
























简介天降神物!异血附体!群仙惊惧!万魔退避!一名从东洲大陆走出的少年。一具生死相依的红粉骷髅。一个立志成为至强者的故事。一段叱咤星河,大闹三界的传说。(漫画每周五更新,官方QQ①群:651516365 ②群:746325770 ③群719947439欢迎加入!敲门砖:石牧)








内容简介:秦王政二十年。荆轲受燕太子丹派遣,携燕督亢地图和樊於期首级,前往咸阳宫廷刺杀秦王嬴政,然而秦廷早已识破目的,图穷匕见之下,荆轲屡次不中,事败被杀。同时。秦王第十子嬴斯年,在荆轲刺秦时离 奇失踪,嬴政闻讯大怒,清洗宫廷,诛杀相关联宦官、禁军数千人,全城范围内大索。搜寻无果。十年之后。骊山一隅,孤山深林中,一间幽静小院内,一名青年正垂首诵读着《道德真经》。“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万1w0-89358 >>


内容简介:每晚九点更新,有事会请假w阅读悉知:[主攻/年下/宠透文学]别人穿人我穿猫,还绑了个系统996。麻了。神原阳一:打白工是不可能打白工的,我们契约者向来利益至上,这辈子都不可能打白工的! 系统:[可是宿主,多做好人好事的话你还是有机会做人的。]神原阳一:比如?系统:[比如多扶老奶奶过马路?比如多陪老爷爷解寂寞?]神原阳一看看爪子抓抓耳朵,让猫扶人过马路?谢邀,我选择后者。于是——继安室哈罗之后各位书友要是觉得《穿猫后我有了个黑皮饲养员》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84798 >>


内容简介:  徐然穿越斗罗大陆,觉醒无敌剑魂,麒麟瑞兽血脉。游离于人类和魂兽之间,统御两族,成为斗罗星至强无敌之人。锤唐三,锤唐昊,锤唐晨,锤小刚,锤沐白……从朱竹清未婚夫出发,横扫天下无敌。徐 然:我无敌,你随意。唐三祖孙仨躲在墙角抱在一团瑟瑟发抖,玉小刚哭着去找比比东帮忙却不知比比东已是徐然的人。陆地,海洋,人族,兽族,神界……徐然表示:无敌,有那么难吗?1w0-2041 >>


内容简介:穿越平行世界的项泽,被迫成为综艺《孤岛求生》的求生者。只要坚持一年,就能获得一个亿,实现财务自由!负伤参加的项泽,在不被人看好的情况下,系统开启。于是乎,求生变旅游,面朝大海,悠闲修仙 ……“发生了什么?主播一拳干掉了巨蟒?!”“卧槽!踏水而行,泽神难道是隐世不出的古武传承者?”“御剑飞行?我已经不惊讶了呢,修仙主播了解下!”天劫来袭,涌动的雷霆笼罩了小岛!各大参赛主播都哭了……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我在荒岛直播修仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85021 >>


内容简介:  在混乱哥谭的黑暗迷雾中,他是带来鲜血的赤红魔鬼,他罪恶! 在彷徨迷茫的变种人社会里,他是异军突起的第三领袖,他执拗! 在盾与蛇的无尽纠缠中,他是影响战争的冷酷利剑,他坚定! 他被崇拜,被厌恶,被赞美,被诅咒,有人爱他,也有人恨他。 他的心就如同他手里的利刃,从不犹豫,从不迟疑,从不动摇,谁能击败这样的人? 欢迎走入,霸王的故事…<《艾泽拉斯死亡轨迹》、《美漫世界阴影轨迹》已经完本,兄弟们可以放心阅读!><新书:《左道江湖》已经上传,希望兄弟们多多支持!>1w0-4473 >>


内容简介:铁血兵魂2永远的兵魂已上传起点,继续钟国龙等的军旅生涯。点击下方在直通车可直接进入。求点击,推荐,收藏。博文拜谢!【向所有维护祖国统一的军人敬礼!】兵魂,硝烟,战争!没有高高在上,没有 尔谀尔诈,没有大人物,没有美女柔情,,,,,只有生和死,铁与血,苦和累,沙漠与孤鹰,雪山与丛林,,,,生存成了战争,活着为了使命,,,,这里是小人物创造历史---士兵的天下,英雄的时代!!雄关漫道真如铁男儿何惜身中血五湖四海来当兵只为扬我中华魂1w0-75156 >>


内容简介:签到花果山,获得混沌魔猿精血。签到桃山,获得胎易化形、纵地金光。我在洪荒封神,可以签到西游。武道地煞,炼化混世四猴本源,凝结混沌魔猿化身。武道天罡,凝炼都天神煞大阵,塑造盘古真身。且看 ,禹王后裔扰乱封神,演绎出武道绝世的华丽篇章。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《洪荒之我在西游签到》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-87537 >>


内容简介:  这是一本,主角从诛仙开始带着气运面板穿越,寻求变强的小说,一头水麒麟在诸天现身的故事。书友群:971740231(QQ群哦)1w0-3432


内容简介:我是首富失踪多年的亲女儿简介:秦淮旭是豪门秦家唯一的继承人,季星摇只是一个身世凄凉的孤儿秦淮旭和季星摇刚在一起的时候,整个豪门圈都觉得秦大少爷只是玩玩而已。所以当三年后的订婚宴上,秦淮 旭抛弃季星摇去追他白月光前女友周继月,也没有人觉得意外。白月光什么身份?赵家千金,还是首富干女儿,出身高贵,与季星摇这个玩物,云泥之别。聪明人都知道该选谁。秦少爷和周小姐的爱情轰轰烈烈的开始了,没有人再去关注那个可怜的替身怎么消失,究竟又去了哪里。——几个月后,秦淮旭与白月光闹翻,想起季星摇的好1w0-81798 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我,金色超人,加入聊天群】唐子川意外穿越漫威世界,还得到名场面打卡系统,新手礼包直接开出金色大超模板!那这不是无敌了?呼吸吹灭太阳、一个喷嚏摧毁太阳系、无视时 间驳论杀死祖母、氪石当饭吃这是对白银时期超人能力的描述,然而在白银超人之上,还存在着一个超人的至强形态,金色超人!金超能够颠覆规律,做到无中生有,玩弄时间、空间、物质,修改现实这已是神仙开局,竟还有聊天qun找上自己?叫我议员:为了更美好的明天而战!逃离桃花岛:“郭靖是谁?我只认识子川哥哥!”道宗小公主:“我不愿当冰主,只愿当子川哥哥的乖妹妹。”传说中的大肥羊:“蹭蹭欧气,我不想逢赌必输金色之神。”眼见大事不妙,主急了!我真不是先知:“那是我哥哥,你们不准抢!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76632 >>



Battle Royale

Read Battle Royale Manga Battle Royale Manga has been accommodated into a manga that was serialized, composed by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi, was released in Japan by Akita Publishing. Tokyopop consists of 15 volumes and distributes in English the manga. There's a manga sequel called Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale. At October 2007, a fresh special version of the manga will probably be published.   The manga follows the storyline of the novel fairly carefully, but additionally enlarges on the back story of all the pupils. Additionally it is much more sexually graphic as opposed to movie and novel versions, and can also be noted for the extreme violence.   In addition, the English version of manga alters the time the story is occur by nearly 10 years, utilizing the phrase 'in the close future', but on Shogo Kawada's account, it references the software 2005 period; he claims his last application was a year-ago, resulting in the supposition the manga establishes the story in 2006. In quantity among the English language variation, the information channel reporter as well as Shinji Mimura mentions the 2007 report of seven hours, three times and twenty two minutes. To the 2009 period, which will be the 2009 one Kamon refers in quantity 14. Not one of the dates are mentioned in the first Japanese version. Seemingly they were formulated by Keith Giffen through the variation (see below) along with a number of other particulars nonexistent in the authentic.   The manga revolves around seven main figures, for instance, righteous Shuya Nanahara, the tender and affectionate Noriko Nakagawa, the case-hardened expert Shogo Kawada, the pro Shinji Mimura, the kindhearted kungfu expert Hiroki Sugimura, the distressed Mitsuko Souma, as well as the cool, merciless Kazuo Kiriyama. As of January 2006, all 1-5 volumes are released in Japan. In Great Britain and the United States all 1-5 of the volumes are released as of April 2006.     Primary Character in Battle Royal manga Shuya Nanahara is among the three primary protagonists plus a fictional Japanese pupil. Shuya, who's nicknamed 'Shu', lives in the fictional city Shiroiwa in Kagawa Prefecture.     Noriko Nakagawa is the primary female protagonist of the show. She's among the class of third year pupils in Shuya's college. Noriko has a crush on Shuya, whom she admired for his songs and songwriting. Battle Royale Manga's Characters Shogo Kawada is the victor of an earlier Program as well as a transfer pupil. In the start he joins up with all the both of these and satisfies Shuya and Noriko. Kazuo Kiriyama is the main opponent, who attempts to win the Program (utilizing a coin toss to determine whether or not he performs), killing the most quantity of pupils in the class making him the biggest risk. It's afterwards mentioned he'd experienced an automobile crash in a youthful age (where he watched his mother's passing), causing brain injury and resulting in too little emotions and sorrow. Mitsuko Souma is the secondary antagonist, regarded among the very beautiful women in the system, she's also the female together with the most kills, along with the most deranged, in using her womanly wiles and power to feign feelings to falsify afterward kill her school mates triumphing. It's later shown that these emotional issues come from the following sexual abuse she received from her step-father in addition to physical abuse from her very own mom, as well as her dad after her parents divorced, leaving.

Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki

Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through 'second rape' -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.

Towards The Darkness

A bizarre one-shot by Takato Yamamoto. Warning: Ero-Guro of a male teen... almost in a yaoi way.

Shinyuu To Watashi No Suki Na Hito

From Chibi Manga: She was her best friend and he was her first love...she didn't plan to change that. Ayu and Kaho were friends since kindergarten. They were the exact opposite; and even if both them were cute, they hated men. But one day, Kaho found someone she loved. 'why? I was the one in your heart before...' 'Let's play at football' said a boy that Ayu never saw before. But, she felt her heart beating so fast and hurting so hard. It was the beginning of her first love...

The Secret Agent

The Secret Agent summary: The Secret Agent summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Secret Agent. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Omega Series: Omega

Omega Series: Omega summary: Omega Series: Omega summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Omega Series: Omega. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty

Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty summary: Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kung Fu

Kung Fu summary: Kung Fu by Giddens Ko, the story of a Taiwanese middle school student who is obsessed with wuxia novels and ends up learning martial arts from a mysterious old man.

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