内容简介:当家族联姻成为必然,现实世界中男朋友的背叛,让女主林筱薇对爱情不再抱有幻想。从认识前男友到如今发现他已经和自己的姐姐在一起的时间整整三年。她开始恍然大悟,自己曾经癫狂的爱情态度只会让她 更受伤,但是更让她难以平复的愤怒是来源于那一场生日宴。林家依靠杭城的财力势力,在那一天聚集了无数的贵家公子和权势人物,这一场生日宴的女主本是林夕颜,可是最后却演变成了林筱薇的闹剧。她亲眼看见自己的男友席城和林夕颜站在一起,周围的人都拍手称赞他们天生一对郎才女貌,却忽略了他们的爱情已经存在了三年。她愤怒的质问席城,想从他的嘴上知道一些答案,但是渣男的本质暴露无遗,她的质问又给自己找了个麻烦。所有人看到的都是妹妹不懂事同姐姐抢男友,但实际上是恰恰反过来。1w0-127679 >>
内容简介:我被只狼崽子叼回窝了是蛋壳公子创作的经典的小说作品我被只狼崽子叼回窝了小兵提供我被只狼崽子叼回窝了最新章节全文免费阅读,我被只狼崽子叼回窝了下载,我被只狼崽子叼回窝了全文字更新,我被只 狼崽子叼回窝了无弹窗!请关注我被只狼崽子叼回窝了吧,本站最新最快更新我被只狼崽子叼回窝了的最新章节。1w0-96013 >>
内容简介:所有中国篮球迷都遗憾,中国篮球的后卫时代和中锋时代没在一起,如果在94年黄金一代的巅峰时刻,有一个比姚明还伟大的中国中锋崛起了,哪中国篮球的未来…………我和邓肯同年秀最新章节地址:1w 0-29291 >>
内容简介:传闻说华城霸主雷霆喜好男色,公司因此遭遇到了前所未有的危机。但三天后雷霆却在这样重要的时候极尽风光的迎娶了一个名不见经传的女人。雷霆用十里红妆迎娶了这个女人,可是第二天的头版日报的照片 竟然是他与其他女人的不雅床照。苑锦在收到了许多莫名其妙的关心之后才知道,原来自己新婚的那天夜里,就被罩上了一片青青草原……1w0-72632 >>
内容简介:主角:王大壮、玉长卿。普通村民王大壮偶然间捡到了一个受了伤、脾气很大的仙君,仙君总是在生气,非常难伺候。不过好看的人生气也是好看的,大壮忍了。仙君伤愈后问大壮跟不跟他走,大壮摇摇头,他 只是一个普通的不能更普通的人,仙君的世界,他去不了。谁想仙君走了没几天,大壮刚开始思念,他就在1w0-33154 >>
内容简介: 唐太宗是千古一帝吗?商纣王是山古暴君吗?谁才是秦皇之下第一人?是雄才大略的汉武帝吗? 且看一代杠精,陈通如何在皇帝聊天群中,拨开历史的迷雾,从不同的角度看待帝王的千古功业。这是 一场颠覆历史,颠覆三观的旅程。来看一看炎黄先祖真正的智慧!1w0-1512 >>
内容简介:都知道当今皇上喜怒无常,朝中无人敢与之相驳,宫中更是无人敢伴君侧,但也有件让人津津乐道的罕见事儿——和光大师赠了皇帝一幅美人画,甚得皇帝喜爱,被收于景阳宫。自那以后,但凡五官有一处与画 中女子相似之人,都被纳于后宫。但也听闻,无人曾被临幸过,甚至还死了好几个。付家的五姑娘出身不好,自幼胆小如鼠,被传召进了宫,又因坊间对这位帝王的传言,她更是提心吊胆,瑟瑟发抖。紧张之下打碎了景阳宫的一只白玉杯,吓的魂都没了,一张脸血色褪的干干净净。宫人见状,个个闭眼为她默哀,谁知一向淡漠的君王蹲下身子,将付茗颂的手从那堆白玉碎片中握住。付茗颂吓的眼泪不止:“我、我不是故意的,我赔给你…”闻恕抬手擦掉她的眼泪:“你拿什么赔?”他身音低哑,像在压抑着什么似的:“拿你赔给我,可好?”一众宫人面上波澜不动,心中却波涛暗涌,唯有一直伺候闻恕的元公公知晓,这付家五姑娘长了一张跟画中女子一模一样的脸,连眼角那颗痣的位置都分毫不差。后来果然不出元公公所料,付茗颂盛宠加身,冠宠后宫。她害怕,闻恕哄着,她哭了,闻恕哄着,就连晚上做个噩梦,闻恕都抱在怀里哄。闻恕吃饱餍足后,半弯着唇想,美人都是有毒的,栽了一次,却还想栽第二次。1w0-4296 >>
内容简介:我喜欢她每一次触碰。——————————————————一心想要献身科学的女科学家x有权有钱地位高的深沉总裁x绝美矜持前男友的大明星(除了女科学家,总裁和巨星都不是只一单纯职业呢)三个 本来没有交点的人,纠缠上了,怎么才能找到那个彼此都能幸福的平衡点?————————————现代文肉随机掉落没有多么跌宕起伏的剧情,也没有多么狗血戏剧的人生。想告诉大家,平凡也好,高贵也罢,男女主角,一如你,一如我,都只是朝着自己的路径缓缓前行。文案废,大家看看高兴就好。希望最后是甜甜的。————————欢迎给我投珠珠或者是留言,你的小小举动就是我的动力!我会非常珍惜的。1w0-97513 >>
内容简介:是劫不是缘,是孽不是爱,初相识,故人归,为博伊人笑,国仇家恨,风雨飘摇。可惜悲欢离合长,总是情错,总是无月满西楼。她是书香门第,虽为养女,却天资聪慧美貌异常。他是军阀世家,五省之首,沉 浮于宦海谋权争利。她与他,本就不该许下相知相守。分享书籍《金玉往世》作者:沐小弦1w0-78818 >>
Omae Sae Inakerya summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Omae Sae Inakerya. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Nakama: Long ago in a distant land, when the heavens ruled the earth, the two of them met by a trick of destiny. this is part of the Wild Fangs and Wild Rose set
Mahou Shoujo Taisen summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mahou Shoujo Taisen. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
On a remote island Mikazuchi is training to become a swordmaster. He dreams of visiting the outside world where he can meet girls. He grew up with Honoka who holds complicated feelings about Mikazuchi. This small island is protected by the divine gods and receives no visitors. The only things that ever happen are small quarrels between Mikazuchi and Honoka. These peaceful days are shattered when Saya, a mysterious beautiful young woman, is washed upon the shore! The seal of the Yaoyorozu gods has been broken and a group of deformed monsters emerge. Honoka's parents prove powerless before the demons and are killed. Even the holy sword bestowed by the gods to protect the island since ancient times loses its divine powers and splits into two. Now they are faced with absolute danger! Then, Saya's sacred powers save them. The holy madonna Saya's blessings bestowed through a kiss brings about a Western sword that can destroy horrible monsters instantly. Mikazuchi begins his tumultuous journey carrying the holy sword. The story is set in Japan's Edo period, taking us through a whirlpool of conspiracy. The worlds of mythology and legend are interwoven into this definitive romantic action comic. With the slash of the two swords, one divine and one holy, a fascinating, neo-historical romance filled with mystery and surprises unfolds.
Tracks of a Rolling Stone summary: Tracks of a Rolling Stone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tracks of a Rolling Stone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Kingdom of God Is Within You summary: The Kingdom of God Is Within You summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Kingdom of God Is Within You. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ben-To! summary:
One day, a poor high school student, Yō Satō walked into a supermarket and saw some half-priced bentos on sale. When he was reaching innocently for his desired bento, he was instantly knocked down.
When he regained consciousness, he noticed that he was beaten up on the floor. When he looked up, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. It was a heated battlefield for the half-priced bentos. Being attracted by this unimaginable scene, Yō formed an alliance with his cla.s.smate, Hana Oshiroi, who was coincidentally in the supermarket, to obtain the half-priced bentos. However, out of nowhere, a beautiful girl, known to others as “The Ice Witch”, beat him down in an instant. After grabbing a bento for herself, she walked up to Yō and said…
The 5th Annual Super Dash Newbie Light Novel Writer Award Winner, Asaura, brings you his newest work, an actioned packed high school comedy, Ben-To!
Above the Battle summary: Above the Battle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Above the Battle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.