上进着,一步步走上了征战天下的道路,避免了神州陆沉、衣冠沦丧……群号:775307992。欢迎加入,期待交流 。1w0-32928 >>
内容简介:苏律好不容易鼓足勇气跟他女神告白了,只是对他来说犹如晴天霹雳的是女神喜欢他们学校的学霸兼校草秦于然,正当他伤心难过之际,居然在某公园看到此男神正在和一个男人热吻。将这一切都告诉了他的腐 女妹妹,结果拖他老妹的误导下,让他以揭露男神是同志的丑恶脸嘴为目的公然去追男神。但是,那日男神的热吻只不过是一个完完全全的误会以及刚好,所以男神可是个百分百的大直男啊!于是这是一篇直男追直男,两人互相掰弯的闹剧。某苏:你是直男早说啊!芷央读者群号码:4536543361w0-75711 >>
内容简介:一股地球游戏电网数据,一枚从天而降的奇怪戒指,一次电击事故,成就了一个穿越异界大陆后的世界王者!“叮,开启全职业系统。”“叮,恭喜击杀xxx,获得经验xxx,等级提升”“叮,恭喜击败x xx,获得药剂,xx装备,xx图纸”“叮,系统升级,正在自动改善和新开发某些功能!”“妖孽啊,2年跨7个大等级,抵得上别人数十年的苦修了!”“不好意思,我修炼主要靠打怪!”“不好意思,我的装备和东西全1w0-77289 >>
内容简介:人人都说,闻煜风是一师中学最难管教的坏学生。乖戾逃课成绩差,样样不落。直到班里升上来个跳级的小才女。“煜哥,三中那帮孙子又来找事了!怎么办?”男生闻言收了笑意,眼睛一眯,清俊的脸上透着 股懒洋洋的狠劲:“干他们啊。”晚上,气势汹汹的跟班们到了一班门口。纤细漂亮的女孩站在男生桌边。声音也软软的——“他单词没背完,去不了了。”【尾注】“曾经我行于黑夜,距深渊一步之遥;直到你出现那天,天光大亮。”一个初心与你的故事1w0-2664 >>
Rich young Master comes across a girl alone and abandoned during Christmas. He decides to take her in and name her 'Mike'. Now he's in highschool and she's his personal maid. Did I mention she now loves him and he's rather sadistic with a terrible panty fetish? A very hilarious smutty story.
Popular high school student Suwa Daisuke has no interest in dating newcomer Aikawa Hinako, a quiet loner. That's because she recoiled from his flirtatious touch, and he took it as a personal affront. Daisuke informs one of his buddies that he wouldn't date her, not knowing Hinako was listening. Daisuke's attitude changes after he accidentally hears her confession in an abandoned church; she's been sexually abused by her stepfather and has given up a child for adoption. His former annoyance turns to compassion and concern. Hinako is unaware that he knows her terrible secret. Believing him to have no romantic interest, she becomes more relaxed and comfortable in his company. Their relationship faces a lot of obstacles, including jealous classmates.
From DMP : Professional male model Juuzou has a sweet, sweet lover. Juuzou used to be the kind of guy who had an eye for beautiful men, but after meeting his doctor friend Mitsuya, it turns out the tables are turned. It’s that men seem to melt over him. Mitsuya pampers Juuzou constantly,he isn’t jealous and is never overprotective. He is the perfect lover, but lately it simply is not enough. Is Juuzou losing his charisma that causes most men to melt at his feet?
From ADV: Akane is a charming young girl with two separate identities. Growing up as a princess in the Dainagon family, she befriends Aogi, who, as he matures, takes a position with the Inner Guards at the Imperial Palace, thus becoming unavailable to the outside world. When the long-lasting separation from her childhood chum becomes unbearable, Akane must assume a second persona, that of a servant of the Imperial Palace. But entering the gates of the castle doesn't get her any closer to Aogi, and soon, these star-crossed lovers are breaking all the rules for that sweet reunion they both crave.
A Ride To India Across Persia And Baluchistan summary: A Ride To India Across Persia And Baluchistan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Ride To India Across Persia And Baluchistan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Lady Polly summary: Lady Polly summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Polly. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain summary: “Li Anping, you are a devil from birth. Hidden under the feint of your pursuit of justice lies humanity’s deepest malice. To you, killing people is as easy as breathing, destroying lives is as simple as eating a meal.” “Li Anping, this is the enclosure that you created for humanity? Then let me see, if it is you who is crazy or the entire human race.” From a pedant youngster filled with justice, transforming into a cold-blooded devil and finally to the ruler of all creation. Li Anping, the man that stands on top of the food chain, will finally turn the world into his slaughterhouse…… Alternative Synopsis: Mutation, Bloodline, Ancient, Parasite, Domain, Outside. These six series of supernatural powers range from Level 0 to 4, with traces of their existence found throughout the development of mankind and society. On to modern society, with the changes to the environment on Earth, when the first Level 5 Ability User appeared and caused a calamity to the world, Ability Users have become a form of decisive military power. Teenage Justice Li Anping, after getting the strongest and most evil ability throughout history, will walk the path of justice and eventually his fall towards evil, and finally reach the peak of the food chain. The entire mankind’s nightmare is about to descend, the earth will become a giant slaughterhouse, and non shall escape the terror.
Double Eclipse summary: Double Eclipse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Double Eclipse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.