




类别恋爱 后宫














原神 - 多人


简介【《暗界追冥狩》每周四更新,官方微博:杨怀滨-暗界追冥狩 ;官方群号 :416569757;微信:yingqidm】世有战燹以来,生死均数大破,冥魅进犯人间。为求常序不坏,冥王任命轮回异人为“追影”导师,于寰宇间寻觅魂体强韧、足以对抗邪威的适任者,与之缔结“追冥契约”,以千年阳寿追缉群邪。南南北朝烽火连绵,兰陵王高长恭俊美绝世,苦求抗敌护国之力。因因缘之下,以“追冥契约”获得无匹异能,却在一次行动里中伏身亡。一千四百年后,当他再次转世为人,眼前迎来的除了伙伴,更是冥魅跨越阴阳两界的追杀…


简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 黄》:本篇讲述了附身于神秘男子摩泰坤身上的黄神为保护世界而继续战斗的故事!(每周二、周六更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——灰/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294










内容简介:京城出了大新闻:乔爷守了十二年的小媳妇跑了,跑了!连儿子都不要了!一时间流言四起:听说是乔爷腹黑又高冷、婚后生活不和谐;听说是小媳妇和别人好上了;听说是儿子太丑。某天,小奶娃找到了叶佳 期,委屈巴巴:“七七,爸爸说我是宠物店买的。”“宠物店怎么能买到这么漂亮的儿子。”叶佳期呵呵笑,“明明是……摸奖中的。”小奶娃望天:“……”二十岁前,他把她宠上天;二十岁后,他把她和小包子宠上各位书友要是觉得《乔斯年叶佳期》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w57-4718 >>


内容简介:《秦时影帝成长日志》是作者我劝你要善良创作《秦时影帝成长日志》是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,笔趣阁免费提供秦时影帝成长日志最新章节以及秦时影帝成长日志免费在线全文阅读,秦时影帝成长日志最新章 节由笔趣阁网友上传分享。笔趣阁首发秦时影帝成长日志最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-85003 >>


内容简介:吴昊穿越到了斗罗大陆,成为七宝琉璃宗的外门弟子,本以为就只于此,机缘巧合下获得了打卡系统“签到成功,获得百万年魂兽,天梦冰蚕。”“签到成功,获得神赐魂环一枚。”“签到成功,获得强攻系武 魂,佛怒火莲。”在系统的帮助下,走向了斗罗大陆剧情中。第一万年,笔趣阁唐三出世,吴昊与其并肩作战战胜武魂殿。第二万年,霍雨浩出世,关键时刻,吴昊一拳将帝天镇压。第三万年,唐舞麟降临斗罗大陆,吴昊保驾护航,战胜深渊位面。第四万年,斗罗大陆位面进化,无数神袛出现,在吴昊的带领下,战胜天马星系,寻回神界。各位书友要是觉得《在斗罗签到四万年》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76170 >>


内容简介:穆九——大夏朝第一女神医,一身医术出神入化。天妒英才被闺蜜害死,意外重生到穷乡僻壤的山村,爷爷奶奶不爱,叔叔伯伯欺负,堂哥堂姐一个比一个坏。她斗极品六亲不认,看谁还敢来!种药材、开药厂 赚钱培养势力,终于重回京城,翻手为云覆手为雨搅动朝纲,曾经害过她的伪圣母、白莲花,颤抖吧!作者:林十五所写的《农门医妻》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-35624 >>






内容简介:《代号零零零零》小说简介:暂缺ampampampltspanclassampampampquothottextampampampquotampampampgt作品关键字:ampampa mpltspanampampampgt1w0-4912 >>


内容简介:修改了,重写,下午更新17点731留日更,每天上午10点或12点又名:《大殷王宫中的艳事》文案:重生后的婉婉知道自己是被家族遗弃的那个;也知道自己嫁的这个夫君终会对她不闻不问,将她关在 别院至死。于是她将所有的赌注都压在了那个奴隶身上,那个深沉冷傲,手段阴狠的大燕皇帝。夜色柔媚迷人,她靠近他的耳边,丹唇轻扬,喃喃娇声,“现在,我们有秘密了呢。”排雷:1女主重生,1v1,双c2男主强,女主不强,男主负责搞定一切,女主就负责搞定男主。3背景架空,一切剧情为了苏、爽、甜和恋爱服务。其实这也是一个勇敢坚强的小姑娘,向往自由的励志故事。4和谐看文,这家不行去别家,不要杠。微博玥玥是只懒猫各位书友要是觉得《君侧红颜(重生)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83468 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我!创造新世界!!】一个穿越过来的生物学研究生。一个可以创造生物制造领域沙盘的系统。林子云表示:娶老婆那有造老婆快?众网友刚开始表示:“无比真实的异界之旅,逼 真至极的穿越世界,骗鬼哦!”试用后,众网友:“太香了,游戏策划牛逼!我tmd吹爆!!”林子云表示:“试用期过,还想玩,先交5000。”众网友:“ΣっДっ!!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我!创造新世界!!,别忘记分享给朋友作者:无敌泥寒所写的《我!创造新世界!!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82114 >>


内容简介:文案牧逸重生之后,痛定思痛,绝不重蹈覆辙,一手融灵鞭,势必要将徒儿劝上归途,孩子还是要从小打起。然而穿越过来的谢念刚从牢中出来,于人群之中远远的看到了他后半辈子的师尊。谢念:那个长的一 脸刻薄相的就是我师尊?系统:那是高冷禁欲谢念:呵,谢杜鹃的大名取的是够高冷禁欲的系统:……于人群中那匆匆一眼,两看相厌。师徒真香,师傅一心想要劝徒弟归入正途,将徒弟的性取向打回来,却不慎自己陷了进去。分类:甜文HE仙侠架空穿越重生1w0-108126 >>


内容简介:标签:重生甜文校园关键字:主角:江鱼舟,牧然┃上辈子的江鱼舟被害成为了植物人。重生一世,一个男人的声音时常入侵她的梦境,“这是我的初吻,甜吗?”“鱼舟,别哭,我已给你报仇了,那些贱渣, 他们生不如死呢。”“他们都畏惧我,是啊……我可做了很多让他们心惊胆战的事呢,可是我不后悔,为了你,我愿意。”1w0-84944 >>


内容简介:破碎的灵魂,终究是残缺的。是魔,是仙,是爱,是恨。不断修补,不断残缺。我选择……永恒的放逐。各位书友要是觉得《放逐星空》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25 321 >>

Hatsukoi Limited

From Mangahelpers: Being an adolescent girl is just one problem after another. Middle-schooler Arihara Ayumi receives a note from a high-schooler, a very large and intimidating boy, Zaitsu Misao, asking her out. Frightened and intrigued, she doesn't know what to do! From Baka-Updates: A series of related stories about (a lot of) middle and high school students as they discover their hatsukoi (first love).

Bronze No Tenshi

Beautiful Natalia Gocharov is trying to settle off her family's debt by presenting herself into high society as a young potential bride. She meets a man with bronze skin at her high society debut and he strikes a strong impression on her. Though she is being drawn to him by his passion, Natalia's mother would never allow Natalia to marry socioeconomically lower than their family is now. Will Natalia continue pushing this bronze-skinned suitor away? Or does something much more complicated await? From Storm in Heaven: Russia, 1828. Natalia's family is fallen nobility, left poor by her father's chronic illness and mother's poor management. Her family's only chance at revival is her marriage to a wealthy noble. With her family's hopes riding on her future husband, what chance does a poor poet have at winning her heart...? And the 'poor poet' is no other than the famous Russian poet Aleksander Pushkin.

Mr. Applicant

The locomotive called the Rainbow Stone Train runs, not on electricity, but on the energy source called, 'Rainbow Stone.' Inside, the train is split; from the extremely high class Evening carriage, to the average Afternoon carriage, and finally, to the cheap, but cramped and noisy, Morning carriage. Sequel of Mr.Morning, the adventures on the Rainbow Stone Train continue...

Fire Emblem - Hasha No Tsurugi

Taking place on the fictional continent of Elibe and stars Roy, the son of Fire Emblem protagonist Eliwood. Roy leads the League of Lycia's army against the forces of the militant country of Bern shortly after his father falls ill. The story begins when King Zephiel, ruler of the kingdom of Bern, finishes the brutal conquest of Ilia and Sacae and sets his sights on Lycia. With the war coming to his own country, Roy is sent home to lead Pherae's army to oppose Bern, but soon after he meets Guinevere, the princess of Bern and Zephiel's younger sister, who has escaped from her homeland to search for a way to stop the imminent war between Bern and Lycia. Upon the death of marquess Hector, Roy carries on the Lycian League and makes many promises: to protect Princess Guinevere and Hector's beloved daughter, the mage Lilina, and most importantly, to save the entire continent from Zephiel's mysterious thirst for world domination. But this story's hero is Al, son of a Bernian blacksmith. After turning 15 he left his home with his father's sword to go on an adventure in this continent bound for war. Side story of Fire Emblem ~ The Binding Blade (Gameboy Advance Videogame).

The Memoirs of General Baron de Marbot

The Memoirs of General Baron de Marbot summary: The Memoirs of General Baron de Marbot summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Memoirs of General Baron de Marbot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Argeneau Family - The Immortal Hunter

Argeneau Family - The Immortal Hunter summary: Argeneau Family - The Immortal Hunter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Argeneau Family - The Immortal Hunter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lady Rosamond's Secret

Lady Rosamond's Secret summary: Lady Rosamond's Secret summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Rosamond's Secret. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Billion Of Pampering Only For You

Billion Of Pampering Only For You summary: They are childhood sweethearts, they are engaged under the family’s scheme, and they have to live in the same room and sleep together. That night, she was accidentally drunk, and he kissed her in a fascinating mood,. By accident, his “crime” was finally discovered, she accused him, but he said with a smile, “You are my wife, why can’t I kiss you?” The two people’s daily routine is full of bickering, mutual hate. He said that he disliked her. Actually, In his heart, he was extremely caring of her. When she was close to other boys, he was so jealous that he wants to tie her to his side and become exclusively his.

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