简介世界因为宇宙风暴带来的暗物质开始出现一种流行病,暗病毒(Dark Virus),感染者会变的虚弱,甚至死亡,而且通过接触会传染给其他人,但是有一部分人通过DV病毒改变了身体机能,完全控制了病毒,拥有了超能力,故事是在在流行病出现的100年后——
内容简介: 分明是真千金却死的落魄的苏邀重生了。上辈子她忍气吞声,再重来她手狠心黑。谁也别想吸着她的血还嫌腥膻了。重来一次,她要做那天上月,冠上珠,光芒万丈。某人跟在她身后一面替她挖坑,一面苦 心孤诣的劝她:不用这么费力的,瞧见我头上的冠冕了吗?你就是上面最华丽的那颗。1w0-1854 >>
内容简介:楚寒带着无敌升级系统,穿越到了《倚天屠龙记》的世界,成为天下第一神医。九阳神功、九阴真经、乾坤大挪移、屠龙刀、倚天剑、圣火令……我统统都要了!系统在手,天下我有!鲜衣怒马,仗剑天涯!《 倚天屠龙记》仅仅是个开始……(求收藏,求鲜花,求打赏,求十分好评!小星拜谢!)《武侠之至尊升级系统》小说推荐:那年那蝉那把剑、从洪荒开始到诸天万界、少林八绝、不朽凡人、穿越诸天万界、一品道门、余生之爱凌沫雪、绝代武神、六指诡医、问鼎巅峰、仙子请自重、这样才叫岳母、异界召唤之无上帝君、大奉打更人、星辰武神、开局朝九晚五唐三藏、修罗刀帝、原来我是修仙大佬、霸道爹地别乱撩、都市最强修真学生1w0-73678 >>
内容简介:魔幻大剧。一朝觉醒圣龙力,整个大陆为之沸腾。故事发生在大商国边境,主角身负圣龙荣耀,遭人暗算,夺气运,改造化。为了找回神魂,为报母仇,林辰以仅剩的一念龙魂,动天撼地,与敌争锋,走向危险 的灵修之路。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《太古灵尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76880 >>
内容简介:穿越超神宇宙,降临天使星云,开局面对神圣凯莎。“所以,我该怎么办?”看着想要探查自己记忆,却被系统反手镇压的神圣凯莎,孟德陷入纠结中。(主世界:超神学院。穿越世界:天行九歌、灵笼,斗罗 大陆、假面骑士,奥特曼,元龙,复仇者联盟,武庚纪,斗破苍穹等等。诸天流)1w0-99354 >>
内容简介:前世的夏微宝被以爱为牢囚困在床,过着十年生六个娃的母猪生活。重生后的夏小姐翻身农奴把歌唱,踹飞纯兽老公,浪出天际,嗨出宇宙,野出太空,狂到令人发指!进可撩妹么么哒,退可打脸啪啪啪,转身 还能建后宫,送老公一片青青草原带包邮。看着浪到飞起的小娇妻,陆先生优雅解衣,“老婆,关门生猴子。”某女抵死不从,“不生,打死不生!”某男拿出小皮鞭,“再说一遍1w31227-72200 >>
内容简介:我一生没有跌宕起伏的故事,只有你是我千回百折的峡谷1陆西陵做甩手掌柜,资助过一个失学的小姑娘。四年后小姑娘考上了大学,请求他帮忙赞助车费,进城读书。陆西陵将此事随手丢给助理,转头便忘到 脑后,任其自生自灭。一个月后,他才恍然记起这茬,良心发现地前去探望。花园里的小姑娘闻声转头,手里还拿着一把刚摘下来的生菜——他闲置预备拿来种玫瑰的花园,居然被改造成了菜地。2陆西陵厌烦一切麻烦事,恋爱在他1w0-98139 >>
内容简介:《顶级富豪继承人》是会抽烟的于大爷精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新顶级富豪继承人最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的顶级富豪继承人评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持顶级 富豪继承人读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《顶级富豪继承人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1251-25215 >>
内容简介:简芷颜是京城权势滔天的简将军的孙女,她仗势欺人,纵横跋扈,娇蛮狠毒的小三名声远扬京城内外。她爷爷气得吐血,为守住简家的声誉,随便就找了个人将她嫁了。她气急败坏,而在见到那个俊美如神祗, 浑身贵气的充斥着上位者气息,据说‘出身贫寒’的男人时,她懵了。男人深不可测的眼眸瞥了她一眼,“嫁我,委屈你了?”她想哭:“不,不委屈……”很快的她也发现这个男人不仅仅有一张祸国殃民的脸,手腕过人的他还以迅雷不及掩耳之势成为了在商场上叱咤风云的新贵,惹得无数大人物和名门淑女趋之若鹜。于是,不断有女人跑来戳着她鼻子骂她,”你这种恶毒的女人,凭什么嫁给他?!你配得上他吗?”“……”她哭笑不得,很想说这个男人是她爷爷随便给她找的。可现在看来,这随便还真的是够不随便的啊!!1w2358-29319 >>
内容简介: 人有魂,拳有魄。有人说时代变了,但总有人在艰难中寻觅。红隼拳大成的周元觉,踏上了追寻人类极限的道路。时代的潮流中,漫长的历史中,古老的神话里在生与死的边缘,在平凡的间隙抛弃一切,去 寻找那可能并不存在的奇迹人类自身的魄力,可以超越一切桎梏1w0-1736 >>
内容简介:新热门小说网免费提供作者迷途千年的经典小说:《总裁大人欺人太甚》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说十二岁的时候,韩芊芊眼睁睁看着妈妈从阳台上跳下去,因为另一个女 人要带着跟爸爸的私生子进韩宅。十年后,有谁能想到落魄潦倒到要在酒吧打工的她,有个身价上亿的父亲。一次秘密会谈,让她将他得罪了个透!诡异的是,这个俊美如地狱修罗般的男人最后竟然是笑着离开的。然后,她被酒吧辞退,且再也没有地方敢雇佣她。再然后,她被房东1w0-96436 >>
内容简介:[下本《朕在现代当男宠[古穿今]》预收求宠幸]明天入v,零点万字章掉落v章留评皆有红包乔方临是个Omega,标签性冷淡,能打,长的好,装beta他身形纤瘦修长,眼角一颗泪痣和白的晃眼的 皮肤轻易就能勾来各种alpha,但几乎都被他的坏名声吓跑了天生性冷淡,对于alpha身上的信息素感知极低的乔方临不会被他们影响,《O装B是要被标记的》小说推荐:上瘾、小男友又狠又乖、玫瑰挞、开局给魏尔伦戴了顶环保帽、陷入我们的热恋、还潮、夫人她马甲又轰动全城了、蜜吻999次:乔爷,抱!、七天七夜、非常关系、七零炮灰小知青、助理建筑师、投行男女(原名我们住在一起)、六零年代好生活、放肆娱乐圈、草莓印、本能喜欢、陈年烈苟、甜婚蜜宠:权少的1号小新娘、我变拽了,也变海了1w0-96002 >>
From Hoshikuzuu: For someone who has no recollection of their childhood, Yuzuru's been having the same dream over and over again. One where he and another boy are playing in a small shrine. But he can never figure out who the other boy is. Then one day, his brother Ryosuke brings home a classmate of his, named Takumi. Within the memories that Yuzura can not remember, he realizes that Takumi was his childhood friend and first love. Takumi reveals that he is ecstatic that Yuzuru remembers. Happy to meet his first love again, Yuzuru once again becomes attracted to him, but...
It's about four people. A young police man who joined the force so he could beat people up legally. While he was on the join he messed up and was almost fired but instead was given the job of body guard. So now he has to live like a teen again. the second one is a kid who was raised to take over a large business till they found the real heir. He then became the servant of the new heir. the third one is the new heir. She used to be a normal girl who was orphaned at a young age but was soon found to be the heiress. She used to be normal but the power and money twisted her head and made her a spoiled brat who doesn't care about anyone but her self. The last one is a biker gang's boss. She has a thing for rules and is rather strong. Though her appearance is the total opposite of her strength. She was the reason why the police man almost got fired. She has an odd way with people and can easily persuade them. She is also a body guard for the rich heiress though the reasons are unknown. Read this manga from right to left
Zeul City: City Of Mavens summary: Azrael Gideon, a young unwanted child lived his whole life alone in a great library for eighteen years. Living there made him close to books, and craves for tomes. One day, when he decided to take a walk in a city, he heard a rumor about parents sending their children to a School City, named Zeul Academy, the school of Mavens. It is said that everyone at least eighteen is welcome even...
A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan summary:
Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?
A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the a.s.sistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.
But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms j.a.pan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of j.a.pan.
//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.
The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster.
Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pa.s.s? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?
Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.
Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war G.o.d, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.
The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.
He stood in front of the charge of over 150 hors.e.m.e.n, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had acc.u.mulated in his body over these past years.
The hors.e.m.e.n shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.
Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser summary: Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The World's No. 1 Den Of Iniquity summary: The World's No. 1 Den Of Iniquity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World's No. 1 Den Of Iniquity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.