内容简介:烟西台记事烟西台记事小说阅读武侠仙侠类型小说烟西台记事由作家温三创作文案:鸳鸯双栖蝶双飞,满园春色惹人醉,悄悄问秦鹿,梁王美不美,梁王美不美。秦鹿:“呸!”梁王爷在,秦鹿恭维:“王爷、 主人、道长、大仙、上天入地无所不能美男子!”梁王爷不在,秦鹿暗戳戳恨:“骚包、恶棍、老不死、百年处男、装腔作势瞎折腾人的衣冠禽兽!”递刀,怂恿之,杀死梁王爷,你来当鬼王。秦鹿拿刀,捅死怂恿之人,舌尖舔血,啧啧鄙视:“你懂什么,我喜欢他。”【斯文败类梁王爷V怂勇兼备女鬼头】排雷:女追小兵提供烟西台记事最新章节烟西台记事最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-72337 >>
内容简介:美食博主罗似锦一朝醒来发现胎穿成架空世界八零年人口众多的罗家小可怜。重男轻女!?不存在的!锦鲤运气护身,空间灵泉加持,妥妥的活成了罗家村人们心目中的小福宝。“福宝,跟婶子下地。”一亩地 种出了三千斤。“福宝,跟大叔上山!”上山打猎的五个大叔一人扛一头野猪凯旋而归。罗似锦所过之处,阴天云散,雨天雨停,母鸡一天下两个鸡蛋,兔子直接撞树,鱼虾成群往怀里蹦,谁不说罗家出了个福气包。…………陆铎暗戳戳护在罗似锦身旁,“这是我媳妇,谁也别跟我抢。谁抢我画个圈圈诅咒你……”1w0-3166 >>
内容简介:业绩垫底的寻光被调动到了生存组,说好的只要活下去就行,忽然变成了生存之极限挑战。寻光:系统,我会给你争气的!系统:已下线,有事请留言。寻光:系统,又双叒叕有人喜欢我!系统:谁来让她遭受 一下社会的毒打。这是一个空气中弥漫着爱情酸臭味的故事。1w0-109083 >>
内容简介:“你今天要不去相亲就给老娘滚出这个家,别整天跟个大蛆一样不咬人膈应人,浪费咱家粮食!”一位妇人一脚踢开房门,扯着嗓门对着床上的儿子开骂。猫在被窝里长毛的肖尧,一脸生无可恋,毫无底气的碎 碎念,“妈,我才22,就让我去相亲真的好呀?”“老娘管你多大,你刘姨说了,那闺女温柔娴淑,貌美如花,人见人爱……今天你要是不把人家姑本书关键词:都市生活都市系统刑侦《我22,老妈逼我相亲,却被相亲对象抓了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、锦衣娘子、女总裁的超级兵王、尸妻难缠、糊你一脸白月光快穿、横滨coser说穿就穿、校花之贴身高手、武极帝主、子夜十、跨物种相亲、秋以为期、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、大天师、受何苦为难受(GL)、真千金不干啦、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、子夜十顶点、那个被我活埋的人、三界狂徒、姐姐领进门:掌权1w41533-82463 >>
内容简介: 不想当皇后的嫔妃不是好嫔妃,我们的目标是——教育乾渣龙!————新书《大清良人》求收藏!求养肥!拆迁暴发户卫嘉树倒霉穿越大清朝,结果发现,这个清朝竟不是历史记载的那个辫子朝!而是一 个叫宣建国穿越前辈建立的新朝代。她满腹槽点无处吐,实在憋得难受,直到遇见了一只能交流的阿飘君……大吐特吐之后才发现——阿飘君姓宣名承熠,乃是当今天子、开国太祖宣建国之孙也!卫嘉树:这个孙子!离魂症皇帝和活见鬼宫女。1w0-3793 >>
内容简介:韩数重活一世,才知道自己竟然是一本书里的渣女配,还是书中男主的白月光。知道剧情的她只想呵呵,什么富二代贵公子,谁爱要谁拿去。女主有钱又有颜,那又如何?她摸着肚子,温柔一笑:她有人。1w 0-4532 >>
内容简介:凌峰是江南首富之子,拜华山派掌门为师。被拥有武林第一美誉的师娘所倾倒,从此开始了走火入魔一样的迷恋。并由此拉开江湖正邪两道的仇杀,儿女间的恩爱情仇,跨越伦理是非的爱恋……一段段波澜壮阔 快意恩仇激情上演……1w9977-98650 >>
Collection of short stories: - Hard Triangle- Mutiple personalities, murder, rape and a shady past between a doctor and his teenage patient. - Doll - Crystal Game- Playboy Gaku is in love with his stern best friend, Takayuki. But the jeweler only seems to notice the crystals he works with. When Takayuki offers to give Gaku a crystal treatment, Gaku has his own ideas of how he wants to be treated. - The Rusty Swamp - Silent Voice
[From Beautiful Soup]: Katsuse Rin, a troublesome student that's always breaking the rules ends up falling in love with a member of the school discipline squad, Kuramare Fukaten. They run into some problems when Katsuse wants to be more open about their relationship, but Kuramare does not want his school life to be affected by his private life. Will Katsuse and Kuramare be able to overcome this and be the happy hugging, kissing, dating couple that Katsuse wants, or will Kuramare be afraid to let himself be caught by the students that look up to him, forcing Katsuse to move on with someone else?
After all the Class cards have been captured, Illiya and Myu are once again ordered by Rin and Luvia to help them stabilize the Earth's pulse, that went haywire when they started capturing the Class Cards. However, something goes wrong after the ceremony. Illiya tries to protect everyone from the destructive explosion. But when the explosion is averted, and seemingly everyone is safe... Illiya finds a clone of herself sitting beside her. What had happened? And how will Illiya get over this crisis?
Is it possible to be so transfixed by a stranger? Asano Miwa and Harmana Ichiro found themselves crossing paths as random strangers but what brings Ichiro to suddenly grab Miwa and what is Ichiro's secret? Is it a fairy tale ending or misfortune that awaits them?
The Winning of the Golden Spurs summary: The Winning of the Golden Spurs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Winning of the Golden Spurs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Travels in England in 1782 summary: Travels in England in 1782 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Travels in England in 1782. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Traitor Of Humanity summary: Caught from the slums of a kingdom, a youth was sent into war.As a slave soldier, he survived over a hundred battles. Using his own power, he regained his freedom. Using his achievements, he rose to the rank of general. He gained loyal followers, the praise of the people, and a warm home.But when he thought he had everything he ever needed, he lost it all. The king he served sent him into a...
The Expositor's Bible: The Books of Chronicles summary: The Expositor's Bible: The Books of Chronicles summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Expositor's Bible: The Books of Chronicles. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.