


















简介死囚集中之地,牢国帕罗姆,“MAD GAME”比赛限定展开中。这是一场名为“自由”的战斗。 但自由又是什么?那些厮杀中飞溅的鲜血,里面可有自由的味道? 我曾经承诺,所以我来了,用手中之刃,斩开这世界的枷锁!!!!












简介这是一个剑道的时代,这是一个剑的世界! 热衷剑道,喜爱与强者对战,且为人有点小坏的青风将怎样从众多剑道热爱者里面脱颖而出!


内容简介:《在日常番搞事的jojo们笔趣阁》简介:另一边,看到薙切蕾欧诺台,坐在观众席上的薙切爱丽丝气鼓鼓的冲上了评委席(见稽古的美食格斗日常番)。见此情形,负责营运的薙切绘里奈立刻出手阻拦道: “等一下,爱丽丝,这个舞台除了营运方,闲杂人等是禁止上台的(见稽古的美食格斗日常番)。。。”奈何薙切爱丽丝势头太猛,薙切绘里奈话还没说完,整个人直接被她一起带上了评委席。“妈妈你也真是的,要来r本的话至少也要先联系我一声啊!”看到上台的薙切两姐妹,薙切蕾欧诺拉直接无视了薙切爱丽丝的抱怨,笑着招呼道:“oh!爱丽丝,贵安啊,还有绘里奈也是(见稽古的美食格斗日常番)。不过绘里奈你还是和小时候一样的动不动就发飙呢,只是太可爱了。”听到薙切蕾欧诺拉的话,薙切绘里奈立刻就炸毛了:“〃皿这还不都是拜你女儿所赐!”见几人在台上拉起了家常,作为主此人的川岛丽有些凌乱了起来,为了将比赛推进下去,川岛丽提醒道:“蕾欧诺拉,请快些就位,比赛就要开始了(见稽古的美食格斗日常番)。。1w55889-70729 >>


内容简介:小兵提供天予昭晖大神最新作品《短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军》最新章节全文免费阅读,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军TXT下载,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军全文字更新,短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军无弹窗!请 关注狂人小说网短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军吧,本站最新最快更新短道速滑从学霸到冬奥冠军的最新章节。1w0-82057 >>


内容简介:远古病毒复苏,远古凶兽苏醒,全球相继沦陷。人类危!作为肩负重任手握金手指的云瑶,和系统做了个交易,以她的命换203个孩子脱离这颗星球为人类留下火种的机会。孩子们离开后,云瑶和凶兽同归于 尽。2112年4月,云瑶重生在了末世危机正式到来的8个月前。为了改写历史,改变人类的命运,她义无反顾将自己上交给了国家。于是,历史被改写,鼎国至此登上巅峰。深藏功与名的云瑶表示,我们的目标是星辰大海。1w0-68655 >>


内容简介:  穿越成玄幻世界强大世家的少爷,只因在宴席中打了个喷嚏,就被斥言行不端,罚出祖宅,到一偏僻小院居住。楚玄一点都不在意,只要有个地方宅着就行了,有越宅越强系统,只需要宅着就能变强。宅了 一天,奖励金刚不坏神功……宅了一个月,奖励不动如山功……宅了一年,奖励玉虚仙经+百年修为……宅了十年,奖励混沌不灭体+混沌钟…………楚玄表示,谁也别想让我出门,我就喜欢宅着!新书起航,欢迎来撩o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o1w0-4566 >>


内容简介:杀破时空杀破时空小说阅读科幻灵异类型小说杀破时空由作家翊哥男子创作“我擦,”铁九九呆目圆睁,“这算什么鬼,穿越就穿越呗,干嘛把我性别給穿错了?”高三毕业生铁九九,醒来时发现自己全身赤裸 躺在隋朝大兴城皇宫中,当夜即将参加伺寝选拔,而脑中突显若干文字,任务:累死隋文帝,时限:2小时起初他只能按要求去完成任务,不然便会被送入死亡空间,面对绝地大逃杀多年后,铁九九一爪将恒星大犬座α划爆,用意念向全银河系宣称:“有我在啃书网提供杀破时空最新章节杀破时空最新更新章节啃书网免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-98930 >>




内容简介:精分切片外挂系统X心机会撩满级玩家王止言X苏子姜封面人设图是苏子姜。苏子姜被打包进异世界,要去完成上八项任务,刷满攻略对象好感值,才被允许让其回到现实。共八个世界:世界一庙堂江湖叱咤沙 场铁血将军X多智近妖对营谋士将军:“我知道她满嘴谎话,诡计多端,心思不纯,可我还是近乎顽固地,把她圈在我身边,妄想着有一日,能得她片刻施舍般的真心。”世界二西方幻想万物之主光明神X一身反骨半精灵光明神:“我的信徒遍布大陆,他们奉我为神祇。她不过是卑劣的物种,却将我拽落神坛,玩弄于股掌之上。”世界三娱乐圈业界知名大腕导师X顶级流量选秀新人导师“她是我最看不起的那种人。空有一张面皮,花瓶似地一摆,鲜花掌声就纷至沓来。世人之所以拜倒裙下,不过是大多肤浅庸俗。我从未想过我竟也沦为其中的一个。”世界四校园ABO斯文败类白切黑学霸AlphaX武力值爆表酷飒痞坏Omega学霸“当别人问起我,怎么看那个打架生事却成了‘梦中情A’的人,我甚至懒得搭理。可知道了她是O时,我只想标记她,用几乎发狠般力道。”世界五仙侠修真高岭之花清冷仙尊X作恶多端狠辣魔头仙尊“我修无情道,无爱亦无恨。她骗我、辱我、毁我。她这般罪不1w0-95430 >>


内容简介:  睁眼,是一间花烛红窗的洞房。  眼前,婚床上,正端坐着一位凤冠霞帔的新娘,披着红盖头。  赵戎揉了揉睡眼,我成了一个新郎?哦,还是个小小赘婿。  懂了。  他面部表情酝酿了一下,歪 嘴一笑,等等……  咦,不对劲。  新娘与我青梅竹马,还暗恋我?  哦,那没事了。  这很对劲。  赵戎上前,开心的掀开了红盖头,哎哎,娘子,你跑什么?  -------------  大争之世,时代的浪潮扑面而来,儒生赵戎迎身而上,除了要追赶青梅竹马的剑仙娘子的脚步,还想要去亲眼见识下席卷了大半个修真界的诸子百家之争……  —————  【慢热】、【非套路文】、【非升级文】、【感情线】、【甜而不虐】  本书又名《我有一个狐仙娘子》、《重生之我在异界送快递》、《歪嘴书生赵子瑜》《我真不想吃软饭啊》……  ------------  剑娘书友V群:947992426  (需全订或粉丝值大于2500截图,私给群管理或小戎,不过因为私聊规则,可能需要先加下方普群才能成功私聊)  剑娘书友群:975639321(无限制,兄弟们欢迎加入~)1w0-1717 >>


内容简介:简介:前世,她戎马半生却惨遭算计。痴心错付,却落得个双腿被砍,金殿自刎的下场。今生她含恨归来,撕渣妹,斗渣男,不亦乐乎。却被太子殿下堵在墙角:“你三番两次兴风作浪,到底有何居心?”“嫁 给你算不算……”“扶你称王算不算……”太子殿下:“嫁我……意欲何为?”“听闻太子殿下风流倜傥,英俊卓绝……小女子仰慕已久,遂使点心眼,妄图得到恩宠。“作者:升明月所写的《江轻尘靳长涯》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-128032 >>


内容简介:仙医者,生死人,肉白骨。神级仙医者,敢改阎王令,逆天能改命。他是仙医门第二十五代传人,他资质逆天,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。他又是个大学生,本想低调,但萤火虫在夜中,岂能无光?行走都市,一路喧 嚣,神级仙医,我心逍遥。1w0-1181 >>




内容简介:大魔导师靠边站着,不用魔杖,不用念咒,我也会演绎强大而华丽的魔法。。九阶魔兽?你别逞能,没有血,没有肉,木头金属还不照样上天入地。。。十万兽族大军?我好怕?怕你们有来无回。。。我是谁? 我是个机械师,脑细胞比你全身的细胞还要多。1w0-81593 >>

Task Failed, Fall In Love

As a professional villain, Mei Yuan has to become an outstanding foe. But being the representative of male caretakers, he has to watch over the main character at all times, switching aliases left and right, making sure that the protagonist can rise to the top.At the final battle scene, it should've been be a grand clash between good and evil. Instead, the main character confesses his feelings for the villain! Working all the way to 99% completion but then the mission fails! The villain is very confused, when did the main character fall for him? +

Hatsukoi - Host

From Rebellious Love: Ordinary high school student Ayane has fallen in love with Sena, a number one nightclub host! Moreover, he is her first love!! Dangerous love affairs of pure-hearted high school girls are depicted here. From Manga Abyss: (summary from the back cover): Ayane, a normal high school girl, falls in love with the number one host Sena! However, this is her first time in love. It's the pure hearted high school girl vs. the number one host. It's dangerous, her heart is beating so fast, and it's the sport of love. Extra Oneshot 1: Fictional Dreamland Warning: Smut Sakura have been going out with her boyfriend, Yuki, for three months already and they haven't even kissed yet. One day her friend brought her a charm from an old lady to test if Yuki really likes her. In one of their 'date' she try it out... Extra Oneshot 2 One day Satome Yuki bumps into one of her classmate, Sahara Masato, in a horse market which is her secret. In exchange for keeping her secret she became his 'screen'.

Doubt (Tonogai Yoshiki)

There's a game going around Japan called 'Rabbit Doubt'. The premise of the game is that all of the players are rabbits in a colony, and one amongst them is randomly chosen to be a wolf that infiltrated the group of rabbits. Every round, the wolf kills off a rabbit, and every round, the group tries to figure out which of the rabbits is actually a wolf in disguise. Sometimes the kids who play this game decide to meet up in person, and Yuu, Mitsuki, Rei, Hajime, Eiji, and Haruka have done just that. Unfortunately, one of them has decided to take on the mantle of the wolf and has already killed once. Who is the wolf, and can they be stopped before everyone meets a very unpleasant end?

Killer Stall

From Manga Pirate: 'Once upon a time, I was the fucking boss' Choo, a middle-aged restaurant owner, is being ripped off by a couple of no good teenagers! They might think he's a nobody, but there is a past to him that nobody knows. And nobody should know. Is he just a peaceful shopkeep, or is he something more than that? ---------------------------------------------- From Vendetta Scans: One thing is for certain - if you exercise violence, that violence will return to you in any shape or form. The man who bakes flour-based food and runs an eatery, has a darker past than anyone could ever guess. ...unless you see the name of his store. Original Webcomic

Congressional Government

Congressional Government summary: Congressional Government summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Congressional Government. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Conan Compilation - The Bloody Crown of Conan

Conan Compilation - The Bloody Crown of Conan summary: Conan Compilation - The Bloody Crown of Conan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conan Compilation - The Bloody Crown of Conan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary: Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness. 
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character. 
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent. 
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.


Pulse. summary: Pulse. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pulse.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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