简介如果……有让另一半不变心的药,你要不要给TA吃? 一位从未谈过恋爱、对爱情充满幻想与美好憧憬的22岁天才少女彦娜从小就一心想要建立自己的爱情理想国,在闺蜜美珊事件的契机下,她走上了一条不归路——反花心胶囊研制计划,正式开始! 【出品:微博动漫 工作室:空之岛动漫 责编:9527】每周四、周日更新
内容简介: 七柄绝世神刃。冰雪女神的叹息——晨露刀。火焰之神的咆哮——正阳刀。自由之风的轻吟——傲天刀。大地苏醒的旋律——长生刀。神机百变的六芒——璇玑刀。贯通天地的曙光——圣耀刀。永世地狱的 诅咒——噬魔刀。这是七柄神刀,也是七柄拥有着冰、火、风、土、空间、光明、黑暗的魔法杖。最重要的,它们还是主角的——菜刀。1w0-739 >>
内容简介:念生宇宙生,念止时空止,道之主宰出,命运大道隐。主宰与命运之争,留下一片狼藉,无数的时空宇宙散落在混沌各处,无人管理,一套不知运行了多少年的几乎报废的系统还在孜孜不倦的穿越各大时空宇宙 ,选择着自己的宿主……奇异能量的选择考验了幸运,末日生存考验了人性,宏大战争培训才能,星辰大海传播文明,悟道修行锻炼我身……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《时空之穿越者》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79009 >>
内容简介:萧维景与棠柚订婚四年,从未正眼看过自己这位未婚妻一眼。漂亮得一无是处,温柔得乏善可陈。直到正式退婚那日,明艳可人的棠柚出现在他面前。红裙雪肤乌发,倾倒众生。他才懂,什么叫做人间绝色。三 月后,萧维景在某个烂醉的夜后红着眼睛发消息给她——[柚柚,在做什么?]手机另一端,矜贵优雅的男人刚刚哄睡了疲倦的棠柚,懒懒散散,代她回复。[坐月子]-为了成功让萧维景退掉商业联姻,棠柚兢兢业业扮演四年多恶心死他不偿命的白莲花。恰逢萧维景的小叔叔萧则行归国暂居,而棠柚最怕的就是这位尊贵的大人物。无欲无求,严谨端正。眼睛似能看透所有伪装。无人知晓,萧则行最好三样——细腰、娇柔、小骄纵。不曾注意到他目光的棠柚,仍旧为退婚努力。扮演好花瓶,裙子束的腰肢盈盈不堪一握;装作小白花,温温柔柔来萧家刷长辈好感度;提高萧维景厌恶值,骄纵地“欺负”他心上人。直到某晚—男人坐在暗红色沙发上,手指苍白修长,亲自为她倒一盏温茶,声线温醇:“我想娶你。”1w0-4042 >>
内容简介:《我是赘婿》的主角岳风柳萱,作者:吻天的狼,为您提供我是赘婿小说:岳风因为某些原因,给人当了赘婿,结婚三年了,他在家里没有一点地位,永远都是任打任骂,因为一点小事,就会被妻子和岳母骂一 顿,在这家里,岳风的地位都不如一条狗。各位书友要是觉得《王者废婿岳风》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1245-4822 >>
内容简介:顺应天命者,悲;逆应天命者,死! 如之可奈何?祈求天地庇佑? 殊不知“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗!” 身世坎坷,且看他如何面对人生! 经历大变,且看他如何渐渐蜕变! 命运降临,且看他如何对 抗命运! 持戟弯弓,且看他如何挽破苍穹! 毁天、灭地、戮神、屠魔、诛仙、噬魂、镇妖、斩尸、弑佛! 逆命运,踏天途,一切尽在——《命之途》! 1w0-2925 >>
内容简介: 本来重活一次是一件让人高兴的事情,但是重生成熟悉世界龙套都算不上的小人物,没有家族,没有血脉,没有体质,没有功法,燕青山表示自己很慌。穿越异界,以属性异能,推衍算计机缘,成就无上斗 帝1w0-2723 >>
内容简介:【简介】她爱他深入骨髓,从四岁开始她的心里就住进了一个叫裴祁佑的名字。为了他岌岌可危的事业,她甚至不惜自己为陌生夫妇养育孩子。二十年的默默守护,等来的却是他跪在其她女人跟前许下一生一世 的承诺。没人知道她是他结婚证上的另一半,被困在一场有名无实的婚姻里多年。“裴祁佑,你永远不知道为了爱你我究竟付出了什么!”“那就永远不要告诉我。”他说完毫不留恋地甩门而去,她却在客厅里一夜坐到天亮。那一天是她二十四岁生日,离婚协议跟五百万支票是他送她的礼物。离婚后,一个穿着小西装、像足自己的孩子闯入了她平静的生活。郁绍庭,丰城风光无限的钻石级单身汉,却阴差阳错成了她孩子的父亲!“你前夫是我侄女的未婚夫,你是我孩子的亲妈,你说咱俩什么关系?”过往种种屈辱浮现在眼前,她望着这个只手遮天的男人:“你,我要不起。”白筱对裴祁佑的爱,就像她脚踝处的曼陀罗刺青,每走一步就多疼一分。有一天她告诉他:“你只知黑色曼陀罗稀有,却不知道它的花语是绝望的爱。”后来他恍悟,再回头去寻找,那朵曼陀罗却早已凋零在被他遗忘的时光里……——————————【男主】姓郁名绍庭。。。。。【小男主】姓郁名景希。。。。。。【在此特作说明】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《爱你入骨·隐婚总裁,请签字》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w5385-72113 >>
内容简介:韩泽重生后,发现上有大佬罩着,下有精英擎着,右有老攻护着,左有金手指帮着,这日子也是过的没谁了!本文一对一,有金手指,有虐渣,有雷,我借用了现代的一些时间和事件,历史却无处考究,也无处 可寻,不喜欢误入,甜文。晋江独发,谢绝转载!周四入V,入二十一章倒V,看过的就不要买了,谢谢大家伙支持!1w0-112211 >>
内容简介:沈倾爱慕归程,她一直以为,他于她,是光明,是信仰,直到她死,她才明白,于她,他从来都只是地狱。那个,在无垠黑暗中,送给她一束光的男人,从来都不是他……重活一回,爱我的,我爱的,皆烟云。 其他类型类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《爱你是人间妄想》这本吧。这是一本在年年要吃肉笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。年年要吃肉无抄袭纯原创力作之爱你是人间妄想最新章节、爱你是人间妄想无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、爱你是人间妄想TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《爱你是人间妄想》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《爱你是人间妄想》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的其他类型小说排行榜推荐1w0-74288 >>
Within this battlefield is a cat. Arthur Rain is a mercenary and skilled sniper who is feared as the “Wild Hunt”. As he prepares for another day of sniping, a black cat appears before him. A cat that seemed like a stray who had taken up residence on the battlefield, happily playing with an empty bullet cartridge like it was a toy. This is the story of one man and one animal living in a deadly battlefield, trying to make the days a little more lively.
Matthias, a child abused continuously by his mother, having committed her murder finds refuge in a church where he meets a seemingly helpful, young priest and Hans, a fellow resident. Not much time passes, however, until Matthias realizes that there's something suspicious going on behind the facade of a peaceful shelter... [summary taken from Aarinfantasy's website]
Ririko lost her parents and siblings in a mysterious incident where details remain in the shadows. Before Ririko moves to her new home in Kaminoshiro, a detective gives her a letter that her father wrote before his death, which contained a card with a black and white checkered pattern on it. At her new school, Ririko becomes friends with Maya and has some interest in a male student named Shirou. She questions about the black clock tower that stands in the center of the town, but no one bothers to answer the question. Her new life in her new home seemed all as well until one day Maya calls Ririko out and takes out the same checkered card that Ririko was given to her and she summons some unknown creature! As Ririko is in confusion as to what's going on, Shirou appears and says 'Not another one.....' What's going on around here?
Collection of short stories: 1) Crying Silently When Shino hears some ecchi sounds in the school storage area he never expects to find Kaji sensei pleasuring himself. Kaji, caught in the act begs Shino to keep it a secret, but what exactly is Shino to think of all this? And when Shino starts to fall in love what is he to do? 2) The Knuckleball of Love Fuwa is an ex-professional baseball player, so when he is one day approached by a high school baseball coach and begged to train the students Fuwa reluctantly agrees. Can the team be saved and what why is the coach so touchy-feely? 3) Be It Today, Tomorrow or the Day After Aosaki is a cram-school student but has no ambition. His daily routine leads him to a small store for dinner each night - but one night Renji (the owner) is accused of 'touching' his part timer (high school student, male). Aosaki saves Renji but as a result the part-timer quits. Aosaki, in a flash decision, decides to take over the part time job - but who knew teaching Renji could prove so much fun? 4) Please Sen is in love with Kuruma a cafe owner and retired stunt man. By what means will he get his love across? 5) Sonjo Sokora no Otoko Parent meets teacher, is it love at first sight? 6) My Wife's Got a Beard Gorou and Chiaki are lovers and so far have kept it secret from those around them. But when Chiaki's family walks in on them kissing Chiaki thinks its all over. However, upon finding out Gorou is the managing director of a wealthy company they give him Chiaki as his bride!
Battered Young Miss summary: Zhang Mi is in a dire situation. Her boyfriend of over over six years cheated on her with his co-worker. Cheating scandal are very hard to overcome. Out of frustration she seeks out her childhood friend Lu Yi. This marks the start of a budding romance, while growing in her role as his lover.-----------------------The cover is not mine, all credits go to the creator
The Unpublishable Memoirs summary: The Unpublishable Memoirs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Unpublishable Memoirs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Thomas Moore summary: Thomas Moore summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Thomas Moore. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Duck The Halls summary: Duck The Halls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Duck The Halls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.