内容简介:《阿庆淫传系列》是由一个个独立成篇的故事组成的。讲的是阿庆怎样成长和泡妞的心路历程。这个过程中有熟妇、有幼女、有亲人等等,涵盖面很广!也是早期一部流传广泛的经典小说。希望大家会喜欢。《 阿庆淫传》叙述的风格与《少年阿宾》有点相似,而又是一部独具特色的情色小说。她将带着你走进无比美妙的世界。本系列共收集了81篇,是目前收集最全的版本。1w0-98885 >>
内容简介: 平等院凤凰,手冢国光,迹部景吾,立海大三巨头,越前龙马…这是一个网球的黄金时代。群星闪耀!而意外来到网王世界,获得鬼灭之刃呼吸法传承的上衫悠,在这个网球为王的世界究竟会掀起什么波澜 ……群:1108070978,感兴趣的小伙伴可以进~1w0-2110 >>
内容简介:他是世界上最燥的摇滚歌手,也是金属乐的开山祖师,是他让摇滚重新焕发勃勃生机,是的!我们都爱死了他的音乐!但!我绝不会去他的演唱会!疯狂的歌迷时常会发生大规模斗殴,你能想象十几万人打做一 团的场面吗?我的老天简直是一帮疯子!每场演唱会!几百辆救护车随时待命!几千安保都维持不了秩序!全市的警力都在疯狂都抽调!我忘不了我的儿子去他的演唱会玩POGO鼻青脸肿的回家仍是兴奋的像个猴子!他就像神一样,只要一开嗓就能震撼所有人!你懂吗?所有人!他是摇滚的有冕之王!全世界的摇滚乐迷为他带上王冠!(书友群:248271098)1w0-74478 >>
内容简介:晋江文学城独发日更温珩,曾位极人臣,权侵朝野,可谓是一人之下万人之上,风光无限。然而未想有一天他却起兵造反,最后落得个满门抄斩,曝尸荒野,无人收殓。再次睁开眼,温珩却发现自己正身着华服 ,立于朝堂之中,众人行礼恭贺。这不就是他被拜相封侯的那一天?抬头望去,只见贺兰默正在大殿之上静静地看着自己。温珩没有想到自己竟然重生到了一切还没有发生的时候。远离皇帝,珍爱生命。他默念道,打不过难不成还躲不过?只是…这皇帝的态度似乎与上世相比有些怪异?温珩本以为这一世会是逍遥自在,无拘无束的养老生活。结果后来,温珩:艹!我怎么揣崽了???三十米大刀怎么也收不住了!必取对方首级!做官有风险,辞官需谨慎!小剧场:你后退!艹!不能再来了!龙床之上温珩声色俱厉。我不过去,你过来。贺兰默笑着弯下了腰接着道,放心,我轻点,不会伤了宝宝。啊啊啊!混蛋!你过来我保证不会打死了你!温珩怒吼。是,为夫这就过去。贺兰默起身应道。唔唔唔…贺兰默:这一次我会牢牢抓住你,不再给你半分作死的机会。1、排雷生子生子生子!(重要的事情说三遍)不喜勿入,雷者点叉,鞠躬感谢!爱你们~2、双重生,前世两人压抑感情,这一世放飞自我,随心所欲3、架空历史,私设我有——————预收文《穿成暴君后我揣了崽[穿书]》,戳进专栏求收藏~萧珺,原本是生活在二十一世纪里一个遵纪守法的普通公民,一觉醒来却发现自己穿到了《暴君》书中,并且荣幸成为里面的……暴君!没错,就是那个心狠手辣,胡作非为,遭人唾骂,最后被一剑捅死的暴君。躺在龙床上的萧珺不禁喊道:扶我起来!我还可以再挣扎一下下!沈封是《暴君》一书中王朝的异姓王,权势滔天,也是幕后最大boss,原暴君萧珺就是死在了他的手里。而萧珺还在床上思索着如何从沈封手里逃出生天之时,就翻了个身的功夫,便与传说中的大boss四目相对了……“嗨~”萧珺强颜欢笑,巍颤颤地举起手对大boss打了个招呼。摔!谁能告诉他为什么堂堂异姓王居然会出现在他的龙床之上???不!不是他的!这是原暴君萧珺的龙床!和他没有半分钱的关系!“我……”萧珺咽了咽口水,身体微微抖着道:“我可以解释……”……后来,萧珺躺在龙床上被异姓王抚摸着自己肚中的小崽子若有所思。【怂唧作死小皇帝VS高冷腹黑异姓王】小提示:本文生子生子生子!(重要的事情说三遍)不喜勿入,雷者点叉,鞠躬感谢!怂,但能作死!还有人哄~本小说网提供龙雪兰著作的揣上暴君崽后我跑路了[重生]最新章节,揣上暴君崽后我跑路了[重生]全文免费阅读,揣上暴君崽后我跑路了[重生]无弹窗清爽阅读体验!各位书友要是觉得《揣上暴君崽后我跑路了[重生]》还不错的话请不要忘记向 >>
内容简介: 行走诸天,遨游万界,无尽维度的乐园。...殷长生对于把他强制入职成维度使徒的维度乐园并没有什么意见,但刚入职还没转正就得去击杀通风大圣猕猴王这事上表示强烈反对...一个普通的交流群 :957498027问题:什么鬼,答案:福缘鬼1w0-3398 >>
内容简介:(年代,宠文,金手指!)好不容易熬死自己的安倩倩得老天垂怜,再次回到十八岁!这世,她要找个能力强,懂浪漫,还能包容她的男人,再生一窝包子,美呀!可一不小心就美过头,天天被人“嫌弃”。某 好友:“不知道秀恩爱,死得快吗?”安某人:“你那是嫉妒!”某男人:“不好意思,我宠的!”本文走温馨路线,撕逼,极品什么都极少!1w0-25598 >>
内容简介:简介:宋行止虽然只活了二十八岁,但是活的很痛快。她从小被当成男孩养,跟男人一样读书、练武。十八岁逃出家族,混三教九流,贩私盐,养私兵,招兵马买,把死对头全部搞死,成为一方之王。唯一的遗 憾就是没在死前把老师杨絮棠给睡了。重生后,看着温雅俊美如谪仙般的老师,她暗戳戳的想,这世要不要胆子大点,把前世的遗憾给弥补了呢?宋行止是想撩撩就跑的,谁想跑没跑成,被他拎了回来:“乖,为师抱抱你!”“……”成为东南四州的霸王后,宋行止呼风唤雨,不可一世。“老师,姚景一率十万军队来杀我……”宋行止咬牙切齿像只大狼狗。杨絮棠摸头顺毛:“别怕,他是率军来归顺的……”次日姚景一真的就归顺了。“爷,属下听说杨先生好男风,恋慕王爷多年……”“杨先生一生不婚不娶,跟随爷多年,看来对爷情深似海……”宋行止心跳如雷,老师好男风?她想染指老师多年,若老师知道她是女子,这可如何是好哪?备注:双重生,时间点不一样。男主前世后来做了皇帝。无广告无弹窗推荐地址:1w61436-106393 >>
内容简介:全民皆兵,人人都有军衔,人人都是领主,开启万族争霸!“欢迎进入万界领主争霸的世界,你是十亿地球降临者之一。”“这是一个超乎你们地球人想象的庞大而又恐怖的世界,这里有来自诸天万界的降临者 ,他们有的比你们早,有的会比你们晚,但是不管如何,最终的强者,迟早会碰面。”“这里危机重重,弱肉强食,你们地球人想要活下去,就得不停的发展壮大,成为金字塔的顶端。”甄建一脸懵逼,突然脑海中响起一个提示音:“神级军火抽奖系统绑定中,每日随机推送四样物品,宿主可从中抽取两样。”【六管火神炮99】【RPG火箭筒23】【巴雷特狙击枪12】【高级核弹套餐】(沙皇大伊万)“请在一分钟内做出选择……”甄建双眼通红:“我选核弹,炸死他们!!!”1w0-97396 >>
PWP. It's about these two veterinarians who love animals... really love animals. Basic jealousy/kiss-and-make-up/happy fluffiness kind of story ^^; BARELY any angst. It's kinda funny to see one of the characters become jealous because his partner is affectionate toward the animals. This story's like a quick detour from Deep Flower huh? There's three chapters to this story and half the time is talking about when they were in school and how they met, the other half is their present-day-time working in the clinic. =P Enjoy! [Taken from YMT]
This series, a joint projects between the rising star Nakamura Asumiko and renowned director of Shoujo Kakumei Utena Ikuhara Kunihiko, weaves a strange, surreal, and often dark comedy resplendent with ruffles and lace. It is on the surface a farce about a young girl traveling with her lover, some sort of bear-type creature, but as to be expected of Ikuhara it's multi-layered. The series is being endorsed by Baby the Stars Shine Bright, the leading name in Japanese lolita fashion, and the characters often wear clothes based off of those from the company.
'Elemental Gelade: Follow the story of two people that cross paths on a fated day that they meet.' Coud is a young sky pirate, he is an adventurous young man. Maybe it's due to lack of education from living in the sky most of his life he is kinda close to the dumb side. but still he gives it his all when the time come to fight. Ren is a seemly lovable young girl, however she and many others in this world are called Edel Reid, ones whom can give power to that of one other person that would be chose: The Pleage, a pact that binds for life, with beautiful Songs that Awakens they're power. ...................................... At first what seemed like a routine mission, turns out more to be the beginning of a journey, through difficult fights, after fights Ren and Coud grow stronger together. The Journey to Edel Garden the place Ren wants to go no matter what. but being the possessor of a rare stone called the Elemental Gelade, the source of her power, she is pursued by whose who could catch her for selfish reasons and some people that want protect her and all Elde Reids, however it is there is going to be many troubles ahead.
1) The Guy With An Ideal Face Noriko wants just one thing: 'The Man with a Perfect Face'! To her friends' complete and utter shock, Noriko finds Takurou-kun, a man who meets all her unrealistic expectations. They go on a date, they kiss, and have what could be considered a perfect time, but then Noriko sees the real face of Takurou...!? 2) I'm Gonna Get Jealous A girl who sees no point in becoming jealous learns first-hand how it could happen. 3) Love Slave Kanano isn't sure what to make of her relationship with her upperclassman Ooba Yoshiya. After she first confessed to him, she hounded him until he agreed to date her, but the relationship seems to be on his terms, and poor, obediant Kanano worries that her love is one-sided. Then, Kanano learns that Yoshiya has a past with a girl who has her same face...? Who does Yoshiya think of when he's out with Kanano? How come he touched his old girlfriend but won't touch Kanano...!? Contains strong language. 4) I Wanna Get Lovey-Dovey Shihomi has had a crush on Sakayori since the day of high school entrance exams, when she got lost and he helped her. He's got a good heart, but he's extremely rough around the edges, and that's what's making it so difficult for Shihomi to confess. It took her two months just to say 'good morning' to him, and every time she does, he seems to be in an incredibly bad mood afterwards? What's the source of Sakayori's attitude problem?? 5) Well Excuse Me For Being Trendy Mayu already has a boyfriend, but she can't help admiring Shuusaku's dashing good looks, which are increasing his popularity by the minute. It doesn't matter if his personality is as one-dimensional as his expressionless face, because it's looks that count! By chance, Mayu happens to learn about Shuusaku's secret crush -- and his expression is so darn cute when he's confronted about it that Mayu feels compelled to help him win his love. But Mayu's a trend whore at heart, and falling for Shuusaku seems to be getting fashionable...!?
The Curtezan unmasked summary: The Curtezan unmasked summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Curtezan unmasked. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Fall Away summary: My name is Tate. He doesn 't call me that, though. He would never refer to me so informally, if he referred to me at all. No, he 'll barely even speak to me. But he still won 't leave me alone. We were best friends once. Then he turned on me and made it his mission to ruin my life. I 've been humiliated, shut out, and gossiped about all through high school. His pranks and rumors got more s.a.d.i.s.tic as time wore on, and I made myself sick trying to stay out of his way. I even went to France for a year, just to avoid him. But I 'm done hiding from him now, and there 's no way in h.e.l.l I 'll allow him to ruin my senior year. He might not have changed, but I have. It 's time to fight back. I 'm not going to let him bully me anymore. ***This novel contains adult/mature young adult situations. It is only suitable for ages 18+ due to language, violence, and s.e.xual situations.
Clara Hopgood summary: Clara Hopgood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Clara Hopgood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
What About Us Last Request summary: Hey guys this is my first Webnovel. There can be mistakes and such so I am just asking you to bear with me as I 'm trying to get better. This is a solo project currently and any suggestion you may put can help me.I 'll try to update regularly. Right now I 'm having problems with college so things might get late.**A NYPD officer Celina Johnson struggles with life as she goes through the hardships...