内容简介:小兵提供煮酒小说龙脉天尊最新章节小兵小说龙脉天尊全文免费在线阅读煮酒小说龙脉天尊讲述了:少年罗扬,因体内被封邪龙,而身怀神级血脉,从此踏上一条通天之路!从卑微中崛起,翻山海,踏天地,力 压诸天!1w0-97461 >>
内容简介: 新书《喜时归》已开……苏阮的一生过的跌宕起伏。她一生听得最多的话,就是蛇蝎狠毒。咒她怨她的人,能从京城排到荆南。重回年少,苏阮想了想。合该使坏的人,总不能轻饶了去?1w0-4358
内容简介:”天不生公子,千古如长夜。“——岳飞秦淮明月,公子风流,赵皓原本只想凭借功德系统逍遥一世,却一步步走向扭转乾坤之路,如同明月当空,照亮了大宋江山,也照亮了华夏历史的千古长河。1w0-3 2375 >>
内容简介:问:如何让一部虐文变成宠文?答案就是作死!作死!不停地作死!然而自杀不成反被系统救下的顾霜却不知道这条定律(雾),为了求死,她不但没按照系统的要求去攻略渣男男主,还努力败坏男主好感度, 给男主和女配牵线搭桥。结果后来……渣男男主:“你是不是嫌弃我渣才不肯跟我在一起?你等等,我现在就洗白自己!以后绝对一心一意宠你!”莫名其妙完成任务的顾霜:“???”系统(笑眯眯):“哎呀,真不愧是宿主,完美完成所有任务了呢!”顾霜:“……”生无可恋JPG好气,好想死。注:目标人物从头到尾都是一个人。日常消极怠工一心求死女主X不慎拿了渣男剧本闷骚自恋脑补帝男主本文又名《渣男男主洗白史》、《女主作死一百零八式》、《虐文转成宠文的一百种方法》1w0-74897 >>
内容简介:反派大佬的渣前妻穿书全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),已开新文【病弱偏执狂的痴宠穿书】求收围脖:万万梅子酸简宁突然穿进了一本言情狗血小说,此文反派是个奇葩1w20274-6242 5 >>
内容简介:上辈子柳书意被最信任的丫鬟莺语背叛,落得个夫死父亡,自己流落他国沦为军妓的下场。待她不堪折磨自尽而亡后,方得知自己一生不过是他人故事里的一个“炮灰”,只为给真正的“女主”莺语铺路,事成 身退后便再无人会关心她的死活。如今重活一世,柳书意只想护着父亲与弟弟长命百岁,与旧日恩怨了断。无奈命运却不放过她,上辈子辱过她伤过她的那些人,这一世又纷纷出现在了她的面前,本想孤老一生的柳书意,再一次辗转于不同男人的身下。女主柳书意女配楚花楹(莺语)男一不苟言笑铁血将军裴落青男二暴躁易怒异族少年明夜男三丞相之子沈墨书男四大燕禁卫所统领卫长秦男n待出场男配一贤章太子陈云洲男配二庶出三弟柳霁然男配三大燕锦王萧无白男主暂定五位,男配四位,男主不一定能全员he,男配不一定不能扶正,全看剧情发展。避雷须知:1、新手写文,剧情稀碎文笔辣鸡,请各位多多包涵2、nph,剧情肉文,【此文慢热!剧情为主!我更想让主角们先慢慢谈谈情,而不是一来就肉肉肉,想看肉的小可爱们慎】3、结局未定,【过程和结局都有可能会虐】4、吃过女主的【不一定是男主,也可能是男配】5、1w0-83479 >>
内容简介:预收文《被掳后当了皇后》xAxA前世,苏韵认错救命恩人,误嫁小人,落得含恨而死。xA重生归来,她发誓一定要擦亮眼,识清救命恩人。xA直到——她发现这个救命恩人居然是被她拒婚的太子赵诚! !xA有钱有势,好一条粗大腿!xA值得好好利用……哦不,好好报恩。xAxA不对,这人不是讨厌自己吗?还会救自己?xA苏韵管不了那么多,眼睛发亮:“太子殿下,抱个大腿。”xA赵诚一脸嫌弃:“没出息,只抱个大腿?不试试其他花样?”xAxA婚后,苏韵扶着腰看着一脸假正经的男人,恨不得拆了他那张假面具!xA什么讨厌!什么嫌弃!什么正经!假的!全都是假的!!xAxA“夫人,为夫的大腿抱的可还开心?”xA苏韵掀桌:“开心翻了!”xAxA————————————————————xA下一本开预收文《被掳后当了皇后》xAxA余瑶身为一国长公主,在一场战争中被敌国主帅俘虏。xA早已躺平等死的她,突然发现情况不太对劲。xA她不仅没被关押,还被好吃好喝供着。xA糖衣炮弹不可怕,最可怕的是敌国皇帝要娶她。xA奇了怪了,老母猪上树了!xAxA当余瑶见到要娶自己的敌国皇帝,差点把眼珠子瞪掉——这皇帝竟然就是掳走她的混蛋!xA顾远骁:“朕要娶你。”xA余瑶:“呵呵,本公主嫁猪嫁狗不嫁混蛋!”xA顾远骁:“汪!”xAxA————————————————————xA预收文《又栽前夫手里》xA婚后第三年,怡王秦许顺利登基,身为王妃的纪幻幻却被诬陷结党营私被赐一条白绫。xA那一刻,她终于明白怡王对她的好全是为了得到自己父兄的支持,助他登上皇位。xAxA重生回来,她发誓再也不会爱秦许,然而······xA无论她走到哪里身边总会出现他的身影。xA她躲,他堵。xA又来这一招,以为她还会相信?xA可日渐的,他的行为让她实在难以捉摸,于是决定先探探口风,“阿许哥哥,您这是要做什么?”xA怡王捧着她的脸,真诚无比,“娶你,当我的王妃。”xA纪幻幻眼珠子一转,娶她?再被他弄死一次。xAxA然而皇命难违,再次奉旨嫁入怡王府,纪幻幻为保住脑袋处处小心翼翼,夹紧尾巴做人。xA可这一世,怡王不仅违抗圣旨拒绝纳妾,还为她虐渣。xA这又是出的哪一招。xAxA秦许:宠你的招。xA纪幻幻:绝不上当。xA秦许:天地可鉴,日月可表,我秦许对纪幻幻绝无二心,若有二心,五马分尸。xA纪幻幻:够了够了,我信(才怪)xAxA——————————————————xA推荐好基友的文《重生之将军太难追》xAxA林音本是侯门贵女,自幼持重守礼,原已说了亲事,定了岚家哥哥。xA却不曾想,一场马球会,她占尽风流,被风头正盛的安王截了胡。xA本以为天作之合,却 >>
内容简介:职场沉浮二十载的顾辙,搞过科研,当过专利律师,进过国知局。他是人生赢家,但不完全是,只能算赢了一点点,还有不少遗憾。现在既然重生回2002年,这次他当然要不走弯路、直奔成才大道。亲情友 情、事业声望,他全都要。一个横跨产学研三界的大佬,就此冉冉升起。1w0-72334 >>
内容简介:天生失聪,本应是死寂的世界,却从来都没有消停过。凄厉的歌声,疯狂的惨叫,百鬼齐哀……我或许并没有失聪,只是听不见那个正常的世界。楼道下的脆响,微小的打嗝声,炸裂的皮囊…………当一件件诡 事发生,我才恍若察觉,宿命,终究逃脱不掉。不要怀疑真实,可能连你也不知道,究竟谁才是真实的。开新书了,小伙伴们多多捧场。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诡耳人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68994 >>
内容简介: 穿越成女扮男装的大龄小官之女不郁闷,郁闷的是迟迟掉不了马甲。驴都发现她女儿身了,身边的男人们还发现不了。豁出去自曝身份,穿着女装招摇过市,还能被人拿钱打发离京,说是怕她影响他们兄弟 高大上的光辉形象。不说了,心累。1w0-2561 >>
From amber love pj: In this country, every person has to be matched up with a partner. Partnerships are made around when you turn three or four. The doctors decide who gets paired together. One person acts as the 'supplier.' The other as the 'receiver.' It is impossible for a 'receiver' to continue to live without periodically being given power from the 'supplier.' And in the same way, it is imperative for a 'supplier' that a 'receiver' accept some of the power generated within their body. This 'power' can't be made anywhere other than inside a 'supplier's own body… So for the 'receivers,' we 'suppliers' are completely indispensable.... Note: The doujinshi for this series have now (as of April 2009) been collected into an officially published volume (volume 3).
Volume 1: 1-2) Aniki Juntou Ryuusei has always admired his capable, sexy eldest brother Ichirou. After witnessing Ichirou and his elder brother Gou in an incestuous embrace, Ryuusei questions his own desire to monopolize Ichirou's affections. 3) Christmas GO! Yaizu brothers spend their Christmas. 4) Gentle Green The rebellious Haruki latest debacle with his cousin causes him to be send to his distant relative's place. There he meets Cecil, a British apprentice of the old man he is to live with. While he discovers a new love for landscaping, he slowly builds his new life with the old man, Cecil and Bunta, the lazy dog. Volume 2: 1) Aniki Joutou Ichirou collapses after overworking himself. 2) Adult Horror Yaizu brothers take part in a courage test at the graveyard. 3) Aniki Joutou Ryuusei suspects Ichirou of having an affair with the famous actor Takita (include part one, two and third of act 4). 4) Gou's Painful Memory Gou finds some memorabilia of his childhood and recounts his childhood for Ryuusei. 5) Yaizu Brothers Catalogue Characters profile. 6) Sweet Home Yaizu family's interview.
From MangaHelpers: In response to a decrease in population, human corpses have become a major resource for society's labor pool. Necromancers are needed to animate corpses for various jobs. These corpses work reliably unless they encounter human love, at which point they go berserk and attack. Zen is the necromancer of his city, and he spends his time animating corpses and dealing with the messy aftermath of those cases of 'necrophilia.' Zen has a strange assistant, who keeps his face covered and never speaks in public. This assistant is Yomai, a ghoul that Zen took under his wing. Zen allows Yomai to feed from his own flesh, but he has strictly forbidden the ghoul from revealing himself to, speaking to, or eating other humans. Yomai doesn't want to anger his benefactor, but he is not completely satisfied living under all of Zen's restrictions. There's plenty of violence, death, and surprises ahead for the necromancer and his ghoul! [tethysdust]
What a strange world of monsters! I was hit on the head by an incense burner, and a mysterious power woke me up inside of me! I Woke up to find my boyfriend and stepmother who have been with me all the time have started been visible to me as monsters, and when I checked with others I found out that my boyfriends monster Arura was the strongest, so now let me take you into the world of monsters for a journey!mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
Concerning Christian Liberty summary: Concerning Christian Liberty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Concerning Christian Liberty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Pirate Shark summary: The Pirate Shark summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pirate Shark. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
John Bull summary: John Bull summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Bull. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Way To You summary: Ariana has always had the same reoccuring dream. Someone holds her in their arms, in an unknown place, in an unknow time and she can never get those words out of her head. 'Don 't leave me! Just look at me and stay awake!'It had been many years since she had someone who cared for her. Her parents sold her off to a brothel at the tender age of 12 and she worked hard to keep herself.out of...