内容简介:一场化学实验,令智商高达“498”的学霸苏辰意外穿越到了始皇帝三十五年,成为长公子扶苏,激活金手指,开局融合十倍吕布战力。【任务一:“叫板始皇帝,以武力抢夺太子之位”,奖励:李元霸和十 万玄甲军。】【任务二:“始皇帝大婚,带兵抢婚,将大秦丽妃娘娘据为己有,打脸始皇帝”,奖励:三万大唐陌刀兵。】【任务三:血腥镇压陇西郡叛乱,奖励:土豆种子50万担,小麦种子20万担。】【儒家】:扶苏竟如此残暴?不怪我们眼瞎,实在是他藏的太深。【法家】:扶苏公子这么凶残,绝对是陛下的龙种。哦耶!【墨家】:扶苏,大暴君,快将我们的少女巨子还回来。我们和你拼了。【老百姓】:陛下,圣明!万岁万岁万万岁。【大暴君】:项羽,刘邦,赵高,蛮夷小賊尔等,是虎给我趴着,是龙给我盘着,若不听话。元霸何在?给我削他。1w0-27692 >>
内容简介:早六点更新下本开《怪情歌》(封面可好看!【文案】明骚妖孽公子哥x厚脸皮小戏精1傅亦安流连花丛中数年,风月无边,公认风骚废物小少爷。某天朋友和他喝酒,却见他上前就拽住一小姑娘。“你挺行啊 鹿念,”傅亦安瞥了眼女孩身边的男生,眉峰一挑,“现在几点了?”小姑娘立即嘤了一声。“不准哭,”傅亦安依旧冷着脸,“送你回家。”朋友看着这个酒池肉林的混蛋,简直想给他忽然正道的光鼓个掌。小姑娘神情胆怯,伸手拉了拉他衣角。“你好凶哦。”朋友向他投以谴责眼神。“我好喜欢。”朋友:“?”2分开之后,傅亦安和狐朋狗友吃饭,有人搭住他肩膀,凑过去问。“又分了?才几个月就玩够了?”灯影下,男人轻弯眼,笑的像个妖孽,“够了啊。”后来鹿念和某当红男演员搭戏,绯闻传遍网络某天拍戏到深夜,男演员送她回家,鹿念笑眯眯地和人家道别。一转身,就被人带进楼道,抵在墙角。傅亦安垂眸,一双桃花眼撩下,目光沉沉,靠在她耳侧,呼吸温热:“喜欢他?”鹿念还没来得及回答,男人直起身,眉眼一弯,看着她。“不准对他笑。”一肚子坏水老狗币和哭包公主的芥末草莓味甜饼食用tips:年龄差八岁sc非双初恋下一本《怪情歌》嚣张野狗×古怪美人民谣歌手×心理医生戳专栏可见啵唧!【文案】嚣张野狗×古怪美人民谣歌手×心理医生1夜深,林胜桉坐在破旧旅馆的床尾,眼底映出窗外的淅沥。“你敢信?”她托着下巴,轻笑一声,“我都快三十了,还挺想叛逆。”床头男人神色散漫,眉骨轻挑,闻言稍抬眼皮看她。“我信,”秦肆应的敷衍,将散落在地的衣服捡起扔给她,“对了,一夜五百,记得结一下。”2那天夜里秦肆演出回家,到了地下层掏出钥匙,才发现门口台阶蹲了个女人。他骂了句粗口,低头去看,眉心突的一跳。“林胜桉?”女人一身小礼裙,靠在墙侧,脸色惨白,妆都哭花了,泪眼盈盈地抬起眼眸,看他。“别哭了。”秦肆在她面前半蹲下,声音放轻,尾音微微泛哑,缓慢张开双臂揽过她,叹了一声。“过来,老子抱抱。”如果您喜欢喜欢是芥末草莓味,别忘记分享给朋友作者:来恰酒所写的《喜欢是芥末草莓味》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84998 >>
内容简介:游戏《怪异》是一款自由度极其高的打怪升级类游戏,但是有一天,这款游戏它成真了,现实被游戏穿了。游乐园里,穿着熊形布偶的工作人员将气球递给小女孩,女孩没接住,气球飞了上去,挂到了树枝上, 爆炸了。怪异气球复苏了,整个游乐园被攻占,无数红色气球漂1w0-105726 >>
内容简介:穿越火影世界,重生为干柿鬼鲛。“我身为一个大坝维修员,随身带着两百斤石灰,是很合情也很合理的对吧。”“所谓无限制体术,就是你负责体术,我负责无限制。”我偷拐抢骗、欠债不还、殴打老人、欺 负小孩、总是不讲忍德偷袭别人,还经常干掉上级和雇主……但我知道,我是一个好忍者。我有菩萨心肠,金刚面目,妖魔手段。我行走在忍界的黑暗之中,却追寻着一个人人如龙的光明未来。我,干柿鬼鲛,天生一条杂鱼,发誓终有一天,笔趣阁要干碎这个被血统论主宰的无聊世界。各位书友要是觉得《忍界:我干柿鬼鲛不做人了!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81810 >>
内容简介:陆苒珺觉得,自己前世一定是瞎了眼才会喜欢那个从未正眼瞧过她,害得她家破人亡的男人,所以这世她决定阻他的仕途,断他的后路。可有个人对她说,冤冤相报何时了,既然要做,就顺便斩草除根好了!1 w0-82367 >>
内容简介:暴发户的原配重生了暴发户的原配重生了小说阅读都市言情类型小说暴发户的原配重生了由作家浣若君创作陈美兰重生了,重生在她被暴发户前夫抛弃,与女儿相依为命的1988年前夫留给她一个城郊的大四 合院,和存折上的四个0上辈子的陈美兰心高气傲,把这俩样东西都错失了,后来追悔莫及阎肇才从自卫战场上下来,浴火戎功,一身勋章,恰赶上大裁军,于是主动响应,转业归乡,却才进门就收到妻子的离婚协议阎肇才到公安局报道完,带着孩子,急于给自己找个落脚点陈美兰是农村户口,前夫给的四合院落不到她的名下,也是热锅上的蚂蚁这时小兵提供暴发户的原配重生了最新章节暴发户的原配重生了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w23649-66003 >>
内容简介:赖歌(脊椎异变症):来一个水果,你就可以浪得飞起!段厉(感情缺失症):我以恐惧为食。赖歌:我爱你,我不怂,我就要迎难而上。段厉:……摁死。赖歌白天经营赖家传承三代的水果铺,晚上就被拉到 一个奇特的星际末世世界到处蹿他以为自己进入了坑爹的无限流游戏。赖歌不知道他每次进入的都是星盟面向全星际播放的直播节目现场,为吸引《星际末世水果人》小说推荐:虐文使我超强、仙尊始乱终弃、通房宠、宦宠、天涯客、将进酒、一级律师星际、八零年代攀高枝、不循(重生)、穿成炮灰配角的奶奶(快穿)、东厂观察笔记、盛月归、我嫁的仙尊成魔尊、剑名不奈何、假千金的红包群、攻玉、恃宠为后(重生)、科举之长孙举家路、小豆蔻、劝娘和离之后(科举)1w0-28888 >>
内容简介:被当成替身扔到献祭台的鹿年年,为求复活紧抱大腿,谁知却抱上了冥界最粗的冥王腿。自此以后,过上了没羞没躁的圈养生活。她是游走在阴阳彼岸、为鬼伸冤的冥界使者,也是进击影后的小练习生,可遇见 了他……“取悦我,我给你无尽资源,顶级剧本任你挑选。”“我腰疼……想离婚,冥界民政局在哪儿?”“那个归我管。”某BOSS邪魅一笑,翻身压下。1w0-72668 >>
内容简介:——今天你把我当替身,明天我给你当嫂嫂。【晋江九月流火】慕明棠是大男主文里的白月光替身,她家破人亡,被蒋家收养,后来代替失踪的白月光和男主晋王订婚。她一直各位书友要是觉得《我给男主当嫂 嫂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-102290 >>
Onodera Goushi is an highschooler who isn't much noticed in other people's daily life, in a sense,his life feels like it would be the same if he wasn't around, then one day while returning from school he finds himself in a life-death situation and a strange girl named Honoka saves him by sending him in another world, he then gets sent to the 'Demon Nation' where many non humans live and where he is able to meet the Mahou who is... an anime otaku?!?!
The story takes place in what seems to be an almost normal 19th century world -- except that two intelligent species appear to be cohabitating, humans and ferrets. We follow the rather brutal arrival of two ferrets airplane adventurers, Andrea and his manservant Elwood, onto an island in the middle of the Amalou river (pronounce Ah-Mah-Loo). There, two small communities of ferrets and humans - or transparents, as they call themselves - live in a forced autarky. Indeed, there appears to be no way off the island... as well as many a mystery waiting to be uncovered. Little do our two gentlemen know that their curiosity will eventually lead them to the edge of the world and beyond, to the Kingdom of the Great Oak where legends take flesh... Now read on!
Shoubu wa Toki no Un Daro? is actually a series which Takaguchi co-writes with another artist. SEVEN is a solo work using many of the same characters, but takes place slightly later. It is about the members of the basketball team at a sports-based high school. The first chapter focuses on a new character, Kiyoshi. Although he is attending a sports-based school, he is unable to play sports because of a childhood accident. He isn't dealing well, until Nana (Seven) takes him under his wing and asks him to be the manager of the club. Nana is a senior and captain of the basketball team. Kiyoshi quickly falls for him. But most of Nana's attention is focused on his coach, Saegusa. The man practically built the basketball team from scratch and was manager at one point. He played basketball in middle school, but fell prey to some kind of chronic illness and wasn't able to play after that. All his life he worked with the goal that he would one day be able to play again. But suddenly, he realizes that it will never happen. He begins drinking and becomes depressed. Nana works to pull him out of it, and perhaps they grow too close... from Tranlated Treasures
Compilation of short stories: • Itsuka wa Kuma Goroshi!! • Boku no Namae wo Shiterukai? Handsome Shiro is dumped again, and finds his way to the bar, sitting next to the young, brash Takuya. Has Shiro found the man of his dream? Can Takuya figure out why Shiro is always dumped. • Dai-chan Kou-chan • Baido Yamemasu! • Ureshii Yatsura
My Fantastic Chef Wife summary: My Fantastic Chef Wife summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Fantastic Chef Wife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Women of the Otherworld - Bitten summary: Women of the Otherworld - Bitten summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Women of the Otherworld - Bitten. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Miracles and Supernatural Religion summary: Miracles and Supernatural Religion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Miracles and Supernatural Religion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ace of the Dragon Division summary:
There’s SIS in great Britain, CIA in the US. In Huaxia, there’s Dragon Division, known as the mysterious power of the East.
When a soldier that originally failed to be selected to join, appeared on the Dragon Division’s list again, no one noticed, that this inconspicuous and humble looking guy was actually the Dragon King of the division, the one that’s most difficult to deal with.
He was a man, whose appearance gave every one existential crisis, including a fly that was consecutively caught by him with a pair of chopsticks.
Of course, this story is hilarious as well.
Xu Cheng sighed. “Shen Yao, to be honest, you are really pretty.”
“Humph.” Shen Yao snorted coldly, “Can you elaborate on that for me?”
“I don’t know how to get into details, but I can only say that when I accidentally tore your skirt today, I got a b.o.n.e.r.” >