内容简介:妇女专科医院的乳房门诊坐着个男大夫,工作之余得窥伺美色,确实香艳无比,当一个女人脱下衣服躺在面前的时侯,到底做何感想?医科大学的高材生周平川进入乳房科门诊,从此掉入香艳的泥潭,众多女子 扑面而来。医乳圣手,施药怪杰,中西合壁,乳病克星。当他的手开始检查的时侯,心里想的真的只是治病救人么?1w0-34460 >>
内容简介: 新书《歌王2》已经发布!……在我心中,曾经有一个梦, 要用歌声让你忘了所有的痛。 灿烂星空,谁是真的英雄, 平凡的人们给我最多感动。 …… 重生平行世界,缔造歌王传奇!1 w0-4373 >>
内容简介:作为现代美术学院少女凤浅曦,画了无数美男却还是个母胎solo。穿越醒来的第一眼她遇到了一个白白净净、外表有欺骗性的少年,本以为可以从此过上没羞没臊的幸福生活,却不想少年根本看不上她!世 子:“公主,我与四公主已经退婚,我有资格追求您了。”楚王:“世上就没有朕得不到的女人,凤浅曦你必须诚服于朕!”右相:“公主,有微臣在,任何人都伤不得您。”少年心中吃醋,看着胆小、毫无存在感的五公主成长为人人敬畏、风华绝代的女皇,单纯少年变腹黑boss!女皇:“墨子渊,你愿意和我相守一生吗?”少年:“我愿意!!!”1w0-94790 >>
内容简介:星星闪耀时笔趣阁,星星闪耀时sodu,星星闪耀时小说,星星闪耀时顶点,星星闪耀时十月当归,文案一:霍豫第一次见到卫嘉璇时,看到她的眼睛就想到了天上的星星。从此以后,他叫她“星星妹妹”。 文案二:卫嘉璇爸爸生她时三十有三,于是她刚大学毕业就被今年快九十的奶奶开始安排各种相亲。忍无可忍的卫嘉璇找到了霍豫诉苦。一向年少老成、持重寡言的年轻男人在她抱怨完后,神色淡淡地提议道:“要想不被催婚,只有结婚一个办法。”卫嘉璇眉头紧皱,委屈巴巴地看向霍豫,突然眼睛一亮,计上心头,真要比年轻有为,她奶奶给她介绍的相亲对象没人能和眼前这位相比啊。“哥,我们假结婚吧?”文案三:一场国内金融界大佬聚集的慈善晚宴上,不到三十的霍氏掌门人霍豫因其帅气逼人、高冷禁欲的外形意外走红。之后霍豫的微博粉丝数不断猛增,但他的微博如同他的人一样,低调而刻板,难以从中窥探出他的私生活。某天夜里,不知多久没有更新过微博的霍豫突然有了动静。霍豫:已婚,勿扰。配图是他怀里抱着一个年轻姑娘,小姑娘肤色白皙、五官精致,已经在他怀里睡着。众人纷纷猜测霍豫怀里的人是谁。不久后霍豫点赞了他微博下说他怀里人酷似卫嘉璇的评论。霍豫发微博的前一天晚上卫嘉璇与一当红男星的绯闻被传得沸沸扬扬。吃瓜群众等了一天,没想到最先等来了家属澄清。先婚后爱,六岁年龄差。你我本无缘,全靠我套路说好的假结婚呢1w0-117324 >>
内容简介:“我无婚史,活好还不黏人。”遭遇渣男和姐姐背叛,秦七月为了当上两人婶婶,教渣渣做人,她向仅有一面之缘的渣男他叔花式聊骚并求婚。婚后却被告知,她嫁的只是渣男他叔的助理。可谁能告诉她,为什 么那么多有钱有势的人都在她家助理先生的面前夹紧尾巴做人?而渣男也不明白,为什么都说秦家二小姐目不识丁,除了一张脸一无是处,连继承权都混没了,却在被他甩后摇身一变,成了秦氏创始人、洲际酒店老板、鬼手神医、科研家、天才黑客……顶级学府争抢的奇才。还有她的助理老公,也摇身一变成了全球最神秘的顶级财阀继承人,继而连秦七月也成了所有女人最羡慕的对象。1w60757-63121 >>
内容简介:《末途觉醒》之匠师的复兴天罗大匠师之崛起——战斗值为渣的技术宅,废柴创造术的异军突起。人生不过是段起伏的路,只有攀上,才有巅峰。那个陪她走到尽处的人,会是谁?【旧文《第一医仙》的姐妹篇 。】【强推基友“天涯牌草草”的现代重生文《不做学霸双重生》】有时候不争未必是放弃,也可能是一飞冲天前的蛰伏。novelid34409121w0-81441 >>
内容简介:简介21990,身处九龙寨底层的乔莉以一吻的代价救下被烂仔追杀的落难公子邵逸斐。九龙寨相互依靠相互救赎的逃亡之路使两人互生情愫。浪荡不羁,桀骜不驯的公子从此情根深种,以身祭情,从此世间 再无矜骄的邵氏公子,只有底层痞气十足兴义安飞哥。而出生底层,擅长权衡利弊,理性自持的乔莉压抑情丝,抓住时机,借他上位,从此庇理罗多了名门淑女富家千金邵九莉。再见,他爱恨痴缠,她甘愿被俘,为他的复仇铺路1w0-80455 >>
Yuuki kun was one of the star players on his junior high school team; along with his childhood friend Shinichi. Due to a promise that he made with his female childhood friend Miyuki, Yuuki kun has decided to take the long road to the J League by joining a normal school club and winning tournaments, instead of taking recommendations like Shinichi did.... When he checks the club of his selected school, the best club in the country; he quickly notices that the club is completely devoid of any members except for a weird girl that goes by the name of the Fujisaki Rin. She along with her friend Ayane seem to have driven everyone out of the team.... But is it really that Rin and Ayane want to dissolve the soccer club? or could they possible want something else??.... And just what is exactly the promise that Yuuki did with his childhood friends? Well, regardless of the answers it seems that Yuuki isn't in for a smooth sailing, as he completely seems to have fallen into Fujisaki's hands...
Tatakae! Ryouzanpaku Shijou Saikyou no Deshi, relates the story of a peaceful yet weak boy, who one day, after being beaten up really bad by some of his school comrades, decides that being bullied around isn't an option anymore. Seeking revenge on his bullies, the young boy, Shirahama Kenichi, decides to join a fighting dojo. But what he doesn't know is that the dojo he wants to join is actually a place of gathering for those who have mastered different types of fighting styles. Thus begins his journey.. This is the original version that History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi is based on.
Jiya is an alien and a galaxy patrol member on a mission to Earth. His first encounter with humankind is rescuing a rich party girl, Kaede, and her chauffeur Kyuumonji Yukio from mountain bandits. Using Kyuumonji's body as a host, Jiya is going to check out rumors of a recent infestation of 'vampires' on Earth that are attacking beautiful young women.
From Aerandria Scans: All this time, Aki has harbored a one-sided crush for a boy she saw jumping higher than anyone else. During the spring when she's in grade 9, Okumura transfered to her class. After seeing his jump, she has the feeling that he's the boy she once saw, and she started to notice him more. And then, she heard an unbelievable rumor about him...
Theodore Roosevelt and His Times summary: Theodore Roosevelt and His Times summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Paul the Courageous summary: Paul the Courageous summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Paul the Courageous. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant summary: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Letters of a Dakota Divorcee summary: Letters of a Dakota Divorcee summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Letters of a Dakota Divorcee. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.