内容简介:(架空民国,身心干净)和她拜堂的是六爷,洞房花烛夜是七爷。“嫁给一个瘸子的滋味如何?”七爷捏着她下巴问。“做我的姘头,我给你霍家的一切。。”六爷搂着她小腰,兴味渐浓。十年等待,喻伊人见 到…1w0-76511 >>
内容简介: 郁姝生前是东都惊才绝艳的郁三姑娘,头冠东都第一美人之名,虽有了未婚夫,没人知道她心里藏着一位意气风发的小公子。再睁眼,郁姝回到了元和一百四十九年,依旧是那位才冠东都的郁三姑娘。这次 ,她抛下满心顾忌,眉眼弯弯朝心尖上的小公子走去。-那浪荡不羁的霍小公子心里藏了个娇美人,到死也没人知道。重活一世,藏拙数年的他,表面依旧纨绔,暗地里却是以雷霆手段铲除异己,步步为营,后来成为了锦衣卫指挥使,以阴狠毒辣的手段令人退避三舍。原受人鄙夷的霍小公子如今谁见了都要恭恭敬敬的唤一声潮生大人。-这日。前未婚夫(阴沉沉):你当真心悦他?郁三姑娘(面色平静):是。前未婚夫(咬牙切齿):他是个什么东西。话落,少年桀骜不驯的声音递来:小爷是你爹,如何?身着飞鱼服,扛着绣春刀的小公子携疾风而来,眉眼的阴鸷在触及小姑娘的那一瞬收敛得干干净净。食用指南:sc+双向暗恋+双重生1w0-3178 >>
内容简介:我和老公是初恋,虽然生活中小摩擦不断,感情却一直很好。可万没想到,一个偶然的机会,我在老公的微信上发现他不仅出轨还要杀了我……而且,给我下药,让我怀疑自己疯了。当我意识到这一切时,我已 经成了别人眼中的疯子。为了找到他害我的证据和目的,在那个马上要拆迁,不足七十坪的二居里,我们上演相爱相杀大戏。他装爱我,我装爱他。他让我疯,我装疯给他看……这期间,同病相怜,另一半同样出轨的高中老同学周朗给我各位书友要是觉得《深爱式谋杀赵乔刘安》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105603 >>
内容简介: 他叫庄世楷,是探长!也是一哥! 从70年代的探长,到80年代的署长,再到90年代的首位华人处长。 有人叫他庄先生,有人叫他庄处长,最后《时代周刊》称他为“跨越世纪的枭雄”。 ...... “叮,发布任务:击毙伍世豪!”手腕上的大金劳泛起一抹闪光,又要开始搞事了。 本书为电影世界题材,如有雷同,纯属故意碰瓷。1w0-1483 >>
内容简介:在三千世界中,有着这样一类人:她们拥有累世功德,本该幸福一生,却遭遇穿越女、重生女……落得个下场凄惨,死后心有执念不愿投胎转世……白悠然接受了这样的任务,她穿成她们,帮助她们的炮灰人生 实现惊天逆转。①亡国的替身公主(正在进行)②灵泉空间被夺的末世女③遭人陷害的一线女星④带着全村去逃荒……(待定)1w0-61248 >>
内容简介: 王青是一个配角,他想要成仙,打算找到真正的主角,搭个便车,至于他判断对方是主角与否的真正标准,只有两条: 第一条:肯不肯给他好处,让他成仙。 第二条:能不能打的死。 “我打不 死的,还能给我好处送我成仙的,才是气运之所钟,纪元之决选,此世之主角!我必成为他最坚定的伙伴,最可靠的道友!携手飞仙,相伴久久!”——王青。 …… 群号:460719545。已完本《恶人大明星》《我成了一条锦鲤》等多部精品作品,请大家收藏推荐支持,万分感激。1w0-2429 >>
内容简介:韩式AD:我对线不死。林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:我团战在胯下输出!林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:我零失误。林淼:我会暴毙!韩式AD:你暴毙很骄傲是吧!林淼:我是世界冠军!我有德莱文皮肤!我 承伤第一,肉身开团!林淼:我劣势绝不隐身,闪现永远向前,即便暴毙,也要在临死前将所有输出打出来,给中上制造收割机会!我只会站着死1w0-28871 >>
内容简介:请注意,这是原创轻小说,非同人文!敬启:秦青同学,你好,经本校核查确认,你已获得入学龙魂学园的资格,请收拾好你的行李,跟亲戚朋友好好道别,于7月1号搭乘191路公交车到达公园前站下车, 转乘地铁5号线到达清华寺再转ATM线,到达英雄墓园搭乘龙魂学园专线列车,列车将于晚上七点启程,请注意时间不要错过。——————秦青是个认真又努力的让无数学渣跪舔的学霸,为了实现上天的梦想有一颗坚定执着的心,直到有一天,她收到了一封莫名其妙的来信,换了一所超能力学校……据说,在那里,她是个废材?呵呵。女主没有超能力,但是总攻帅炸天!!!一路苏爽不解释!本文将于4月11日,也就是明天上架,届时掉落一万字更新!请多多支持!1w0-98360 >>
内容简介:21年秋季赛的卡位赛上,备受争议的AG超玩会2比3落后于XYG。现场突发意外,轮换至发育路的初晨手伤发作,不得不下场。正在直播的叶洛接到了AG教练月光的通知。“快来现场,下一局,你代替 初晨上场!”本是中路替补的叶洛获得了抽卡系统。“每局比赛随机抽取一名职业选手的巅峰时刻上身!”抱着忐忑的心,叶洛登上了赛场,于是……张大仙1w0-95793 >>
内容简介:完结重生甜宠文。妖艳贱货的女明星vs病态偏执狂医生。制服诱惑1v1。肉多香甜,炖肉为主剧情为辅。重生前:顾眠最害怕的便是拿着手术刀的变态狂魔傅予。傅予打造了一座囚笼将顾眠囚禁在家里,不 准顾眠出去,变态偏执到了极点。顾眠被自己的毒闺蜜欺骗出轨背叛傅予,逃到国外后立刻被骗了钱财还被卖去了地下妓院。而她即将葬身火海的时候是傅予不要命地来救她,最后为了她死在火海里。重生后。顾眠立刻决定改变对傅予的态1w0-28652 >>
The storyline starts when a junior-high student, Moritaka Mashiro, forgets his laptop computer in course. His classmate, Akito Takagi, requests him to turn into a manga artist to his tales and notes Mashiro's drawings inside. Mashiro fall, mentioning from overworking his late manga artist uncle, who perished. Takagi incites Mashiro and Miho Azuki, the puppy love of Mashiro to fulfill, and tells her the two strategy to become manga artists. In reaction, Azuki unveils her plans to be a voice actress. Mashiro proposes when Azuki becomes a voice actress for the anime version of the manga that they need to both wed. The 2 then begin creating their manga, assured of having serialized in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, beneath the pen-name Muto Ashirogi. After distributing several one-pictures to Shueisha, Ashirogi start Detective Trap, with their first printed collection in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, which will be eventually canceled because of the decreasing popularity, for over-working on the manga after Mashiro is hospitalized. Their next set is the gag manga Run, Daihatsu Tanto!, that they they offer up on, understanding it'll unpopular. After being challenged by the editor in chief of Jump to generate a manga that is top-notch with their opponent's, Ashirogi develops their present set Perfect Crime Party. It's met with substantial popularity but is unfit for an anime show. When Eiji Nizuma, their opponent, submits a-one-shot for serialization, Ashirogi competes by distributing Reversi which replaces Perfect Crime Party while the latter is transferred to the fictional monthly journal, Hisshou Jump of Shueisha. After she passes a community audition after several battles involving the voice actress selection and the graphic-novel revenue, Reversi is selected as the main performer for an anime version with Miho. The collection finishes with Mashiro formally proposing in the spot they made their assurance, accompanied by by their very first kiss to Miho after executing their wishes.
The quiet old lady who lives alone has long being rumoured to be an evil witch. Two siblings are determined to discover the truth, and decide to visit her little cottage in the middle of the woods.
Loser Yarahata Kanji can't even have a normal conversation with a girl let alone have any kind of relationship with one. But one day a ghost named Aiya appears and declares that he has been tasked with the mission to change Kanji's life. At this rate, the Yarahata name will not live on so Aiya will become a love doctor and coach him on how to develop relationships with girls. The first hurdle comes when he starts a part time job at a convenience store and sees that his co-worker is a hot girl named Yoshizato Saki who also happens to be the store owner's daughter. With the help of Aiya, Kanji, although stumbling along the way, has a conversation with her and builds a relationship. But he has miles to go if he wants to be the kind of person that can date beautiful women.
From Tokyopop: Mitsuo Shiozu is a lonely high school student who happens to be psychic. Spirits 'use' his body and mind to communicate with the dead and to help the living. These ghostly apparitions use Mitsuo in order to put right things that were left undone in life, or to tie up ends that were left loose before they left the land of the living. In the process, Mitsuo often finds that these 'visitations' change his own life in ways he could not predict. NOTE: Read from Left to Right.
The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs summary: The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Legacy Of Forgotten Times summary: Maxwell (Max) Walker was your everyday college student. Untill his RP character forcefully switched places with him. This is a story about turning into a Mortal from a G.o.d and surviving in a hostile environment.
Elements of Chemistry summary: Elements of Chemistry summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elements of Chemistry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Great Possessions summary: Great Possessions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Possessions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.