内容简介:——纵你成仙,也逃不出我这一剑。她持剑,纵横捭阖,无数仙人在她剑下丧命。于是,好事者多名之曰:仙见愁。仙见愁仙见愁,仙人见了也发愁。后来,他们叫她“见愁仙子”。传闻,她有过一位夫君,曾 杀妻证道。“仙见愁”是个女人,是这浩浩三千界唯一一个不想成仙的修仙人。备注:1、日更;2、女主最帅;3、读者群:383408056;作者专栏作者微博1w0-4963 >>
内容简介:la——————————————————————————在现代,一对小夫妻,上班超过12个小时,睡觉不超过5个小时,存款不过4位数,吃饭总离不开快餐盘,想起结婚就害怕,想起买房就心慌, 想起生孩子就想跳楼。在大唐,一对小夫妻,做点小生意,赚点小银子,偶尔还当个小干部,家里还能请个小保姆,房子朝廷有的分,孩子想生多少都没事,不交保险不交税,生活乐逍遥。——————————————一部唐朝的种田升级文;一部积极乐观的宝宝养成计划;一部健康向上的家庭拉风生活篇。这里没有成王、成霸;这里没有种马、阴谋;这里更没有政治、篡党;这里仅仅只有幸福、温馨和无比护短的小两口子。强推期间一日二到三更,每更以后皆是如此,欢迎阅读,希望给您在炎热的夏日带来一丝清凉,阅读前冰啤酒、冰可乐都准备好,嘻嘻1w0-82357 >>
内容简介:我向年轻人贩卖焦虑,他们称我为人生灯塔;我向富婆贩卖焦虑,她们认为我是比柳永还要懂女人的妇女之友;我向仕宦者贩卖焦虑,他们认为我是个有远见的人;我向帝皇贩卖焦虑,他们称我是忧国忧民的仁 人志士、奋不顾身的谏言者、以及智者;其实,我一开始不过就是想制造一些焦虑,以此谋取点好处罢了。只是没有想到的是,在贩卖焦虑的过程中,我成了大宋首富、大宋开宗立派的词人,大宋朝的守护者、大宋皇帝宋神宗赵顼最亲密的战1w0-29461 >>
内容简介:“小秋,你这不就醒了吗?”苏南邪魅的笑了一下,既然夏秋已经醒来了,那他也就不用再忍耐了,他把夏秋的双腿分的更开,把自己那根全部的冲进那紧致温热的花Xue中,他脱住夏秋的腰,死命的向那花 心顶去,他已经习惯了在清晨拥抱这具美妙的身躯,那种滋味实在让他难以割舍。“苏南,嗯,轻点,啊,那里,嗯,”夏秋一声声高昂的呻lin着,愠怒的瞪着身上的男人,每次都这么用劲儿,当真以为她玩儿不坏吗?苏南看着在他身下扭动着的夏秋,轻蔑的哼笑了一下,弯下腰去一双滚烫的薄chun紧紧的堵住了夏秋微微张开的粉chun,把夏秋的惊呼和呻lin声全部吞了下去。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《小秋不卖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-109568 >>
内容简介:简介:血海,猩红汪洋!人类,恐慌迷茫!怪兽们以恐怖的进化速度席卷整颗水蓝星,换来的却是人类跳跃式的辉煌!而这,不过是林天翊传奇的开始。常言道:猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽!“打怪兽的 不一定是奥特曼,就像骑白马的不一定是唐僧!”——林天翊语。星际养殖场书友群:169284508本站郑重提醒:本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。作者:月神NE所写的《星际养殖场》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-46280 >>
内容简介:冠上‘淫’妃的罪名,她被刺字淫妃,那一针一针的针刺,鲜红的淫字,青花般的妃字,在她身下,留下不可磨灭的痕迹,一辈子背负,忍受所有,在所有人的嘲讽目光中,她依然挺直了身躯,步入那个,别人 认为是冷宫,于她而言,却是另外一片天的——冷宫。她是今朝冷宫‘淫’妃,她是前朝冷宫‘淫’妃,不同的人,相同的命运。人生,有多少的因缘巧合,因为缘分,她入了宫,当了宫妃。相貌平凡的她,一直默默无闻,虽然贵为德妃,无权无势,只想保全,却在后宫选秀之际,受到皇帝的宠爱。隐含目的、尊贵不凡的他说:“爱妃,替朕生个孩子吧。”是真是假,她分不清。只能,淡淡一笑回避。豪迈奔放却一往情深的他说:“虽然你是我的皇嫂,但是知音难求,为何,相遇太晚。”阴柔狠绝却饱含痛苦的他说:“你是他的女人,而他的母后,抢走了我的一切,所以,他的女人,我要抢回来。”温文如玉却邪魅深情的他说:“即使你是他的宫妃,我也只爱你。”谁真谁假,她分不清。平凡如她,何德何能,面对所有的一切,她从不说,但,并不代表她不知道,她所求的,只是,一片干净而宁静的天空而已。1w0-26795 >>
内容简介:【小说网a级签约小说:玄幻:开局继承不朽王朝】林霄意外来到玄幻世界,继承了势力独霸北域的离火王朝!并且激活了至尊帝王系统!丹药、神兵,功法、乃至上古神兽,只要有足够的灵石,便能轻而易举 收入囊中!自此,踏仙门、灭圣地、镇龙族、斩天道!号令天下雄,震慑世间万魔!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75398 >>
内容简介:1v1,sc,he,甜宠,情有独钟,同父异母兄妹切开黑哥哥x(伪)傻白甜妹妹这是一个妹妹想和哥哥争家产结果把自己赔进去的故事哥哥后期会崩坏ps:这本书可以点梗,姐妹们想看什么梗告诉我! 我能写就写进去pss:封面我自己拍的,丑是丑,有版权hhhhpsss:因为想写长篇才单独拿出来的周一周五日更,周末可以多更1w0-99771 >>
Heureka is a manga set in antiquity, during the Second Punic War between the small city state of Syracuse and the Roman Empire. The comic is based around the life and times of the famous mathematician Archimedes. Archimedes was not only a gifted mathematician but also an engineer of repute. During the conflict with the Romans, Archimedes was supposedly responsible for creating a number of war machines that devastated the Roman legions before they eventually got the upper hand. The exact nature and use of these devices is controversial, and exists more in the realm of legend than actual historical fact.
A legendary dragon once brought the land of Astoria to the brink of ruin. He was defeated by a man named Yurius, who was soon supposed to go to his princess and live happily ever after. However, with the last of his strength, the dragon placed a curse on Yurius: all his memories will be erased, and his body will turn back to a child. It is now the goal of a novelist, Elliot, to return Yurius to the courageous person he once was.
Ichijou Kei is the son of a famous and powerful family. He's disgusted by everyone always sucking up to him, even teachers. But new Sensei Hayashi Satoru isn't interested in Ichijou's family connections, in fact he doesn't seem to like him at all!
Collection of shoujo-ai oneshots found in Yuri Hime and Yuri Shimai. 1. Akai Kasa, Shiroi Kasa (Red Umbrella, White Umbrella) - About two friends and their ideas about femininity. 2. Nuigurumi no Harawata (Stuff Animals' Insides) 3. Michikusa (Weeds on the Wayside) - About a girl who's pretending she likes girls. 4. Tiger Lily - An old woman remembers the past. A helpful bit of information: the two main characters are drawn as their younger selves even in the scenes that take place in the present. 5. Short Cut - If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then the main character of Takahashi Mako's 'Short Cut' is certainly being paid a great compliment... unfortunately, she doesn't see it that way. 6. Koorizatou no Kakera 7. Natsu no Mayu - About a girl who admires her friend. Also deals with coming-of-age issues a bit. 8. Sandals - About a girl who has a crush on her best friend. 9. Kanojo no Tonari (Next to Her) 10. Otome Cake (Maidens' Cake)
The Undefined Love summary: The Undefined Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Undefined Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ruggles of Red Gap summary: Ruggles of Red Gap summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ruggles of Red Gap. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Big Nightcap Letters summary: The Big Nightcap Letters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Big Nightcap Letters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Anomaly summary: Synopsis:Allan Walker, one of the greatest scientists of his time and a man of many talents and shortcomings. What would happen if such a person ends up in a world of swords and magic as a hero? ?Have fun on the frontlines! I will stay in the back where my Laboratory and the plumbing are!“And if still something happens to him??Well then, let 's make myself a new body! What? Necromancy...