




类别玄幻 都市
























类别恋爱 霸总 后宫




内容简介:《重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜》为作者妖画画创作,作品重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供妖画画精心编写原创重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜及无弹窗重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜全文免 费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜:【1V1双洁,重生军婚文】“首长,你看咱俩都不是自愿的,这事就当没发生过吧。”他冷笑,“怎么,睡了不认账?”上辈子,夏初一婚前失贞,被家里人唾骂为淫娃荡妇,逼她嫁给跛足的老鳏夫。舅舅、母亲接连因她而死。只身逃到南方打工,辛苦半生,最后惨死渣男之手。重活一回,她定要保护爱她的和她爱的人,改写天命。陷害她的,她要让她自食其果;逼迫她的,她要让他跪地求饶;杀害她的,他要让他生不如死!顺便,前面那位长腿面瘫解放军叔叔,看你长得帅人专一技术好的份上,我就勉为其难嫁给你了吧。1w52201-78704 >>




内容简介:重生回上戏一年级的沈栗,绑定到一款“无限福利神豪”游戏。从此走到哪,都有意想不到的福利惊喜!叮!获得“金钱福利光环”1,本月工资收入暴击3倍!叮!获得“返利福利光环”1,本次花费返利暴 击2倍!叮!获得“好运福利光环”1,本次抽奖幸运暴击5倍!……福利群:229757439本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无限福利神豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79321 >>


内容简介:1尽量日更2打开作者有话说配合食用更佳,wb空硬硬艾朗人如其名,爱浪,爱撩。新学期睡了一个颜好身材棒,一见他就会亮着星星眼并红了脸的乖学弟,艾朗的人生目标也从“挣大钱”变成现在的“挣了 大钱才养得起乖宝宝”。学弟疑惑地问:“……乖宝宝?”艾朗半开玩笑半认真:“我觉得,像你这样的乖宝宝就挺好的。”学弟红了耳廓,唇边若隐若现的小梨涡藏着未说完的话:像我这样,可不太好哦。甜宠指数★★★★☆Tags主受互宠年下学弟攻Gay里Gay气「一句话:一朵娇花变成一朵家花的成长史」受爱浪(理论强悍,缺乏实战)攻爱装(装乖装纯,有点偏执)★作者是文案废,请见谅★系列完结文《恶毒继妹的男神要撩我怎么破》★封面自绘想看大图的宝贝儿欢迎移步微博空硬硬■谢绝扒榜仙女们记得收藏作者专栏哦Mua1w0-96188 >>


内容简介:文案無意中看到了正在上大學的姐姐的QQ消息,壹段色情露骨的聊天記錄看得我腿間濕潤,竟然自慰到噴水。從此以後就踏上了文愛的不歸路,徹頭徹尾的被男人們調教成了壹個欲求不滿的「欲女」!終於有 壹天,我不再滿足於虛擬網絡的做愛……特別註明本文為《文愛日記》繁體版,簡體版將會同步更新,喜歡看簡體版的朋友們移步簡體版。大陸的朋友在收看時如果打不開原網址註意在網站訪問時,http後面加壹個s,例https1w0-70997 >>


内容简介:  这是 一个属于弓箭手的传奇,不朽王座史上唯一的弓箭手意外陨落,降临九州,开启一条前所未有的箭道之路。  世人眼中箭为小技,难成大道?我不信!我的箭可破日月铸通天之路,因为我就是箭魔 !1w0-614 >>


内容简介:【全族全家末日求生种田】苏成重新回到了灾难的起点,再一次要面临各种灾难的洗礼。从一场全球性的血雾开始,然后干旱,高温,地震,史前瘟疫,全球冰冻……几乎是人类能够遇到的灾难,他都将要再一 次经历一次。这一次重新回归的苏成,在自己家族系统的辅助下,究竟如何带领全族人挺过这些灾难?故事,从2024年开始……各位书友要是觉得《末日降临:我带着全族奔小康》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博1w0-78944 >>




内容简介:手机阅读《弃妃倾世》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读谁说穿越后宫就是圣宠不衰、六宫无妃的幸福生涯?她保证不打死他!“过来,朕不打你。”“放屁!”“渺渺,过来朕抱。”“谁信!”“苏渺,再不过来打 断你的狗腿!”“皇上~~~”苏渺一睁眼就是冷宫的四堵灰墙,简直凄凄惨惨戚戚!为了保住她的腿,只好狗腿的腻在皇帝陛下身边,惹得众人纷纷嫉恨白眼,直骂妖妃。可惜皇帝陛下不知怎的就宠上了这个冷宫弃妃,明明一开始恨不得将她千刀万剐,如今却大有昏聩独宠的意思。前朝后宫无不盼着她失宠的那一天,可是等着等着……她似乎就此长盛不衰了!等他们反应过来,哪儿还有什么后宫啊?六宫粉黛,就剩她一人了!【1v1,身心干净】1w0-28248 >>




内容简介:这世上,并没有那么多惊世骇俗的高手,也没有那么多坠崖不死的幸运。这世上多的是种种怎么选都不对的命运之择,和明知如此也非选不可的无奈。他是个懂得劫数之判的道人,知道命运却也无力回天。要选 择接受,还是反抗?——若反抗,要付出多少代价?放弃。舍不得放弃。离开。舍不得离开。死。舍不得死。生。痛不欲生。可真正的英雄必会面对一切,承受选择之苦。留恋世间算什么错?就当只为与最好的风景相遇,也要这样行行,重,行行。各位书友要是觉得《行行》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29435 >>



Flowernoid No Shuufukushi

From AQUA Scans: 'Flowernoid', dolls created with the special nature of flowers, and who devotes themselves to a master. This is the story of Satsuki, a master flowernoid repair specialist whose daily life changes by happening upon a lovely flowernoid. 'From now on, I belong to you' the flowernoid claims.

Love In Kitsch

The Mandarin House, a kitschy B&B on Jeju island. Lured in by an ad featuring a hot guy, first-timer Yeonwoo is a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 23 year old that has come to work here, looking for a little fun and excitement over the summer. The hot guy in the photo? Tae-hoon, your classic tsundere. Hard(body) on the outside, but you know he’s got that soft, gooey interior that just needs to be coaxed out. But things aren’t all soju and sun in paradise. Insatiable front desk manager, Hyun-soo, wants to get to know the newbie too. Soon, Yeonwoo is smack dab in the middle of a love triangle he had never anticipated. This is no reality show! Who will find love, who will get over the past and who will just get their rocks off this summer in 'Love in Kitsch'?

One Step Away From Happiness

One Step to Happy Ending / Selangkah Menuju Happy Ending / Binah has lost her father in an accident and ever since her mother worked hard to earn money for both of them. She often left alone at home while her mother was working. During that time, she met the twins Heeseo and Heewun and soon they became close friends, even closer as family. A few years later, Heewun confessed his feelings to Binah. The thing is, they have the 10 years age gap. What would happen to their long friendship?

Sirius No Kizuato

[From StudioRobb]: This is the story of a teenage boy named Takeru Tachibana and his struggle to recover his sister Sayoko from a 'cyborg dogfight circuit'. When Takeru was 10 years old, his town was bombed during an enemy air-raid in which his parents were killed and he was mortally wounded. Sayoko, cut deep with 'survivor's guilt' and a 'co-dependent' inability to deal with living alone, rashly sells her brain to the Albion Corporation run by a mysterious CEO named Véltare Marçeau in order to pay for a risky surgical operation that Takeru may or may not survive. Her brain is placed in a cybernetic body, the process of which essentially eliminates the brain's memories and heightens its aggression. Her new identity is The White 13, or 'The Ice Doll', and for the next five years she is placed on a dogfight circuit fighting other cyborgs in gladiator-style extravaganzas where she eventually becomes the grand champion and obtains the rank of 'sirius'... The story begins shortly after Takeru has liberated his sister from the dogfight circuit only to discover that, outside the cicuit, Sayoko's brain has a 'self-destruct' mechanism and that she is dying. Takeru has one week to find a way to cure his sister or return her to the circuit or she will die. Adding to the problem are the 'dogged' efforts of the Albion Corporation to recover 'their stolen property' as well as a cast of characters who all have their own scars of some sort...

Eileanan - The Skull Of The World

Eileanan - The Skull Of The World summary: Eileanan - The Skull Of The World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Eileanan - The Skull Of The World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Finding Of Haldgren

The Finding Of Haldgren summary: The Finding Of Haldgren summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Finding Of Haldgren. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Flag Replaced on Sumter

The Flag Replaced on Sumter summary: The Flag Replaced on Sumter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Flag Replaced on Sumter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan

A Time Traveller's Guide To Feudal Japan summary: Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us?
A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the a.s.sistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family.
But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms j.a.pan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of j.a.pan.
//Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane.
The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster.
Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pa.s.s? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth?
Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand.
Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war G.o.d, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear.
The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him.
He stood in front of the charge of over 150 hors.e.m.e.n, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had acc.u.mulated in his body over these past years.
The hors.e.m.e.n shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader.

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