简介世人皆知,大学士芮祤才高八斗、学富五车,可及冠多年仍未娶妻,乃是身体羸弱之故。而将门虎女南辰筱,泼辣凶悍,加之品行不端,除了一张脸明艳动人再无半点女人样。一个无人愿嫁,一个无人敢娶,圣上亲自为大学士与将门虎女赐婚,更称此二人为天下第一良配! 可实际上,大学士乃是娇滴滴的女儿身,将门虎子则是如假包换的男子汉大丈夫。当今圣上“指夫为妻”,所为哪般?【每周六更新,责编:阿丁】将门之子x温柔才女
内容简介:任务名称:平平无奇的日常助人为乐任务要求:鲨害目标迟迟不出现,凶手先生很苦恼,请宿主向前走两步。任务奖励:30点助人为乐积分。日向合理往前走了几步。走到第四步的时候,身后突然传来花瓶坠 落声,回头一看,一个花瓶刚好落在他刚刚走到第二步的地方。他:“?”鲨害目标竟是我自己?!系统:“?”说好了两步,你居然走第四步?!……这很柯学。——无女主,主角是酒。1w0-99344 >>
内容简介:《皇上把七公主嫁给一个败家子》最新章节列表由小兵提供。皇上把七公主嫁给一个败家子最新章节情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读皇上把七公主嫁给一个 败家子最新章节。1w7221-64823 >>
内容简介:拆二代陈涵创业直播平台失败,走投无路自杀,重回2016年,获得高维微观干涉能力,吸收粉丝信仰之力改变现实,可以控制改造微生物、细胞、细菌、分子、原子、电子、量子、夸克、弦等肉眼不可见的 物质。细胞复制、克隆技术、适应沙漠的植物、生物计算机、自动进化海水的植物,一个黑科技帝国就此诞生。前世创业三年败光5000万,不如买房投资,重活一世陈涵将站在科技之巅。电鳗的放电细胞移植在人体徒手给手机充电,原子核的质子数更改点石成金。当能够控制原子核内的质子数时,宇宙万物皆可创造,我们将之称为创世神!1w0-79736 >>
内容简介:写在前面的求生欲本文非传统虫族文,雌攻雄受,主受,作者文笔小白,死逻辑,完全属于自产粮,本质无脑互宠小甜饼,喜欢传统虫族文或铁血攻控受控的小可爱,请迅速点击右上角x号逃生,犹豫就会被雷 带下预收我1w0-123381 >>
内容简介:抗拒总裁不许欺负我小说最新章节由网友提供,《抗拒总裁不许欺负我》故事扣人心弦、情节跌宕起伏,是一本文笔与情节俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供抗拒总裁不许欺负我最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读 !1w0-130939 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《中场全能巨星》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读有人说,现代足球中场大师越来越少了。因为现代中场都变得越来越全能,就像流水线上的产品,拉出来好像都差不多。也许他们是对的。那是因为曾经的 巨星们在某个专项技能上到达了登峰造极的地步,让球迷们为之疯狂,而现代足球对球员的要求更多的是什么都会,但可能什么都不精。那么如果有一个人,每一项技能都可以达到登峰造极的水准呢?你见过可以争夺金靴的中场吗?你见过带球连过数人的中场吗?你见过传球妙到毫巅的中场吗?你见过防守铜墙铁壁的中场吗?你见过……是的,你都见过。但你见过所有技能集于一身的中场全能巨星吗?来吧,虎年让陈虎带你一起,虎啸绿茵!已有200w字完结作品绿茵之寒冰射手,算是有些人品,欢迎阅读有空可以来群里玩:8102556811w0-98921 >>
内容简介:他是京都城最尊贵最神秘的男人,总参军情机关ZMI特工首脑。一个权倾天下的大人物。有多大?!——他说,试过才知道!她是外地来京的犯罪心理学硕士,未成年人管教所心理辅导员。一个饥荒不饱的小 人物。有多小?!——她说,关你什么事?初次见面,他在她身上流汗打假炮儿。无奈陪练,她在他下边纳闷儿真思考。一个冷魅、尊贵、俊毅、邪戾,狷狂,霸道,牛逼…但凡小言男主身上的贴金词儿都能使用的大金主儿。他闲得蛋疼么,和她逗闷子玩?如果不是逗闷子,那他擦边儿捣鼓半天不办实事,到底又为了哪般?难道是?——性心理障碍?治,还是不治?治,又该怎么治?1w0-84610 >>
内容简介:前世南宫可晴是特种兵的身份,一次意外穿越时空,竹林里遇冷面战神、一手西医一手中医,在琉璃国大展拳脚,从默默无闻的草民,一路凭着自身的本事升级成县主、郡主、公主、并且有了自己的商业帝国… …可是,她怎么和这个战神成了战场上的敌对关系?两个人的感情何去何从?南宫可晴羞赧、窘迫得脱口而出:“你……还是……快点把衣服穿上吧!男色当前,我怕我把持不住。”亓卿轩挑眉轻笑,暧昧地道:“如果把持不住的话你想怎么样?”“那个……”南宫可晴不知道如何回避,顿了顿道:“毕竟爱美之心人皆有之,再说了谁不喜欢美好的事物呢?呵呵,这叫赏心悦目。”南宫可晴笑得及不自然。丌卿轩脸上缓缓绽开一个魅惑的笑“本王怎么才发现……你竟可以把这么色的事情说得如此义正言辞?”“你……你这叫什么话?那……谁叫你这么好看的。”南宫可晴被戏弄的尴尬不已,有点语无伦次。【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《冷面战神又撩又甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67959 >>
内容简介:1228812288两世蹉跎,留下无穷遗憾。1228812288王者归来,随心而为,快意纵横!1228812288世家美女,清纯校花,美女老师,泼辣警花,性感少妇。1228812288 全部收入怀中!【群号码218534675】1228812288与天下为敌又如何!1228812288一身惊世魔功,敢叫天折腰!1228812288人皆言我邪,那我便魔焰滔天!各位书友要是觉得《重生都市魔帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26182 >>
内容简介:父亲是尚书令,母亲是长公主,族中兄弟,皆江左才俊,蕴藉风流。“士庶之际,实自天隔”。所以直到嫁了过去,洛神还是想不明白——这个她不久前连名字都没听说过的出身于寒门庶族的江北伧荒武将,凭 什么,胆敢开口向自己的父亲提亲?1w0-3634 >>
'The boy I saved before becomes an older and a highly talented knight!' One day, Sara was transported to another world and saved a boy named Luke who was pursued and collapsed in the forest for some reason, and decided to live together with him. However, just as Luke was beginning to recover from his wounds, Sara was abruptly sent back to her own world. Three years later, Sarah returned to the other world again and reunited with a 25-year-old Luke, the finest ice magician in the country and a knight who earned baronetcy for his achievements! He used to be 10 years younger than her, but now he's two years older and a romantic interest. 'I'll reward you with my entire life,' he said as he began to dote on Sara.
Nomura Chizuko - a witch - is bored with her everyday life in the magic world. 'That's it! I'll go to the human world and get some new motivation!' With that in mind, she heads off happily to her new life in the human world. With her childhood friend, Oosawa Nobuko, sticking close by her everyday to watch out for Yurine, a human who dreams of becoming a magician that befriended Chizuko after she arrived and is now doing as she pleases with Chizuko. [4-koma]
From Chibi Manga: Yukari and Haruhi are the same age while Ruka is 4 years younger and they are all childhood friends. The three of them get along well with each other, but unexpectedly Haruhi confesses his love to Yukari and the two begin dating. But, Ruka forcibly chases after Yukari causing her heart to wander between Haruhi and Ruka. Although she doesn’t want to break up with Haruhi who is nice to her, she can’t stop the heat that she feels when she is with Ruka… The everyday peaceful life has turned into a continuation of storms!
A collection of historic short stories, each associated with a karuta card. The stories revolve around the red-light district of Yoshiwara, in Edo. 1) Kimori Okuma is a good-natured, sweet girl, but she is unable to find a husband due to her weight. One day, a samurai defends her from being publicly mocked. Is this samurai her chance to find happiness? 2) Kanrobai After her father ritually commits suicide, Asagi finds herself in much reduced circumstances. Some of the girls who work with Asagi bully her, and the high-class airs she puts on don't help the situation. All she wants is a way to get back to the lifestyle to which she was accustomed, but all she has is mistreatment and the company of a strange man trapped under a barrel... 3) Maigoishi Tama is a lost child, and she's taken in temporarily by a family who already has a son, Shirou. Tama can't wait to find her beloved father again. However, finding the place where she belongs may not be so simple for little Tama. 4) Akaishinyo Seiichi is the only one left to protect his princess, Miya. He wants what's best for her, regardless of their feelings for one another. But can he really tell what that might be?
Sendai Yuusha wa Inkyou Shitai summary:
Three years ago, in the land of Reinbulk, a Legendary Hero was summoned in the Kindom of Leezalion and he succeeded in repelling the Demon King. Now, five students are summoned back into Reinbulk by the Kingdom of Luxeria to fight against the Demon King and the demon army. Unlike the other heroes, Yashiro Yuu has no magical affinity and the Luxeria Kingdom has no intention on acknowledging his existence or returning him to his world.
However, Yuu is actually the previous Hero that had fought the Demon King. Moreover, he is perplexed at the situation since he knows the Demon King has not returned since he sealed him. If the seal was ever broken then he would be automatically summoned instead of normal summoned. Since he already saved the world once and the Demon King hasn’t been unsealed, Yuu decides to leave the demons to the new heroes and retire from the Hero business. So he decides to become an adventurer.
Philaster summary: Philaster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Philaster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Classe Única summary:
Estranhos fenômenos começaram a acontecer por todo mundo, luzes misteriosas e desaparecimento em ma.s.sa de pessoas, (os selecionados) a.s.sim era chamados, os que foram parar em outro mundo, muitos ganharam habilidades e cla.s.ses, fui para outro mundo, porém não tive a mesma sorte.
Meu nome é Noah Oliver e sou um selecionado inútil, a.s.sim sou zombado por todos, depois que meu status foi apresentado para todo o reino de Igregor, como ato de humilhação e desprezo, o destino de um selecionado inútil é ser escravo, mas algo aconteceu, recebi um presente do céu e agora eu posso dá a volta por cima.
Negro Tales summary: Negro Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Negro Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.