内容简介:已选定天赋:辟谷者(绿色),冷兵器高手(白色),黄金进化者(金色)模拟开始!第一天:你宅在家中,虽然外面丧尸横行但这一切与你无关。、第十天:你喝了自来水管里面的水,你感染了病毒,你死了 。1w0-83603 >>
内容简介:楠楠的暴露系列转载)楠楠的暴露系列转载)sodu,楠楠的暴露系列转载)小说,楠楠的暴露系列转载)顶点,楠楠的暴露系列转载)自慰天使,作者:楠楠。以描写几个有暴露癖的女子的故事,内容涉及 ,暴露,自慰,1V1性交,群交,女女1w0-81936 >>
内容简介:【一】闺蜜婚礼上的捧花,让安妮掉入了两百年前的英伦庄园。罗新斯庄园的男主人去世,安妮·德·包尔作为唯一的继承人,她的未来似乎被母亲凯瑟琳夫人安排地明明白白。脆弱的身体、强势的母亲、落寞 的庄园、疑似既定的婚约……安妮哪怕拿了一手烂牌,也要将它打得漂亮!【二】锻炼身体、重振庄园、投资工厂、经营人脉……后世的零星记忆是她唯一的金手指。德·包尔小姐的产业从英伦三岛延伸到欧罗巴大陆,德·包尔小姐的追求者从肯特郡排到了伦敦。“未婚夫”早已被这古怪又坚强的灵魂所吸引,这朵带刺的玫瑰将根茎驻扎在他的心尖,从此再也不能移植。安妮:“我不懂音乐、绘画、舞蹈、唱歌以及现代文学;我的仪表、步态和谈吐也称不上优雅和有情趣,达西,我在我身上看不出任何贵族淑女的特性。”达西:“你不必顺从我,不必站在我的身后,更不必遮掩光芒。”达西:“你不是等待拯救的童话公主,你就是你。”我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳,我们共享雾霭、流岚、虹霓。仿佛永远分离,却又终身相依。——《致橡树》舒婷阅读指南:1女主前期双重身份,从爵士之女成长为女伯爵。(半架空,婉拒严格考据党)2男主费茨威廉·达西,人物属于奥斯汀,ooc属于我。3节奏平稳缓慢的非典型性·种田文、类·苏爽文,希望大家看得开心舒服。4既然看到这儿,不如点个收藏、发一条友善的评论吧【预收原轻了解一下:《大妖怪杂货店》】司梧继承了外婆的遗产:一间平平无奇的杂货店。杂货店生意向来不错,可某天司梧却发现保险柜里的钱每天都会少一点。她翻遍了监控,蹲守几天大门都找不到原因。一日,司梧不小心在后房睡着,等醒来已经错过关门时间。她刚刚走到铺子后门,还没迈步走进,睡眼已经睁得溜圆——每天香火果盘贡着的貔貅摆件,居然摇了摇头,伸了个懒腰,从桌上跳了下来!然后堂而皇之地从保险柜里顺走一张百元大钞!!!司梧大气:你个监守自盗的假瑞兽!!邳修慌得绊了一跤:呸!貔貅的事儿,能叫偷吗!那叫…司梧咬牙切齿:窃?邳修鼻子一翘:……那、那叫暂时替你保管!邳修曾经是一个威风凛凛的大妖,据(他)说曾是参与了不少历史的大人物。浩劫之时,大妖们散尽修为,支撑起天地。邳修也正因此,变成了一只貔貅摆件,流落人间。邳修本以为那场浩劫就是他这漫长生命里最大的波折。却没想到,千万年后,有人名“司梧”,意“思吾”。让他夜夜寤寐思服。阅读指南:11V1,人设具体见文案,没有标签2男主前期不是人(。),后期化成人形大帅比3治愈温馨向,慢热种田升级流如果您喜欢傲慢与偏见贵族婚约,别忘记分享给朋友作者:红沙棠所写的《傲慢与偏见贵族婚约》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-80 >>
内容简介:少年洪宇为了给父亲筹集手术费,孤身入深山采摘野山参,却偶得仙医传承,从此开启一段仙医之路。治病救人,画符看相,武道神通,琴棋书画,笔趣阁无所不能。且看,乡野小子洪无极如何笑傲都市,制霸 全球。各位书友要是觉得《都市无极仙医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98010 >>
内容简介: 她曾经历了长平之战,见证了数十万人的坑杀。她曾率领大秦铁骑,与六国逐鹿天下。她见过天下三分,山河破碎。也听过那袅袅的隆中琴音。贞观盛世她曾一醉今朝,那千古女帝又是如何芳华?她鲜衣怒 马过,也曾羽扇纶巾。做过田舍农,也为过教书生。却没人知道,这么一个人,活了两千年。嘛,比较轻松悠哉的历史文吧,因为个人原因可能并不能做到完全符合历史,经得起考证。但我会尽力查全资料来写的。第一次写这种文章,我还是希望写的有趣一些,哈哈。最后,变身慎入哈,单身向的。书友群:239590070 二群:256080940 应援群:2427718561w0-403 >>
内容简介: 妖龙古帝苏寒,曾经执掌圣域,镇压一世,为银河星系之巅! 却因融合各大修为层次,走火入魔,形神俱灭。 手下叛变,挚爱沉睡,好友被追杀! 重活一世,定当卷土重来,逆转乾坤,杀尽一 切叛变之人! 【妖龙古帝】书友群1群:663538422。 【妖龙古帝】订阅群:854293507。1w0-369 >>
内容简介: 这是属于我们唐门的世界,一个个你们所熟悉的唐门英雄会在这场众神之战的大舞台中登场。还记得光之子中的长弓威、狂神雷翔、死神阿呆、仙帝海龙、天帝天痕、琴帝叶音竹、冰火魔厨融念冰、酒神世 界的烈焰和姬动、天珠变世界的大力神周维清以及我们的唐三、霍雨浩吗?在这本唐门英雄传中,他们会一一登场,这是属于我们唐门的一场众神之战!燃烧吧,青春的热血!1w0-308 >>
内容简介: 古往今来有多少惊天密宝遗落世间,它们的过往无人知晓,它们的故事无人诉说。平平无奇的穷小子,偶然开启眉心神目,捡尽世间珍宝,终成收藏大家。传说中的九鼎、和氏璧能否重见天日?太平天国的 宝藏,周代藏着的上古奇书究竟流落到了哪里?稳定更新,欢迎收藏。1w0-3202 >>
内容简介:传闻医学天才赵谌有一神秘女友。后众人观其真容,皆感,难怪赵医生禁欲多年。她已是药石罔效,可他偏是执意要拉她入怀圈养。她说:“我有病啊。”他将人牢牢困住,“我是医生。”“我是心病。”“这 世上就没有我医不好的病。”“我欲望强。”“正好我能医。”她似荆棘蔷薇,禁忌、神秘而不可触碰。欲望蔓延,是无尽的黑暗。他似月光皎洁,温暖、禁欲而高不可攀。月光如雪,是净化万物的良物。月光下,花开蔷薇,她似蔷薇般美丽。那是他这辈子见过最美的画面,忆起,心痒难耐。1w0-66164 >>
When a game turn into reality and your husbando is summoned in front of you, what will you do?
Collection of short stories: • Yume ni Tobu Tori (A Bird in a Dream) Soichiro has a heart attack and is hit by a car on Yuuga's birthday right after a huge fight, but gets a second chance when he wakes up two days before his accident. • Iku Michi, Yobu Tsuki Cutting through a dangerous park one night, Otsuji is attacked by hoodlums and thrown into a lake. There he meets the demon of the lake, and can't leave. • Moment Atsushi is slowy recovering after being dumped by his last lover. His sister and brother-in-law, concerned that he is becoming a recluse, invite him out for a drink at their bar. While at the bar he sees a beautiful college student, Kizaki, and is smitten. But because he has no fashion sense, Atsushi gets a makeover from his sister before he approaches his crush. Things go even better than he expected, but after their tryst, Atsushi has to work overtime for a week. When he finally makes it back to the bar, he sees Kizaki kissing someone else. Will Atsushi be forced to give up on his dream of love? • Hana mo Arashi mo The beginning of the love story between 2 childhood friends, Takerou (a student) and Kouta (a florist). The story looks like shota but actually the little uke (Kouta) is already 25. • Mayonaka Taiyou (Midnight Sun) Kakeru, Shouichi-san, and little Rurika are back in a sequel to Hinata. The unexpected visit of Shouichi's dead wife's sister convinces Kakeru that he's only a bother to the Konomi household. With Shouichi (and Ruri) allow him to simply leave their family?
Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after the crisis have been mutated by radiation from the meteorites. They are called the Meteorite Breed. Tooi, a fourteen years old kid that eats a lot, is one of the Meteorite Breed. But he is a rare one...
Satoshi-kun, a drifter, arrives in heaven to work at a bookstore as a substitute manager. There he meets Rui, a girl who also temporarily works there. Follow the daily events of these two people as the place they are in (Heaven's Bookstore) help those regain what they lost.
Nine Yang Sword Saint summary: Summary: Freshman student Yang Dingtian possesses the Nine Yang Body, found only 1 in million. His Yang Fire is incomparably vigorous and thus, he cannot be near a female’s charms for his entire life. On the night of his 19th birthday, he decided to bid farewell to his virgin life. After stealing and tasting the forbidden fruit, he spontaneously combusted as the result! Afterwards, he crossed over. He crossed over to another world, a world that held respect for Martial Power. Originally, his catastrophic Nine Yang Body was the Nine Yang Body that couldn’t be seen in a millennium! He was saved by a mysterious old man when he was at his last moments and the old man received him for a disciple, then betrothed his daughter to him. Thus, in this odd way, Yang Dingtian became the successor of the largest clan under Heaven, and became the number-one-beauty-under-heaven’s fiance.
Great Violinists And Pianists summary: Great Violinists And Pianists summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Violinists And Pianists. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Chronicles Of The Stick Emperor summary: The Chronicles Of The Stick Emperor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chronicles Of The Stick Emperor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Follower Of The Antaskarana Veda: Reincarnation In World Of Magica summary: Killed by his old friend and reincarnated in a different world, Anil was given a chance to re-enjoy his life. As a scientist in his previous life winning n.o.bel prize in 4 different subjects and having vast knowledge of science, his is reincarnated in a body of a 7 year old boy living in a temple, killed by a magia he again lives his life from age of seven later to be the most prominent figure in history...