








简介(每周六更新) 什么?心脏还可以共享?只有不断支付爱心才能使用,而爱心的获得竟然要通过使用情侣间的爱意滋生?一次意外坠楼,素不相识的外卖少女和傲娇总裁被迫成为“共享心脏情侣”,给他们安装“共享心脏”的竟然是一个很皮的外星萌物!她还自称是二人的救命恩人与“爱心债主”!……这是一本新颖、有趣,且集颜值、可爱、脑洞于一身的漫画,帅气总裁、元气少女、外星萌物是怎么通过“共享心脏”联系的?
























内容简介:于白穿越到影视世界里拯救那些值得拉一把的人。不圣母,只是想做点什么。“门徒”创作中“扫黑风暴”已完结。“现实警示”已完结。有人说我好,有人说我坏,好坏都是我,好坏我都会。1w0-885 69 >>


内容简介:关于影帝林纵横和影后州围到底有没有交往过,各界众说纷纭。众所周知,影帝的公司叫纵所州知。纵大家都知道了,影帝嘛。至于州……影后亲自下场否认:“不是我。”影帝微笑:“她都说不是了,你们还 来问我干什么?”如果你和我一样骄傲,如果你和我一样讨厌妥协,究竟谁会丢盔弃甲,原地投降。如果不是你,那就是我。微博:丧丧又浪浪《请你原地投降娱乐圈》小说推荐:小泪痣、听说我是啃妻族快穿、辣鸡室友总撩我、宠婚蜜爱:宁先生,宁太太又有了、快穿之横行霸道、快穿炮灰逆袭、穿书之女配的分手日常、初恋几分甜、栩栩若生、洁癖、爱殇gl、重生之拯救大佬计划、世界穿梭、恰似寒光遇骄阳、娘娘腔、炽野、反派大佬破产后、他的小仙女、八十年代嫁恶霸、念你在心1w74956-97940 >>




内容简介:手机阅读《超级战王》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读特种兵王回归都市,被老头子逼着去完成一桩婚事,不料频频遭到未婚妻及其表妹的刁难,又屡次被人暗算。一怒之下,聂枫不再隐忍,凭借着高潮手段,开启 了华丽的逆袭之路。1w0-99605 >>


内容简介:  地球唯一的先天巅峰强者唐不凡冒险接引天雷入体冲刺更高境界,最终在天雷之下化为劫灰。然而唐不凡并没有死去,而是在祖传神秘小剑的帮助下重生到斗罗大陆昊天宗一名弟子身上,从此地球的先天宗 师唐不凡消失了,取而代之的便是昊天宗的唐不凡。重生一世,唐不凡能否完成前世为完成的梦想,突破先天之上的境界呢?而此时的昊天宗又因为某种外界因素不得不封山,曾经的天下第一宗落魄至此。作为昊天宗的弟子,唐不凡能否带领昊天宗重新崛起,再度缔造天下第一宗的无上神话,拭目以待吧!1w0-893 >>


内容简介:凡人修仙传之翻倍之能是作家冬柳无叶的小说本站提供凡人修仙传之翻倍之能小说免费阅读,凡人修仙传之翻倍之能最新章节全文免费阅读,全集完整版无弹窗无广告,凡人修仙传之翻倍之能最佳阅读体验就在 小兵。1w0-84089 >>


内容简介:“打游戏也是要恰饭的啊,不做视频是不可能的,在游戏世界里那么强还那么帅,不给别人看看那不是锦衣夜行嘛?”韩白衣这么说着,拎起长刀杀穿铁血地图,在龙门外环七进七出。“我只是个兴趣使然的指 挥官。”与此同时,现实世界里也正在进行着一场无声的剧变。幻想投影现实。那天,历史开始转弯。1w0-82260 >>


内容简介:阙清言教授的课,每节都人山人海、座无虚席,旁听的学生们乌压压挤着一片从门口排到走廊但林棉每次都能奇迹般地占到前三排的座然后,睡给他看:)———————————————————————— ——※阅读指南:,he,无意外日更2非师生,甜甜甜文,不甜你打我!3总有一百种方法治人的闷骚X能皮到天上去的明撩4你听起来很好睡5打滚求小天使们收藏——————————————————————————PS:谢谢biubiubiu姑娘的两个封面,都太萌了我就一并放上来了↓↓↓安利江山的完结现言文,戳作者专栏可见↓↓↓《医带渐宽》(昔日忠犬黑化成狼)《还不是我宠的(娱乐圈)》(娱乐圈小甜饼)↓↓↓以及安利基友的连载现言甜文↓↓↓时星草《她每天都在撩我》(校园甜甜甜文,小狼狗X小软妹)1w0-27309 >>


内容简介:佞臣九千岁温容,权倾朝野,谋略无双,却独宠声名狼藉的相府弃女烈九卿。她以为,是温容毀她清白,害她身败名裂,对他的宠爱视而不见,恨了他一辈子。最终,他为救她,被皇帝五马分尸!直到死前她才 知道,姐妹伪善,亲人毒辣……被所有人算计了一生,唯独温容,负尽天下唯独没有负她!一朝重生,烈九卿身怀空间,医毒双绝,锋芒尽显。她势必要让仇人血债血偿!可她最想做1w0-107492 >>




内容简介:【标题党版】甜心大佬的总攻娇妻【正经版】人家都是走错教室,走错宾馆,姜宸却是走错监狱才认识了胡越,可能是开门方式有什么不对……一个对外威武雄壮对内软萌温柔的前黑道老大和一个外表清纯不做 作内心攻气十足的女博士怎么搞到了一起?时隔一年多的再相遇,胡越好像“改邪归正”了,但是他们这段纯洁的友谊却危险起来,姜宸才不会承认是被他做的美食收买的呢!欢迎来微博找我玩亡人越刀各位书友要是觉得《刺青与蛋挞》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84576 >>


内容简介:【娱乐圈超级学霸各种综艺苏爽甜大女主】清大法学系第一天才穿书了,她穿成了娱乐圈文里捆绑倒贴炒作的傻白甜女配,被全网黑到退圈。经纪公司:你都糊成这样了,不去陪周总,哪还有资源?!黑粉:我 给纪新p的照片,大家看看好看吗?纪兮知两张起诉状直接送到法院:退圈可以,告完就退。航星娱乐:你律师费出的起?黑粉:微博我早删了,你能拿我怎么样?谁也没想到开庭当天——纪兮知孤身上庭,自己为自己辩护,将对方律师打得落花流水,赢得官司!经纪公司气急败坏想封杀她,谁料清大顶级法学教授竟为她发博。清大法学院教授蒋千理:恭喜我的学生,赢得了她第一场官司。纪兮知清大法学系全体学子:学妹,法学院等你!纪兮知纪兮知也晒出了她金闪闪的清大研究生录取通知书。放狠话的经纪公司:???粉丝:?!!!我刚粉上的爱豆突然上岸清大了?1w0-99181 >>

Fiancee Shitai

Fianse Shitai Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom -- and he has such a weird name -- so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? (taken from shoujomagic) From Baka-Updates: 1) I Want to Be a Fiancée (Fiancée Shitai). (There are 5 chapters to this story). Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom - and he has such a weird name - so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? 2) My Darling in the Infirmary Room (Hoken Shitsu no My Darling) Maki doesn't mind a few cuts and bruises if it'll earn her a ticket to the campus infirmary room. That's because her school's doctor is handsome Takashiro, age 23, single. She works so hard to make passes at him - and Takashiro knows it. But is Maki really so busy trying to catch his attention that she doesn't notice...?


Inspired by his grandfather's skills, Kiriyama Kyoutarou's dream is to become a hairstylist. For that he enrolls in Yumemino Private Academy, also known as Tech High, the first combined technical high school in the country, more specifically he enrolls in the Beautician Department. Little did he know that his neighbor in class is Samejima Alto, an infamous female delinquent renowned for her monstrous strength. Even after that meeting his school life proves to be quite eventful as he stumbles upon a mysterious idol's secretive practice, discovers a connection with the biggest up-and-coming idol around and receives a rather unexpected request from the fearful Samejima - 'Can you turn me into an idol!?'. A story about following your dreams, even when everything and everyone seems to believe they're unfit considering who you are.

Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki

Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through 'second rape' -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.

Mou I-Yo

From MangaHelpers: Kataoka (male) and Sato (female) have been friends since they were little. Kataoka has much better hearing than the average human, and he says Sato's voice is the most noisy of all. He has grown into a teenager able to hear everything from far around him--the good and bad. Now that the two of them are teenagers, Sato is affiliated with the school newspaper club, and Kataoka has mostly isolated himself. When the newspaper club decides to look into the truth behind some 'supernatural' rumors, Sato manages to convince Kataoka to lend the club his abilities. [tethysdust]

Warhead Pet Hamster

Warhead Pet Hamster summary: Warhead Pet Hamster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Warhead Pet Hamster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Yeho summary: Yeho is a distant relative to a king in a small kingdom. Even though he is a distant relative, his house was very poor, and his mother was addicted to gambling. One day North Empire asked for Princess Sooyoung to be a concubine of an old Emperor because she was known for her beauty. But the king really loved his daughter so instead he ordered Yeho’s older sister to disguise as Princess Sooyoung and marry the old Emperor.
Yeho told his sister to run away with her lover, and his sister had to leave her younger brother alone with his mother. After she ran away, Yeho asked his mother to give the things back to the king that she got for trying to sell her daughter, but his mother already used the gifts to pay off her gambling debt. He was trying to give the gifts back to the king to take away his order, but now he can’t do that anymore. He tells his mother to run away, and he disguises as his sister to go to North Empire.
After he got there, he was trying to tell the Emperor the truth and take away his life, but the Emperor went out for few days to look around his empire. When the emperor came back, he wasn’t as old as he thought.

Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Danjon wa Kindai Toshi~

Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Danjon wa Kindai Toshi~ summary: The one who creates and controls devils and demons, the one who builds and reigns over a dungeon of malice, an existence that was chosen to have an overwhelming unique skill— that is a Demon King.
The Demon King invites people into the dungeon that it created and, uses the despair it receives as nourishment.
But, Demon King of Creation Procell chose to use hope instead of despair as his nourishment, not a dungeon of malice but a dungeon of happiness, a town was built and lots of humans gathered.
However, the town he made is too attractive, and it will be marked down by other Demon Kings and also humans.
Without any other choice, he decided to use his unique skill and knowledge to form the strongest ultra-powerful demon corps, make an underground dungeon and set dangerous traps, and on top of that, make a wealthy city. Demon King Procell reigned showing kindness to those who supports him while being ruthless to whoever opposes him.
This story is about the two-faced eccentric Demon King.


U.G.L.Y. summary: U.G.L.Y. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of U.G.L.Y.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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