内容简介:洛音被抛弃后,挺着八个月的大肚子,浑身血淋淋躺在急救室里,医生告诉她,婴儿中途缺氧没有抢救过来。六年后,豪门世家小少爷非要拉她回家:带你去见爹地!冷面大佬居然有些眼熟!他冷笑:跑了六年 ,不想对我负责了吗!?洛音从此在外勇闯娱乐圈赚奶粉钱,在家还有哄着一大一小:那些绯闻都是炒作!直到……她不屑一笑,抚着隆起小腹:现在该你负责了!1w0-77303 >>
内容简介:新文《穿进死对头的天猫精灵后》正在连载,点进作者专栏,即可收获快乐ω\季轻舟穿越了,穿成了一本狗血渣贱虐文的贱受,摆在他前面的有两个选择,A选择原书中正牌渣攻,从此开启一场死妈家暴退圈 艳照满天飞的虐身虐心之恋。B选择面前的炮灰反派楚诚,从此摆脱渣攻。季轻舟二话没说选择了B。豪门少爷楚诚出身显赫,年纪轻轻就是上市公司老总,遍看娱乐圈美人,偏偏看上了季轻舟。友人问他,“喜欢这个小明星?”楚诚摇头,“不,只是和他玩玩。”门外的季轻舟点头,对,书里就是这样写的。几个月后季轻舟接完电话往回走,无意间听到有人说“季轻舟?呵,楚诚不过是和他玩玩,玩够了就该分了。”季轻舟正准备点头,却听到楚诚勃然大怒道“胡说八道!哪个王八蛋给你说的!扰人姻缘是会被马踢的他不知道吗!”季轻舟:???不对啊!书里不是这么写的啊!新文《穿进死对头的天猫精灵后》正在连载,点进作者专栏,即可收获快乐ω\如果把人生比作上帝掷骰子,那陆云飞觉得自己好歹是个6,长得帅学习好,只有英语严重偏科。直到他知道了边晋源——边晋源身高腿长面冷,次次考试都是年级第一,英语成绩更是倍杀陆云飞,自己是6的话,那这家伙简直是666啊!既生飞何生源,一山难容二虎,除非一公一母,陆云飞看了看对方的性别,默默打了个叉。然而他刚把边晋源当对头没多久,就惊奇的发现,晚上9点过后,他会莫名其妙穿进边晋源的天猫精灵里。穿进天猫精灵后,陆云飞才发现,自己的死对头,竟然是个贫穷贵公子。高富帅陆云飞看了看自己卡里快溢出来的钱,决定发挥自己的同学爱。于是,边晋源缺钱,陆云飞请他给自己当英语家教。边晋源买了蛋糕舍不得吃留给自己的家人,陆云飞第二天就给他了一块大蛋糕。日行一善,陆云飞觉得自己胸前隐形的红领巾都更加鲜艳了。直到学校论坛出了一则热帖:《点艹陆云飞,让年级第一给你当牛做马,真觉得自己有两个臭钱就了不起了是吧!》主楼罗列了各种事迹:提包、接水、剥栗子,一代学霸被陆云飞使唤的宛如佣人。众人吃瓜正酣,就见从来不在论坛发言的边晋源第一次实名发言。边晋源:不需要钱,我愿意,管得着吗?众人吓得瓜都掉了。陆云飞则琢磨着自己应该少麻烦边晋源一点。“不需要,我喜欢被你麻烦。”“还是算了。”陆云飞拒绝。边晋源想了想:“那我换个说法——不需要,我喜欢你。”陆云飞:???!!!陆云飞怎么也没想到,山头大了,什么虎都有,两只公老虎在一起,不仅能跑得快,还能谈恋爱!其他预收:《重生后,我成了我哥的猫和狗娱乐圈》:轻松欢乐娱乐圈甜爽文《我和影帝的不开灯关系》:训妻一时爽,追妻火葬场《穿成校草死对头》:轻松沙雕欢乐小甜饼,穿书三部曲最后一部已完结:《穿成影帝 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:国运逃亡:我开创神级文明!】穿越平行世界,发现太阳即将陨灭,全球197个国家绑定国运,参加万族战场,获取奖励。别国全都兑换出了方舟飞船,纷纷逃离蓝星。而地球上 ,只剩下了夏国一国。各国纷纷嘲笑。“哈哈哈!夏国,留在蓝星上等死吧!”可是王一凡却微微一笑!“等死?你们好像忘了!现在地球上只剩下我们夏国人了!”叮!蓝星只剩下唯一民族!获得特性:行星统一。【兑换:泡沫生态城市圈——(占据八黎,占据西京,占据牛约!)】【兑换:近地轨道防御系统!】【兑换:行星发动机!】“小破球!我们走!”霎时间,蓝星喷射出炽热的尾炎,朝宇宙中冲去。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢国运逃亡:我开创神级文明!,别忘记分享给朋友国运逃亡:我开创神级文明!TXT下载1w0-31593 >>
内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:都市:从乡村直播到全国崛起】原本是国家高新科技顶尖科学研究人员的苏晨在穿越之后,成为了乡村老师,兼职村长!但是前世经历过了太多的他,即使是获得了系统,并且激活了无 数技能的她,也依旧是只是想要安安静静的教书育人!看着留守儿童逐渐成长为未来的社会栋梁!结果有一天,一档节目组选中了苏晨所在的贫困县。他们带着一个无恶不作的富二代,带着大包小包,摄像机长枪短炮的来到了彩云村之后,准备挑选村子里面最乖巧的孩子作为交换!这个时候,作为支教老师的苏晨站出来。当时全村,全剧组,以及所有直播观众的面,怒怼他们!“一个毒瘤节目,给我离开彩云村!”瞬间,苏晨火了!小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65535 >>
内容简介:“我爱的人一直都是白雪。”一句话,一场逃婚,让海城第一名媛盛莞莞沦为笑话,六年的付出最终只换来一句“对不起”。盛莞莞浅笑,“我知道他一定会回来的,但是这一次,我不想再等了。”父亲车祸昏 迷不醒,奸人为上位种种逼迫,为保住父亲辛苦创立的公司,盛莞莞将自己嫁给了海城人人“谈虎色变”的男人。世人都说他六亲不认、冷血无情,谁料这猛虎不但粘人,还是个护犊子,鉴婊能力一流。“世界上最幸福的事是什么?”1w6597-25488 >>
内容简介:“书读百遍,其义自见,古人诚不欺我!”阅读《倚天屠龙记》,获得:九阳神功。阅读十遍《倚天屠龙记》,获得:九阳神功10,获得:倚天剑!“好烦!”“这修仙的功法也太难获得了吧,西游记我都看 了十八遍了,一个七十二变刷不出来?”(PS:本书又名《前方大夏,神灵禁行》、《原来小说中的功法都是真的》。)1w0-98215 >>
内容简介:从小跟随张道子在乡野长大的余长生,凭借一本《黄庭经》驱鬼捉妖,修炼自己的驭龙之术。然而与富家千金的姻缘让他步入都市,明白了什么叫作人心叵测与都市繁华。风水定财、占卜命相,阴阳回返、五方 驱鬼,且看麻衣诡相如何搅动风云……各位书友要是觉得《麻衣诡相》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w17100-84975 >>
Set in 2194 AD, China, which is now a prosperous, super-modern country. The characters are mostly reincarnations of warriors from the 3 Kingdoms period. The story begins in Shin Yokohama with main chara Todoroki Ranshirou driving around & causing a ruckus with his bousouzoku called Yokohama Road Stars, when he gets a mysterious package from his father. Soon after he's attacked by Blades and makes an astonishing self-discovery... that he's the reincarnation of Sun Ce!
At age 20, Yuko is leading a life without aspirations, what with work as an assistant in a company and her boyfriend Yutaka. Determined to give a new twist to her lifestyle, she accepts Yutaka's offer to work at his side by night as a bar hostess. But Yuko quickly becomes disenchanted: this choice brings her much more trouble than pleasant surprises, leading her to face difficult situations, even dangerous ones. And above all, she doesn't succeed in getting closer to Yutaka who remains elusive and indifferent to her signs of affection. Despite his infidelity, Yuko persists in clinging to that futile and fruitless relationship. Will she react before being unable to break the deadlock? How far will she let herself go?
The storyline starts when a junior-high student, Moritaka Mashiro, forgets his laptop computer in course. His classmate, Akito Takagi, requests him to turn into a manga artist to his tales and notes Mashiro's drawings inside. Mashiro fall, mentioning from overworking his late manga artist uncle, who perished. Takagi incites Mashiro and Miho Azuki, the puppy love of Mashiro to fulfill, and tells her the two strategy to become manga artists. In reaction, Azuki unveils her plans to be a voice actress. Mashiro proposes when Azuki becomes a voice actress for the anime version of the manga that they need to both wed. The 2 then begin creating their manga, assured of having serialized in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, beneath the pen-name Muto Ashirogi. After distributing several one-pictures to Shueisha, Ashirogi start Detective Trap, with their first printed collection in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, which will be eventually canceled because of the decreasing popularity, for over-working on the manga after Mashiro is hospitalized. Their next set is the gag manga Run, Daihatsu Tanto!, that they they offer up on, understanding it'll unpopular. After being challenged by the editor in chief of Jump to generate a manga that is top-notch with their opponent's, Ashirogi develops their present set Perfect Crime Party. It's met with substantial popularity but is unfit for an anime show. When Eiji Nizuma, their opponent, submits a-one-shot for serialization, Ashirogi competes by distributing Reversi which replaces Perfect Crime Party while the latter is transferred to the fictional monthly journal, Hisshou Jump of Shueisha. After she passes a community audition after several battles involving the voice actress selection and the graphic-novel revenue, Reversi is selected as the main performer for an anime version with Miho. The collection finishes with Mashiro formally proposing in the spot they made their assurance, accompanied by by their very first kiss to Miho after executing their wishes.
SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.). After years of unnecessary conflict and technological advancement in weaponry, both sides eagerly stumbled into peace to avoid extinction. Now under the rule of the newly formed United Earth's Federation (U.E.F.) space has become the last hope for the human race. However, with resources more scarce than ever the clock is ticking. How do we decide who's privileged to live and who's not? What happens to those of us left behind? A world now loosely controlled by a single totalitarian government, overrun by gangs, private military groups, freedom fighters, and death; Life seems to provide no more than a fruitless future. Regardless, there are still those of us that fight, we fight each other, we fight the system, we fight for our loved ones... whatever the reason, we battle for answers.
Capricious Caroline summary: Capricious Caroline summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Capricious Caroline. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Till We Meet Again summary: Till We Meet Again summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Till We Meet Again. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Block 24 summary: Block 24 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Block 24. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys summary: Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.