内容简介:人善被人欺,马善被人骑。好人反抗,会被千夫所指,马儿反抗则被活活打死,不管你怎么说,怎么做,看不起你的人,终究看不起你。这一世,我陆阳重生归来,我要将那些看不起我的人,都踩在脚底,让那 些仇人都活在噩梦中,这一世,我为王!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市绝世仙尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69574 >>
内容简介:【全文已完结,接档文《修真团宠穿成小可怜》已开,求收藏,谢谢づ ̄3 ̄づ】被认回祝家两年后,江一念嫁给了帝都人尽皆知的病秧子。所有人都觉得她爹不疼娘不爱,没享两年福,后半生还得守活寡,真 的可怜到家了。然而——“小可怜”江一念鞭抽厉鬼,脚踩妖魔,掏出一叠灵气逼人的符箓:“倒霉符、驱鬼符、转运符、引魂符、净化符……了解一下?”众人:虽然听不太懂,但是好像很厉害的样子?还有些人:再厉害又怎样?不还是得守活寡?直到他们瞠目结舌地看着“命不久矣”的病秧子徒手将厉鬼撕碎,嚼吧嚼吧吃了,抬眸扫向他们:“嗯?刚刚谁说念念要守活寡来着?”众人惊慌逃离。真的是瞎了眼,一连看错两个人QAQ大佬隐藏得有点深嘤嘤QAQ没过多久,江一念的名字响彻帝都,不是因为她是谁家女儿,也不是因为她是谁家媳妇,只是因为她是江一念。某帝都贵女:“江大师救了我的命,是我的大恩人!”某连锁酒店老总:“江大师救了我全家的性命,是我全家的大恩人!”某娱乐圈大佬:“江大师道法高深,是我们全公司的大恩人!”围观群众瑟瑟发抖:???怕了怕了,告辞!——————新文求预收——————①《修真团宠穿成小可怜》渡劫失败,天才修士叶诗远穿成了豪门备受欺凌的小可怜。渣爹继母,私生子弟妹,嫉妒成性的各路极品粉墨登场。从来没有受过欺负的叶诗远表示没在怕的。渣爹利欲熏心要把她嫁给老男人,叶诗远就直接把他打晕抗到老男人床上,送他二人入洞房。私生女莲言莲语恶心人,叶诗远一发禁言咒丢过去,世界顿时安静。不久后,叶诗远摆脱极品家人,摇身一变,成了举世闻名的玄学大师,从此财源广进,每天数钱数到手软。最重要的是她找到了一个人形火炉,再也不怕被自己的灵力冻死了≧ω≦唯一烦恼的就是明天该想什么理由接近那个孤傲的少年,苦恼jpg邢岸一出生就克死了母亲,从小被亲人送走,龟缩在龙行山上十多年才得以下山。下山后,他主动远离亲人,也从不和任何人交朋友,特立独行的像个侠客。直到叶诗远的出现,让他寡淡的人生多了一丝乐趣。看着这个对他不是摸就是抱的女孩,邢岸以为她馋的是自己的身子,没想到对方馋的只是他的阳气。邢岸:“……”CP:耿直毒舌福星女主vs天煞孤星霉神男主②《我靠种田暴富了重生》作为《真假千金》里面的真千金女主,夏知墨却惨遭穿书女配打脸,亲生父母不认,与养父母关系破裂被扫地出门,最后还被假千金的疯狂爱慕者撞死街头。重生回来的夏知墨表示这破千金我不当了,爱谁谁回老家种田去!没想到灵气复苏,老家的庄园成了其中一个灵气点。从此,古井化灵,井水变药泉,包治百病。院里,各种神奇的植物如雨后春笋般冒了出来。养在井里的百年老龟也拥有了锦鲤的属性,百求必应。夏 >>
内容简介:什么?我得了绝症,天哪!我不活了,额,也活了不了。唉,等死不如做好事,呵呵,救了一个孕妇。晕,为我诊断的医生是神经病。。。我汗!nbspnbspnbspnbsp吓!我见到鬼了啊,竟然是 那个孕妇,呜呜。。。在她的口中才知道自己死了,不过,那个孕妇为了报答我,竟一脚把我踢进婴儿的身体里,还是她女儿!nbspnbspnbspnbsp被一个自称爷爷的人接到家,醒来时见到三个惊天地泣鬼神的饿。。小帅哥。原来他们就是我的哥哥们啊!1w0-96616 >>
内容简介:莫凡穿越修仙大陆,奈何觉醒的系统很是鸡肋,和修炼无关。莫凡只能过上平凡的生活。却不知自己改变了世界。种的树是道韵树,养的鸡是凤凰,池塘中的白鲤鱼是条白龙。他写出来的字能引发天地异象,他 的一滴眼泪可封杀世间万物。唐僧因他取经……1w13497-25329 >>
内容简介:在车内,男人的长指,抚过她诱人曲线,狂热地在她身上啃出颗颗草莓,轻挑地在她耳边吹气,amp“女人,是你自己惹的火,就要负责灭!amp“原本以为一辈子不会再有交集,却没想到,她再一次,误 入狼窝……拉开、撞入,直到深处,他低吼,一下比一下猛烈,他是用这样的手段报复,amp“辰熙,这是你顾家欠我的——amp“他喜欢她的身体,夜夜换花样,制服控萝莉控女王控,可最爱的却是撕碎撕碎再撕碎,看她在他身下求饶……一场车祸,身份互换;一次身体碰撞,惹来无数次缠绵。她是天之骄女,他是暗夜撒旦,他与她的纠缠,究竟是姻缘天定还是父债子偿?1w0-4900 >>
内容简介:王陆看向堂下跪着的两位嫌疑犯,有充分的证据证明凶手是黑衣人,白衣人是无辜的。故此,”政兄,凶手就是白衣人,把他关起来!“嬴政:“来人,按王陆说的,把白衣人关起来。”白衣人顿时急道:”不 可能!我的计划天衣无缝,这世间根本不可能有人能看破!“——嬴政政绩1,大秦国运10000王陆看着越来越强大的秦国,陷入了深深的担忧。”秦国再这么强大下去……该死的人就是我了……“————————尊重历史。在有1w0-29665 >>
内容简介:凌初夏和宋誉从七岁开始一起长大,是标准的青梅竹马。凌初夏讨厌宋誉,很讨厌。但是她不知道自己对着自慰的男性色情博主,就是这个她讨厌了十年之久的男人。凌初夏1000665039宋誉男狐狸精 和别扭女孩,大概就是腹黑男主怎么一步步诱捕女主的故事。大家可以动手投投猪猪!排雷:是双处,但情节中男主有使用臀部倒膜和飞机杯,女主有1w0-118979 >>
内容简介:完结文(大佬原来暗恋我快穿)很有趣哦,看下叭新文《师尊的白月光掉马了》走过路过不要错过,文案下面有安素素绑定了黑月光逆袭系统后,成了各世界曾是白月光的女子。自女主系统愈发泛滥,白月光的 地位最终沦落成恶毒女配黑月光。而安素素的存在就是为了解救这些黑月光,帮她们摆脱人生阴影。1w0-31624 >>
内容简介:唐佐穿越了。穿越到斗罗大陆的世界。成为唐三的哥哥(非亲哥,但两人不知道)他长着和宇智波佐助一模一样的帅气脸庞。武魂觉醒仪式上,他觉醒了写轮眼,和……十拳剑。唐佐不鸣则已,一鸣惊人当他开 启第三武魂与系统后,整片大陆开启了他的无敌时代。ps本文单女主宁荣荣,书友群799204164ps本文起点首发1w0-7320 >>
内容简介:本文基本日万,还请多多支持呀!接档文《在科技修真界打工的日子种田》,陆岙养子陆舟的故事,求收陆岙是个长得特别好看的小gay,家里父母双亡,本科毕业开了家小超市。一切都很平凡。直到二十四 那年,他那个借了网贷高利贷的相亲对象说是他男朋友,他出去吃宵夜时碰到了收债人员,双方起了冲突,他跳进河里躲避时不幸溺死,变1w0-74671 >>
By Backlash67: Yuuichi and Takasugi are still together; however, their relationship is threatened by new challenges that may be powerful enough to split them apart for good! Yuuichi’s inability to properly express his feelings to Takasugi and constant moodiness has finally driven Takasugi away. Yuuichi decides he will put aside his cowardly ways and open up to Takasugi. However, before he can successfully do so, Yuuichi faces an unexpected betrayal from a friend and colleague! How can Yuuichi escape the dire situation he finds himself in and will he be able to without Takasugi’s help?! Read in this order: 1. Okubyou na Junjou 2. Retsujou no Meikyou 3. Retsujou no Yuuwaku 4. Retsujou no Hazama 5. Retsujou no Rensa
Far away from home, Yuuji and Minato have carved a place for themselves in Alberta, Canada, with their new baby daughter, Yui. Yuuji works at a University, while Minato – though still as childish as ever despite being a new dad, works at the conservation center as a mediator for the better understanding between humans and Dinosauroids. It’s been a year since the contagion called X Syndrome had been unleashed on the human race. Just as distinguished government officials and police force began to regain control of the situation, the existence of the Dinosauroids became known by the academic community. Dinosauroids – while they have a tendency to possess superhuman abilities, female births are extremely rare and problematic. Which is why the existence of Yuuji (a converted female Dinosauroid), and the newly born Yui are so valuable and sought after by many – most of whom wont hesitate to resort to dubious means to acquire either one of them! True to words, Yuuji has indeed become the beauty as many had predicted – provided he takes off his heavy glasses of course! He is never short of admirers – both males and females, including a University student Linea, and the various Dinosauroid males eager to mate with a Dinosauroid female. And this is where the role of a female in a heavily populated male Dinosauroid society comes to play. Add to that, the various nefarious people after the newly born Yui, both the parents Yuuji and Minato might have their hands full this time around as well. This is the third and final installment of the Animal X series.
From Kodanclub: An ordinary, quiet town is shaken by a series of bizarre happenings brought about by the darkness in human hearts. There are no solutions in the real world: Only 'Dream Messengers' can find the answers. Dream messengers connect the fabulous with the real and control the power of dreams. Their leader, Toko Mishima, works with 8 other messengers using the powers given by an old spell and a toy made by Toko's father. Toko, her younger sister Rinko, Hajime Tachibana, who loves young girls, and the six other Dream Messengers are given the names of days or stars - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Raff and Keito.
From Chibi Manga: Please, teach me about things we can't do ! #1. Ijiwaru na oni Kyoushi...a pretentious and cruel teacher give her private lessons after school?! #2. Geki Kawa Kyoushi…a morose girl with glasses and a handsome teacher = don't tell me it'll have some alchemy between those two?! #3. Kiken na Hokeni …A kind and gentleman teacher is in fact not what he seems to be...!! #4. Onna Kyoushi no Ikenai Koi…Though she's dreaming about an adult and handsome man, she'll become close to a high school boy...?!
Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane! summary:
Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. Alone in the world, they lifted the banner of Earth’s civilization and fought against the terrifying forces of the Other World.
And in the end, Dragon City was destroyed.
Then, Meng Chao was reborn after Dragon City was destroyed, and he returned to the time fifty years after Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. But he was not alone, he returned with a system named Kindling, who told him that he can become stronger if he contributed to society.
So Meng Chao swore that he would become stronger. In the beginning, he only wanted to make small contributions to the society by teaching them technology, martial arts, and skills from the future, and in the end, everything s...o...b..lled from there, and he found that… Earthlings were really insane.
Theory of the Earth summary: Theory of the Earth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Theory of the Earth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Script Is Not Like This! summary: This novel can be summarized in three sentences: Sc.u.m top abuses trash bottom. Trash bottom loses his heart completely and leaves sc.u.m top. All of a sudden, the sc.u.m top comes to his senses: Oh, I’ll look for the next one then, bye. Hold on — Where’s the agreed abuse for the sc.u.m top? What happened to the promised transformation of sc.u.m top into a loyal dog? This isn’t how the script is supposed to be! This novel is especially made as a reversal of the slag top and trash bottom tropes. There will be no three-views, no integrity, no limits and no logic. Beware of intentional landmines, slag top and revenge against society!
I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? summary:
Arakawa Kouki is reincarnated to a j.a.pan with a different history than the j.a.pan he knows with the memories of his previous life still intact. Kouki was discouraged, “Aren’t reincarnation stories supposed to be at some fantasy world filled with swords, magic and elves?!”
But one day, his random scribbles leads (his mom) to the discovery of a certain formula, which as a result, leads him to be mistaken as a genius by the entire world.
For that achievement he is sent to the school of prodigies, the State Technology Academy, where he meets the Canadian girl, Alice, and the robot engineering genius, Shingo. And even at such a place, he is still mistaken as a genius?! Every time Kouki shows his knowledge from his previous life, he is mistaken as a genius, and everywhere he goes irregularity follows.
This is the comedic life of a genius reincarnation loaded with misunderstandings.